Vive la Résistance! (WW2 Resistance Quest)

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Darkness had descended upon Europe. From the coasts of the Atlantic to the marshes of Poland...


Writer with too many ideas.
United States
Darkness had descended upon Europe. From the coasts of the Atlantic to the marshes of Poland, stretched a colossus of evil. Nazi Germany ruled with an iron fist, oppressing all who dissented. Poland had been first, torn between two flanks. Gallant Belgium had fought hard, but there would be no Ypres this war. The Dutch had never anticipated the weight of arms that fell across their border.

Even France, brave France, had been overrun with her armies melting into the country. Nothing seemed able to stop the darkness, save the waters of the English Channel. Europe would become the home of madmen, and their thousand year Reich.

Or so a future historian may describe it.

In the heat of the moment, your mind didn't even think of that. Your feet were burning. Your legs felt like they would fall apart any second. Lungs strained to suck in air. Tears fell across soot stained cheeks.

And you ran away from everything you had known. Your home burning to the ground with your family inside. If not for working in the forests, you would be with them. Instead, you had come home to see laughing Nazi soldiers leaving a ruined home. You had watched as your only place to belong was destroyed. It had taken everything you had to not run out and get yourself killed.


You hadn't charged those laughing monsters. Nor had you tried to fight. Instead, you had run into the forest. You knew there were men out here who could help you. Your father had known them, and given them food when they needed it. That was why the Nazis had come.

As much as you wanted to hate them for that, you couldn't. They were just men fighting for their lives. And, most importantly, as your eyes dripped tears and your legs strained...

They would help you get revenge on those bastards.

This you swore, as you ran into the depths of the forest that you had known since you were a child. A forest that would be your new home, with the fighters against the Nazi oppression. The men who wore the same tattered flag you had wrapped around your arm...

[] The Tricolor of France. The government had become collaborators, but the people still fought. Life as a maquis would not be easy, but you knew that the people would help you as your father had helped. And Britain was still supporting the French people, however they could. (Easy difficulty)

[] The Cross of Norway. From the cold of the Arctic, the mountains of the Fjords and down to the Swedish forests. Your nation may not be the most famous or the strongest, but your people were brave. The Norwegians would never bow the knee to foreign invaders, and you would prove that. (Medium difficulty)

[] The White-Red of Poland. First to fight, first to fall, first to rebel. The Polish people knew hardship. They knew what it meant to lose their nation. And they would not stand for it, again. Even if it required fighting both Germans and Russians. It wouldn't be the first time the Poles had done this, even if the flags of the oppressors had changed. Poland would be free again! (Hard difficulty)

[X] The Tricolor of Germany. The true Germany. Not every German had supported Hitler and his madmen. Not every German supported them, even as the masses cheered in the streets at the rash of victories. Some remembered where the Nazis had started. Those who supported the crown or the Republic were few and scattered, but they remained. seemed almost impossible to imagine a victory. ( Ultra-Hard-Modo)

The wild ride that is my muse never ends. Thus we have this. I'm sure it won't end badly at all.

Anyhoo! This is clearly a historical quest, set in WW2. I blame playing Medal of Honor again (more on that later) for this one. The purpose of this quest is to play the role of a Resistance fighter during the height of the war in Europe. Your goals are simple. Get revenge for your family, and try to throw the Germans (or Nazis, depending) out of your country. Simple?

Far from it. Playing guerrilla is not easy or simple. It is hard. Especially in a situation such as this, where the governments and armies and air forces and navies have fallen. Even the simplest goals seem far from reach, when fighting a continent spanning juggernaut.

But that won't stop you from trying, will it?

Next post will start setting up the mechanics, and from there, the quest.
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Mechanics and Rules
Mechanics and Rules

Basic Information
Now, this quest is a Resistance Cell quest. What does this mean in this context? You are not a state actor. You are not an army, or a superhero or a magical girl or anything like that. You're an average person, throwing your lot into a cause that may never succeed. Not because you think you can win. Not because you can win. But because you have no choice, and have nothing left to lose. If you remember this, you will never surrender. If you forget this...well, the Gestapo are happy to remind you.

Should you prove successful, you can always improve your lot in life. Perhaps move up the ranks of the Resistance you chose. Perhaps you can even change history, and create a movement strong enough to throw the Nazis out. Perhaps you could create a better future for the people you are fighting for. Perhaps, perhaps, perhaps. To do this, you will need to work hard and become a leader. To win, you will need to find a way to survive.

This is the end-goal. To win the impossible fight.
Defeating the Nazis will not be easy. To facilitate this goal, there are simple mechanics that I will further fill in when it's not quite so late. For the basics:

1. Instead of turns, there will be Missions. Each of these missions are assigned to you by Resistance leaders- or eventually, assigned by you to other operatives. They take the place of a traditional turn. You will spend each mission doing tasks and updates, with rolls and further mechanics coming into play to see if you succeed or not. This will be similar to the older Medal of Honor games.

2. You must Scavenge everything you need. Save for the odd supply drop from the Allied powers, everything you need must be scavenged or stolen. Be it raiding old surplus army depots, or stealing off dead Germans or even your fallen friends. You will have no handouts. All equipment and supplies you want must be gathered this way. For this, I will adapt the system of Operation Flashpoint: Resistance. During missions, you can make the choice of gathering supplies and placing them in either a hideaway for later retrieval, or a vehicle for extraction. These supplies will be put into a storage dump that you can then use for further missions, to outfit yourself and allies.

3. Finally- for now -there is Attention. The more you act out, the more successful or daring you are, the more the Gestapo and SS (and Abwehr, though they're likely as not to help you) will take notice of what you are doing. This is set on a scale of 1-50 on attention. The higher the number, the riskier your missions become. If you should hit fifty, you are likely to fail or suffer irreplaceable causalities. Just as an also will have to deal with spies, potential traitors, traps...anything and everything that the Nazis can do to nail you down.

If you find the area you are raiding to be too hot, you can always move, of course. Just realize that you can only run so many times before you must stand and fight...
General Rules
For now, simple rules:

1. Don't be an asshole. Self-explanatory, really. If someone disagrees with your choice, don't be an ass about it. I don't want mods to look at this anymore than you do.

(well, actually I do, but in a positive sorta way, y'know?)

2. Keep the discussions clean. I realize that LITERAL NAZIS are going to require some dark stuff at times. I would like to keep that limited to the story. So no fantasizing about torturing SS men in great detail or such.

3. Let's all try to have fun, yeah?

4. I really don't want to add more rules, so pay attention to 1-3. Otherwise, this will no longer be a placeholder.
In-game Rules
Voting Rules
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Character Sheets
Main Character

"The Old Soldier"

Klaus Seidel
Age: 45
Health: Fair
Relationships: Wife, deceased. Son, Kriegsmarine sailor serving aboard Admiral Hipper. Daughter, member of the Resistance.
Influence: 3/10 --- "Small Group Commander"
Current Rank: Commander of the Haslach Group, former Stabshauptmann* in the Imperial Army.

Current Gear: One Gewehr 88 surplus rifle. One Mauser C96 surplus pistol. One old combat knife.

Background: An old soldier who was discharged at the end of the Great War from lingering health issues caused by a gas attack. While an otherwise committed monarchist who was unhappy with the Versailles Diktat or the Weimar government, Klaus was equally disgusted by revolutionaries of any stripe. It was revolutionaries who lost Germany the war, and the Nazis were just a more radical version of them. To say he thought that the men parading around in their brownshirts were fools was an understatement.

However, it took more than that to bring him to the point of rebelling against the government, of course...

*Staff Captain

Resistance Leadership
Civilian Allies
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Progress Screen
The Resistance Progress

Here, when it becomes relevant, will be all information on the Resistance organization. The name, the leadership, the resources, the status. Everything that is required to keep track of progress through the quest.

Haslach Group

Based out of the small town of Haslach in Baden, this is one of the first proper resistance movements in Germany. Using the Black Forest as a base of operations, this small group is fighting against the Nazi leadership in any way they can. Monarchist in nature, they fly the Imperial tricolor with the flag of Baden superimposed in the center, to represent their local start. However, the group is as-yet small and in need of expansion. For this, it will need to look outside of Baden. Perhaps even towards nearby Bavaria and it's rowdy Crown Prince.

Organization Stats:

Danger Level: Small
Membership: Slowly growing
Influence: Lacking
Power: Weak

40 men and women

Rifles: 30 surplus Gewehr 88 and Mauser 98 rifles.
Submachine guns: 10 MP-18s.
Pistols: 50 assorted Mauser and Luger pistols.
Machine guns: N/A

Cars: A handful of civilian vehicles
Trucks: 1 Opel Blitz
Armored Vehicles: N/A
Attention Status

Baden: 5/50
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And now you can vote!

(I will say the German option is the one I'm personally most interested in doing, but there's a reason that one is Ultra-Hard-Modo :V )
[X] The Cross of Norway. From the cold of the Arctic, the mountains of the Fjords and down to the Swedish forests. Your nation may not be the most famous or the strongest, but your people were brave. The Norwegians would never bow the knee to foreign invaders, and you would prove that. (Medium difficulty)

Simply because it's the part of the war that I know the least about.
[x] The Tricolor of Germany. The true Germany. Not every German had supported Hitler and his madmen. Not every German supported them, even as the masses cheered in the streets at the rash of victories. Some remembered where the Nazis had started. Those who supported the crown or the Republic were few and scattered, but they remained. seemed almost impossible to imagine a victory. ( Ultra-Hard-Modo)

"There will come a time when history will judge us. And whether we will be heroes or villains, that is up to the writers of tomorrow. But know this: we shall not stop, we shall not waver, we shall not lose hope. I know it may seem like there is no possible way we could prevail, but we must continue pushing onward. There will always be darkness before dawn." ─ Unknown.
[x] The Cross of Norway. From the cold of the Arctic, the mountains of the Fjords and down to the Swedish forests. Your nation may not be the most famous or the strongest, but your people were brave. The Norwegians would never bow the knee to foreign invaders, and you would prove that. (Medium difficulty)
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[X] The Tricolor of France. The government had become collaborators, but the people still fought. Life as a maquis would not be easy, but you knew that the people would help you as your father had helped. And Britain was still supporting the French people, however they could. (Easy difficulty)
[X] The Tricolor of Germany. The true Germany. Not every German had supported Hitler and his madmen. Not every German supported them, even as the masses cheered in the streets at the rash of victories. Some remembered where the Nazis had started. Those who supported the crown or the Republic were few and scattered, but they remained. seemed almost impossible to imagine a victory. ( Ultra-Hard-Modo)

Not gonna pass on the chance to shoot the Big Man himself.
[X] The Tricolor of Germany. The true Germany. Not every German had supported Hitler and his madmen. Not every German supported them, even as the masses cheered in the streets at the rash of victories. Some remembered where the Nazis had started. Those who supported the crown or the Republic were few and scattered, but they remained. seemed almost impossible to imagine a victory. ( Ultra-Hard-Modo)

Ultra-Hard or bust.
[x] The Cross of Norway. From the cold of the Arctic, the mountains of the Fjords and down to the Swedish forests. Your nation may not be the most famous or the strongest, but your people were brave. The Norwegians would never bow the knee to foreign invaders, and you would prove that. (Medium difficulty)

This one is a road less-traveled, compared to the more famous ones like France and Poland. While the German one looks cool, its difficulty makes me hesitant to choose that.
[X] The Tricolor of Germany. The true Germany. Not every German had supported Hitler and his madmen. Not every German supported them, even as the masses cheered in the streets at the rash of victories. Some remembered where the Nazis had started. Those who supported the crown or the Republic were few and scattered, but they remained. seemed almost impossible to imagine a victory. ( Ultra-Hard-Modo)
[X] The Tricolor of Germany. The true Germany. Not every German had supported Hitler and his madmen. Not every German supported them, even as the masses cheered in the streets at the rash of victories. Some remembered where the Nazis had started. Those who supported the crown or the Republic were few and scattered, but they remained. seemed almost impossible to imagine a victory. ( Ultra-Hard-Modo)
[X] The Cross of Norway. From the cold of the Arctic, the mountains of the Fjords and down to the Swedish forests. Your nation may not be the most famous or the strongest, but your people were brave. The Norwegians would never bow the knee to foreign invaders, and you would prove that. (Medium difficulty)
[X] The Tricolor of Germany. The true Germany. Not every German had supported Hitler and his madmen. Not every German supported them, even as the masses cheered in the streets at the rash of victories. Some remembered where the Nazis had started. Those who supported the crown or the Republic were few and scattered, but they remained. seemed almost impossible to imagine a victory. ( Ultra-Hard-Modo)
[X] The Tricolor of Germany. The true Germany. Not every German had supported Hitler and his madmen. Not every German supported them, even as the masses cheered in the streets at the rash of victories. Some remembered where the Nazis had started. Those who supported the crown or the Republic were few and scattered, but they remained. seemed almost impossible to imagine a victory. ( Ultra-Hard-Modo)

I'm normally an easy modo guy but the hook is too good
[X] The Tricolor of Germany. The true Germany. Not every German had supported Hitler and his madmen. Not every German supported them, even as the masses cheered in the streets at the rash of victories. Some remembered where the Nazis had started. Those who supported the crown or the Republic were few and scattered, but they remained. seemed almost impossible to imagine a victory. ( Ultra-Hard-Modo)
[X] The Tricolor of Germany. The true Germany. Not every German had supported Hitler and his madmen. Not every German supported them, even as the masses cheered in the streets at the rash of victories. Some remembered where the Nazis had started. Those who supported the crown or the Republic were few and scattered, but they remained. seemed almost impossible to imagine a victory. ( Ultra-Hard-Modo)

Fuck Nazism, we want the true Germany back!
[X] The Cross of Norway. From the cold of the Arctic, the mountains of the Fjords and down to the Swedish forests. Your nation may not be the most famous or the strongest, but your people were brave. The Norwegians would never bow the knee to foreign invaders, and you would prove that. (Medium difficulty)
[X] The Tricolor of Germany. The true Germany. Not every German had supported Hitler and his madmen. Not every German supported them, even as the masses cheered in the streets at the rash of victories. Some remembered where the Nazis had started. Those who supported the crown or the Republic were few and scattered, but they remained. seemed almost impossible to imagine a victory. (Ultra-Hard-Modo)

Easy - For casuals
Medium - For serious players
Hard - For hardcores
Ultra-Hard-Modo - For weird people

[x] The Cross of Norway. From the cold of the Arctic, the mountains of the Fjords and down to the Swedish forests. Your nation may not be the most famous or the strongest, but your people were brave. The Norwegians would never bow the knee to foreign invaders, and you would prove that. (Medium difficulty)