Vote tally - Vigil Quest (Mass Effect/CK2)

Adhoc vote count started by SouvikKundu on Mar 14, 2018 at 7:39 AM, finished with 126 posts and 10 votes.

Tally configuration

Simple majority
Vigil Quest (Mass Effect/CK2)
Post #1
Post #126


  • [X] Hire Greek Hoplite Trainers: If war is going to be brought to the Greek city-states eventually, it would be prudent to upgrade your tactics. Hoplites are the finest soldiers of the known world, and a few captains have offered their services in exchange for high compensation.
    [X] Subvert Xerxes: Sway the incoming King to your point of view, and as such, the rest of the Empire will mirror your actions for the next few turns.
    [X] Expand Farms: People need food. More food means more people down the line.
    [X] Build Stable: Allows the creation of Chariot Archers.
    [X] Engineering: Unlocks Aqueducts and Arenas.
    [X] Metal Casting: Unlocks Forges.
    [X] Plan Foundation
    [X] Hire Greek Hoplite Trainers: If war is going to be brought to the Greek city-states eventually, it would be prudent to upgrade your tactics. Hoplites are the finest soldiers of the known world, and a few captains have offered their services in exchange for high compensation.
    [X] Subvert Xerxes: Sway the incoming King to your point of view, and as such, the rest of the Empire will mirror your actions for the next few turns.
    [X] Expand Farms: People need food. More food means more people down the line.
    [X] Build Mine: Adds +1 Stewardship per 3 pop.
    [X] Engineering: Unlocks Aqueducts and Arenas.
    [X] Metal Casting: Unlocks Forges.