Valkyria Chronicles: Unexpected Fireteam (Commissioned VC AU)

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Featuring an entire new batch of additions to the Squad 7 roster, will this group be enough to help Gallia win their war against the Empire? They certainly will try, hard not to when they are fighting for hope. Did I mention they all share the same father and are from the future?

AN1: This comes from a commission I got the prompt to write and the commissioner kept wanting new entries to the story so here we are.
AN2: Insert (Shameless Plug) here
The First Drop


One whose Muse delights in being coy
Disclaimer: Valkyria Chronicles and related media, along with any other works are the property of their respective owners. I claim nothing that is not my own.

For Squad 7 as they were resting, it came out of nowhere. Rosie was finally going to be able to express herself, to apologize to Isara and tell her the story she wanted to tell. Someone should have been standing guard, but they thought they were safe. Far enough behind the last reported enemy force to be able to get a bit of rest and maintenance in. And in all honesty it would have been a coin flip if a technically "trained" army unit would have posted a sentry. First was an explosion and then a gunshot. Rosie was in shock for only a moment as a bullet wizzed right between her and Isara in the explosion's wake. Quickly grabbing Isara as the dust cloud enveloped them she brought them both behind the Edelweiss. She heard Largo yelling and gunshots, people screaming to get to cover and for weapons. Rosie grabbed her sidearm and plinked a few rounds downrange, but as someone else joined her behind cover she found her return fire joined with a bit more firepower than there should have been. Ignoring the strange gunshots since it wasn't at her she kept firing to empty her magazine.

As she reloaded and the dust settled she saw that whatever group of Imps had chosen to take a pot shot at them had quickly broken off. Her eyes meanwhile looked onto the unknown group of militia that had somehow shown up. She didn't recognize any of those weapons, and some had some rather nice ones. Rosie immediately saw them as suspicious but as Welkin noted as he and Isara scrambled into the tank, not something they were going to deal with until the actual Imps were far enough away. She still resolved to keep her gun ready. So the entire group immediately moved. But when they did finally stop to sort things out, it was not a situation any of them expected.

Back at their latest base camp, a considerable amount of Squad 7 was assembled within their mess tent. Rosie herself was standing near Isara, still spooked at the near death experience and not quite wanting to let the dark haired girl out of sight. Everyone else was seated around, forming a rough semicircle to face the group of six newcomers. The newcomers, Rosie noted, started ticking off familiar notes when one looked at them closely. All were similar, newly turned adults with militia uniforms as noted earlier, all were female, and all of them shared at least a few facial features in common. But each also shared other features with others in the room. When everyone was seated it was an awkward silence. Until the group under watch all almost as one turned to the LT and said a word that made the tent erupt in chaos. "Dad".

Rosie mutely looked between the group and then at Welkin, then looked back. Her mind finally realizing what the common denominator was. The tilt of a chin, the shape of a cheekbone, little details. Not that everyone else had not started putting together their own part of a surprising picture. Half of them were dark haired, though only two had the more distinctive shade of Darscens along with the dress patterns. For a moment Rosie remembered some of her words in the past, not kind ones but . . . Rosie refocused on the other girl that had caught her eye. One who in particular had a twin tailed brown haired and dark golden eyed look, a girl that looked just like a slightly younger version of a certain baker in the unit. Judging by the rapid looks said baker was taking, she was coming to the same wild conclusion. If one looked, three others were also doing the same thing. Not to say that everyone else wasn't starting to think on just who the girls resembled the most.

"I, I, I'm too young to be a father" babbled Welkin. Saying that did not win him any favors by the look of things but it got people spilling the beans at least. Something that had Rosie holding her head in pain trying to stick everything together from six different mouths babbling things out.

Largo was the one to speak up after the first burst of show and tell. "Okay, your telling me that each of you are from the future. That we won against the Imps but that they lost most of their country in civil war except the bit immediately bordering us. Then you all were busy fighting an evil mad scientist from there who did something out of a comic to bring you all here?".

"Yes Uncle Largo!" came from Alicia's young look alike Isara. As were most of those there named Isara. Only one was named Alicia which was ominous, then again the fact that the rest of them were named Isara said bad things about just where that bullet would have gone. It felt like someone walking on her grave when that realization hit Rosie.

Still Rosie could appreciate how the kid got Largo to sputter. Honestly she could see that the big bear would be a good uncle. But what the kid said next really brought a smile to her face. "Where's Aunt Eleanor? Oh right, you two don't have your farm yet right?".

The big lug immediately froze red faced. Not too surprising there, and not too surprising to most of the girls apparently. Though the look of the rest of Squad Seven certainly ran the gauntlet.

Shaking her head at Largo being presented with his dreams having come true Rosie decided to continue his point. "Right, big man aside. We got all the stories straight? We got Alicia's kid, Juno's Kid, The fricking Princess's Kid, that crazy Valk's Kid, our standoffish sniper's Kid, and then last but not least Isara's own Kid. What are we going to do with all of you lot stuck here? Unless anyone have ideas?". No one did.

"Well, I don't think anyone is thinking of turning you away right? So you can all stay with the unit for now. There is still a war going on though" came from Welkin who seemed to have finally gotten his wind under him.

"Right, so since we are still waiting for chow to get ready we can still learn a bit more about each other. Treat this like a new unit being joined in" Rosie decided to say.

The thought of the fact that the Princess was some hidden Darscen crossed her mind, before she shook it away. A part of her wanted to say the girl was lying, but they had seen pictures of the Princess once or twice. The relation was obvious. She had promised herself to not hate Darscens for nothing but finding out your monarchs were at least half Darscen if not more was something else. Rosie clenched her hand, still had a ways to go she thought.

Hearing a particularly loud voice turned her attention back to the circus. "There is Mama Alicia too!" came from Juno's blonde-haired child. Huh only needed some glasses to look like a photo of her mother. Though it might be rude to say she also needed to lose the unrestrained smile. Her mother could be quite frosty.

Two of the other kids nodded, specifically the two whose other parents weren't here. Looking at that track record . . . She could only shake her head. Looking back up, she realized that things were getting too awkward again. Better get them all something to focus on before things turn sour. Comically sashaying over she put a hand on the near comatose Welkin's shoulder. "Well, Mr. Big Man Gunther, you got quite the ways to go if you somehow got kids with those two. Got anymore royalty or enemy bigwigs to seduce? Or is anyone else in the unit going to fall for your charms?".

Feeling a bit of a weight on her hand and seeing Welkin tip back slightly, Rosie saw that her words might have been just a tad too good. Time for Plan B. "Well his lights are out. Hey kiddos got any embarrassing future stories to tell Aunt Rosie about this goofball. How about trying to blackmail your parents for stuff?".

Rosie smiled as a few of the young ones came over to start talking. The flustered look on the usually prideful Juno's face was quite something to see as she interacted with her mini me. What she would do for a photo, though that journo would have been too annoying of a tagalong for it.

". . . Yeah, a Maid. But none of us knew she was some big general in the Empire . . . neither did she". That caught her attention for a second, those words from the silverette. Turning a gimlet eye on the still out of it LT, she shook her head. Bigshot indeed.

Stepping past Alicia who was being besieged by her and Welkin's batch as Susie tried to run interference for her friend, her ears caught something that got her stomach speaking. "Mom's favorite cinnamon buns. Mama, do you have any here?". Heh, kid had good taste. And guessing from the babbled promise they would be getting some tomorrow if things kept calm.

She turned her eyes to check the remaining two. Off in the corner she saw that the brooder was actually interacting with her apparent kid. Rosie frowned though, it didn't look like the topic they were speaking of was any good. Not as she saw Marina look up widely for a second, casting her gaze over the entire room. Catching her eye, she tried to say silently if everything was ok. Whatever she had heard was apparently worrying, it looked like Marina was questioning everything. Not getting any response she started walking over only to see the two hug, whispering something together. Best get to that a bit later, they were having a moment. For now she had one last person to check on.

"Heya Isara, how are you and your mini-me?" she asked as she stopped by Isara's side. It was a bit weird to Rosie's sensibilities, two siblings even if not related having kids. Then again those sensibilities had told her to hate Darcsens. Shaking her head she managed to catch what was being said.

"No no we are doing fine, just talking about the Edelweiss. It's nice to hear that Dad's tank was still around into the future. Though . . ." Isara's frown brought one to Rosie's own.

"Just that there is a story behind my name". Came from the young one named Alicia.

"The same sort of story that is the reason for everyone else's names?" Rosie tried to ask gently.
The still young girl nodded a little sadly, "Mom and Dad would get sad when I ask. They told me the story but, they still aren't really over it. Not sure if they ever will be".

Rosie wondered if she should do something as she seemed to stop, but it looked like Alicia still had something else to say. "Its, its why they stayed at Lanseal, teacher and lead for the staff and R&D teams. Get away from the memories". Isara took the pause to come even closer to her apparent child, Rosie was a bit put off by the fact that they were more like sisters, but Isara wasn't shying away. The two so close in appearance took a moment to share warmth for a time. Even if the hug seemed a bit awkward.

Alicia at least seemed to appreciate the sentiment. "Bruhl, I visited once or twice with them. We planted Lion's Paw in the old ruins, no one ever returned after the War. But if I am truly stuck here, I wonder if it would be a happier place. They left but they never seemed to forget it".

Well time for Rosie to join in, putting thought into action she hugged Alicia from the other side. "Hey, kid. I think that we can do something with all of your help. You say we beat the Imps already, then we can do so with even more kickass help. And if you want to see Bruhl as a happier place then I think we can come by to help out. Show we are strong enough to rebuild. I think I promised already but I'll do it again. I can hold a good tune, we can have a show, dance, music with everyone in the Squad. All you need to get nice memories of a place. And who's to say you can't keep making good memories?".

"Hey, what's this about trying to organize a show? Don't count me out, I can grab a few of the others for sure! Get everything nice and set up, it'll be as good as new" came from Edy who bulldozed into the conversation. Rosie could only smile indulgently at Edy, the younger would be rival. But it wasn't a bad thing to say by the smiles and yeses it got from everyone.

When Rosie started wondering if the hug was going on for too long, she felt someone else stepping close by. Looking she found the LT, a little wan but still moving. He spoke up. "Hey there, I. I guess if I am your father, then I should at least try to get to know you. I talked a bit to the others. It seemed right to get to speak to you as well. As long as you don't want to blackmail me for something in the future". He smiled weakly at that which brought a little laugh from Alicia.

Stepping a bit back to give them some space, Rosie saw that everyone else was mingling a bit, the pentet of Isaras walking around with a few people in their orbit. It certainly looked livelier than it was before. The Valky kid and Alica's sprog were talking to Aunt Yoko about bread or something with the other Darcsen kid hanging close by still pestering big Alicia, elsewhere Marina's kid seemed to be showing off her gun to her mother and the last girl of the group was apparently questioning Largo about something to his still bright embarrassment. Well Rosie could safely say that everyone seemed to be meshing well together, at this rate they were definitely bigger than a Squad. Hmm, Platoon Seven didn't sound great. Well no need to get rid of a good thing. Especially if they could get to kicking more Imp ass then before. Yeah, she had a good feeling about the future.

". . . Wait. What do you mean I'm a Valkyria!!" was heard from Alicia at the top of her lungs, interrupting Rosie's good moment. She could only grasp her forehead in pain, what was this now?!
Parent/Child Time
Disclaimer: Valkyria Chronicles and related media, along with any other works are the property of their respective owners. I claim nothing that is not my own.

Walking down the familiar yet alien roads of Bruhl, Alicia felt her core was both chilled and on fire. She saw the ruined shell of the Sister Mills at the center of town, the shell torn buildings around town, and here and there the bloody smears from the battle to retake the land. It was one thing to have Bruhl be declared retaken, it was another to look and see just how much needed to be put back together. Just how much of Bruhl could ever go back to the way things were before, that wasn't a question that Alicia had an answer for. Feeling a hand on her shoulder shook her out of her melancholic mood. Alicia eyed Juno somewhat bemused after she had taken her hand away, the whole Daughters from the Future incident still not really sitting well with Alicia. That morass of feelings especially present as some of said daughters insisted on a return to the family home, complete with dragging their parents by the hand to the Gunther estate. As one of the more expansive houses in the village it had served as the home for the Imperial officers during their occupation of Bruhl. Thus the place was surprisingly intact and even was still stocked with some material.

"Well, I feel like I shouldn't be surprised that the Imps were eating well" remarked Marina after having cleared the house and started digging through the leftover items after they ran the Empire out of Bruhl.

"I, I don't even know what half of this stuff is" said Alicia as she had to shake her head, hands turning some snack tin over in her hands.

The Isara that was a parent looked over her childhood home, when her gaze went to the kitchen she flinched. Her gaze stuck to a spot on the floor where she could have sworn she saw a hint of dried red between the floor tiles. She shook her head, turning to not let anyone see her face before heading for the stairs. "We should probably gather the new things, I certainly don't think any of us need Imperial Officer uniforms".

"Need a helping hand?" asked Juno, to which Isara the Elder looked back briefly and nodded. "That would be nice, anyone else free to help?" she said. A few of the others followed along. This left Marina and her own daughter behind to avoid crowding the upstairs too much.

Marina found herself sitting down on a couch next to her daughter, the silence making her fidget until she tried to break the ice. Awkwardly. "So, how was your life? I think you mentioned, well siblings. What wer. . . are they like?".

Marina's daughter looked a little uncomfortable, but she seemed to gather her resolve and began her story. "Well, I had a younger sister and a little brother, my sister is only a couple of years younger and my brother was still a toddler last I saw him. Before I enlisted anyway".

"Enlisted?" asked Marina. "Well voluntarily got drafted, a few minor changes to conscription meant that not only did you need training, but you also had to serve a year or two. I just decided to get my needed time done quickly over getting the letter saying I had to do my service. Got into a bit of a row, but you and dad let me go". Marina's daughter reached a hand out to stroke her rifle, one that Marina had long realized was hers yet not. The exact model was not one she knew, but the little personal touches and wear matched what she had on her own rifle. The shooting talent in the family passed down.

The younger girl fidgeted with her hands for a moment, thoughts taking a bit to gather. "I guess as the eldest I tried to be the responsible one, my little sister tried so hard to follow along but I guess we all spoiled her. Didn't mean that she didn't drive me up the wall sometimes, she was the one to really try her hand at exotic cooking. Drove us all crazy with the things she would stick in her mouth to taste test, but she got a few good things out of it. Even if she insisted on personally shooting and gathering for all her ingredients". Marina felt two opposing sensations, pride at a daughter of hers being badass enough to live in the wild and worry over said daughter doing so. Isara however was still speaking so she turned back to pay attention.

"I. I have to admit that while you . . . well my parents cared for us but, they were fragile. All too easy to get lost in their memories, nothing much good in them. Though as I got older and I got siblings they got better at moving past the pain and I guess remembering the good" Isara spoke, face fixed between pained, nostalgic, and content.

It was an expression that had Marina in an uncharacteristic motion reaching out her hand to take ahold of the girl that looked just like her younger self. Their faces leaned in close as Marina gave a weak smile. "Your strong kid, don't ever forget that. But if you just want to feel then go ahead, that doesn't make you weak". She carefully did not say anything as she felt her shoulder grow wet. Marina the lone wolf, felt happy to have someone in her pack.


Juno after helping move out the bulk of the obvious Imp goods was left with the bits in the nooks and crannies that only Isara the Elder knew about. So after getting shoed off downstairs with her daughter she found herself at loose ends. In the living room Juno saw the heartfelt scene of Marina and her own mini-me asleep together on the couch, making sure not to disturb that scene she instead was led by her own Isara to what looked like a study. From some of the things on the wall she guessed it was Welkin, the signature on some of the sketches confirming her thoughts. So taking a seat in one of the old chairs with a freshly boiled pot of water and some leaves from a freshly opened tin she made a cup of tea. But as the leaves steeped, she reached for something to fill the silence as she let her sore limbs rest.

"Since we have a moment, is there anything you want to say? We have a few minutes at least, something you wouldn't mind saying if the others are away" for Juno it felt awkward to ask that but as she was surrounded by all the personal things of her long-held crush and before the apparent embodiment of her deeply held desires, well she wanted to spoil that mysterious maybe future.

Thankfully her daughter seemed to understand as she nodded, hand unconsciously adjusting her glasses just like Juno did. "Well, I guess there are a few things. But let's start from the beginning. Do you have any plans right now for the future? After the war that is".

Juno pondered the question, not wanting to not reveal the first thought that came to mind. Instead, she went to the second. "Go traveling after finishing my degree, go on expeditions and find something that no one else has".

Juno's daughter nodded; her eyes though had a glimmer that said she knew what Juno had kept hidden. "Right, that was what you ultimately went to do. Delayed by a number of years though. You spent that time doing correspondence work, some lab stuff, and fundraising. Then when I was about eight you went on that big expedition abroad. Did actually find something, some bacteria or something that had medicinal properties. Named it after dad even. The whole thing was like an extended second honeymoon". Juno kept a stiff upper lip so to say, even if her daughter had quite the smirk on her face the entire time.

Coughing Juno decided just to push ahead past that part, even if she knew just how much that move seemed like something she would love to pull. "So, you mentioned you were 8 on that expedition. That is a long time, did you have other siblings as well at the time?" she asked tentatively.

Her Isara nodded, the smirk not quite going away. Oh I was born pretty early on you could say. Definitely helped decide the date for the wedding. Juno did not dignify that with a response beyond taking a sip of her tea and eventually with a pout Isara continued on. "My sister Becky, Elizabeth formally. Named after the matron that looked after Mama Alicia at the orphanage. A hellion of a sister and only a year younger. Hell, I volunteered first just to make sure we weren't stuck in the same unit. I love her dearly, but she could be a bit much at times".

"Oh, how was it that you call her a hellion?" Juno asked.

Isara took a sip of her tea before answering. "Probably hobbies. I liked books under a little bit of shade outside, she liked chasing butterflies with a net. Then when we were older it was me taking up growing fancy plants, hers was to have exotic pets. Those expeditions were great for that, I got some bug eating plants called Venus Fly traps while she got a giant constrictor snake. It was great" she said with an eyebrow raised to mirror her mother's own at the tale.

"Still family" Juno said with a smile that hopefully did not have any pained longing in it. "Still family" Isara answered with a smile as well before she shuffled closer and reached a hand for one of her pockets.

"Here let me show you a few pictures I carry on me. This is one I like keeping around especially. This is me with my first boyfriend. In the scene you can see that rather than dad doing the threatening it is my sister. Bowie the Boa Constrictor giving him a snaky kiss. Never had any real problems with him even though we ended up splitting. It was on good terms and we keep in contact occasionally". Juno did not know whether to be scandalized or proud of her apparent children. Not the way she would have ever behaved, but perhaps that is a good thing. They certainly seemed to have grown up happy and well.

Isara's faux condescending patting of her arm shook Juno out of her musings and she tried to take a sip of tea to regain her dignity. Moving on Isara took out another photo. "This was a few years ago when we went back to visit friends we had made during that first expedition. I think it captures the family just right. See here is dad, here is you, and here is . . .". As Juno listened to her daughter ramble on, she felt content. Almost inordinately pleased that her daughter did not have the same flaw she had. The next generation would definitely be better than the previous.


Isara the elder looked over the room she was in. A familiar one, after all it is her room. Of the entire house this is the one that was most damaged. Thankfully most of the precious things were hidden already when she was preparing the house before the fighting started. But that still left quite a few missing things and what looked like someone taking a sword to the wall to get rid of a few things. Someone putting a big Imperial banner across the wall did not help things. It made it clear that just taking back the town would not fix everything. For a moment she fantasized about burning the banner before just deciding to rip it up to use as dust rags later. They wouldn't be ablto actually stay in Bruhl and as much as that hurt to not be a big part of fixing the town, Isara had to make do.

"Hey Mom, do you want to do anything with these or should I just toss it?" asked her daughter, interrupting Isara's thoughts.

"Oh, what is in there exactly?" Isara asked distractedly.

"A few things of junk, spare razors, boot polish, gold piping, bunch of other things like that" her daughter explained.

"Does any of it have Imperial markings?" she questioned.

"Yeah, some of it even has gold leaf". Isara frowned, stuck between being practical and frugal or otherwise at that.

"We can put it away for later. Hmm, is that the last of that sort of thing?". Her daughter nodded.

"Right best we bring this down to the garage. We can leave it for later" she decided.

They trudged down the stairs and saw that the others were getting an early start on getting dinner ready. They didn't have the time for anything fancy but having an actual kitchen helped. Nodding to the others she passed by the duo went through the door to the garage. Inside was the familiar shape of the Edelweiss taking front and center. The Imps having looted what tools and parts were still here left plenty of space since it was obvious they were not using the space for anything productive.

Clapping her hands to get rid of the dust she saw that Alicia Jr. after putting down her box was taking a moment to look at the Edelweiss. Isara stepped up next to her. "Something up?" she asked confused.

"Just looking at the Edelweiss. It is different, I'm not used to it being in this configuration" was the answer.

Tilting her head Isara considered that. "What sort of configuration?".

Her daughter nodded before answering. "Yeah, it might be the best tank here and now, and still is a fair one in the future but that doesn't mean it wasn't getting a bit dated. I think you mentioned something about making it into a tank destroyer of some sort to keep it useful".

Isara crooked her eyebrow. "How so? What advances were being made to make it outdated like that?".

"A few things really, more powerful engines, better armour schemes, new hull composites, just a mix of things that led to the next generation of tanks. Main battle tanks were what they were calling them, the weight and armour of a heavy tank with the speed and maneuverability of a medium tank combined with a gun that only the heaviest tank destroyers had had before. The Edelweiss could be considered an earlier version of that concept, but that just highlighted how far things had gone". Isara mulled that over before speaking up.

"Did we ever discuss how the Edelweiss was developed, especially with its current form?" Isara decided to lead with.

"A little, you spoke a bit about grandpa Theimer's work in building it. Uncle Zaka and Big Brother Kreis also sometimes came by but I don't really remember what the debates on it really were about. Just alot of blueprints I remember glancing over". Isara felt a little happiness at hearing about the extended family her daughter would have had. But also dug back up the mixed feelings she had on the big reason why she could have a daughter with her life long brother even if not by blood.

She hoped her voice did not crack as she decided to move on. "Well how about the reasons the Edelweiss as it is now has the sort of equipment it does? Even if we have been tinkering with it all even in the here and now".

"Something about the biggest guns they could get to potentially impress the brass?" Little Alicia answered.

Isara nodded. "In part, it was really a technology demonstrator. Edelweiss was never a main production model vehicle after all. Father wanted to show how versatile for upgrades it could be, Gallia could never field alot of these so to be adopted at all they would have to be able to serve for a long time. Always able to be dragged back for upgrades to keep up".

Alicia Jr looked back at the Edelweiss. "We, we took turns working on it as I grew up. I went from just helping out to later trying to put our vision of how it should go. We crammed so much into it that we eventually just stressed the hull a bit too much on a test drive. It was getting old too to be seriously put in its paces." Isara considered those words and what was left out.

"What happened next then?" some emotion she couldn't quite describe in her voice. This was a reminder of her birth father, she loved Papa Belgen but there was always a place for her father Theimer and the stories she was told of him by Papa.

Her Alicia answered. "We kept it around, even still worked on it for stress relief or for rides at fairs. But it never seriously went out to battle again as far as I know". Her expression to Isara's eyes was that of nostalgia, contentment even. The old warhorse retried at last.

"But you can't really forget it" she mused out loud.

"No, no you really can't. Not with the stories it had been through" was the reply. Putting a hand on her daughter's shoulder Isara asked a question. "Did we ever tell you the story about Martha and our great escape in the Edelweiss?".

"Yeah. But could you tell me it again?" Alicia Jr.'s request was answered by a bright smile as Isara leaned in close as she started the tale of how the Edelweiss had a deed that few other tanks could say they had.


Alicia sat back against her chair as she felt her body start to work through what she had eaten. Military rations were not that great but the Imperials had left some supplies and of course having an actual kitchen helped a great deal. Looking over she saw the sight of her daughter Isara, she looked just like a younger version of herself. Something she still felt some wonder at. To have a child, it was a dream she didn't think she would see so soon. She was just looking to be a baker and this was what was in the future? She wanted to ask if she was a good mother, if Welkin was a good father, but she couldn't muster the courage to actually ask. Instead she turned away to something safer. Such as the gun maintenance her daughter was doing. Isara had taken a cleaning kit out of the stock of the rifle and was field stripping the gun. Alicia noted that to her surprise not a single tool was needed, other than a spent piece of brass. No screwdrivers at all.

Deciding that she wanted to actually see more about it Alicia dug into her pack for a few of the extra supplies she had and went to sit down by her daughter. "Here, I don't think that you can have many supplies in a rifle alone".

Alicia was treated to a smile and a muttered "Thanks" from Isara. Alicia hovered a hand over the empty buttstock which got a nod from the younger girl. Picking it up Alicia felt that it was not wood, some sort of plastic? She knew from a few mutterings from R&D that they were working on plastic parts to make lighter rifles. Looking at the long length of the rifle Isara had, well they needed that lightening. Feeling the texture it felt strange, not smooth at all but textured. "Rubberized" she heard from Isara to which Alicia nodded as she wet a cleaning cloth to wipe off the dust and dirt on it.

Quickly cleaning that part, she gestured to the now emptied receiver and got a nod. The receiver was strange, made up of what seemed to be bent metal rather then the more solid gun parts she was used to. It looked, well maybe not flimsy since it was still steel. But cheaper, quicker. At least the ever-familiar crest for the National Arsenal was stamped into a few places. Cleaning the grime from the inside and outside with a cloth and wooden dowel she reached to where the sights were and decided not to mess with them. Some strange barrel arrangement for sight adjustments that could be entirely flipped up or laid down to not snag on things she supposed. There were a few holes and studs that looking over seemed to be for a scope mount. A sniper rifle as well as a regular rifle? Not something she was used to. Looking back over the entire length as it would be assembled, definitely not a weapon she would be used to shooting with its pistol grip form.

"Hey Isara? Could you tell me more about this rifle? Definitely not something I have ever seen before" she asked.

Finishing cleaning the scope for the rifle she put it in a little carry case and started arranging the different gun parts in order. "Sure. A bit of history. This rifle is the Gallian S-M 20R. Loosely based on the S series of rifles you might know about. But the other part of it comes from another gun that the Arsenal would be trying to make in maybe a decade or two? Well that rifle got stolen by the state that would replace the Imps and so they couldn't make that rifle anymore. But parts of it would come back in this rifle. A Battle Rifle, basically an improvement on Semi-Auto rifles. It uses gas and a rotating bolt for semi-automatic fire. Some can fire in full auto instead; this one does not have that setting though. This is actually a bit of an older model; the newer models use a new ammo in 6.5mm. Not like the classic 7.92, but I like the extra kick to be able to deal with body armour. But the thing doesn't actually seem to kick as hard as it should, I shot some of the rifles you are using, and the difference can really be felt. No bad shoulder bruisers after a day of use". Alicia nodded at that, she knew that feeling even if the bruises usually disappeared overnight for her.

Isara putting her latest gun part down reached out for a piece of string with a few attachments on it. "Hey mom, could you hold this end? Need to clean the barrel". Finding herself a little bemused to hold a piece of cable she watched as her daughter fit some pieces together at the other end before holding a soaked piece of cloth. "Thanks now push that end out the muzzle, then slot this in and finish pulling the entire thing out. We have to then repeat that for a brush and then a dry patch". The process was complete in only a couple of minutes as novel as this cleaning method was to Alicia, just one of the many small things that showed just how the future was different. Isara took a moment inspecting all the parts and seemingly finding them good reassembled the entire gun.

Seeing Isara shoulder the weapon to check the balance she noted the other particularly strange feature on the weapon. She had seen it a few times before, but the adjustable bipod still confused her, strange to imagine a bipod on a standard rifle but there was one. "Thanks for the help Mama. Do you think we have the time to put something together for tomorrow?".

Alicia cocked her head thinking. What could this be about? The answer came to her. "I think we can have some dough ready to get something done. Want to help me this time?". The smile she got was answer enough. If and when she had a child of her own, she hoped that a little of this Isara was there too.


Welkin, having had the unfortunate responsibility of making sure the rest of the platoon was bunked for the week of R&R found himself staying overnight back at camp. But as he sat back to relax for a moment and digest the evening meal he heard someone knock on the frame of the hut he was in.

"Uh come in" he called out somewhat confused. Sitting up in his seat he saw that two particular individuals had come by. Of the fireteam of daughters that had shone up, this pair's mothers were not part of the unit. They had been somewhat lonely and Welkin tried to spare some time for them though they probably met with Alicia more they did him. He, he let that happen. He had the entire unit, the orders from above, and he just did not know how to handle a sudden glut of children he was never there for and in their teenage years already. It, it was quite something.

Shaking his head he refocuses on his guests. As he was about to ask if they wanted anything he saw the looks on their faces. This was going to be a serious conversation. Gesturing to the rather threadbare couch that the room had he took a moment to throw another log into the stove. The room being warmed against the night chill he sat down at another chair away from his desk. "Right, this isn't going to be something easy is it?" he asked.

The silver haired daughter was the one to speak up first. "No, it won't be. We had a bit of time to adjust to things and well, we finally decided to actually ask for something". She paused for a moment, the words not seemingly coming out easily.

The darker haired daughter of the pair took up where her compatriot left off. "We, we don't know how this will go. If this is even possible at all. But we have to. We have to ask. Can you help our mothers?".

Welkin takes a deep breath and only when it starts to burn does he let go and take another. His mind trying to come up with something to say. But he comes up with something. "That, I. I don't know. I, well there is nothing we can do but try".

That brings him two arms full of crying teenagers. Welkin feeling the breath knocked out of him has to take a moment. But his arms are instinctively bringing them in closer to him anyway. He feels teardrops on his clothes as all he can do is rub little circles on their backs. His mind not handling matters well as it tries to go on track, skips a beat, and returns ad infinitum.

It takes long minutes for them to calm down enough and for Welkin's shirt to be in need of a good wash. Leaving it off and grabbing a spare one Welkin lets his daughters get some composure as he inspects the peeling paint on the wall as a kettle of water boils on the stove. When the sounds calm down he looks back and waits, as patient but not pitying a smile as possible on his face.

Silver haired Isara starts. "We, we just kept worrying. Just kept bouncing back and forth without slowing down. It . . .". Dark haired Isara just shakes her head as they fall silent for a minute.

Feeling the need, Welkin decides he has to be the one to speak up. "Like I said, we can only try. But how about you explain your side of the story, that way we have a place to start. Who wants to go first?".

It was his technically royal daughter that started first. "Well I, I think that my mother is the likely first one that you can help that we know about. But it won't be easy. She, she is lonely. When you and Mama Alicia chose to stay with her, it it helped her so much. To have someone that didn't want her as the Archduchess, but as simply Cordelia. That might be for when the War is over though. It will be a life long commitment after all". Welkin coughed as she gave a mischievous smile with those words. A slight whistle let him know that the water was boiled. A slight reprieve came over them as they got some cheap tea to drink.

But as the mugs were set down things sobered as it was the silver haird teenager's turn. She took a breath, her hand clutched in her other counterpart's hand to give strength. "We checked amongst ourselves, but we aren't really sure what to do for Mama Selvaria. I, I don't know what to do".

Another breath. "But, we have a few ideas. Where mother is, the girls don't know for sure. There are a few different stories and places where she could be coming up, but if we do find mother. It won't be easy, depending on how she is. But if we could talk to her, I think I can reach her. It, it won't be easy. But please . . .". Her voice was overcome as she choked up, and Welkin closed in as his other daughter hugged her close. On a knee Welkin grasped a free hand in between his.

"Its okay. I am here, everyone else is here. We can figure something out. You are not alone" whispered Cordelia's child as she hugged her close.

"Its, its just so hard" was the faint reply.

"I know it is, but that doesn't mean we can give up. This is Squad 7, we don't know the word surrender. We do the impossible on a daily basis. Just don't give up and we can get through this". It was this and other platitudes that the two of them whispered to her as she calmed down. Welkin stepped back for a cloth he dug out from his shaving kit and helped clean the tears off his silver haired daughter's face. She feebly tried to resist but as she cleaned off the entire day caught up to her as she eventually nodded off to sleep, overcome at last.

Welkin stepped back for a moment and looked over the scene with a melancholic yet hopeful smile. "Well, nothing like a good night's sleep before we start. You two can take the bed, the floor is enough for me". Cordelia's daughter nodded as she tried to lift her sister from another mother. It took a moment, but she got her feet under her and Welkin helped the two get to the rather basic cot. The army issue blankets soon enough cocooned the two and the sound of light snores filled the room.

Welkin turned away to put another log into the stove. He still had some papers to finish up, might as well enjoy the tea he thought. Maybe get a rough sketch of what they could do. Even if he had only had a few weeks to get to know all the girls, he wasn't the type to give up. The war had been rough on them all, but the time they had been together had given everyone in the unit a bit of warmth, of hope. Helping them would help them all really, now if only he could plan on what to do with all the other women in his life.
A Sisterly Meeting
Disclaimer: Valkyria Chronicles and related franchises are the property of their respective owners, I claim nothing that is not my own.

There existed an exclusive invitation only club whose membership was unique in the entire world. Five of its six members all shared the same name, and their meetings often went from discussing cute pet moments to pondering on how to save the world. This was a practice that often required quite the supply of hot chocolate to take place. Whether that be from good things, bad things, or even just silly things. Such as how the meetings were being run. Everyone being gathered in one of the group tents around a small, banked fire. Each having a small foldable stool.

"As the current Chairperson I declare the 3rd meeting of the "Good Future Planning Commission" to begin! Secretary, the minutes. Do we have any immediate business to take care of?" declared Isara C. (Cordelia) whose turn it was to be the leader and it is a role she enjoyed greatly.

"No Chairperson" dutifully replied Isara J. (Juno) as she scrawled away on a clipboard.

"Very well. Then we will open on our current ticket item of outstanding agenda as decided by the Chair. Namely the issue of naming conventions. We really must expedite starting work on granting all of us formal name changes. This will serve several pertinent collective goals and benefits for all in general amongst us. We are not being paid as is you know. We need legal documentation". Isara C.'s desires are not a particularly secret subject to the group. Neither is the reception.

"Wwaaiitt a minute!" shouted Isara S. (Selvaria), her hands raised in an X as she stood up from her seat. "We are not doing this again!"

"Are we seriously going to continue this nonsense? Yeah we are not getting paid, but that is because all the money is going into R&D and the quartermasters. The hell are we supposed to buy anyway? The entire country is under rationing" Alicia Jr. decried a tick after Isara S. finished. Her eyes filling with indignation at what to her seemed to be a selfish and supremely self-motivated act.

"Yeah, and how are we supposed to get people to accept our story? We are already stretching it with the Captain and she is keeping mum on the issue" rebuked Isara A. (Alicia). "Do you think dad is capable of not getting into adventures? We are going to end up being known and I for one would like actually having a proper name down" she continued. Her eyes narrowed angrily to hide the worries she had inside.

"If the Captain wasn't then we could be . . .", Isara S. attempted to reply before being interrupted by Isara M. (Marina).

The sniper scoffed at what her temporal sister was suggesting. "Do you remember who militia command answers to? We all heard stories about that blowhard General at least once or twice. Can you look me in the eye and tell me that he won't be a problem?".

Isara A. then clapped her hands together in excitement, drawing everyone's attention. The sudden switch lent her words a certain tone. "Oooh, I got one. We assassinate that dude, and it solves so many of our problems!". The tent was silent for a moment.

"We can't just go to planning murder! That's wrong!" cried out Isara A. (Alicia) without much regard for volume. Her mind rebelling at the idea of killing a fellow Gallian.

"Well if it fits" quietly muttered Isara J. as she looked pointedly at everyone else.

"We are already soldiers, we've killed" added Alicia Jr grimly.

"One bullet . . ." was the whispered addition of Isara M. which silenced the tent for a few moments. It was both a suggestion and an offer coming from the sniper.

Isara C. shook her head as she forcibly rallied herself. Her interrupted royal etiquette training told her she needed to regain control of the situation. "Order in the chambers! We are going on tangents people. We need to deal with the issue of pay! How else are we going to deal with the black-market without money!? The hot chocolate people!". How well she did was entirely another matter. What it did was to stun everyone else from the emotional snarl that was about to explode.

"Yeah, uh. Can I just ask, fine, present a motion to move past this. We can do this when we have the next supply of cocoa and are not desperate" finally offered Isara J. to cut through the mess. Her eyes rolled at the look Isara C. gave as she spoke.

"Also we should get rid of those minutes since, you know. Mutiny and conspiracy to kill superior officers" suggested Isara A. sassily. Some of the others looked chagrined at that important realization, but not all.

"I don't think our secretary needs the extra shorthand training quite that much" quipped Alicia Jr. with a smile which helped defuse some of the tension.

Isara C. groaned as she dramatically rubbed her nose as she spoke. "Fiiinnneee. We will set this matter to a vote of the commons. Votes for yay to the current motion of tabling the contentious issue on the stage?". Looking around at the circle of chairs gave her an answer she did not like.






"Very well then, the current matter has been passed. Secretary you are relieved of notetaking duty. Burn the minutes. The other rules now go into effect. The Talking Stick!". Isara C. initial look of frustration quickly shifted as she had that sudden thought. 'Time for some return comeuppance' she thought.

"By the Valkyrur. Why do you do this?!" groaned Isara A. as the former chairperson grabbed a spare wood tent stake from her pack. Said talking stick was thrown across for a recipient.

"Hey! I resemble that!" catcalled Isara she snatched the stick from the air, the others groaned at her words. The faint sound of someone grumbling loudly from the next tent over had them quiet down.

"Moving on" whispered Alicia Jr. as she waved the others to scooch closer in their seats.

"Whatever we do, we need to keep the princess alive and well as point one. Point two is getting better at information gathering so we can actually know to do things. I for one think winging things is a horrible idea" she continued.

"So? We already agreed on these two points, right?" asked Isara M pointedly.

"Under protest" grumbled Isara C as she crossed her arms huffingly.

"How are we supposed to learn spy stuff?!" exclaimed Isara S as she looked around wildly at how things were going.

Isara A. looked at the others and frowned. "Do you think we could be pigeon-holing ourselves? Can't we find something else to do, I don't think spy stuff is really for any of us"

"Being a musclehead is not going to work on anyone but the Valkyria amongst us, but even that is only going to go so far. Getting sniped in the head while not empowered is still going to kill any of us" responded Isara C.

"I raise the point again of having guard rotations. It would be bad to have all of us stuck on one point after all so we should have people around just to be able to help out. That should let us have a few things in the air to work on" Alicia Jr. offered suggestively.

"Yeah, but what about having the people who can make a difference upfront where they can, you know, do things. Can't exactly get the future how we want it to be if we aren't there in the first place to act, Squad 7 tends to be around the same area but that can be quite the distance" retorted Isara J. Her mind not liking some of the potential logistics if they actually tried this.

Isara A. thumped her fist onto the palm of her other hand at the thought that came to her. "Aren't most of our parents able to solve things by working together. Dad is great at persuading people, to get them on the same track together. I think we could do something with that maybe? You know, not run off halfcocked for the sneaky squirrel stuff?".

"Yeah, persuasion. Hehe" snorted Isara S. as she got dirty looks from the rest of the group, aside from a quiet cough covering her blush from Isara J.

"Hey, I didn't mean it like that" she says angrily, looking around at everyone else.

"Why are we trying to discuss our dad's sex life?" groaned Isara C., head in her hands as she tried to massage the image out of it.

"She started it!"
"She went there first"

"Because its how we got here at all. You know, when a man and a woman love each other very much. . . " came from Isara M. which rocked everyone else to a standstill at the outrageous for a child of Marina's response.

"No, just. No" groaned someone in the group.

Isara J. recovered herself with another wild eureka moment. "Hey, if we are trying to change the future, we should be trying to get them together . . .". The other's first response was to protest loudly, but the thought did not leave them as they turned it over. The group growing silent as the idea percolated.

"I mean, if we can use one thing to solve quite a few others . . . We don't have to be the ones doing all the work ourselves after all" said Alicia Jr. as the collection of teenage girls had the idea trail through their thoughts.

"Eww, I can't believe that that makes sense. I feel dirty and wrong" complained Isara A., gagging at the newest direction her innocent idea had sprouted in.

"Oh, grow up already" said Isara S. as she turned to the other girl. "You did get sex ed right? Or did you miss out?". The silence from that direction was telling.

Isara C. seeing an opportunity and yet again a need coughed to get everyone's attention. "If we are doing this, and I think we need to do this. It must all be squeaky clean. Operation name and everything right?". Her smile as she finished was as bright as the dubious look that the others had. "Oh, come on. We can't exactly talk about this in public easily, we need code words" she tried explaining. Even if they thought it was stupid, they did not have any better ideas.

"Hmmm, what could we use?" wondered Isara M. as she signaled that she was onboard with this fresh change in direction. This dragged the others along, none having anything to contest it.

That discussion continued right until curfew set in, the entire time no one actually questioned if they should actually not do the thing they were discussing. One Welkin Gunther went to bed feeling off, as if there was some point in the world that he could actually feel was a source of wrongness but that he couldn't actually do something about.
Good Dreams and a Bad Dream
Disclaimer: Valkyria Chronicles and related franchises are the property of their respective owners. I claim nothing that is not my own.

Princess Cordelia often went to sleep early. A habit borne out of her busy day that often started early and the depressing fact that she did not have anything to do that would take much time after dusk set. She probably wouldn't as she was still a princess with a regent, and she would stay a princess until she came of age or her regency was over. She sometimes wondered about that nebulous future; would she be able to decide things to do then? To make even the simple decision of what she could eat during her meals. She looked at her surroundings, imported silk and cotton from the Far East made up her bed. Her clothes, even the simple sleeping gown were no less intricate, the finest wool and flax spun by artisanal families dating back to the time Gallia was a part of the Empire. The rest of the furnishings could have bankrupted entire noble families to purchase, but all of it was ultimately useless.

The rich should have the resources to stay up late with elaborate dinner parties and did so out of status signaling, even now with war going on. To be able to look out and walk upon streets lit by electric lights, to be able to host grand balls as someone who could go and speak to the people instead of just standing there. She wanted to be able to talk to someone that was not a servant under someone else's payroll. But no Cordelia Gi Randgriz was not allowed the opportunity to do even that. So, she went to sleep, because it was one of the few things she could do and she could find refuge in the dreams she could have. She did not always dream of course; many she did not remember after waking up. But some she did. Still she had never had such a dream as she was right now. It started off with a voice that brought her a rush of joy even in the murkiness of a dream. She was in her bed, well not hers. Her parents, or rather hers now in that dream. She had never entered it, not after the servants had it shut off.

"Mama! I brought you breakfast! Cinnamon and strawberry pancakes. Your favorite!" came a voice that was extremely familiar yet also not at all. She knew it, a name just on the tip of her tongue. Here she was in that large bed, being served breakfast by, by her child. She knew it was hers, a name. All that was needed was a name. But her dream moved on before it could come to her. Someone else seemed to walk in, their body shrouded by the bed curtains as they came into view. A trolley near as tall as they were being pushed by them.

"Slow down now, you can't have pancakes without freshly squeezed orange juice. You shouldn't forget about the syrup too" said someone else. A pitcher in hand that was placed down alongside some glasses. She knew that they would have a gentle smile on their face, one that reached their eyes, a smile she had grown to love for the strength it had given her. Someone who would always be there to save her from all the fears of the world.

"But Daaaddd! I wanna give Mom her food!" whined her child as they hustled around the cart to glare upwards. The face, it was all hers. Her beautiful dark hair even through the curtains could be seen, not concealed at all but on display to the world.

This was hers. Hers and that of the man who was the other voice. Parenthood, children, nothing she had ever thought she would have beyond the paperbacks that were her dirty secret. If she had had control of herself, Cordelia would have cried. Tears filled with joy, wonder, agony, and despair.

"Well, you don't want to rush things right? How about we ask your mother how she wants to be served?" the two came forward, a hand from her husband reaching to push aside the curtains. But it was at this moment of utmost cruelty that the scene vanished. Vanished to be replaced by the early light of dawn coming from the windows. Back, back in her confined room and her confined life. Gone, that dream. She nearly cried but instead focused on keeping those details in mind. Frantically she tried to find a pen and paper, something to keep the details of her fevered dreams. If this was reality then she did not like it at all.


Selvaria Bles was a person defined by her experiences. Those that could be remembered at least. She remembered the times before the Institute as only a faint thing. Like a dim light from a fire just before it was swallowed by the shadow of that place. It hurt, it hurt too much to remember those happy times. Instead, she would always remember that hand, the one that led her from her cell into the light again. She would follow her lord unto death and beyond. Something that was never forgotten thanks to the beat of her heart. She had made a vow, had gained purpose for herself, and nothing would sway that. At least, she thought that would be the case. She, she had failed her lord. Several times in fact. She had always acted to fulfill her lord's desires, but sometimes she was inadequate to the task. Her temper, rare as it could be, had sprung up and foiled her lord's initial invasion plans. Gallia which should have been conquered already in an onrushing tide of metal and imperial arms was now resisting. Time had been given them to marshal their militia, their regulars allowed to rout instead of being captured in a ring of steel. She, she had to make up for that error. She did not know that was the plan, she was not a flawless servant of her lord. She could only work her flawed self to follow his orders.

Selvaria while in public continued to act as ever, but here in the privacy of her own chambers . . . She had ruined more than one set of uniform for want of something else to tear and shred that was not herself. She could not deny her doubts, her agony, her self-hatred. That twilight time between entering bed and actually falling asleep was particularly the worst. Her demons took this time to emerge. Agony that could only be chased away by slumber that refused to arrive. So, she took her favored tonic even if it was a weakness she hated herself even more for. She did not count on what was found on the other side of consciousness. Dreams were not something she indulged in, most nights being either blissful nothingness or distorted memories she wanted to forget. But this one, this was something torturously different. It gave her thoughts she had never truly acknowledged for herself existed. The chance to have a family. She devoted herself completely and utterly to her Prince, but could never imagine a scene like this with him.

She was in some kitchen, one that seemed attached to a small household. Large enough to not be squished in urban sprawl, especially as a window showed a small region of grounds outside the kitchen. But the important thing was the insides. More particularly the people. She was not alone in that room. She was also not there simply as an observer, an intruder in a domestic scene. She was a part of it.

A knife in hand, she was cutting up some ingredients for some sort of stew. The phantom memory of such a dish floated through. It was good, wonderful, homely. Something from the past come anew. From parent to child, a cycle. Something to be passed down. But even as her clouded mind had those thoughts her body continued on. Her view turned as she heard her own voice call out.

"Dear, can you get the temperature down? We can start putting in the potatoes to stew" her voice called out.

"Of course" came out a voice she did not know but did at the same time. The pillar she centered herself around. But not the only one.

"Hold it a second, have to add the salt and spices. I'll be quick" came another voice, one that she knew to be no less of an anchor. A sister-wife in all the meanings possible.

Then came the most devastating additions. "I got it!" "No I got it!". Two young voices, both bundled up tight in aprons and headscarves and waving around shakers. One with a head of brown, the other. The other had her silver locks. Children, their children.

She set down her knife and stepped forward, hands wiping themselves on her own apron. "Children, children. Don't make a mess please or you will have to clean it up. Now come on, if you want to help then I have something you can do. Something just for the two of you".

"Really!" "Really!" was the reply to her words.

"Of course dears, when has your other momma ever lied?" came the voice of her sister-wife.

The other person in the kitchen, her husband came into view with a large step bench. "Here, you can step up on this to help your momma".

"Of course, now come up. We have to make desert after all" her own voice came out. But as she reached down to pick up her beloved children the scene faded. She was left in her bed, the covers tossed aside and the chill seeping through her night gown. It was so, so cold. It was a wonder her tears were not freezing to her face. Cold and alone.


Welkin Gunther had often had to burn the midnight oil to deal with his workload. He was only a lieutenant who would normally have been in charge of a squad, instead he was given a platoon's worth of people. That and only having some of the extra resources needed to handle said oversized unit. Simply because they had a gun and a Militia patch did not mean they could go out and fight. So, he did not often get an opportunity to sleep a full eight hours. It is an ongoing miracle considering how often he had to come up with and execute masterful tactical strokes on a constant basis, with the bare minimum of sleep to boot. So, when he could he relaxed inside whatever rooms he could scrounge for the night. Alone to be able to sort out his thoughts, life, life had been rough. But he would get through it.

The instant his head fell back onto the pillow he fell asleep. Considering just how the war was going and the herd of cats that was his unit, he was used to having strange and oft nonsensical dreams from the constant stream of faux coffee and stim tablets he used to keep going. He was however not prepared for the one he was having. Not in any shape or form, it was not some nightmare of losing soldiers under his command, of the imperials managing to destroy everything he loved and hoped to protect. No, it was something far more insidious. Something he could not act to resist, to overcome.

He was standing in some empty space, no wait it was actually the front room of his home. The same home in Bruhl that he had vowed to retake from the Empire. The issue being that that hadn't happened yet, but here he was, and he was not alone. Around him stood a half dozen women, somehow the room not seeming too crowded from all of them being there. None of the women were strangers to him, though some were better known to him than others. One common fact was that each had a child in the Squad. Each a child from the future, if he had had the ability to think real thoughts in a dream Welkin would be panicking. But in the dream, he was mutely staring at things, not quite having it sink in what was happening as each of the women sauntered closer to him, none of them overlapping each other in the strange dream world. Alicia, Isara, Juno, Marina, Cordelia, Selvaria.

Each lady came up to him and laid a hand, holding him as they all stared at him intensely. Smolderingly one could say. In real life it would be at this point that one Gunther Welkin would have passed the point of simply gibbering and gone straight to whimpering. Instead Dream-Welkin was reaching up a hand to press against the cheek of each of the possible wives at once and at the same time. A warm and smooth cheek that inspired feelings in him. Happiness, contentment, and that niggling one that could be love. Hands reached for each other, and he was standing, then twirling. Around and around in a dance he vaguely remembered his father teaching him to dance at a summer fair. A dance with the pretty girls of the village as the sought-after son of the village's war hero. Dances by firelight that a younger self would leave dizzy from only a kiss. Yet this was his wife/wives, but suddenly the fire they were dancing by was gone even as there was still light. The promise in their eyes was for something beyond that childhood memory. Something far darker he vaguely felt.

He found his views in that dream suddenly shifted, himself lying on his back. And above him, each of his wives smiling terrifyingly toothed smiles with arms ending in claws. Claws reaching down to a particular spot on his lower body. The moment Welkin woke up was the moment he realized he needed a shower to get rid of the cold sweat plastering his body. Also, a change of underwear would be nice.
Two Mothers
Disclaimer: Valkyria Chronicles and related franchises are the property of their respective owners. I claim nothing that is not my own.

Looking around herself Alicia could only sigh, life, life could sometimes take a toll on someone. Here they were encamped for the night, at that awkward time between shifts that meant she was off but not going to sleep so easily. It gave time for the mind to think deep and dark thoughts. If it had been during peacetime, she would simply have made her favorite and guiltily decadent cinnamon bun recipe and relaxed by the fireside with it. To drift off and think of better thoughts of the future and how it could be rather then the fears of now, especially with the horrors of war being added in. She could do without those nightmares, of the blood pooling of the first person she had ever shot . . .

She really was craving the warm decadent taste of that rare spiced food. The gooey center of sugar always gave her enough of a boost to get through whatever had upset her. But this was the Militia, and they barely got enough food rations for a day from the army much less something like cinnamon. But always plenty of bullets. She was already busy hoarding her faux cocoa powder, she didn't want to waste the few spoonfuls she had on something like this. Still, she eyed the kettle of water that was boiling on the fire. Maybe just one cup.

Her attention snapped elsewhere though as she heard a movement on the path, her eyes not having the night sight to see much beyond the moving blur in the dark. The dark hair was a clue though before she recognized the familiar Darscen scarf on tanker mechanic's uniform that Isara wore. The younger girl coming over and taking a seat next to Alicia without a word. Alicia would have spoken up then to at least ask what the matter was if not for the foreboding face Isara wore. It was the look of someone going through a crisis, feeling the delicate matter she decided that perhaps now was the excuse needed to bring out the hot chocolate. Wordlessly she got out the now warmed water and the crude powder to mix into them. The ground up acorns and dried herbs barely mimicking hot chocolate but still a nice boost for the spirit. Isara herself only sipped the mix woodenly before at least enough seemed to have gone down to settle her nerves.

Setting her mug down carefully Alicia scooted closer, an open request on her face. One that Isara looked at, looked down, and only then began to speak. "I, I wanted to have a talk. About, about, them" Alicia's face gained a look of sympathy at that, she knew exactly who the them Isara was talking about were.

Alicia wouldn't exactly call herself some chaplain or consular, but she could still help Isara by using what she did herself. It's how she muddled through this herself. "Lets break things down a bit. What exactly is making you, well. . ." Alicia waved her hand in some gesture. She was not that good at it herself sometimes alright.

"I, I, its. It's just setting in. I could, I could fake it well enough but. My daughter, she is as old as I am. Sure, I mean. In some ways she can still learn things from me. But, what about later? Aren't children supposed to look up to their parents, to always be able to learn something from them even if they become adults? I, I can't do that. I could barely do that, when, when she appeared. But now? I am failing her by not being good enough to protect her much less help her" Isara managed to get out.

Alicia hearing that decided to trot out the first serious thing that came to mind. "Well aren't children supposed to grow beyond their parents? It isn't a bad thing to happen. It means they are growing up well. I don't know about parents but I don't think we are supposed to be stuck to them for our entire lives. Not forget them yeah but we are supposed to be our own people as well". Parents, that was a whole nother basket of issues to deal with later. In the now Isara shakes her head at those words, hands clenched together in her lap as she speaks.

"In a war! A war we are still fighting and anything can happen. Anything almost already happened so many times. Just once, just once do we have to fail and it will be us on a memorial list. So many of them only showed up because of deaths, my death. So often my death" she adds almost whispering at the end as she forcefully let out those painful thoughts. Alicia takes this time to hug her for lack of a better idea. It always helped the younger children back home. Both of her arms clasped her friend tightly to her even as the words finally strike deep into her own heart. Isara obviously has not ever been able to release all this, not enough to fully drain the wound at least. Isara doesn't cry as she is hugged, but she shakes instead. Almost like she was suffering from getting dunked in cold water, shock. Too much too fast.

Thinking wildly all Alicia could think of was to sing a little nonsense lullaby like she had before for the young children at the orphanage. "Its alright, we can put in all we can. We can make it, a little pie for two. Have a slice, it will fill you right up. That warm feeling, just for the two of us". She sang that, her favorite lullaby about sheep, and then just switched to rubbing circles on Isara's back. All to ignore that morbid thought in the back of her head on how easily it could be her doing the gibbering, how some were pointedly only born because her death pushed it so. She does not quite succeed but she still powers on. The armful of shaken young woman not letting her quite fall apart herself.

Keeping Isara as close as possible to share her body heat, Alicia with slightly numb fingers wrapped them both in a blanket. It still smelled of dirt and mud from the trails they walked that day. But it kept the two warm. If Alicia may have been shaking in more than just feedback from Isara's breakdown, then neither mentioned it. It was not what some would call healthy, but it helped leech the venom from both of their hearts as they simply shared the moment-to-moment knowledge that they could feel another human.

"It, I, I'm just so scared. They have only been here for so short a time, but it feels like an eternity, and if we lose them?" Alicia heard mumbled into her chest.

"We all are scared, terrified really of so many things. Maybe that sort of fear won't last forever, maybe we can accept it and still keep living on. We can't fear loss forever " Alicia wasn't sure how much of that was for herself as well. It still seemed to work though as Isara didn't say anything else. A further burrowing of her head and a growing damp spot on her uniform answer enough.

It was a moment that seemed to stretch on but eventually without a signal the two broke apart. Both saw the stressed and tear-stained face of the other but also that perhaps something had lightened in their hearts. They took a moment to wipe their eyes before they caught each other's gaze again. Though apparently Isara saw something more in that exchange as she grasped both of Alicia's arms in her own and asked a question. "I, I just did. That. But. What about you? I just gave up my own dark secrets, have anything to reveal yourself?". Those words might have seemed teasing. But the look in Isara's eyes said that if there was, she would seriously listen to it.

The unexpected rebound of empathy had Alicia floundering as she tried to get some response out. But Isara's arms suddenly seemed iron strong, and Alicia could not move away. "I know you can't have not thought about it. Spill, let it go yourself". A part of Alicia's mind balked in confusion and incredulousness that Isara would say something like that after only just getting herself back together. Another part however sadly seemed to understand exactly her point as tears and a writhing knot of emotion in her chest threatened to explode out in a big mess.

Isara leaning upward with her arms to pull the taller girl's head down to knock against her own seemed to have been the trigger for the next set of waterworks. "I, I don't know what I'm doing. At all. I just, I wanted to be a baker. I love the experience but, I worked myself to the bone learning and then the master baker is. Bruhl is gone and I hated her, but she was going to help me get a license and now, what are we going to do if the war is over? My hands aren't clean, can I really go back to that life. Make things with them?".

Isara nodded looking downward as the revelation spread within her, "Loss, it changes us. So does doing the things that people shouldn't but still have to because if they don't, people suffer. We lose pieces of ourselves that way too". This time when her gaze returned upward it was filled with a quiet strength, something borne in knowing exactly what kept Alicia up at night as well. "But we can grow past it. Not quite forgetting or ever going back to before but, it stops hurting so much and we remember better things. Better things that are still around because we did those terrible acts. We aren't considering them fake, what we did or what we lost of ourselves and others".

"So it gets better. Yeah I suppose it isn't any fancy words like our leader would bring out" Alicia added jokingly.

"I guess it isn't a Welk's special" Isara nodded.

"Besides, we are Squad 7. We take care of each other, even if we are made up of some rough edges. Sometimes around each other too". She tacked on that qualifier, memories not letting her do without.

"Still do, but yeah we have gotten closer haven't we" Alicia quirked her lips as she said, remembering some of the colorful characters that would never have existed in a normal army unit. Each and every one of them really. All part of one big family just trying to make it another day.

"Yes" Isara nodded wryly herself.

"We should probably let go" Alicia remarked, the lowering light of the fire saying that enough time has passed that it would be time to turn in.

"A bit later" Isara replied, refusing to move yet.

"Seriously?" Alicia huffed out.

"Yes" was the answer.

"This is so going to be misunderstood". The two started giggling before they finally broke apart.

"We really need to rest, don't want to go on the march tired" Alicia chided.

"Like we can ever get a really night of sleep with these scratchy bedrolls. I prefer sleeping in the Edelweiss" Isara retorted.

"Only you Isara, only you. Well night then".

"Night". The two separated, hearts wounded but already well on their way to healing after having been exposed and cleaned out. Now if only they had not been spotted seemingly looking into each other's eyes lovingly, gossip had already spread across the entire camp by the time they woke up with the first call of the day. But that was something they could more accept, somewhat.
Coming Up With a Plan
Disclaimer: Valkyria Chronicles and related franchises are the property of their respective owners, I claim nothing that is not my own.

Welkin as had been happening more and more recently brooded alone in his tent. He considered what he knew was about to happen in only a little more than a week as he sat in his tent. The Empire and Gallia would clash in what was to be a titanic battle to decide the fate of Gallia. Though he knew that if nothing changed then it would simply be a costly victory, one that had seemingly been about to push the enemy out of Gallia if not for . . . keyword 'if'. He shook his head, that was a little too far. Instead he had the next battle of the Naggiar Plain to try to do something about. Welkin had to hold his arm still else he would break his fragile travel desk, Faldio, he had thought Faldio was his friend. Maybe in some way Faldio did consider the two of them friends, but did he consider anyone else with that anyway? Welkin certainly was not going to let Faldio simply shoot Alicia, much less anyone else in his unit. Did he know Faldio had something within him that would be willing to shoot his own side even if it was for their "Benefit"? He remembered Faldio's remark about being "comrades" all that time ago, was Faldio's life something that would drive him to be like that? He had made that crass suggestion back at the beginning on their uniforms, was that all he saw? Uniforms, things, not people? Every little thing in their relationship paraded through Welkin's mind.

His dark thoughts were interrupted however by someone ducking into his tent. This was someone else he had thought about during the night considering it would be their mother they would be fighting soon. "Isara, it is late. But you could guess I was still up huh?" he remarked somewhat tiredly, both physically and emotionally. Too many of these talks he had nowadays were not easy nor light things.

"Yeah I can guess that. Wanted to try to do something more productive myself than take apart and put back together my gun for the thousandth time, better than letting Uncle Kreis and Leon mess with it more than they already did" she remarked casually. The daughter of Selvaria had been in opposition to her stoic resting face, one of the more social figures in the new team they had. Welkin could admit he did not always 'people' as well as some could do, charismatic he could be yes. But understand all the little details of others? No, he knew himself enough to know that he had his own quirks and not everyone could follow along with them perfectly or should really.

Meeting the eyes of his daughter from another timeline, she looked at him pointedly. Finally relenting, he decided to ask. "Maybe I am coming at things the wrong way, we have the battle at Naggiar. What is the one thing you can think of that describes your mother right now and during the upcoming battle? The thing that could lead to her deciding to stop fighting for the imperials and lead to, well you".

His daughter seemed to take the question seriously before deciding to do something totally unexpected to him. "Hey, I think we need a drink for this". Welkin looked at Isara with a deadpan gaze. Isara did not back down.

Finally Welkin sighed as he went to his footlocker and pulled out a bottle from the footlocker under his bed and found some cups for them to use.

Setting things down on his little table they poured drinks.

Welkin made a gesture to Isara to talk when he saw what Isara was doing with her turn. "Stop trying to empty the bottle" he chided.

"Hey you weren't using it for much yourself anyway right?" she tossed back as she lightly rocked the bottle in her hand back and forth.

"Its unit property" Welkin tried to throw in. "I was planning on using it as a prize for something.

"Meh, we can use it for a worthy cause" she replied. Finally the two had their first drinks and in mirrored fashion slugged it down.

"So lets start. What do you know that you can tell me?" Welkin asked when they had their breath back.

Isara thought that over for a moment. "Well mother always talked about love. But she went over different forms of it that she learned about and honestly, she never quite described exactly how she came to no longer be an imperial. Still when she did talk, she used that battle to describe part of her views to me before. It went along the line of that love is a wonderful thing, but not to hurt your own heart over it. Literally as she did or rather likely will literally stab herself to get her powers to activate for that battle. She considered that not her finest moment". Isara pantomimed a blade over her chest and Welkin kept in a wince at that. That was not what he was expecting at all, near fatal trauma was needed he knew. But self-inflicted?!

Isara continued on as Welkin had a moment at that revelation. "- but also as she learned, something that could be easily led into bad terrain. That love required communication back and forth between the parties, that assumptions can lead to bad consequences and that contingency plans can only go so far. There is often an unspoken compact between parties that has worth but a lack of reciprocation or desires at cross purposes speaks to unhealthy and detrimental relations". Welkin paused as he parsed through that, it seemed too unwieldy to be anything but a direct quote. That would need to be one of the things he learned if Selvaria was like this, but that was a step he was reluctant to cross. He shook his head, concerns about privacy for what was basically a planned kidnapping could be dealt with later.

"Okay, where would we go from there?" he decided to ask for clarification. Isara put it bluntly.

"We talk mother into realizing that someone who would tell her to kill herself is not someone to be with or to follow their orders. The issue however is that his doing so in an act of spite against us is likely the best moment to do things. Of course I would rather mother not go through such and you would too right? Also in case you don't realize that means a Valkyria can explode themselves enough to take out a city, part of that might have been how the Barious Desert got so many scars" Welkin dryly swallowed at that.

"Yes, that that would be an issue" Welkin gulped down another glass his hands had seemed to pour without him realizing. "But how are we going to do something about that?". A thought came to him. "Can we do something about that? Here and now?".

Isara grimaced. "No, we already had an argument amongst ourselves about it. Couldn't have done anything earlier, absolutely no way for any of us to sneak into places and no opportunity that we know of". She murmured an apology to him.

Welkin squelched any rash thoughts he had first with the help of another drink Moving on to another vein of thought he put forward to Isara. "You think Alicia should awaken her Valkyrur heritage anyway? Can we, is there a safer way to do that?".

"Not really anything that we have the time for" Isara retorted slightly heatedly, Welkin nodded before moving on.

"Well what can we do to fight a Valkyria? I know that you want to bring your mother in, but she is a soldier and won't simply let herself be talked into laying her arms down right?" he asked, trying to think up an angle to solve their problem.

"Yeah, probably not. Which means we are going to need something to counter mother as long as she is still in her whole "My Life for My Prince" phase" Isara remarked mockingly, hand going in an Imperial salute. "Anyway it has to be something serious, since she mentioned facing Mama Alicia in a battle of love vs love, and woman vs woman, I don't mean with singing. She mentioned lots of bullets and explosions. Also a machine gun for some reason".

Isara took another sip of her drink before continuing. "But for this we shouldn't keep it to just ourselves right? Ask Alicia, she is going to be need to be involved in this if that is what we are talking about. This is half about her too if you think about it. And if we want to have someone that can put up a fight as a Valkyria, well someone that already has an identity for the public would be good. I don't think adding a few more young Valkyria would make things calm or predictable in the future. Not to mention, well I don't think any of us want to try what is needed to get power of that level. At least, you don't want them to try right?". Welkin winced again at that thought, the look in his daughter's eyes leading him to think she wasn't really talking about him with that. They had had talks like that before he realized.

"Okay, that seems like the sort of thing that we should wait on for now from the looks of it. How about other parts of the battle, it wasn't just Valkyria vs Valkyria wasn't it?" Welkin asked, trying to get something more achievable.

Isara nodded and explained what she knew of, not much but knowing that the Empire wasn't just focusing on their champion to win the fight helped a lot. He had a random napkin he found to use as a notepad filled with scribbled details.

Welkin turned over the details in his head. "Simpler, simpler. The battle, we have to make it through the battle first. The battle with an active Valkyria and also lots of ambushes" he muttered aloud as thoughts turned in his head, his slightly fuzzy head.

"Isara made miracles happen with those smoke shells. But now we have more hands" he mused before shaking his head. He wasn't sure where he was going with that thought other than how useful smoke had made their lives.

"Make sure it doesn't get too crazy, I know mother mentioned a certain hatred of some old Gallian General for using gas. I think it was the first battle for the Citadel? In the beginning of the war" Isara noted, growing annoyed at having to keep yet another facet of things in mind. Easy answers not having come out as she had hoped and realizing that fact more and more.

"Yeah, I don't think we are getting our hands on anything like that at all" Welkin's skin broke out into goose bumps at the mere idea. Still he had a plan to work over, once he was more sober and could use the notes he was taking better. "Still it's enough to do our damnedest to get everyone back in one piece".

"Survive, is that all we can do? Is there nothing else?!" Isara cried out after taking another drink. Her frustrations leaked out at last after the entire long conversation.

"No, not just survive. We can set things up for next time. This won't be just a fight to defeat Selvaria on the field of battle, no this is a battle for mind and soul. We are trying to win the war after all" Welkin spoke calmly.

"Why do I think you need a band and flowers more then you need soldiers for this" Isara muttered under her breath. She then had a realization from that thought as she started muttering more intensely to herself. It was mangled enough that Welkin only looked at her questionably.

"Nothing! Well something, but I need to discuss this with the rest of my sisters. You aren't allowed to be involved" She capped that off with sticking her tongue out, more and more of her personal restraint drifting away. If only she felt so confident with that question she wanted to pose to Jane later, hopefully Jane wouldn't tear her head off.

"Hehem, young lady. I think you are a bit too old to be doing that anymore" her father chided as he took a sip. A sip after quite a few other shots with not much to cushion the blow.

"Why not? I can act however I want and you can't make me" she retorted.

"Oh, is this what teenage rebellion is like?" Welkin blearily noted.

"Hey, part of my teenage rebellion is helping you to. Well-" Isara trailed off, not quite brazen enough to outright say what she wanted to out-loud. At least without another drink, which she summarily had.

"All is fair in love and war?" Isara slapped her head, knowing full well that her father did not mean that the same way that most people did. Still, he was at least somewhat on target with this whole convincing people thing.

"Yes it is . . . Should we, you know, be discussing this like we are? Now that I think about it-, you know . . ." Welkin trailed off.

Isara still realizing that Welkin was a tad bit obtuse on the point she wanted him to do finally decided to be blunt. "You mean I'm helping you seduce mother? When all my sisters are also making sure you are with everyone of their mothers? I think that this is a great way to do things, unless you want me to do other teenage rebellion stuff?"

"Seduction?! I thought this needed calm discussion about the rights of people and healthy relationships?!" her father sputtered out.

"You aren't exactly experienced at this sort of thing are you?" Isara sighed exasperatedly.

"Considering that I'm not actually that much older than you right now? I think I can, well be forgiven for that"

"Yeah . . ." They both broke off, things were getting a bit too weird if they continued that part of the talk.

"Anyway, about that seduction plot itself" Isara decided backtracking should be done.

"Oh no" was heard faintly.

Isara decided to bulldoze ahead. "I mean, if we are doing this, and I really don't think you can refuse this-".

"What is it?". Welkin let out warily.

Isara had a thought, a thought she was not going to let be locked away in her head. Something very important to vocalize. "I think this makes you worthy to bear a title. The best of titles".

"Young lady . . ." her father said, instinct realizing that he was in danger of something if not what exactly.

"Come on, surely you can think of what I mean? Seduction, a step on the path of seduction. Some people consider it the entire point, though I won't forgive you if you don't take it further. None of us would so really, you can't stop. We are important to you right daddy?" she spoke teasingly.

"Wa? Where? Where are you taking this?" her father denied, isara wondered now if he was this obtuse or it was the drinks. It shouldn't be, look at what she was letting out of her mouth.

"Come on dad. I mean mom isn't quite mom yet but really I think we can skip that part for now" she blithely replied.

"Pretty sure that is wrong" Welkin tried to apply the breaks to the conversation.

She ignored that and kept going. "Well what does that make you? You know, after the whole show has gone on. Come on, you can think of a certain two word combination right?"

"Please don't, Rosie is already enough" Welkin admitted which only caused Isara to explode in the realization that her father was not unintentionally obtuse the entire time. Which just made it worse.

"Well she would have experience seeing people like this wouldn't see? She has been a part of bar scenes after all. Now, how about you talk to her or I will feel like introducing this fist of mine to you for being like this" she threatened.

Welkin raised his hands in surrender which cause Isara to take that as a surrendering of the bottle entirely. Suffice it to say it was empty by the time morning came and some hangover cures were needed. Still, they had something to use. A powerful weapon indeed in the hands of certain protagonists. It would hopefully be enough.
Careful What You Wish For
Disclaimer: Valkyria Chronicles and related franchises are the property of their respective owners, I claim nothing that is not my own.

It was one of the few days that the entire unit had in the Capital City. There for an all expenses paid vacation with their glorious leader busy handling medal ceremonies at the Castle. A few of the "Mothers" brigade as they called themselves, willingly or not, noted the conspicuous absence of Isara C. as they had driven from their barracks for a night on the town. The unit had grown large enough to separate people, especially some who wanted to go drinking without the horde of teenagers mini-mes cramping the atmosphere. So the different groups parceled out to whichever bar was to their taste or had space.

This time the bar was "Old Michaels", a small hole in the wall affair in the middle class parts of town. A rather sleepy place with people there mostly to chat rather than simply drink. The room's decor mostly consisted of faux antique pieces of 'rustic' country homes which would have anyone who actually lived in the countryside snort at how tacky it all was. It was seated around a table by a wall of the barroom that the group of five individuals started chatting.

"Honestly, did the girl have to sneak her way in as her father's Aide?" Alicia mused as she nursed a drink in her hand with a tray of piece of cheap bar food in front of her.

"You can't say that she doesn't have a reason to do that" Freesia replied, voice sympathetic towards the future daughter of their monarch. Technically maybe, if the girls could help it as they had made clear they would before through their rather unsubtle attempts to push everyone towards their mutual father.

"I know, it just makes me nervous. Just, so many problems" Alicia explained as she took a gulp from her glass of beer.

"Problems, this entire situation is nothing but problems. Problems, surprises, and sudden discoveries" grumbled Rosie as she took over for Alicia. "Heh, politics at the capital. Just a clogged pipe that needs one Imp declogger to burst open. Asshole prince unfortunately part of the package" joked Rosie between taking bits of her cheesy potato wedges.

"That is like, so true Rosie. There was all the bigshot tanks, then the armored train, and now the big lance on treads. Like, why do they have so many super weapons anyway?" wondered Cherry to the others as she remembered the description of the Mormota, or whatever it was named, that they got from the girls.

"Compensation?" muttered Isara as she made a face at a burnt piece of food she had found. Poking it over revealed that she was just unlucky rather than being targeted. Pushing it aside she at least found the cocktail she ordered was fine. "Too many big egos wanting their own super-weapon to be the best" Isara remarked dryly and with a hint of personally felt exasperation.

"What I could do with that sort of money, like so much" muttered Cherry, dreaming for a moment of the piles of money that would be. Enough to swim in she wondered dazedly.

"Would you want to be a noble? Also an Imp of course" remarked Rosie derisively, her voice disbelieving more than anything. Her face not seriously affronted but still bearing the old hate that she shared with Jane.

"Oh, no no no. Just no, like really, no" shuddered Cherry as she took a drink to purge the bad feelings. "I don't want to have to put on airs, wear a corset, or whatever else they consider for fashion. Like, that would be horrifying". The others nodded along at Cherry's focus bemusedly.

Alicia, trying to think of something to say decided to use the first thought she got."I remember that the Prince goes around wearing some strange gold stuff even in the middle of a battlefield, wonder how long he spends cleaning it?".

"I care more if we can get our hands on that stuff. Would be nice to hang it on a mantle, or at least it would be worth a pretty penny" remarked Rosie with a bloodthirsty smile which got either grim nods or indifference from the rest of the table. No one there had gotten through the war so far without some blood on their hands.

"Well then, how about we get the second round?" offered Alicia rather plainly to change the mood, to which the others agreed to quickly.

After finishing ordering Cherry opened up the conversation this time on hobbies they would like to get back to.

"Hah, I wonder if I can find another master baker to apprentice under. I want to be a baker, but to have to redo every little thing again . . ." as Alicia trailed off despondently Rosie clapped a hand lightly on her shoulder.

"Hey, if there is one thing that this war will do it is shake things up. I certainly don't see anyone being able to rebuild without at least loosening the guild system. At the least you are going to be a big war hero with the rest of us, your good enough that I think you can just get someone to write it all off if you really want that fancy piece of paper". Alicia nodded, still looking a bit depressed but now able to focus on everyone else at the table again.

Freesia cleared her throat before opening up about her favorite activity. "Dancing, definitely dancing. I want to go back to my old routine. Traveling under the bright desert sun, spending time under the stars, swaying to music while lit by bonfires. I loved those times, but I do miss all of you and having someplace to put a few things to keep actually is appealing to me now. I still want to wander, but a place to call home and be able to meet up with everyone easily isn't a bad thing" she mused as she thought about what her heart wanted.

The others nodded at that, finding the feeling understandable. Isara was the next to speak up. "Might want to get myself another degree in engineering, if they offer opportunities for that. At the least I want to see if I can get the Edelweiss' design down for production. I don't want Gallia to ever be at threat again and I hope that having more tanks descended from the Edelweiss will be the thing to do it".

Cherry whistled at that. "That is definitely, like something I could get behind. Cheers!" after clinking their glasses and having a drink Cherry chose to go next after a bit of peer pressure.

She shifted with uncertainty on her seat before speaking. "Like, I don't really know. I always loved the big city life but my parents have been badgering me to come home and I really do want to. The thing is like, I have a maybe fiance. I know my parents had some arrangement that the war interrupted, so like I go back and get married or do something else? Like, really I don't know". Cherry explained despondently about her likely future, just uncertain on if it was the best course of action for her.

"Hah, that sucks. Having to do that must be awful. Still, can you think of something else you can do?". Freesia asked, words just on the other side of being slurred as her tanned skin grew ever more flushed as her mug's level grew lower.

"Nah, like, would need someone to take up that job or something. Like, I'm not sure if I want to try to push that on someone in the unit since I like, actually like and know all of you pretty well. But, I don't know if I could do that, without it being with someone that I know how they tick".

Rosie snorted as Cherry struggled to find something else to say, her cheeks rather like her nickname. "Well considering the current trend, you might as well hop on the bandwagon".

Cherry turned to Rosie, her face oddly thoughtful as she considered those words. Another drink from her mug 'helped' that idea develop in her mind. Freesia who had also gotten through most of her second large mug without having much more food erupted in a laugh before saying. "Hey Cherry, how about you and me go up to the boss-Left, left, lieutenant! We could ask him if he has enough space in his heart, and his big old rich manor for two girls looking to find their own way. One dancer and a handmaiden, head maid, someone who picks their bosses clothes?".

Cherry hiccuped at that thought and started stuttering. "Na, no, no. That, I wouldn't look good in a maid costume".

Isara looked over blearily, eying Cherry up and down before sagely shaking her head. Rosie snorted again before she spoke up. "Heh, wanna make that a bet?".

"Noooooo?" Cherry drawled out shakily as Alicia sighed at where things had gone.

Freesia flung herself over to slide an arm over Cherry's shoulders. "Come on, I am sure we can make it work. Do you think Welkin is the kind of gentleman to say no" Freesia turned her gaze to Isara and Alicia as she leered at them both. "hey since you two are sorta his keepers what do you say about a night out together with a certain shiny lieutenant, give him a night no one will ever forget! Might even get a surprise out of it!" she huskily snarked at the two who flushed at that drunken offer.

"Uh, how about we get back. Might be done for the night" Rosie spoke up, seeing that things would degenerate even further from there if they stayed. She put her words to action as she left enough money to cover the bill on the table before corralling the others to the truck.

Freesia, not one to give up kept on pestering Isara and Alicia with drunken grace. Her steps somehow perfectly stable even as she swayed her upper body wildly back and forth. Cherry who was part clinging on for support and part drunken barnacle to Freesia simply went with the flow. As they reached the vehicle Freesia pulled Cherry and herself into the faces of the other two being gently propelled forward by Rosie.

"Come on, one kid. Just one kid. That and a house and child support would only be a bit right?" she drawled to them. Before either of her chosen victims/gatekeepers a cloud of smoke popped into existence followed by a sound like a car backfiring amplified a few dozen times. That did not help the balance of the group as they all stumbled or tumbled away from the cacophony. As the ear splitting explosion of sound faded and the group picked themselves back up they spotted two figures in a shallow dent on the city street. Two figures who each shared a strong resemblance to someone in the group.

Rosie laconically turned to the rather obvious parents of the two new girls in the group. "Well, you just had to say something didn't you?".

"Huh, it happened again" Isara could only mutter dumbfounded at yet additional daughters, not even needing to waste a second to know the father.

"So, how are we explaining this to Welkin?" Alicia giggled drunkenly to the others.

"Considering whose kids these are, you two of course" Rosie pinned the two in question as they leaned on their respective comrade, looking like a stiff breeze would bring them down.

"Oh come on?! Like, a little help here would be nice" Cherry complained as she seemed to be trying to sway even more then she should be.

Freesia blearily looked at the girls still unconscious on the floor. "Yeah, help me get them to a more comfortable location. I wouldn't want to be lying down on some floor now right?". Her words finally prompted the rest of the group to move, Isara having drank the least started getting the truck ready to move as the rest piled onto the seats in the back.

The truck soon started trundling along back to their barracks, the soon to be newest additions to Squad 7 were laid on a few bundled pieces of clothing to cushion all the shaking. Alicia taking a closer look at the two forms remarked to the others, "They look a bit younger than the others".

"Yeah, I am not feeling great about this" muttered Freesia despondently, the cold air helping get a bit more clarity to her head as she inspected the child of Cherry and herself.

The two were obviously dressed in cadet uniforms of some sort. Both embroidered with name tags, one was a Martha Stijnen while the other was Marie York. Rosie muttered something dazedly as her mind spent most of its concentration on being exasperated. "Well at least we don't have yet another flock of Isaras".

Rosie raised her hands in surrender at the reproaching looks the others in the back gave her. "Hey, I can't be the only one thinking that".

Before anyone could jump on that they stilled, spotting the two girls stirring. "Hey mom, are you going to show me how to the new Ribbon Dances" murmured Freesia's mini me sleepily before she seemed to finally focus her eyes on the other version of her mother. "Mom, you have all your bits" she questioned in disbelief. That did not give anyone who heard good feelings about what sort of situation the Dancer would have in whatever future she had come from.

The other girl more tamely to their ears simply wanted food. "Mama Ali's bread, I want bread" she spoke in her sleep, nearly drooling onto the floor.

"Well, you get that license sometime I guess" Freesia said with a rather forced laugh as the others groaned at the even earlier then expected headache they had. Someone was going to have to get to the bottom of this and they were not feeling up to it. Not at all.
Meeting the New Siblings
Disclaimer: Valkyria Chronicles and related franchises are the property of their respective owners, I claim nothing that is not my own.

It was starting to feel almost routine announcing the newcomers to the unit. Just as routine as Welkin sweating as he is informed once more of his apparent newest effort to increase the population of Gallia. Alicia, when she had been told at the time, would have likely grabbed a rusty fork to use on a certain organ if she wasn't more depressed over the common thread for how it came to be that most of the children's parents were in a relationship with Welkin. Then glowing bright red when she remembered that not everyone had a depressing origin story. Suffice it to say the unit betting pool was vibrant and stakes growing even higher after the latest newcomers, especially as the pool of eligible females decreased for future stakes. Rosie and Largo split the profits as the bookies.

Admittedly there was a slight difference since this group came through unconscious but a second checkup properly back at the base showed that they were fine. Being on leave as well as a militia unit they could afford to go easy on them. It was late in the morning, when Fina was on shift at the infirmary, that the newest children started waking up. By the time they had gone from lightly stirring to tentatively awake one of Fina's sisters had gotten their parents to show up.

Freesia and Cherry were both tentatively looking in from the entrance. Both not quite sure what to do now that they were confronted with their apparent children. That is of course until the two young teenagers noticed themselves where they were and then each other.

The raven locked girl bucked straight up, eyes wandering around before catching on the person in the bed next to her. "Uh, excuse me but, where are we?" she asked.

The dirty blond haired teenager looked over, eyes taking a moment to focus on the speaker. She blinked before replying. "I, have like, no idea. I remember a crazy mad science man and a crashed truck with weird stuff at our roadblock in town. Said some weird shit before another unit showed up and then, here".

"Huh, I remember something about needing to arrest a crazy Imp scientist. But we were underground in the desert in his weird bunker" the raven haired girl replied.

"Weird" echoed the blonde girl.

"So uh, whats your name" asked the girl that looked just like Cherry. "Marie" was the reply.

"I'm Martha, its like so nice to meet ya. Even if we are stuck in this dinky hospital. Couldn't they have like sprung for an actual place and not a barracks?" she complained as she looked at the sheets. Field blankets, not even the cheapest set you could buy from a store but regular military blankets. That more then anything else set the tone to Marie.

"Yeah, I was expecting to wake up in a tent since we were out there. But a regular hospital should have been the place to be at if they bothered moving us. No sand either so its really somewhere else. How long was I out?" wondered Martha worriedly as she noticed the lack of heat and the good humidity as well.

Martha nodded. "Yeah, guess that sounds right, where are we?"

By that moment Fina had returned from getting a trolley with some trays of food and seeing the dithering parents simply gave an aggrieved "Ahem" before boldly rolling into the infirmary. The movement at the entrance caught the eyes of the teenagers and they focused in on the newcomer.

The medic gave her best reassuring smile as she brought over the metal trays of food."Hello there girls, I'm Fiona and I'm one of the medics here. Noticed you all waking up and thought you might be hungry. Here, just wipe your faces and teeth and you can dig in. Though I hope you aren't expecting anything fancy from base food"

"At least they are cooked in an actual kitchen right? Not over a fire?" Martha begged.

"Yah, rations" muttered Marie as she picked up the metal fork provided to poke at a lump of steaming mystery meat. She recognized the exact kind as well, a tentative bite showed that the taste was exactly what thought it was. "Nice to see that it is the exact same brand as always" she muttered before reluctantly digging in. Seeing that Martha too started slowly eating the bland food.

Fina seeing them obediently eating, put her hands on her hips before exclaiming. "Finest wood fired stove food. Made with love by our resident big lug Largo".

Martha blinked before speaking up. "Oooh, is that Uncle Largo? Are we near his farm? Is Aunty Eleanor here too? Didn't think they were recalled to the colors again".

"Wait, do I know those names? Eleanor . . . Captain Eleanor?" muttered Marie loud enough that Fina realized that they hadn't given the "Welcome" speech yet. Something that has her glare at the still dithering group at the entrance. The group ducked out of sight before anything else could be done. She quickly whipped her head back to the pair and caught their attention again before they noticed.

"Right, you should finish eating before the rest of your food gets cold. You two have a big day today, and you don't want to be out on an empty stomach". The two teenagers grumbled but picked up speed. But they hadn't forgotten what was said earlier and Marie was looking for answers.

"Whats this about earlier with Uncle Largo and Aunt Eleanor?" she asked, trying to keep herself from sounding wary.

Martha looked over confused before waving her hands empathetically as she spoke up."Yeah, like Big Bear Largo and Scary Glasses Cap together on a farm. They were part of mom and mama and dad's old unit. Squad 7, heroes of the war and all! Lots of fancy medals you could make armor out of them".

"Wait Squad 7? That was mom and dad's old unit too. But they were always sad because . . ." as Marie tried to wrap her head over what was going on her eyes caught sight of a dark shade of something. Familiar because it was the same shade she saw in the mirror, whoever it was had been about to enter but had turned to speak to someone still outside. She saw the side profile and despite the sense of familiarity was about to look away when the person's head turned back to looking into the infirmary.

"Mom?" she spoke out, eyes wondrous and utterly confused as she watched her mother walk! Walk towards her on two natural feet. No clunky metal parts assembled with parts meant to go into a tank or truck.

As Freesia tried to speak up with a massive lump in her throat Cherry instead waved as she loudly spoke up. "Hey Kids. Now do we have a story to tell the two of you. It is like out of this world but it's true we swear!".

Freesia cleared her throat, finally able to speak. "Uh yeah, that is. A bit unbelievable but we do have some answers". The following explanation was a bit of a convoluted one, the two mothers having not particularly practiced this even if they had sat through one or two of such things. Welkin had ditched the group earlier because of someone needing his attention right away and not taking no for an answer.

Afterwards though the now united two pairs of mother and daughter were moving on to less serious topics, everyone having agreed that there would be time for more in depth talks about exactly what has occurred so far. Marie and Freesia were both outside, the topic of dancing having come up. A topic that had Marie tearful but exuberant as Freesia was horrified but tentatively cheerful about. Dancing was a serious thing to the Dancer of the Sands and her daughter.

Inside the infirmary still Cherry and Martha were gossiping about what Martha had mentioned earlier. Cherry handed her daughter a mug of tea and waited a moment for the young teen to wet her throat.

"So I don't know if you remembered but I heard something about bread. Hmm, a certain someone's handmade bread being the very first thing you said after popping up here. Must be so good if you were dreaming of it". Martha shook her head wildly in embarrassment before seemingly losing energy and sagging.

"Yeah, it is good. Mamma Ali's bread truck is usually in Bruhl but we visit other places too. All the boys and girls Aunt and Uncle took in love it when we visit". Martha set down the mug.

"Wow Rosie was right, I didn't think they were really that sweet on each other! Oh it is so exciting, you said little ones too? Oh they must be so adorable, do they all wear matching overalls and straw hats?".

"Not everyone but yeah they are all so cute standing together with the harvest. I wish I had the picture on me, they sent a postcard and it was gorgeous. I wanted to be able to visit their farm again. The energy between everyone there, it was so sweet and I loved it" Martha explained, trailing off as she took a moment to realize just what it meant to be so separated from the world she knew before. Cherry, seeing that far off gaze placed her arms around the young girl and pulled her close.

Martha looked up "Mom, I have something very very important to tell you".

"What is it sweetie?" Cherry replied, tone gentle as she kept her eyes locked with Marthas.

Martha intoned seriously, "Never, ever be with that dirtbag!".

Cherry leaned back slightly. "Who?".

Martha swept both of her arms up and grasped one of her mother's hands. "You told me before you had an arranged marriage, that grandma and grandpa had found you a man in your hometown. Well he is a dirtbag, a tosser, a right bastard!" she exclaimed with passion and righteous anger growing higher and higher.

Cherry in the face of that blinked. "Ahh, sweetie that is some strong language. You like really feel strongly about that man".

Martha shook their combined hands as she vented, voice still strong as she deepened their gaze. "He is a penny pinching jerk who you left as soon as you could because he wanted you to be just a pretty doll".

Before Martha could gather even more steam she was hugged solidly by Cherry. "You sound just like me! But okay, I hear you. Parents were like, really bad at seeing what someone was like. Alright, for you I won't". Before Martha could reply, cherry took her free hand and tapped her daughter on the lips. "Now, now. If they are so bad then you shouldn't waste your energy and feelings on them. They were tossed to the curb then good riddance to bad rubbish, you have like your own life to live right? Don't get bogged down".

Martha slowly nodded her head before something else came to her mind and she straightened her back dramatically in surprised realization. "Yeah! No, wait. What about sister then?!".

"Sister?" Cherry intoned slowly, not quite sure how her daughter had suddenly switched to this now.

"Yeah, big sister. You had a kid and then left because you didn't want him around any kids". That explanation brought Cherry to a halt, she blinked owlishly as she processed that sudden bit of information.

"Oh, that. That is. Big" she let out.

Martha nodded. "Yeah, I mean. I want Big Sis around. But you were always so sad and angry about that man".

Cherry shook her head, already having ideas about what was revealed but also knowing that there wasn't anything she could do right now. It was like years in the future and she was busy going week by week if not day by day right now. Thankfully what were friends and family for but to share the burden? "Oooh, deep thoughts again. We are not going to do that sort of thinking now, a rollercoaster like that isn't good for anyone. In fact, if you really want to do this then we should get more heads in the game. You need to be inducted into the new group".

It was Martha's turn to just blink. "Huh?".

Cherry nodded. "Yep, you all have lots of sisters now. You already know that you and Marie are from different moments, but lets just say that we can have our own fashion show with everyone that showed up before. Don't worry, I am sure their council thing can catch you two up on what is going on. Even bounce all the hard questions off of each other like I know they have been. Might get you closer to an idea yourself then you can come find me and we can talk it out".

Martha took a moment to let that sink in. "That sounds, good" she weakly let out.

"Yep, random flailing is like, not a great thing. Besides your my kid, you got a good head on your shoulders I can trust on that! Me and Welkin's noggins combined is going to be a wonderkid I know it!" Martha blushed slightly but nodded back.

Cherry brought her offhand to take Martha's hand in a grasp herself. "Hey, we are going to make it through. With grit and strength and toughness and stuff like that. Because I know you have a bit of me and apparently a bit of Welkin too and a bit of Alicia of course. That is a recipe for great things" Martha laughed at that but wiped the little bits of moisture from her eyes. "That, yeah that is right".

"Now, how about we get some sunlight. Don't want to be cooped up in this old musty place all day" she exclaimed throwing her arm out as she started bringing her daughter out of bed.

Fina who had been working at her desk the entire time decided that that was the moment to reannounce her presence. "I see, well this musty old place needs to get cleaned up. Now hurry along, just because you had something now doesn't mean you can't make room for lunch. The first lunch shift should be along shortly and you can get something small to tide you along if you want to talk".

Cherry turned back to face Martha. "Thanks Fina dear. Thank the nice medic now too Martha, we should follow her advice after all".

"Okay, thanks Ms Fina!". Fina smiled at that. "Go along, I feel old just saying this". The three shared a laugh before the pair of mother and daughter exited to see that the other pair was still hanging nearby.

Cherry exuberantly called to the others. "Heya! We are heading over to the mess to see who is already there. Come tag along, we are in need of introductions to the others". The group started walking along the rows of buildings in the base, there was everyone else to meet and the wafting scent of food in the air to guide them.
Bonding over Boomsticks and Gossip
Disclaimer: Valkyria Chronicles, VC: The Twilight of the Empire: Valkryia Chronicles 1958 Cold War, and related franchises are the property of their respective owners, I claim nothing that is not my own.

When one imagines a war they think of big climatic battles, of hundreds or even thousands clashing against each other on open fields. Admittedly for Squad Seven they had had that at Basirous, the Marberry Shore, and others, but most bits of soldiering work tended to be smaller in scale. For the unit of sisters that was looking to match Squad 7's active roster by themselves, they had been both lucky and purposeful in avoiding fame. At least beyond raised eyebrows by the Captain whenever they were in her sight after the first meet and greet. They still wanted to do their part until the big pieces of action they had planned for actually doing, so that landed them with the common patrols and scouting missions. It gave the rest of the unit a break and a chance to actually be fresh for their own turn rather than get bored and compliant. Why? Well when you don't find anything more exciting than the long gone traces of your enemy in some random patch of dirt then you kind of let it go away and not be mentioned in any war stories. Something all the girls had to learn for themselves as they started getting the kind of war experience that their parents had had themselves. Such as experiencing the need to swear off alcohol as one daughter of Selvaria realized upon remembering everything that happened when she let her mouth run wild.

Isara S. decided to look over her rifle instead, eyes soaking in the familiar sight of the latest generation of Gallia's service rifle from the National Arsenal. Hers was the Type 1 AGS-50R. Made with rugged steel and polymer components, a precise weapon that didn't need to hit as hard as the Reds made theirs to kill a man. Certainly could reach out and touch someone much further than those pieces of junk. It had been built to be durable and reliable because the person using it might not be anywhere near a proper armorer to fix it when used. Something really useful for being sent into the past to when her parents were not that much older then she is right now. It helped her find her quiet spot before she unfortunately came to an end and she had to reassemble the gun. A safe way to have some control in her life that she knew wouldn't blow up in her face. Not unless she was somehow capable of misplacing a bullet, at that point she might as well let herself get shot; she morbidly mused as she was placing the hand-guard back on. But as she was tightening everything down, one of her sisters came by her little shady canopy. The girl plopping herself down on the opposite side of the planks and crates that served as a table, her gun kit thudding onto the wood a second later.

She nodded to the sniper's kid before having to stop a crudely drawn map from sliding onto her lap. "We just got our assignments. It'll be you, me, and the new girls Martha and Marie. Also Nadine as the Engie support. Rosie gets to play babysitter for us". The two shared a look at the other adult going with them, yeah Rosie definitely was going to have her hands full with that one.

Selvaria's daughter nodded, keeping her eyes on the map. Better than someone's stick in dirt drawing, it had basic topography and rough terrain lines. It showed the nearby forests that needed to be patrolled, light vegetation on the outskirts with more dense woods in the interior along with a deeply cut creek across the middle. Not tank territory for sure. The freshness of the paper made her think this was made recently so she looked over opposite her. Said girl in question was tweaking her scope, content to keep going even after the person she had given the map to was done looking it over. "Anything else for the terrain anyone needs to know? Possible threats?". The raven haired sniper shook her head once and then again. Not elaborating on if it was something she didn't think was needed or that she did not know. Isara S. knew better than to try to get a clarification if it meant prying too many words out. She at least could say that if there was a danger then the sniper would be stuck in it too.

Thinking on what she could do for the upcoming mission she tweaked the sights to be on the closer range. Not that she used the longer ranged options often. She was a scout in the same vein as her mama Alicia was, which meant not what others did. But she was good at it so the stormtroopers could complain all they want. They were thinking about their new fancy intermediate calibers but nobody had actually shown up with those anyway. They could complain about wanting to be able to just hold down the trigger and shoot away somewhere else . . . Now she was making herself depressed.

Going back to her better place she looked at the sniper's piece of pride and joy. She had honestly not gotten any look longer than a glance at it before. Both of them were equipped with the same gun to a layman's eyes, but they were not. The silver haired girl's gun was the Type 1 stamped receiver variant, cheaper and not meant for all the little tweaks and additions that the sniper had with her milled variant Type 2. That one had its own scope, the boxy thing looked like it could clobber someone over the head and still hold its mark at long range shots.

Actually that sounded like a conversion starter. "Did people actually try to use the scope to mash potatoes?".

That seemed to get the stoic sniper to actually react as she gave out a drawn out and dead groan. "Ah, want a copper?" she decided to add on to the pain that was wracking her sister.

"Fine, I might as well get some money out of it if you are trying to kill me like that". Isara S. grabbed the not actually a copper piece of change and flipped it to her sister. "A few more and I can actually get a piece of candy" she snarked sarcastically.

"So since I gave you money do I get an answer?" the silverette pressed. "Yes, some idiots did. The Sarge had them pull potato cutting duty for a month straight since they wanted to play with potatoes so much. If you really want to see the other part it you can put a potato on your head and I can show you first hand".

"No thanks, I'll save that for sometime never". The ravenette grunted before she looked up to the side. "Huh, the new girls must have finally been told by Nadine".

Said sisters were walking towards them from the rest of the camp. Isara had seen the latest sisters a few times but never really more than a passing hello if they weren't in a big group meeting. Her eyes moved from their faces to the weapons they had strapped to their uniforms.

ZM SK48 or at least the Gallian version of the GA-58. The Gallian produced gun was much better than the cheaper if harder hitting Red version. The slightly curved magazines hanging from lanyards showed an immediate difference though if the girls would be doing any amount of fighting.

"Well we are not going to be sharing ammo from the looks of it. Please tell me my eyes aren't wrong and you have the version that can actually do something more than be a barnyard rivet gun?" she remarked after getting them to sit around the table on some more crates. She had to keep turning her head to be polite in meeting their eyes when she spoke, did they have to sit next to her? Or maybe that was just the stoic sniper's gaze making them choose not to?

"Hmmph, quartermaster is going to either love you or hate you if they have any ammo that didn't get used to line their pockets" was the other older girl's take on things.

"Hey, we are good for ammo! Managed as they had some in camp from trading with other units. Extra war capture stuff tossed in to make up the difference. Still had to shorten and reload the things ourselves" replied Marie, the girl that looked like Freesia in the unit. The other girl also chimed in.

"Yeah, had to pry the stuff to do it with from Nadine. Then I apparently had to make sure nothing exploded for some reason. Is that girl really so bad about things?".

"You'll figure it out fast since she is coming along" dryly remarked Isara M. which only got a slow "Ookay" in answer.

"I mean, I did the check just in case but I would think that an engineer would be better about treating tools right. She must have some experience if she had them herself instead of with the armorer" was Marie's attempt at using logic. Logic that held no sway in Squad 7.

"Nadine, was, well is the only one with actual gunsmithing experience in the unit. But the reason that was known to them was her infamy in "forgetting" the blueprints for the gun that would end up the communists standard firearm. The same gun you two have, so those of us a bit older have more feelings on the matter".

"Are you like, worried that she would do something bad with it. I mean not intentionally from what you and others have said, but . . ." Martha trailed off as the sniper replied.

"That would indeed be the case. There is a reason everyone else has these guns instead of yours". To be fair it still had a decent domestic following with some militia and civilian gun enthusiasts along with being made for export, but it still was a gun that the reds had stolen and trumpeted its adoption to the world as their own work. Happy feelings in Gallia were never in high supply over that.

"Let us, wait on having her check anything about them until later. I am not sure if she would be interested at all in the first place" they nodded after the silver haired girl gave her suggestion. Nadine was skilled, but otherwise she was an insult to real Gun Nuts everywhere.

"Anyway! Like it looks like everyone here was doing gun stuff, really need to do it so much?" Selvaria's daughter looked dourly at Martha and then the second of the duo, her look was overshadowed by the sniper as she almost soothingly patted her gun.

Not hearing anyone say anything, Isara S. spoke up. "Well, lets just say that your guns were designed to survive her rather than to simply be maintenance free. It's a gun that can almost survive her inattention is another way to say it".

"Huh, but I like this lead belcher just fine on my own" was a response that had Martha get even more disapproving looks as she shook her head before replying. "Hey, I know how to clean and keep it spic and span just fine! Same for you too right Marie?". "Yep!".

"Yes, I think that you could both need the extra help with a gun" was what came from the sniper. It was not quite derisive, but more matter of fact in tone and the two younger girls obviously picked up on that.

Marie shook her head. "Hey, we don't need a fireball everytime we shoot! Besides aren't your big guns getting dumped soon enough? Last I heard the ones up top were looking at being able to put more lead down range".

The silverette tried to puzzle out exactly when the two girls would have shown up, wondered if the years would have matched at all, and then promptly dumped that sort of headache to the side.

Uncharacteristically the other older girl had kept talking. "-well, I don't think that would gain any steam, armor isn't going away after all and you need enough mass to be able to punch through it at a decent distance".

"Not all of us are snipers, they might just do it. Would do it, maybe will do it. Ugh" was the incoherent noise Martha stopped at. None of them wanted to try that weird philosophy nonsense for themselves. Everyone had already had enough of that on their own.

"So moving on, since Rosie still hasn't shown up and I think Nadine got distracted, got anything that would be useful right now to tell?" were Marie's words to change the subject. Martha picked up right after. "Or fun, I especially want fun. Don't have much else we can do right now waiting". She continued on, looking directly into the eyes of the two older girls. "Yeah, you tell us something useful or interesting you can think of and we do the same. Everybody has to have some sort of gossip right?".

Isara S. was both impressed and offput by the energy and collected drive for gossip coming from the two girls. She shared a look at her compatriot in comparative stoicism. This was not either of their versions of chit chat. But before she could say something her savior arrived.

"Right kiddies looks like your four have been having fun, but let's get a move on. I got myself talked into volunteering so I don't want any messing around on this op. The Imps are being annoying bugs so we want to find them and squish them".

"Yes sir" replied Isara S. automatically as the others gave varying levels of proper salutes.

"You looking okay there chief? A bit like peaky to my eyes at least" came from Martha with Marie nodding along.

"Was it Dallas you think?" muttered the sniper a bit too loud to not be on purpose.

Rosie sighed. "Can it with the obvious. I swear . . . anyway, it looks like everyone is ready if you are just braiding each others hair like girl scouts. But final idiot checks, don't forget your water or anything like that". The group obligingly did that rather then get Rosie actually annoyed. Isara S. hoped that she could survive being outnumbered in a group that seemed to be made up of particularly vocal people. That seemed more of a threat then the enemy right now.