[x][NEWS] Spread the word as far as it will go. Inform the world that you lived up to your promises. Ensure that everybody know that you beat Victoria. See if that shakes something loose from this embargo, and or perhaps motivates those foreign observers and spies to make recommendations at home.
[X][ISLANDS] Siege. Under constant, focused, withering artillery bombardment from naval and shore-based batteries, on soft, level ground, and with no real entrenching gear, the islands will be unable to hold out even if given an untouched supply line by air. Erode them over weeks of artillery bombardment, landing only once all activity has either ceased or been thoroughly suppressed.
[x][ISLANDS] Assault. You are not actually sanguine about the possibility of resupply. You fear Victorian-flagged Russian weapons landing on those islands. Sure, Vicks aren't qualified to use those weapons, and rainy with a chance of artillery shells is not the ideal environment under which to learn, but they might get lucky. Of course, you will black out the sky with your artillery shells, but you will do so while landing troops as swiftly as possible.