Victory through Tyranny (Transformers Bayverse Self Insert)

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The War for Cybertron was devastating.

I would know, I was there.

Forced into the body of Megatron as soon as he was formed by his creators. I watched as Optimus and I grew into our adult selves, and later found Sentinel, and unified Cybertron under his rule.

Until the Fallen made his move in this enormous game of chess and plunged my home into The Great War.

The Allspark? Gone. Jettisoned into space by the Autobots in a penultimate act of defiance, leaving Cybertron without its main method of creating new life.

Sentinel Prime, the emperor of Cybertron and one of the greatest scientists of the age? Gone as well. Sent hurtling through space in a broken ship during an attempt to escape the war with his new technology.

With no mentor or Matrix to guide him, Optimus Prime slowly became more and more brutal with the Decepticons, forcing every Cybertronian he encountered that wore that emblem to fight to the death when they engaged him on the battlefield.

The line between Autobot and Decepticon has become blurry, friendly faces twisted and warped until there are no truly good Cybertronians left.

War truly is hell, and this one stirred the Yin and Yang until our entire species was cloaked in shades of gray.

There is no truly 'good' side in this perpetual conflict. We all destroyed our home and later fought over the remains.

And I went in search of the Allspark, to revive our home, and end the war, before either Optimus or I did something we would regret for the rest of either of our forcibly short existences.

But I failed. And I found myself imprisoned right where my canon self would be.
Chapter 1
AN: In response to someone once mentioning that there was a criminal lack of Megatron and Starscream Self Inserts in one of my old fics, I decided to do a Megatron Self Insert.

But this one is in the Bayverse!

The lore is spotty at best, so just bear with me as I piece together the puzzle that is the live action movies.

Enjoy the first chapter.

Destiny is a fickle thing.

I say that because no matter how hard I worked to serve my people and be a champion of their rights, my brother in all but name always unintentionally outshone me thanks to Sentinel himself believing he was a lost member of the Prime Dynasty.

I mean… he wasn't wrong, per se.

But Optimus was never as headstrong as I was, and was never really 'leader' material, always leaving the hard decisions for Sentinel and later for me to deal with. Not to mention that during our youth before the war, he was incredibly naive.

It was our shtick, I guess you could call it.

Optimus was the shy, bookish one that had a vicious appetite for knowledge, reading anything he could get his servos on as he longed to understand the full history of our planet. And I was the headstrong warrior, keeping both of us safe from more dangerous mechs and mechafauna, and making sure he stayed away from danger whenever he dragged me off on an expedition into uncharted territory.

Both of us were just orphaned younglings living in the ruins of an ancient city at that point, named Orion Pax and Galavar -why my parents chose that name for me I would never learn. And pretty much all of our youth took place on a Cybertron that was half-dark, socially fractured, and tribal as all Pit due to the Allspark being so low on power. Last I remembered, there were hundreds of tribes scattered all across the planet, all with complex relationships and constantly skirmishing with one or another for sometimes the most inane of reasons.

It was basically planetary feudalism and near-constant wars but with giant robots.

Almost every quartex news would come in from one of the tribes we were aligned with that there was a skirmish between one or two other pairs of tribes, and they always asked for able-bodied bots to stand guard at our borders to ensure the tribes we didn't like stayed out of our territory. When we were younger, sometimes Optimus and I would even venture out into old battlefields to work out how it all happened, who lost more bots in the fight, and theorize on how we would have led them from either side.

It was only centuries later as mentally adult mechs, when we accidentally awoke Sentinel Prime from an ancient stasis pod in Simfur, and studied under him as his first students as he began his quest to reunify Cybertron, that my brother and I became truly equal in everyone's optics. That was thanks in part to my prowess in battle, honed by the centuries of tribal combat that had consumed our planet, and the gladiatorial arenas that I had been forced to fight in.

To put it simply, Optimus became Sentinel's scribe, and I became his knight.

Over the course of the next couple of decades or so, I quickly made a name for myself as the High Protector of Cybertron, putting my leadership skills to the test in keeping the entirety of our home planet safe. But that all had to end at one point. I knew it was a bad idea to have that pit-damned statue of a Decepticon insignia taken to my quarters.

And again and again, I cursed my lack of Bayverse knowledge outside of the movies -and even those memories were fuzzy when I was reborn-, which eventually led to my downfall.


"High Protector Galavar, welcome." The head archaeologist greeted me, as I touched down after transforming back to bot mode. "I'm Mixmaster, the foreman of this band of misfits. We call ourselves the Constructicons."

The area around us was filled with the sounds of excavation, as heavy-duty Cybertronian construction vehicles trundled around, sixteen in total, plus the mech in front of me. There were also a few other mechs that looked like Long Haul but shorter around the site. There were also a few mechs that I'd sworn were only concept art from what I can scarcely remember from my deep dives into the Transformers Wikis.

"Greetings Mixmaster. I must speak with Optimus." I replied.

"He's right over there, sir." The mech pointed a very long index digit at the form of my… co-leader.

My thoughts immediately darkened when I recalled what Optimus did as I started making my way over to the red, blue and gray mech.

"-it could prove to be just as mysterious as the Allspark itself." Optimus finished saying to who I believe was Jazz.

"Or it could be just as powerful." I interrupted, turning their attention to my approaching form. "Tell me, Optimus. What do you think it is?" My silver-white optics peered down into the dig site, where constructicons and archaeological teams were digging up ancient structures.

"I can't tell, sir, but if I had to guess, I'd probably say that it's possibly a link to our past."

"And would this 'link' give us the same energy that the Allspark is capable of producing?"

"That's unknown at the moment. We've barely broken the surface, let alone tested for bio-related energy."

"And why is that? The Allspark has been emitting energy at a higher rate lately, and you have yet to test this new site for the same energy readings? We could potentially discover a new source of power for Cybertron." My mechanical brow furrowed, and I narrowed my eyes at my smaller co-ruler. "Or was the science division going to keep said information all to themselves?"

"I beg your pardon. The science division has rights over all discoveries both biological and archeological. Not only could the subject matter be delicate and fragile, but it could also potentially be dangerous as well."

"Just remember that it is my army and I that keep us protected here, Optimus. You are to report any hazardous findings to me immediately so that I can organize the defense forces accordingly."

"I understand that sir, but I disagree with your decisions. There have been numerous incidents in which findings have been reported only to be treated as hostile by your defense forces."

"...Optimus, are you seriously still angered about the purple energon that was found a stellar cycle ago?" I asked, disbelief coloring my tone. "Yes, it was tested by the defense forces and was shown to be capable of giving life to machinery, but it was twisted and attacked quite literally
everything around itself until we were forced to incinerate it with heavy flamethrowers. So how about this?" I poked the smaller mech in the chest. "When you choose to be the leader -which we both know isn't going to happen since you refused the title of Prime- then you can make those kinds of hard decisions yourself, understood?"

My younger brother's optics narrowed, and he responded with a quiet, "Understood."

We stood there for a moment, until I let out a heavy sigh, and placed a servo on his shoulder.

"Orion, you need to understand that as High Protector, I have to make a lot of hard decisions to protect the people of Cybertron. If that involves destroying a piece of ancient history, it has to be done. Things like Empurata, that purple energon, and 'domestication' do not need to see the light of day ever again. You saw what was said about those procedures in the ancient texts, didn't you?"

"...Yes, Galavar, I did." Optimus finally responded.

"Good. Maybe someday you'll understand why I make the decisions that I do, but that day is sadly not today. Now, where were we-"

"Optimus! Optimus!" A femme shouted.

A cybertronian motorcycle came speeding towards us, before transforming into the pink, gold, and gray form of Arcee.

"Sir, you have to come quick, we've found one intact!" The femme exclaimed.

"Intact? With the others?" Optimus asked.

"Yes, sir. It's the only one we've found so far."

"Only one, what?" I queried, kneeling down to better look the small femme in the optic.

"Well, High Protector, we don't know
what they are. One site is still far from being fully revealed, but so far, the objects all show a pattern."

"And what kind of objects are they?"

Arcee shrugged. "Well, they're all broken except for one. Why don't you come see for yourself?"

"If you insist."

I leaped into the air and transformed to my jet mode, while the three other bots transformed to their ground modes, and together we sped off towards the dig site.

Upon arrival, I transformed and slammed down to the ground, while Optimus and the others transformed around me.

"Galavar, do not touch anything." Optimus cautioned as we made our way to the ridge overlooking the dig site.

Once I saw what we were looking for, I froze completely, barely registering Prowl and Ratchet coming up behind us as well. It was a massive triangular piece of metal half-buried in the ground. On the face of it was an emblem that I hoped I would never see.

"Decepticon." I muttered, quietly enough that the others couldn't hear me.

Thoughts ran through my processor as I stared down at the carving. How could the emblem exist? Or be old enough that it was completely buried?

"Optimus. Have your team free this object from the ground at once." I ordered.

I needed to quietly hide this thing away forever. Perhaps use it as a decoration in my home and have it watch as Cybertron moves on without the need for Decepticons. What poetic irony, that I should have it hidden away at my home and never use it.

"Galavar, we don't know what this is yet. It could be nothing for all we know, but my team needs time to prepare for its removal."

"Why do you insist on disagreeing with everything I sa-"

Explosions rocked the ground, as multiple missiles impacted the city near us.

I had ordered the statue to be taken to my home to protect it, since I essentially lived in a refurbished bunker that could double as a backup command center if the main one was damaged or destroyed. Then I joined the fight against an attacking alien force I never bothered to learn the name of.

At some point in the battle, I was hit with some sort of slow acting acid round from a tank and retreated to my home to heal my wounds before rejoining the battle. But I never rejoined, because of the statue. Little did I know at the time, but that damned insignia was a direct link to the Fallen himself.

Little did I know, it would set me dead center on the path to pushing my adopted brother away from me, the creation of the Decepticons, and later, my own icy imprisonment in canon underneath Hoover Dam.


I staggered awake, blinking dust out of my optics, before slowly getting to my pedes. The wound in my shoulder was healed completely, but not by my servo.

"Wha… What happened?" I asked, looking blearily around the room

Your wound was severe, but I used what little strength I have left to treat it.

"Who are you? Show yourself?" I demanded.

That is impossible… without your

I am Galavar, High Protector of Cybertron. Show yourself, immediately! What makes you think I am one to help those who hide in the shadows?"

Because I shall make you Lord of Cybertron, instead of that insipid Prime.

I froze for a moment, then turned towards the statue, which showed the insignia of the Decepticons.

But first… allow me to expound.

A blast of energy came out of the eyes of the insignia and impacted me right in the optics. A scream echoed out from me, and I could feel my body being forcibly modified against my will.

After a few moments of agony, my mind couldn't take the strain, and I blacked out.

After that, I found myself looking almost exactly like my 07 body, my once beautiful white-silver optics were now crimson red, and I soon found Megatron to be a more fitting name to myself.

In the next few years after that, everything started going wrong, including my friendship with Optimus. But my relationship with my adopted brother was strained even before I found the sculpture, and it had been that way ever since he basically refused the title of Prime right in front of me.

That was an argument that to this day I still regret, despite all that has happened.


"Galavar!" Optimus shouted as I walked down the hall.

I didn't answer, due to the anger coursing through my lines at the moment. How could he just… DO THAT?

"GALAVAR!" Optimus shouted again as he reached me.

The smaller mech grabbed my arm and stopped me from stomping away.

"Galavar, what's gotten into you?"

"What's gotten into me? What's gotten into
you?!" I retorted, shoving my brother away a few steps. "You just turned down one of the highest honors a Prime can bestow just like that, Pax." I snapped two digits together as emphasis. "That was a birthright you just refused slaggit!"

I slashed a nearby wall in anger, cooling fans struggling to keep up with the rage that coursed through me.

"I refused because I can't possibly be a Prime. Besides, Sentinel said he'd rework it with both of us in command." Optimus said, trying to calm me.

"That's not the point Orion!" I responded hotly, using his old name. "What you did was shameful, mech! I can't believe you would just give up such a high honor like that! Do you have any
notion of how idiotic that was?! I would have taken such an honor like that in a sparkbeat! But no, Sentinel chose you instead of me to be a Prime, and you threw it away like a piece of scrap metal!"

Galavar I cannot possibly be a prime! There is nothing I can see that could even point to me being one of them!"

The argument only intensified from there, leading to our relationship becoming as strained as it was when the statue was discovered.

And I started keeping secrets from my younger, adopted brother.


Then the manipulations of the Fallen began in earnest.

It started out small, with a few odd orders that I wouldn't normally make, and decisions made from an ever-growing temper that I just couldn't figure out the origin of. I was usually calm and collected, except when pushed to my limit, like my time as a slave in the gladiator arena.

But over time it just started to get worse and worse, starting with my demand to be called 'Lord Megatron', instead of just High Protector. I didn't even notice at the time, and by the time the first signs of war had shown I had already become more bloodthirsty than I ever wanted to be. Once I finally realized what was happening, I tried to destroy that thrice damned statue, but the Fallen had already begun messing with my mind, warping it to his own will.

The pain that wracked through me when I tried taking my flail to that statue was the worst that I had ever felt in either of my lives.

The compulsions and manipulations the Fallen layered onto my mind were excruciatingly hard to break, and every time I managed to get past one or two of them, another sprung up in its place, no doubt put there by the Fallen to keep me in line. I had to fight tooth and nail to just stop myself from doing something that would label me a monster.

By the time Sentinel came to meet me in secret about ending the war and rebuilding Cybertron using his space bridge, I was almost constantly in pain. Thankfully metal faces are harder to read, and my EM field was constantly bathed in anger to mask it.

My last actions on Cybertron just proved how much I had changed since then.


"Lord Megatron, we almost had the Allspark's location." The trooper reported. "We-"

"Silence, trooper. Leave us." I ordered. "I have much to discuss with these Autobots."

"Lord Megatron, is that wise? It may not be safe for you to be alone with them, you may be ambushed."

"I am aware, soldier, now get out of my sensor range."

"Y-yes sir!"

The soldiers left, leaving only myself, a familiar pink and white femme chained to the wall, and a certain yellow scout.

"Tell me, Bumblebee, isn't it? Where is the Allspark?" I asked, towering over the small yellow bot. "It calls to me as Lord High Protector. Save yourself the pain of my enhanced interrogation techniques and just tell me what I want."

My claws snapped together, creating sparks to get the point across.

"I won't tell you!" The young scout denied.

I grabbed Bumblebee by the neck and pulled him up to optic level with me. "Don't make this even harder on yourself, mech. I can be very cruel when I want to be. Now where is the Allspark!?" I shook him, baring my sharp denta and growling.

"I'll never tell you!" The scout denied again, clawing ineffectually at my arm.

I reared back and threw the scout into a pile of rubble, then walked over and stomped on his arm, crushing it under my weight, drawing a pained screech from the scout's vocalizer.

"Where is the Allspark, scout!" I roared, grabbing him by the neck again and pulling him back up to me, his arm tearing off from under my pede.

"The Allspark is beyond your reach, Megatron!" The small yellow mech choked out as he clawed at my arm with his remaining servo.

Suddenly, the ground trembled with the sound of a launching ship. From the corner of my vision, I saw a distant pillar of light streaking into the sky, and I looked away from the scout to see the Allspark flying into space on a pillar of flame.

"The Allspark! NO!" I bellowed, turning my attention back to the yellow mech. "You dare keep it from me!" My claws clenched inward, damaging the scout's voice box. "DO YOU HAVE ANY NOTION OF WHAT THIS COULD DO TO CYBERTRON!?"

"Y-you'll ne-ever re-re-reach it-t-t in t-t-time now-w."

I tossed the scout to the ground and turned to watch as the Allspark flew ever higher.

"Prime, you amazing fool. Even now you underestimate me!" I monologed. "I am an interstellar jet! Does he really think I won't follow the Allspark wherever it goes?"

"N-not on m-my wat-t-tch!"

Bumblebee slammed into my back, staggering me forwards. I whipped around and grabbed the smaller mech again, a fierce growl building in my vocalizer.

"You…DARE!" I roared.

"My… job is d-d-done! The All-l-lspark is finally be-e-eyond your r-r-reach!"

I tilted my head and nodded slightly. "For now, perhaps." I then struck him with my most menacing glare. "Rest assured though, scout, that of this small pyrrhic victory of yours, no word SHALL EVER BE UTTERED OF IT!"

I snapped my thumb digit forward and it dug into the scout's voice box. The sensitive wires and parts in his throat held up no resistance as I crushed his voice box completely. I released the scout, and he fell to the ground, using his one good servo to staunch his bleeding neck.

Kill the scout and retrieve the Allspark.


One servo quickly came up and massaged my helm as the compulsion rippled through my mind, jolting it painfully. It was becoming harder and harder to resist them the longer they stayed. My optics flickered between the sky, where the Allspark was hurtling through space, and the fallen scout.

"You're not worth the time to kill, scout. I have much more important tasks to do. I will leave you here, broken and bleeding, as a reminder to never cross paths with me again." I said as my wings extended.

I decide who I kill, not the Fallen.

No one controls Megatron, but I must bide my time until the right moment to kill my so-called 'master.'

Parts shattered and reformed, gears grinded, and jet boosters surged to life as I transformed from a metal giant to an interstellar Cybertronian jet.

With my course set, I blasted off into space, following the trail of the one item I desperately needed.


I suppose I should explain why I wanted the Allspark so desperately, and why I went to such lengths to get it.

It wasn't so I could build an army large enough to conquer the universe, although that is what I preached to my followers to get them to join the Decepticons, and what the Fallen wanted to do. Why I really sought out the Allspark was for its healing abilities. I needed the Cube so it could heal my mind and protect it against the Fallen's manipulations.

As High Protector of Cybertron, I was entitled to an audience with our life-giving artifact. However, no matter what I said to my brother-in-arms, Optimus wouldn't grant me my request, thinking I had gone down a dark path. I mean, I have. I am a lot more ruthless than I used to be, even without the Fallen's manipulations. Not much of my original human personality remains. And Sentinel was wary of me for some reason, probably Optimus' and I's argument.

Hopefully I can keep the Allspark in one piece instead of… whatever happened to it at the end of the first movie.

I knew I should have rewatched those movies to keep my knowledge of them fresh, but my old life seemed to always get in the way of that. Now everything is fuzzy and muddled, like trying to hold sand in my servos. The tighter I try to hold on to the old memories, the more they slip through my digits. It's very annoying to have only the very basics of metaknowledge, and even then, they've got as many holes as swiss cheese in them.

I don't even remember what my human name was, not that I've even thought of my human life in centuries beyond Transformers knowledge.

And now, here I stood, frozen by cryogenic machinery, and poked and prodded by humans for their own stolen advancements in technology. I only ever activated my optics and audials on low-power mode once a month to see if my followers had come for me yet. To be honest, I wouldn't expect them too, besides a few of my most loyal ones, like Starscream, Blackout, Barricade, Brawl, Shockwave, and Soundwave.

I seem to remember Shockwave only being in the third movie though… weird…

As for why I'm still aware of everything?

Being frozen in cryostasis like this isn't exactly like the normal stasis that my kind has. This kind is much more primitive, which doesn't put me into sleep mode. That means that even though I can still reactivate and look around with just my optics and hear things, I am essentially a prisoner within my own body. And boy does that give you a lot of time to start disliking humanity as a whole.

Nevertheless, Sector 7 has kept me frozen like this, never realizing that I was still active. Or they knew, and they were planning on keeping me locked within my own frame forever as a twisted form of justice.

My shanix was on the former, to be honest, otherwise one of them might have come to taunt me right in front of my faceplate, since there was a catwalk which would put a human at optic level with me.

I had already reactivated my optics and audials once this month, but imagine my surprise when I was awoken a second time by raised voices. My optics sluggishly swiveled downward, and I noticed what looked like the human cast to the first movie below me, all of them keeping a respectable distance from my chassis.

I know I'm menacing, but as far as they know I was innocent, except maybe… What was the main character's name?

"We call him NBE-1." Simmons (I believe that's what his name was) said.

"Well sir, I don't mean to correct you on everything you think you know but, that's Megatron." The male teenage human at the front of the group corrected.

My systems, frozen for thousands of years by ice and snow, sluggishly came back online as I registered that the boy had said my name.

'Ah. I believe that my escape will finally begin soon. Good. I'm getting tired of being prodded by these slagging humans.' I thought.

With an inaudible grunt, I forced a couple of my frozen systems online, no doubt damaging a few of them. I'd need to have Hook look me over after this.

[Primitive cryostasis detected]
[Time since last diagnostic: Err]
[Initiating Emergency Diagnostic, please wait]
[Diagnostic complete, displaying results]
[Spark Casing - Integrity: 100% - Status: Online]
[Primary Data Drives - Integrity: 85% - Status: Online - Damage: Minor]
[Optical Sensors - Integrity: 98% - Status: Online - Damage: Minor]
[Audio Sensors - Integrity: 93% - Status: Online - Damage: Minor]
[Olfactory Sensors - Integrity: 100% - Status: Online]
[Pain Receptors - Integrity: 100% - Status: Online]
[Vocal Synthesizer - Integrity: 100% - Status: Online]
[Locomotor Functions - Integrity: 100% - Status: Online]
[T-Cog - Integrity: 100% - Status: Online]
[Energon Fuel Lines - Integrity: 100% - Status: Online]
[Energon levels - 96% - Known energy source nearby for long period of time, refueling unnecessary]
[Weapons Systems - Integrity: 100% - Status: Online - Arm Integrated Telescopic Fusion Cannon / Fusion Hand Pistol / Arm Integrated Flail]

[Total Operational Integrity at 89%]

"He's the leader of the Decepticons." Sam (That's his name!) continued.

"He's been in cryostasis since 1935." A mustached man explained. "Your great-great-grandfather made one of the greatest discoveries in the history of mankind."

"Fact is, you're looking at the source of the modern age." Simmons explained. "The microchip, lasers, spaceflight, cars all reverse-engineered, by studying him."

Isn't that the damned truth? And to top it all off, they gained all that knowledge by only pulling back a few of my surface level plates.

The human's bickered until Sam finally mentioned the Allspark.


A brief jolt of pain stabbed through my sluggish mind, shocking the world back into focus and forcing me to train my low powered optics and audials on the humans again.

I wasn't expecting the Fallen's compulsions to be so strong after lying dormant for so long in my head. I suppose my tolerance for them has waned during my time spent frozen.

"All Spark? What is that?" An older man asked.

"Yeah, they came here looking for some sort of cube-looking thing with tons of alien markings on it. Anyway, Mr. NBE-1 here aka Megatron… that's what they call him, who's pretty much the harbinger of death, wants to use the cube to transform human technology to take over the universe. …That's their plan."

"You're sure about that?" Simmons asked.

"Yeah. …You guys know where it is, don't you?"

I watched intently as the humans walked into one of the tunnels that I could easily enter. After a few minutes of making a plan for my escape, a pulse of Allspark energy wafted through the room, raising my Energon levels by four percent, topping my levels off. A few minutes after that, the lights flickered, and my scanners were just barely able to detect a Decepticon signal far above me. Another, much smaller signal popped up as well, no doubt Frenzy doing his best to aid in my freedom.

The cryogenic freezers around me began to deactivate one by one, and if I could have moved my mouth, I would have grinned.

"We're losing pressure. We're losing pressure. The cryogenic system is failing, we're losing NBE-1!" An announcer shouted.

Without the constant freezing temperatures supplied by the machines around me, my spark quickly pulled itself out of hibernation and began warming me up. Ice began to melt off of my form, and the humans panicked as they tried to keep me frozen for as long as possible. I detected another wave of Allspark energy, and I knew that I needed to get to the Allspark before that damned scout did.

"We gotta get out of here!" One of the workers shouted as ice started falling off of me in even faster amounts.



My helm jerked to the side, a grunt coming from my voice box as I began to free myself. An animalistic growl came from my throat as one of my arms broke free of its icy prison and grabbed onto the catwalk in front of me. With a slow shriek of metal tearing, I brought down the catwalk, sending two of the scientists falling to the concrete below.

The humans scrambled to do something, anything to stop me from escaping, but their efforts were fruitless. I was no mere drone or machine like they expected. I was a living being, who had an unfathomable amount of anger bottled up at them for keeping me imprisoned for almost a hundred years.

So, with a mechanical growl emanating from my voice box, I grabbed onto another nearby catwalk and tore it down. I ripped one foot out of the ice surrounding it and cracked the concrete when I stomped down on the platform. My flail activated, and I pulled it taut as I took another step forward and glared fiercely at the humans below me.

"NBE-1? I am… MEGATRON!"
Chapter 2
AN: So, I was browsing my recommendations on youtube when I came across this video. That video makes way too much sense to me not to be canon…

I hate how much sense it actually makes, to be honest…

It actually explains quite a lot about the overall story of the Bayverse… and answers some rather uncomfortable questions, including why Optimus allowed the Decepticons to turn Chicago into a fortress. Who would have thought that the 'Bay humor' in the movies was an actual plot point as to humans being the spawn of Unicron?

Hope you enjoy the chapter!

I swung my flail in a wide arc, destroying a hanging office and sending fire and debris all across the room and its panicking occupants.

A catwalk swung into the side of my head, and I growled, grabbed onto it with my free servo, and ripped it down, before tossing it towards the humans, flattening a few. I swung my flail again, blowing through one of the cryo generators at the foot of the platform, leaving only the bottom part of it remaining. The humans, already fleeing, were even more terrified by how quickly I could destroy the room with them in it.

"Pour it on him!" Someone shouted as soldiers with cryo blasters began firing on me.


I growled as I turned my massive body to glare at the humans that had kept me imprisoned in ice, then retracted my flail and pulled out my Fusion Pistol. One well placed shot had pieces of the entire group flying through the air. I fired again, blowing apart a nearby truck and sending more pieces of humans flying, as all of them began to flee in fear of me.

After a moment, I let out a mechanical roar which broke the will of those that dared to remain.

I fired off another shot into a tunnel when I saw more soldiers coming through it along with a few buggies with cryo sprayers attached to their roofs, causing the roof of it to collapse around them. After that, one of the lines in the ceiling burst, and liquid nitrogen started raining down on the platform that I was standing on, making ice start to form on my plating again. I growled, then finally walked off of the piece of concrete that I had been stuck on for decades.

The few humans left were firing handheld cryo blasters at me to try and contain me, but I fired a few more rounds at them, which quickly solved that problem. When bullets and cryo streams finally stopped pinging and sliding off of my frame, I just… stopped and took a moment to enjoy my freedom. I tilted my helm back and actually closed my yellow-red optics for the first time in a little over seventy years as I cycled in deep vents, my breath coming out in tiny clouds of vapor from the quickly cooling room.

My auto-repair systems were hard at work fixing up the old damage that I had sustained when I crash landed on earth, along with the exploratory probing that the humans did to my surface panels.

Being frozen in ice for thousands of years, then later stuck in a primitive cryo-prison kept my auto-repair systems so cold that the nanites that make up my natural healing factor couldn't activate and heal any of the damage. So, I was stuck with a couple bits of thousand-year-old reentry damage, along with some ice damage from small pieces of the frozen water that had sunk into the crevices in my plating. But with the Allspark so close to me, my auto repair nanites had become briefly supercharged, and instantly started healing everything that had ailed me in mere moments.

I cycled in a deep vent of relief, my plating shifting and shuttering slightly as I felt a dull pain in my back struts finally stop hurting. Old minor aches and pains that I could feel from my planetfall, and frozen imprisonment were slowly being washed away by nanolathe healing, until I finally felt as good as I did before I left Cybertron.

I let out a deep sigh, my breath making visible clouds in the now cold room. I shook my helm slightly, then turned to the tunnel that I think my canon self transformed and flew through in the movie.

…Which I accidentally collapsed during the brief fight with the humans.


I growled in irritation when I realized the predicament that I put myself in, then started to look around the half-destroyed room for another exit. But while my optics were scanning around my 'cell', a question that I could never figure the answer to, came back to the forefront of my mind full force again now that I was free.

How is it that no one -except me- supposedly knew where the Allspark was, and why did no Cybertronian figure out that it -or me for that matter- was here on earth for thousands of years even with the Guardian Knights and other Autobots roaming around the planet?

Something that always bothered me about my time imprisoned in the ice, was the fact that the Autobots -and Cybertronians in general- had been on earth quite a few times while I was either frozen in the arctic ice or contained under Hoover Dam.

Did not a single one of them ever think to ask if the humans had hidden a giant metal cube under a man-made structure like they did the Star Harvester? Or did none of them ever try to find out if they had a giant, silver colored metal man with red optics in the back of their metaphorical freezer?

If the parts of the fifth movie which took place in earth's past (which I should state that while I can't remember any specific details of the movies, I do remember some of the very broad strokes of the lore, plus my own knowledge of our history) was all really happening while I was on ice, and the Allspark was just sitting in the middle of the Colorado River until it was found and later hidden by humans in the 1930's with the construction of Hoover Dam, one very damning question comes to mind.

If the Autobots (including Optimus, who was on earth at least as far back as the time of Napoleon, and Bumblebee, who literally fought the Nazis in WW2) were around on earth long enough to be ingrained into the command structures of some of the planet's militaries, then why did they never bother looking in the western part of the USA, find the Allspark sitting in the middle of the Grand Canyon, and take the glorified Transformer Maker for themselves? Let alone sense the energy of the damned Cube either?

The questions swirling through my processor also led me to once again wonder why Optimus started making some rather… questionable decisions around three fourths of the way through the war. Those decisions involved the treatment of the Decepticons in combat, the situation with Sentinel and his space bridge pillars, and later Optimus's removal of the Allspark from our home planet.

Optimus may have been more bookish than I was, but he could -and did- fight alongside me numerous times. But over the years we lived, he started to become a bit… vicious in his methods of taking down our foes. Even though he told me he was fine countless times, I knew he was haunted by our pasts, just like I was. I believe the root of the problem was caused by our forced tenure as slave fighters in the gladiator pits.

Orion never really was the same after all of that. Not to mention that we were quite literally on the run from our 'owners' at the Arena when we found Sentinel's stasis pod and were saved by the old mech. The righteous anger that Sentinel had in his optics when we told him we were runaway slaves from a gladiator arena, and his actions afterwards, was a memory I preserved with all possible care.

But later in our tutelage, I honestly don't know what Sentinel was thinking of, giving Optimus unfiltered access to Cybertron's ancient history in his state (Primus knows I had been disgusted by some old practices, even now, and I know that I am not a good person by my old human standards anymore), but his problem was apparently only exacerbated by learning the ancient history of our kind.

I do admit to overlooking many of Orion's flaws, but, in my defense, we had been together since we were literal children in the Cybertronian sense. I had long learned to ignore the sometimes strange and slightly malicious things that he said or did. I thought he was just a traumatized orphan just trying to survive each 'day' like me in our sunless world. I later learned to regret that, because I swore at some points -even during the war- that when I looked at Optimus, it was like I was looking at him through shattered glass

I only have one memory of an Optimus colored purple with crimson optics associated with that term, but whenever I did remember it, a shiver went down my spine.

And I think that at one point Sentinel recognized what I saw as well, because when we met in secret to discuss ending the war and using the barely put together humankind to help rebuild Cybertron by being 'benevolent gods' to them, the look that he had in his optics whenever Optimus came up looked eerily similar to the look that Starscream had said I had. He even mentioned that Optimus sometimes looked off into the distance towards Kaon with a blank look, occasionally twitching his digits like he was going to pull out a weapon.

That was all I needed to know to cement that something in my former brother had drastically changed, or just simply broke.

And to make matters even worse, up until I went chasing after the Allspark when Optimus launched it off world, we still had never learned who actually fired the cluster missile that destroyed one of the engines and sent the Ark hurtling through space. I know it wasn't Starscream or any of my Deceptions, because the soldiers that actually attacked the Ark were under strict orders to only harass the ship until it left Cybertron's atmosphere.

Guns only, no missiles. That was what I ordered.

But before I could think any longer on how weird Optimus and the Autobots started to act near the end of the war, one of the Fallen's compulsions ripped into my processor, making me stagger into a wall and grip onto my helm tightly.

Find the Allspark.


I should probably mention that the compulsions aren't exactly just a one word order, but rather a series of mental attacks that physically hurt my already pained mind, to the point that it feels like Optimus is stabbing me in the head with one of his heat swords repeatedly (which he almost managed to do at one point, another point to add to the list of how weird he started behaving at some point in the war.) Not a very fun feeling, especially if you're just coming out of a primitive cryo-stasis after seventy-two years.

It's times like this that I remember that I didn't actually start the Autobot-Decepticon war, I merely restarted it in 'modern' times under the Fallen, who was trying to activate the Star Harvester. He never said why exactly he despised the human race and wanted to kill them though, which I found confusing. I only dislike them now because I was imprisoned by them for nearly a century.

I shook my head roughly to try and clear my thoughts in the wake of the compulsion, then turned to the tunnel that the humans went into when they mentioned the Allspark.

"The salvation of our race will finally be in my servos, after all this time." I muttered in Cybertronix.

The tunnel was slightly cramped, but it was easy enough for me to stand straight up in it without slouching.

I raised one arm and let my claws rake across the wall, sending an echoey screeching noise through the tunnel as I walked through it. As soon as I turned a corner, a rocket slammed into my shoulder, and I let out a pained grunt. I returned fire with my fusion pistol, small arms fire pinging off my frame. There was an APC at the other end of the tunnel, and it had what my sensors detected were TOW missiles attached to its turret.

One of the missiles fired, and I ducked out of the way, practically throwing myself into the wall as the missile sailed past me and slammed into the wall behind me. I dropped to a kneel, and the panels on my arms rearranged. I raised up and slammed my arms together, transforming both of them into my telescopic fusion cannon. After a moment to aim, I fired, blowing up the entire APC and taking down all of the humans in my way in one fell swoop.

I rose back to my pedes, then pulled my arms apart as they transformed back into my claws. I gave a decisive nod that my primary weapon systems were running smoothly, then I pulled my fusion pistol back out and continued down the tunnel. My pedsteps echoed off the walls as I walked, but to my hearing the echo was getting lesser, which meant I was getting closer to the end.

When I came out into the room, the one thing I instantly noticed was the two tanks aiming their cannons at me. Bullets pinged off of my frame, and I dodged a HEAT shell from one, and a APFSDS dart from the other. My telescopic fusion cannon folded back out, and I fired a shot into one, blasting the front of it apart, sending molten slag across the ground.

The other drove behind a large concrete divider, while two buggies with cryo cannons drove out and started firing at me.

'What is this? Some sort of game?' My thoughts supplied.

I fired at one buggy, blowing it to pieces, then ran over and stomped on the other. A tank shell whizzed by my helm, and I spun around and fired reflexively, blowing the .50 Cal machine gun off of the top of the turret. The tank reversed back behind the divider as my fusion cannon folded back out. I stalked over to the divider and slid around the corner, a tank round going right over my helm. I fired, blowing the tank apart as it tried to reverse away from me.

"Parasites." I muttered.

My fusion cannon folded away as I separated my arms, and I looked around. There were only three tunnels in the room, the one I came out of where the burning remains of an APC sat, a smaller, human sized tunnel, and one for my size on the other end of the room. With only one way to go, I walked into the big tunnel.

I encountered a few more cryo buggies and one more APC while making my way through the tunnel and quickly dealt with all of them with swift efficiency. But it strangely seemed as though the humans were retreating.

When I walked into a massive room, I figured out just why they were retreating.

"The Allspark… it's GONE!" I bellowed into the empty room.

I knew it was where the Allspark once was. Not only were there traces of the Allspark's power literally hanging in the air of the room, but there was a massive platform with a large indent in it, like where a massive cube might sit at an angle. I fell to a kneel and slammed my fists into the concrete, leaving massive craters where my servos landed.

I let out an enraged roar that echoed through the room.

I stood back up and stared at where the Allspark once was for a few moments, seething in rage that the damned scout had already stolen it. As I looked around for any trace of where the Allspark went, I suddenly heard humans screaming, along with gunfire. I looked into a smaller, human sized tunnel, and raised one eye-ridge when the screaming was suddenly cut off by even more gunfire.

After a few moments, Frenzy ran out of the tunnel on all fours like a minicon possessed, followed by a few more soldiers. I quickly pulled out my fusion pistol and fired, collapsing the tunnel as Frenzy ran out of it. The minicon saw where the shot came from and let out a cheer, then ran over to me as I holstered the weapon.

"Lord Megatron, you live!" Frenzy cheered in Cybertronix.

"Frenzy? So, my most loyal soldiers have come for me after all." I responded as the minicon knelt before me.

"Stupid insects shot at me. This body is brand new!" The minicon grumbled.

"What do you mean 'brand new body', Frenzy?"

"The stupid humans sliced my helm off! But the Allspark was here, and she gifted me a new body to help free you, Lord Megatron!"

I leaned down, closer to the small bot. "When was the Allspark here?"

"Just a few cycles ago, my lord."

I looked around the room, taking in the traces of the hurried exit the humans made "So it must not be far then. Is my army here to assist with retaking the Allspark?"

At my question, Frenzy's EM field recoiled back to himself, and the minicon ducked his head.

"My lord… there were only seven of us that came to free you." The minicon said.

"What? Who?" I demanded.

"Just Blackout, Barricade, Bonecrusher, Scorponok, Brawl, Starscream, and myself. No one knew you were even here under Hoover Dam, my lord, not until just a quartex ago. Starscream didn't even believe you were still alive until we reported to him about 'Project IceMan'. We are all that managed to get to the planet before the Autobots arrived. Soundwave and the other minicons should be arriving in around a quartex."

"And what of the other Decepticons?"

"All of the others are too far off to get here in a timely manner, and many others are simply dead. A lot has changed in the last few thousand years, sir. It is only by the grace of the Allspark herself that most of us are still functioning after the last big battle we were in. Some of the troops won't be here for at least a stellar cycle or two at most while their wounds heal."

"And the Autobots?"

"Best I saw of them I believe that Jazz, Bumblebee, Ratchet, Ironhide, Arcee, Cliffjumper, and Optimus himself are here. OH! And two humans! A male and a female." The minicon tilted his head to the left slightly. "I may or may not have hitched a ride with them as a mobile phone."

"And are these humans important?"

"The boy is virtually useless, and he screamed like a sparkling when I was chasing him. I never even hurt him besides a single cut on his calf! The female… She's much more ruthless. She took an electric saw to my neck while I was trying to interrogate the boy. But the boy did apparently have a pair of corrective lenses that you imprinted the data to the Allspark's location on."

I thought back, and my processor showed me a small memory file of an old human touching one of my claws and accidentally activating my navigation systems, causing me to shoot out the files on where the Allspark landed directly into his eyes. Captain Archibald Witwicky. Didn't that human go insane afterwards?

"Apparently, I did. We must acquire the Allspark before the Autobots can."

"Before you go, there is a group of humans still here, my lord. They're trying to call for reinforcements."

"Deal with them. I am going topside to find the Allspark and kill whoever gets in my way."

Frenzy quickly sent me a file that showed me all the exits that would fit me, then took off running into one of the human sized tunnels. I turned to the tunnel that would take me out of the dam and started moving. As I made my way down the route that I chose, I noticed that the ceiling was getting lower and lower. Eventually, I walked into a small underground parking lot.

I let out a small growl when I noticed that the next tunnel was too small for me to walk or fly through, and I absolutely wasn't going to crawl through it.

"I suppose I'm getting a ground alternate mode early then." I muttered, slightly irritated that I'd have to frame-shift into a different alt mode for a bit. "It is absolutely only going to be temporary though."

I looked around the parking lot, which was more of an armory now that I was looking at it properly, until I spotted a tank sitting in one corner of the room. An M1 Abrams. Completely unattended, and perfect for my current frame to adapt to, since I had used a tank alternate mode for a while back during the war on Cybertron. I quickly walked over and scanned the tracked AFV.

[Compatible alternate form detected]
[Scanning initiated]
[Scan complete - Scanned vehicle: M1A2 SEP Abrams Main Battle Tank - Detected armaments: 1 × 120 mm L/44 M256 smoothbore gun - 1 × 0.50 caliber M2HB heavy machine gun - 2 × 7.62 mm M240 machine guns (1 pintle-mounted, 1 coaxial)]
[Acquire and save alternate mode? y/n]

I accepted, and my body instantly started changing.

Plating reshaped, tracks formed, wheels spun into existence.

Cybertronians -true to their moniker as 'robots in disguise'- can reformat themselves to take on quite a few different alternate modes, as long as they have the correct mass and designs in their processor, be it a tracked vehicle, a wheeled vehicle, or a flying vehicle. It's why my canon self was able to be a Cybertronian jet, then a Cybertronian tank/jet, then finally a semi-truck with an oil tanker attached.

But to change into a different kind of alternate form, a Cybertronian has to reformat themselves in something called a frameshift. An action which can take anywhere from a few seconds to a full minute, depending on the changes necessary to take on a new form. They also have to stand still the entire time, or it may mess up the process, forcing them to do it again to work out all the kinks. If it's a mech or femme with say, a Camaro or a Mustang alt mode, changing to a Silverado or an F150, or simply another type of car, not much needs to change in the way of wheels, plating and layout.

But for mechs like me, going from an interstellar jet mode to a ground mode, and a tracked one at that, I needed quite a bit of time to fully shift into a different form.

After nearly two minutes of my body shifting and reformatting, the frameshift finally stopped, and I took a second to look over the changes that were made to my body.

You could definitely tell that I had an earth alternate mode now.

My lower half looked like a slightly less armored and streamlined version of my second movie body with human tank treads in place of the Cybertronian ones, while blocky pieces of tank armor covered my body, along with my fusion cannon, which was reshaped into the tank cannon itself and attached to my right arm like so many other incarnations of myself. Other than that, not much else changed on my body, besides the bronze highlights that were merely accents on my body before, showing more of themselves on my new panels.

I rolled my shoulders a few times to settle my plating, then transformed, folding down into a perfect recreation of an M1A2 SEP colored a dull silver with bronze accents.

The turbine engine within me roared to life, and I started moving through the lower tunnels with haste.

Surprisingly, the resistance began once again, starting with a whole squad of buggies coming my way. I opened fire with my machine guns, perforating the front two with holes, then fired from my cannon, blasting what remained of them. Another two were behind it, and I fired right between them, which tossed both of them into the walls like toy cars. The last buggy tried to turn around and escape, but I simply crushed it under my alt mode's weight and continued driving through the smaller tunnels.

After nearly a whole minute of just driving through tunnels that I never expected to exist, I finally reached a ramp leading to the exit, which was sealed to prevent me from escaping.

By human standards, at least.

A shot from my cannon blew the door outward a bit, making light shine through the center of it. Another shot blew off a chunk of the doors, and the final one blasted them out of the housing, allowing me to drive out into the Nevada sun and rocky sand.

I transformed back to bot mode, the signature three loud clangs of my converting form attracting the attention of my SIC, who flew down and landed in front of me as my plating settled.

"Lord Megatron. I live to serve." Starscream greeted as he kneeled before me.

"Ah, Starscream. I am not surprised to see that you are still alive." I responded.

"Of course, my liege. After all, in your absence, someone had to take command of the Decepticons."

I tilted my helm slightly. "And yet, did you manage to acquire the Allspark?"

Starscream briefly froze, then slumped slightly, before he lifted his helm to look at me in the optic. "Apologies, my lord. But the humans have taken it."

"Not even an entire hour out of the parasite's primitive cryostasis and you have failed me. New record, my treacherous old friend."

Starscream groaned, putting a servo over his faceplate in remembrance of his one-time failed coup. "It was one time, my lord!"

I chuckled. "And I shall continue to bring up your hilariously failed coup until it is no longer funny, which means forever."

Starscream grumbled as he stood back on his pedes. "The first words you say to me after centuries of searching for you, and it's that? I just know that Soundwave is going to have that insufferably smug look on his face whenever he looks at me when he gets wind of this conversation."

"I may be the leader of the Decepticons, but Soundwave will always be the king of gossip."

I looked around, spotting a few blown out military vehicles, then back at my triangular friend with a raised optic ridge, finally noticing the dents, scratches, and bullet marks on his frame. "Were you attacked, Starscream?"

The seeker nodded. "I was, my lord. I did try to get the Allspark from that scout, but I was teamed up on by Arcee, Cliffjumper and Jazz. I barely managed to retreat back into the sky, but by the time I was there, the Autobots had disappeared from my sensors. They must be hiding their signals"

"Then where are they?" I growled at nothing.

"Lord Megatron, I have intel!" Frenzy's voice suddenly broke over the comms, the sound of human gunfire along with his own coming over the channel.

"Report, Frenzy." I ordered.

"The humans are going to one of their cities twenty-two miles north from here, called Mission City! The Autobots are definitely going there to hide the Allspark!" More gunfire, along with the sound of a few of his shurikens firing from his chest. "Human resistance is much heavier than I anticipated!"

"Excellent work, Frenzy. Get out of there if it gets too bad. You are the best saboteur we have while Soundwave isn't here."

"Yes, my lord! Stop doing that you slagging-!"

A massive amount of gunfire came from his side of the comms, making Starscream and I glance at each other for a moment as Frenzy let out a battle cry. After a moment, he finally remembered to turn his comm off.

"...Interesting little minicon. Starscream, make your way to the city and attack the Autobots. I will be there momentarily." I ordered, transmitting the coordinates that Frenzy had sent to my SIC.

"Yes, my lord." Starscream replied, before leaping into the air, transforming into his F-22 alt mode, and shooting off into the sky.

Once Starscream left, I started a frameshift back to my jet mode.

I looked to the dam, where humans were perched, and my optics zoomed in, seeing the various expressions on all of their faces. Fear, wariness, terror. Dozens of similar emotions flickered across all of their faces as my body shifted back to its Cybertronian form.

"Decepticons!" I roared into my comm as my plating settled back into my jet mode. "MEGATRON HAS RETURNED!"

I received a roaring cheer from my comm as the Decepticons on earth made their voices known to me, and I laughed at their enthusiasm for my return. With a final chuckle, I leaped into the air, then transformed and blasted off into the sky.

"My lord." Blackout commed.

"What is it?" I asked.

"During our mission to find you, I found an interesting bit of information while searching for information of your whereabouts. Commander Wreckage is alive."

"Wreckage? I am surprised he still functions. Where is he?"

"He is located in a secure facility fifty miles west of the dam, and was imprisoned similar to how you were. I am currently on the way to the city to stop the Autobots from absconding with the Allspark, but I was wondering if you would like to add one more soldier to the ranks. Wreckage may give us an edge over the Autobots."

"I suppose Wreckage would be more inclined to follow if he sees his own leader rescuing him… I accept. Transmit the coordinates."

I banked to the right, and readjusted my course, with only one thought on my mind.

'I just hope those humans haven't scrambled Wreckage's processor like they tried to do to mine.'

AN: Hope you enjoyed!
'I just hope those humans haven't scrambled Wreckage's processor like they tried to do to mine.'
A SI Bayverse Megatron story looks pretty interesting so far and I look forward for more. Say, will this Megatron reformat himself to look like his The Last Knight self or remain as his Bayverse 1-3 look?

Honestly, Bayverse Megatron look like he was a Protoform in appearance even though he can transform into his alt-mode while having that look.

Also, does The Fallen know this SI Bayverse Megatron have memories of a human? Or just ignore that so long he have his revenge and enact the plan of using Star Harvester?
Tales from Cybertron: Meeting a Prime
AN: Welcome to the first chapter of the sidestory, Tales from Cybertron.

These are 'brief' looks into the past of the MC, which will mostly take place on Cybertron, and show the decisions that Megatron made that eventually turned him the mech he became in the main story.

I think this turned out pretty good, so I hope you enjoy!

Even though he told me he was fine countless times, I knew he was haunted by our pasts, just like I was. I believe the root of the problem was caused by our forced tenure as slave fighters in the gladiator pits.

Orion never really was the same after all of that. Not to mention that we were quite literally on the run from our 'owners' at the Arena when we found Sentinel's stasis pod and were saved by the old mech. The righteous anger that Sentinel had in his optics when we told him we were runaway slaves from a gladiator arena, and his actions afterwards, was a memory I preserved with all possible care.

Ruins of Simfur
Thousands of years ago

The permanently dark sky obscured many things.

Living on a planet without a sun usually did that.

The constant darkness meant you needed to keep your sensors on high alert, to protect yourself and your loved ones from the ravenous mechafauna that inhabited the Cybertronian wilderness. Going out alone was a surefire way to get yourself killed, so travelling with others was the norm. But that was if you even managed to gather enough energon and other bots to travel with you in the first place.

Travel across Cybertron was remarkably medieval for ground bound mechs and femmes. Bots moved in small convoys, escorted by tribal warriors, who were always on the lookout for bandits, wildlife, and other obstacles. The roads -if they could even be called roads, in actuality being vague paths similar to something you'd see in an 1800's wagon train on earth- were harsh and unforgiving. At some points, you could even see the destroyed remains of other convoys, their trailers and bodies pushed far off the beaten path by any kind of opposition, and practically ripped to shreds for the energon within them.

Primus help you if you get attacked by a Driller.

Those giant subterranean worms may not be as large as the one Shockwave has in the future, but they're still lethal. Not to mention that they hunt in groups of three.

Flying, while easier to get to your destination, was no less dangerous. Numerous flying mechafauna made travelling by air a dogfight whenever you came across a Scraplet swarm, a flock of Deatheagles, or Primus forbid, an Insecticon hive. Believe me, while Scraplet swarms are easy to destroy thanks to their fragility, and Deatheagles can simply be sped away from due to their lack of thrusters, you do not want to encounter a hive of Insecticons.

If you don't understand the danger of an Insecticon yet, imagine a Scraplet, then make it the size of a pickup truck, with an appetite for living metal to match. Honestly, I think Insecticons and Scraplets are the same species, just different parts of a larger life cycle, given how 'alien' Cybertronian wildlife is to earth. But overall, Insecticons are terrifying to encounter, and they do not go down easily.

But Cybertronian society as a whole is bizarre as well, both in how technologically advanced it is, and also how socially backwards it is as well. But one thing stood out above all the rest. The constant darkness of the sunless sky. Cybertron didn't have a sun, the only light came from the stars, and on nights where clouds covered the sky, it was pitch black. And as far as anyone could tell, and what Orion and I have learned from old texts, we had no moons, which was a major departure from what I remembered about Cybertrons from other universes.

The constant dark was cold, unwelcoming, and ever-present in the thoughts of every mech and femme on the planet. But while the darkness was on everyone's minds, the scarcity of energon was the primary thought in everyone's processors. Energon was our fuel, our lifeblood, and for some bots with weapons built into them after being born, ammunition to keep themselves safe. Either way, every Cybertronian had a weapon, either handheld or inbuilt, and everyone knew how to use them.

Sometimes, Orion and I would know when a battle is being fought, by the brief flares of light coming from the horizon, meaning someone just blew something or someone else up. But the one thing that we learned from the mentors we had when we were just younglings in the village, was that learning to aim in the dark was vital to a mech's survival in a fight, even as the darkness threatens to swallow up everyone and everything around it.

But tonight… Tonight the darkness kept us both safe from those who wished to do us harm.

"Keep moving, Orion!" I quietly exclaimed, my natural voice scratchy from the constant growling, roaring, snarling, and bellowing I was forced to do in the arena.

"I'm trying, Galavar!" Orion finally responded after being silent for nearly the entire journey, his injured and badly healed legs slowing him down considerably. "Need I remind you about the state of my legs!"

"I know, I'm injured too." I gestured at the injuries I had sustained, along with the slowly leaking wound in my side, which had jarred my T-cog, leaving me weaponless and stuck in bot form. "I'll see what I can do to help fix you up once we find a place to hide, now come on!"

The two of us moved as quickly and quietly as we could through the ruins of what was once the city of Simfur, a transport and governmental hub for what we both believed was a whole country once. But a grinding noise coming from one of Orion's knees was starting to worry me. A stray shot had hit him close to that knee, after all. And he was already damaged when we were captured the first time. Our injuries had worsened over time, and we were barely given the supplies necessary to keep us in fighting shape.

The towering -but slowly crumbling- buildings loomed ominously around us in the darkness as we ducked through building after building, trying to escape from our pursuers. The city was massive, bigger than anything I had ever seen in either of my lives. I reckoned that a bot could spend their whole life living in this city and never go beyond the borders even once. Eventually, after walking for what felt like hours, we found our way into some massive governmental-looking structure.

Then I heard a sound I dreaded and quickly pushed Orion into a side room. I dimmed my optics as far as I could make them go, then peeked out onto the dark street as the roaring engines of our pursuers approached. I silently prayed to the Allspark that they would just continue moving past, not stopping at all and continuing on their way to try and find us.

My prayers were unanswered.

The group of six mechs all transformed from their alt modes and looked around, their optics scanning everything they landed on.

"Are you kidding me? We have to look for two slaves here in Simfur?" A high raspy male voice asked incredulously. "You can't be serious, Hydradread."

The largest of them, a bronze and white three-headed dragon beastformer named Hydradread, turned around and addressed the smaller mech. "Ripcord wants his champion and his little medic back, Blowpipe." Hydradread growled, his voice box and alt mode making him sound like he was always speaking in triplicate. "So, start looking!"

A carformer that bore a slight resemblance to a taller and bulkier Bumblebee but dark blue and red backed up a few steps and raised his hands in surrender.

"Alright, alright. But all I'm saying is that we could always say that they managed to escape us here in Simfur." He responded. "I'm sure Ripcord would understand how dangerous this city can be, especially at some points in the stellar cycle."

"I am aware of all the things that like to nest in these old cities, Blowpipe, but I'm not heading back to the boss without at least trying. Now get looking, unless you want to fight and lose against the champion of the arena once we recapture him?"

"Uh… Nevermind. I absolutely don't want to get in the ring with that monster, not even for all the shanix that Ripcord could offer." I winced at the remark about how I fight, before I spotted the mech turning towards us. "Hey, how about that building? It looks stable enough to start looking in. And I'm picking up energon on the ground, too."

A veritable library of Cybertronian curses quietly left my voice box -except every word was Cybertronian, since it had been a long time since I was human or even spoke english- as I reigned in my EM field as much as I could before pulling Orion to his pedes.

"Galavar, what's going on?" Orion asked quietly, his voice hitching when he put weight on his injured legs.

"They're coming this way first. Come on." I ordered.

I pulled Orion further into the building, away from the mechs hunting us. The already tiny amount of light provided by the stars vanished as we moved in a vague direction of just down, the only way we could feasibly escape from the approaching mechs. It wasn't the best way to go, but all the other exits were blocked off or required my T-cog to be working to get through, so any other way was basically blocked off from our use.

"Gal… What did that mech mean when he called you a monster?" Orion asked quietly as we moved down a hallway with cracks and dents covering the walls, breaking the five-minute silence as we traveled deeper into the sublevels of the building.

"Nothing important, Orion." I responded, then winced when I realized that I responded too fast, because Orion pulled me to a stop and locked optics with me, his golden gaze locked onto my own silver-white.

"Galavar, what did that mech mean?" He demanded.

I grimaced, my EM briefly betraying me and broadcasting a small amount of guilt and sorrow, making Orion's optics harden.

I sighed. "...Ripcord forced me to fight in the arena, as you know. But he ordered me to be excessively brutal to my opponents so I would sell more tickets to my fights and get you the necessary supplies to fix up your legs… I couldn't refuse."

I looked away from my brother and pulled him forward, forcing us to keep moving. But Orion kept his optics trained on the side of my faceplate.

"Why not?" He asked.

I sighed deeper than before, then looked back at Orion with sadness clear in my optics. "...Because otherwise he would kill you, or worse."

Orion held my gaze for a moment, then looked down at the floor passing beneath our pedes, a contemplative expression on his faceplate.

"What was I supposed to do, Orion?" I demanded, my voice automatically lowering in a force of habit. "Let you die? Or whatever the 'worse' was that Ripcord had in mind for you?"

"You could have just killed Ripcord." Orion replied, his voice cold.

"No. I couldn't." I looked behind us, brushing off Orion's words as I made sure we weren't followed. "They may have been giving you a little more energon because of your legs, but they were only giving me enough to put on a show in the arena. Other than that, they were literally starving me. It took me four of the five whole stellar cycles we were 'employed' at the arena to trade, steal and hide enough energon to power ourselves up enough to break out of there. And I'm leaking whatever's left of mine dragging our injured afts away from there.

"There's a reason you're still not back in fighting shape, Orion." I continued. "They routinely kept supplies from us because I wasn't brutal enough in the arena. That's why your recovery has taken so long. Because of that… I was forced to do a lot of things that I regret just to make ends meet." My vocalizer crackled slightly as I remembered some of the things I was forced to do. "The worst thing was probably crushing some poor mech's helm with my own servo… the screams he let out before he died…" I stopped seeing the hallway ahead of us as I was dragged into my memories.

My brother swatted the side of my head, jarring me out of my nightmarish thoughts. "Pay attention, Gal. We're still on the run here." Orion snapped, making me pick my pace back up. "You think you're the only one with bad memories of that place? I saw a lot of… bad things there as well." My brother shuddered lightly.

'I think we definitely have PTSD from that damned place.' I thought in a moment of self-awareness. 'I doubt we could even find someone who knows what a therapist is, let alone one with the credentials that could help us properly.'

We kept moving through the sublevels of the building, hoping to find an exit. But the longer we kept moving, the worse the grinding noise coming from one of Orion's knees got. The joint itself was probably rubbing against the actuators by the sound of it, which meant he probably couldn't keep weight on it after another five or so kliks. The machinery in a Cybertronian's joints was very sensitive, and I'd probably have to rebuild his entire knee once he can't walk with it anymore.

As we moved deeper into the building, the architecture around us seemed to get older and older until it changed altogether. Dull metal soon became faded but polished stone, and the walls went from blank paneling to uninterrupted rock that was covered in old carvings, along with symbols that I recognized as Cybertronian, or some older version of the language that we've seen in old cities like Simfur.

"Gal, this is Old Cybertronian." Orion commented as we walked. "It's just like all the other symbols we've seen."

"I thought it was. Got any idea what it says?" I asked. "You're the one that's been trying to translate it for stellar cycles at this point."

It was a good way to distract my brother from the memories, because Orion immediately stopped, his optics clicked as he took a few photos of the walls, then we kept moving as he tried deciphering them.

"Hmm. It's the middle of some sort of passage, I think." Optimus said. "The syntax is still as messed up as the last time I tried this but let me see if that algorithm I made can help… Huh. Listen to this. 'Those who dare to call us owners shall never destroy us all. The-' well, that's indecipherable, another language maybe? Ah, '-our last leader sealed beneath this city of Simfur during the final attack on their mothership.' …and that's all I can get from them."

"An invading force from thousands of years ago tried destroying the Ancient Cybertronians?" I asked. "And what was that about a 'last leader'?"

"Perhaps. And I honestly don't know. Since we're heading this way, maybe we'll find out."

"I have a bad feeling that the hunters are going to end up destroying whatever we find."

Orion and I shared a pained expression as memories from the Arena came back, but we brushed them off and kept walking. We moved through rooms and hallways, until we finally reached a massive room, like a whole plaza was built underground. It was beautiful, unlike anything I had ever seen on the surface. Lights still burned in centuries old fixtures, giving off enough light to see the entire room.

There was a strange feeling of undisturbed peace filling the air, which made me think that no one had been here for a very long time, and no one had dared venture in here for even longer.

The rusted bodies of fallen Ancient Cybertronian Knights that littered the ground only added to my theory about it.

"What is this place?" Orion asked, his optics flicking around the entire cavernous room and the rusted corpses around us.

"I… I don't know, Orion." I replied, looking around in wary wonder. "It looks like some kind of ancient plaza, and a battleground as well."

"Wait… what's that?" Orion raised his free arm and pointed at the far end of the enormous room, where some sort of mausoleum-like building sat.

I looked over at where he was pointing and spotted the building at the far end of the underground plaza, blaster marks and bullet holes marking its surface. "Some sort of crypt. And judging by the fortifications, and the angles of the bodies, it looks like all of the bots in the room were defending it, but from what? I don't see any bodies of the attackers, unless they were airborne, but they had to at least shoot a couple down if that were the case."

"Organics, maybe? Their armor and weapons would have turned to dust by now."


'Quintessons, perhaps?' I thought. 'No. We never see what exactly they are in this universe, besides maybe that weird hand from the beginning of the fourth movie. Or was that from the fifth? Damned movies mixing together. I wish I had watched them again more recently.'

A faint clang sounded out from somewhere in the hallway behind us, and Orion and I shared a glance before moving towards the crypt. As we made our way towards the crypt, the grinding noise coming from one of Orion's knees got worse and worse, drawing more of my attention from the hauntingly beautiful surroundings. Until finally, with one final harsh grind of metal on metal and a sharp metallic pop, my brother fell to the ground with a startled cry, sparks and hydraulic fluid flying from the injured joint.

"Orion! What happened?" I asked, quickly kneeling next to him and scanning his knee.

"My knee joint just gave out." He moaned, his EM field spiky and shuddering as the mech groaned in pain. "Slagging thing should have lasted longer than that."

"I'll hold you up, we need to keep moving." I moved to his injured side and helped him up, pulling his arm over my shoulders and keeping his weight off the dead leg. "And it probably didn't last as long because of how we've been rationing our energon."

With Orion mostly on his feet again, I kept us moving towards the mausoleum, at a considerably slower pace than when we were both able-bodied. A few moments passed, and we finally reached the crypt. I settled my brother down onto the ground against the crypt, then inspected the front doorway of the mausoleum, looking for a way to open the doors, or at the very least a set of handles to open them manually.

"Are we seriously about to break into a crypt to hide from slavers?" Orion asked, looking at me, then towards the hallway we came out of.

"Yes. Yes we are." I replied, before digging my digits into the center of the doors. "You got a better idea?"

"...No. No I don't."

My hydraulics whined as I pulled outwards, and the metal doors creaked and groaned as I tried to force them open. I gritted my denta and pulled harder. My arms started to shake, and just as an internal warning popped up in my vision, the doors finally cracked open with a screech of metal. I took a moment to rest and mentally wave the warning away, then with a heave, I pulled the doors open as far as I could until they refused to go any further.

Then I finally looked inside and froze, my processor literally screeching to a halt in my helm.

"...Uh, Orion?" I asked, disbelief coloring my tone.

"Yes?" My brother responded.

"This isn't a crypt."

Orion pulled himself up against the wall, then grabbed onto my shoulder and leaned against me.

"Then what the slagging Pit is it then- …Oh."

Inside the mausoleum was a stasis chamber, an ancient piece of technology that barely anyone knew how to use. The hatch covering the chamber was tinted, which meant it was active, but we couldn't tell if it was occupied or not. Orion and I made our way over to it, and my brother started typing a bit on the ancient console attached to it.

"Orion?!" I quietly exclaimed.

"What?" he replied. "If there's some ancient bot in there, maybe they can help us with the slavers. If not… just throw me in there and escape. Then you can come back and get me once those mechs are gone."

"Orion, my T-cog is disabled. How would I even be able to escape back to our village right now other than on foot. And what if they find out you're in there, huh?"

The pod suddenly hissed as the chamber depressurized. Orion froze then looked at me with an apologetic expression, one of his digits apparently placed accidentally on the release button.

I pointed one long digit accusingly at my brother. "If there's a murderous bot in there, I'm blaming you all the way to the Allspark." I deadpanned.

The pod slowly swung upwards, until it was at a perfect angle for entering or exiting the pod itself. The hatch bisected and the doors opened outwards, steam pouring out of the pod and obscuring the mech within. A large pede swung out and stomped onto the ground, then the other leg. A pair of arms grabbed the edges and pulled the body and helm forth, until the mech was standing in front of us. He raised his helm and opened his optics, which shone a bright cerulean, but with a slightly purplish hue at the center.

He was mainly red, but had black accents with some smaller golden accents as well. A silver chevron sat above his optics and older, slightly asymmetrical faceplate, and a pair of pauldrons that ended with a dull point sat on his shoulders. A pair of trapezoidal window frames were attached to his chest. Braided wires hung from his chin, like he had a beard and a mustache. There was only one mech I knew of that looked like that.

The mech commanded both of our presences, despite just having come out of stasis. I stood there with my jaw open in shock, but I quickly shut it when one end of a Primax blade was lightly pushed into my neck, while a blaster cannon was pointed at Orion.

"Who are you?" Sentinel Prime asked, his voice hard.

"W-ho are we?" I asked, my voice crackling. "I am Galavar, and he is Orion Pax. We are escaped slaves from Ripcord's arena."

Sentinel stared into my silver-white optics for a long moment, before he pulled his sword away, twirled it into its double-bladed configuration, and set one end on the ground.

"Slaves?" He growled. "How long have I been gone?" He muttered to himself.

"...Who are you?" I asked, drawing the Prime's optics back to me, making me flinch back slightly.

The red and black mech stood a little taller as he looked at us. "I am Sentinel Prime. A direct descendant of Primus himself, and as far as I am aware, the last of the Primes."

"You… You are a Prime?" Orion's voice was crackling as hope and excitement flowed freely through his EM field.

"Indeed I am. But why do you say you are slaves? We were gods once, all of us."

'Well that sounds familiar.' I thought, before speaking. "I don't know where or when you're from, Sentinel Prime, but Cybertron is not what you think it is anymore."

Just then, Orion's knee sparked again, and my brother slumped against the console.

"Orion, you alright?" I asked, moving over to assist my brother.

"Slagging knee's sparking again, Gal. I'll be fine if we can scavenge the parts to fix it."

"We still need to get away from the slavers, too."

"Slavers?" Sentinel growled, his voice promising pain to anyone who crossed his path.

I turned back to the older mech. "We've been chased all the way here by Hydradread and his personal squad of slave catchers. They've been chasing us for three solar cycles straight. At least, I think it's been three solar cycles. My chronometer stopped working during our escape, and it simply refuses to reboot properly. It keeps giving me weird times."

The Prime nodded at my brother. "And his?"

Orion's gaze dropped to the floor. "I can't access any of my systems. They put something called a restraining bolt on both of us. But Galavar's was taken off shortly before our escape."

"And I lack the mechanical know-how necessary to safely remove his without causing it to deliver a life-ending shock to his spark." I added.

Sentinel stood silently before us for a moment, before his expression softened. He stowed away his Primax blade and blaster cannon. He slowly strode over to us, then spoke.

"Let me see this 'restraining bolt'." He said, gesturing to Orion. "I will see if I can figure out how to remove it."

Orion and I shared a glance. I was a bit wary of letting Sentinel near Orion, thanks to my faded memories, but ultimately I gave a hesitant nod.

"Ok. We'll let you look." I agreed.

"Are you sure, Gal?" Orion quietly asked.

"What other choice do we have, Orion?" I replied, just as quietly. "Let him look."

Orion glanced between me and Sentinel, before he reluctantly opened his chest paneling, exposing his spark casing to the Prime, along with a set of connected cylinders with a remote detonator attached to the casing itself.

One of Sentinel's eye ridges raised. "Zi gra toh." He muttered in some language I didn't know as he scanned the device attached to my brother's spark casing.

A closer, louder clang echoed out into the room, and I jolted, remembering our pursuers.

"Oh slag." I cursed. "The hunters."

Orion's chest plating snapped closed, and panic flashed through his EM field. "They've come for us!" He exclaimed.

"Who are these hunters?" Sentinel asked as his optics narrowed. "Are they the slavers you spoke of?"

"They are. And both of us are injured, we can't fight."

"Well, I can. But I don't know how much I'll be able to with my T-cog disabled." I remarked.

Sentinel was silent for a moment, before pulled out his rust cannon and handed it to Orion, who hesitantly took it. Then he turned to me. "Galavar, correct?" I nodded. "You will guard the entrance to my chambers since your brother is injured. I will deal with these slavers myself."

I nodded again, and followed the old mech out of the building and back into the underground plaza just as the slave hunters entered. I stopped at the entrance, while Sentinel kept walking, pulling out his Primax blade and his shield as he moved. He stabbed one end of his dual-bladed sword into the ground as they approached.

"Who the Pit are you?" Blowpipe questioned.

"It doesn't matter, Blowpipe." Hydradread growled, before looking at the Prime. "Outta the way, old mech. Those two belong to our boss."

"These two Cybertronians are under my protection." Sentinel replied. "And they shall not be going with you."

"Listen, mech. You want shanix? We'll give you two thousand for both of them." Blowpipe asked.

The carformer was quickly backhanded to the back of the group by Hydradread. "We ain't got that kinda shanix on us ya moron!"

"Yeah, Galavar is worth two thousand alone, too." another one of the group piped up, before noticeably taking a step away from the dragonformer when he turned his glare onto him.

"Listen, old mech." Hydradread turned back to Sentinel. "Ripcord is an agreeable mech. If you want shanix, he'll pay you for finding these two. If you want a couple slaves that don't need repairs because they escaped, we can trade a fully functional one for your two injured ones, mech or femme, though femmes are a bit more expensive for obvious reasons. We can cater to whatever you want in one. Besides, Galavar is the Arena champion. He makes enough shanix through ticket sales to more than cover the cost to fix him up."

Sentinel glanced back at me from the corner of his optic, and my gaze dropped to the floor as I clenched my denta.

"So, do us a favor, and just hand them over. We promise to pay you in shanix or a fully functional slave if you wish." The dragonformer finished.

"As I said before, these two mechs are under my protection. I will not repeat myself again." Sentinel responded.

"To Pit with this! Hand over the slaves you old rust bucket!" Blowpipe shouted, firing a missile at Sentinel.

In response, Sentinel swung his shield into the path of the rocket, blowing it up ineffectually against it. The old mech dropped down a bit into a combat stance I've never seen before, and glared hard at the slave hunters.

"I am a Prime… I do not take orders from you." He snarled, before lunging.

In an instant, the underground plaza became a battleground once more.

Sentinel ducked and dodged around the slavers with a speed that was nearly inconceivable for his size. But it was well known that Cybertronians were deceptively fast compared to smaller beings. Cybertronians apparently had our physics messed with, allowing us to move with much more grace and speed than a smaller being -like a human- would expect us to move at. Transformation also bends physics as well, but on a much lesser scale.

Sentinel moved with the grace of a dancer, spinning around as a slaver leaped at him and blocking him with his shield. He then slammed the offending mech into the ground, then spun around again and speared him through the spark. He pulled his blade from the body's chest, then parried a blow from Hydradread. He kicked the dragonformer away, then spun around, slicing through a few layers of plating on the larger mech.

The dragonformer screeched, then Sentinel's shield slammed into his side, sending the larger mech crashing into another two slavers. He swung the top of his shield into another's jaw, dazing them, before stabbing them through the spark. He quickly pulled his blade out and twirled it, reconfiguring it back into a single sword, and instantly parried a strike from another.

I was jolted out of watching Sentinel when a bullet whizzed past me and embedded itself in the wall next to me. I turned and saw one of the larger slavers approaching. With a small sigh, I clenched my servos and readied myself to fight.

The mech lunged at me, and I dodged, getting a glancing hit to his side, drawing a grunt form him. He lunged at me again, but I delivered a left hook right to his helm, then reared back and punched him in the gut, then finally lashed out with one leg, sending him slamming into the wall.

Someone jumped on my back, their claws dangerously close to my neck cabling. I quickly threw a punch behind me, getting a yelp in response, and the claws disappeared. I quickly spun around and threw a haymaker, but the bot, who I recognized as Blowpipe, backstepped and dodged it. The mech's arm converted into a blaster and he fired, hitting me in the arm before I had a chance to react.

I grunted in pain, then threw myself to the side, barely dodging another shot. I grabbed a nearby spear and pulled it from one of the dead warrior's servos, and deflected a strike from the other mech that had attacked me.

My form was sloppy, my energon levels were low, and my opponents had the advantage of a working T-cog.

The larger one transformed, plates clicking and gears whirring, until a tank sat where he stood. He fired, and the shell whizzed past my helm as I barely got out of the way. Another shell flew by me as I strafed around the tank, before grabbing one of the old bodies and throwing it at the tank. The tankformer squawked in pain as the body slammed into his turret, bending his cannon barrel.

While the tankformer was stuck with the heavy body on top of him and a bent barrel, I turned to see Blowpipe making a run for the crypt. But before I could do anything, the sound of Sentinel's rust cannon went off, and a bolt came flying out of the doorway and right into Blowpipe's faceplate. The mech screamed as the cosmic rust ate away at his face, before he fell to the ground, his cries becoming nothing but gurgling noises as the rust spread all across this helm. With a final shudder, he went still.

I ran to the doorway, and skidded to a stop, barely dodging a shot from the rust cannon.

"It's Galavar, Orion!" I exclaimed into the crypt.

"Sorry." My brother replied, lowering the hand cannon. "I thought you were another slaver."

"Well, I think Sentinel's just about done with them." I responded, turning around to see that almost all of the slavers had been dealt with, and only Hydradread remained, who was in his dragon mode and furiously dueling with Sentinel. "It's just down to him and Hydradread now."

"Good, because I don't think I'm strong enough to fire this thing any more than a couple more times, even if it is very effective."

"Same here." I slumped against the doorway. "My energon levels are too low, and I'm too injured for this slag."

A sudden screech made me whirl around, fists at the ready. But I dropped them when I saw that Sentinel had chopped off two of Hydradread's heads. The dragonformer screeched in pain, but Sentinel's blade hit true when he buried it into his chest. The metal dragon fell to the ground with a heavy thud, and Sentinel stood tall as he pulled his blade from the slaver.

Before he could say anything, we heard the sound of someone grunting in effort, and turned to the source.

The tankformer that I had bent the barrel of had finally gotten the body off of himself. He transformed, then froze and looked at his dead comrades, then at Sentinel, then finally at me. His optics flicked between us and the bodies a few more times as he assessed the situation. Then he shrugged his armored shoulders.

"I don't get paid enough to avenge my coworkers, I was almost a slave myself, to be honest. It was either become fodder for the arena, or work with Hydradread. Call me a coward, but I'm not fighting a mech who just killed the entire party." He said.

The tankformer took one more look around the room, before transforming and driving off at a quick pace, his tracks making sparks along the stone floor as he left the same way he entered.

"...Well. That happened." I remarked.

"Perhaps not all are lost in this age." Sentinel added, before turning to me, his expression softening. "You fought well, young warrior."

I raised one servo and rubbed the back of my neck. "I'm not that good at fighting to be honest. And the arena never taught me anything but pain and trauma… and how to brutalize my opponents."

Sentinel strode over to me, holstering his sword and shield, then he placed a servo on my shoulder and slowly led me back to the crypt. For a while, nothing was said. After a few minutes, I had helped Orion down to the ground and was poking around in his busted knee to see what needed to be replaced, while Sentinel was scanning the restraining bolt attached to his spark chamber.

"So, what now?" Orion finally asked.

"I… have no clue." I replied, before looking at Sentinel. "To be honest, uh…"

Sentinel gave a brief chuckle. "Just call me Sentinel for the moment."

"Right." I shook myself slightly, then turned back to the exposed knee joint. "Well, to be honest, Sentinel, neither of us really had a plan beyond 'escape from Ripcord's slavers'. I guess after we had escaped the idea was to try and see if another tribe would take us in."

"May I ask why you won't be going back to your own tribe?"

"...Neither of us were really liked there." Orion quietly answered for me. "Never really were, to be honest. The only reason they took Gal in after his creators were offlined was because he knew how to read and write Cybertronix well enough."

"And the only reason they took in Orion was because he can do both better than I do, and he helped me get better at both as well."

"Why is the ability to read and write so desired?" Sentinel asked.

"Because it helps with deciphering Cybertronian. Apparently the written word has changed while the spoken language has not."

"But our tribe was nomadic, and we've been gone for five stellar cycles, so they probably think we're dead." Orion added.

"Are all tribes nomadic?" Sentinel asked.

"Not all of them. A couple of the biggest ones are the Thetacons and Ripcord's bunch."

"That dragonformer I fought mentioned Ripcord, but who are these 'Thetacons'?"

"They are the largest tribe on this continent, or probably the planet as a whole. They're some excessively secretive tribe that's set themselves up in the old city of Iacon. I swear sometimes it's almost like they're guarding something. I've tried getting an aerial view of the city, but they have some fliers that give me a run for my shanix every time I get close."

"So, you are tribeless mechs, then?" The old Prime asked, finally disconnecting the final piece of the restraining bolt and tossing it to the ground next to Orion.

"I guess we are." Orion replied.

"It appears that Cybertron needs a Prime once more." The old Prime got to his pedes and helped me get Orion to his own. "But I see that with our meeting, Primus has a plan in mind for me."

"What do you mean by that?" I asked.

"I would like to take both of you on as my apprentices." The old Prime explained, drawing shocked looks from both of us. "Cybertron needs a leader, but a leader always has loyal troops at his back. I wish for the first two, to be both of you. If you accept, you will never want for energon again. Will you accept?"

Orion and I glanced at each other, before an expression of intense concentration came over my brother's face and EM field. Before I knew it, I was thinking hard as well.

We didn't really have anyone to go back to. My creators are long gone, and Orion was the same. The tribe's probably already written us off and are likely gone as well. We've both spent the last five stellar cycles at the mercy of a Pit-damned madmech who enslaved us into a slagging gladiatorial arena. Both of us need something steady in our lives otherwise we may end up getting ourselves killed.

And I knew that Orion was thinking the same thing.

I saw the same expressions cross his faceplate, felt the minute changes to his EM field as he thought.

When it came to our wellbeing, Orion was the one that made the choices. My decisions were more combat oriented, despite my lack of experience in actual fighting. I knew tactics though, and I was able to keep us safe and unharmed numerous times throughout our lives. At least, until Ripcord's slave hunters caught us. I knew it was risky to try and steal from them, but we were low on energon as it was at the time.

Orion leaned over to my audial. "What do you think?" He whispered.

I looked at my brother, our optics locking as we stared at each other. There was no other real choice to be made. We were low on energon, low on supplies, and Sentinel's offer was tempting, despite what I knew about him from my past life. But none of that had happened yet. This wasn't that Sentinel, no matter what I thought.

Perhaps I could change his fate?

In the end though, there was only one real way to respond.

I looked at Sentinel, cerulean with a purple hue meeting silver-white.

"We accept."

Sentinel smiled, then gestured towards the back of the crypt, where a door that I never noticed stood.

"Good. We have much to prepare for. Come with me." The old Prime said.

Sentinel walked off towards the new door, and Orion and I glanced at each other again.

'Well… no time like the present.' I thought.

I raised one pede, and took the first step into our new lives.

I only hoped it would be good for both of us.
The red and black mech stood a little taller as he looked at us. "I am Sentinel Prime. A direct descendant of Primus himself, and as far as I am aware, the last of the Primes."
I wonder if SI Megatron would notice that Sentinel Prime looked like a Gundam with a V crest on his head and he did the RX-78-2 Gundam's sword and shield pose.

Also, I hope that this Sentinel Prime won't be like his movie self in this story where things would be different since SI Megatron is not following the same path, somewhat.