Valkyria Chronicles 1920+ world building thread (VC x Scythe crossover)


Some little fun ideas I had around after finished playing Iron Harvest for a possible crossover fanfiction universe using elements of the SEGA VC game and the 1920+ Universe by King Art Games and the stylings of Polish artist Jakub Rozalski.

The basic ideas:

A fusion universe where Ragnite-powered Tesla mechanical inventions become the predominant killing machines of the battlefields alongside tanks. Airships is the common method of air travel and smaller aircrafts are still in their early stages.

The ancient Valkyrurs in this world Europa are foreign migrants hailed from a mythical sunken prehistoric continent of the world after their advanced civilization was destroyed in a freak nuclear holocaust of their own undoings. Like the real world relations between the Spainiards and the Meso-Americans, the Valkyrurs genocided the native Darcens of Europa and rewrite the history then vanished, only ruins and parts of their advanced technologies remained for the modern Europans to rediscover.

The Premise of VC 1920+:

The coming of the Industrial Revolution resulted in many new fascinating technologies like steel and engines. As the industry is developing rapidly, the combined intellects of forward-thinking scientists with the newly refined liquefaction process of Ragnite resulted in the very first iron-cladded walking machines and airships of gargantuan sizes.

Fueled by the glowing Ragnite mineral and driven by the ambitions of governments, corporates and arms industries, mechanical giants of various sizes and shapes start to become the norm of everyday life and eventually becoming a weapon of war, dominating the battlefields of Europa for the next following decades.

The year is 1921 E.C, the dark legacy of the First Great War still haunting the soils of Europa. Despite the end of the most devastating conflict in Europan history, the scarcity of Ragnite, combined with the escalating arms race between the superpowers and rise of radical nationalism, tensions between nation states of Europa are rising once more with the populace becoming even more dissatisfied with the Peace Treaties that ended the War.

Previously fueling the superpowers of the continent with mechs and tanks. The non-aligned technocrat city-state known simply as "The Factory" founded by the famed inventor of first walking automachines that sparked the Second Industrial Revolution, Nikola Tesla, has mysteriously closed its borders, drawing the attention of several nearby nations.

The possibility of another global conflict is only a matter of time for the war-torn continent. Behind the shadow, a dark and sinister secret society steadily grows in strength, preparing to seize power over the belligerent nation states of Europa.

AN: A user named @RedWolf recommended me this site so that I can share my crossover idea, also because I have yet to see anyone done this before.

The dieselpunk and steampunk setting in an alternate Europe of both universes makes the VC + Scythe crossover make them well matched, it would be nice to hear more suggestions from other people on a potential crossover worldbuilding in this forum.

And also because I think it would be more constructive to asking for more advice regarding writing crossover fic like this.

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Any chance you want to set up rules about your crossover's take on Airship tech?

It's pretty ambigious in both Scythe and Iron Harvest as they don't discuss how they work, especially the ones in the Scythe tabletop game.

Btw, do you plan to post your factions' info and flags here soon?
Any chance you want to set up rules about your crossover's take on Airship tech?

It's pretty ambigious in both Scythe and Iron Harvest as they don't discuss how they work, especially the ones in the Scythe tabletop game.

Btw, do you plan to post your factions' info and flags here soon?

Regarding Airships, I'm still working on it. My initial ideas are that Saxony is the leading nation in airship's developments and the airships of this world would be more like the VC2 Perkunnas or like the real Zeppelins than the Scythe versions.

And yes, I will upload factions' info and flags on this thread soon once I sorted all of them out.
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Regarding Airships, I'm still working on it. My initial ideas are that Saxony is the leading nation in airship's developments and the airships of this world would be more like the VC2 Perkunnas or like the real Zeppelins than the Scythe versions.


Perkunas is rebel airship used by the rebels to raid Lanseal Royal Military Academy. A rebel military airship. It has a length of 230m and 8 bomb bays for high-altitude bombing runs. It was constructed by the Federation which also supplied its helium. It is fitted with a ram for attacking...

That's a relief to hear. Trust me, it gets a bit frustrating when we get airships or Zeppelins that look like flying armoured warships without any explanations on how they could fly and pack all that heavy metal weapons and armour. If they want to take it further, they could at least make them hybrid airships while still giving them weight limits.
VC 1920+ Factions: Eastern Ruthenian Tsardom
East Europan Ruthenian Tsardom

"Forward we march! Triumph's thunder louder, higher!

Rus' pride is running high! Rus' glory sparkles brighter!

For the everlasting glory of our Tsar, King of Kings"

-Excerpt from the anthem of the East Europan Rus' Tsardom "Let the Thunder of Victory Rumbles"-

A confederation of Eastern Europan kingdoms and duchies ruled by the Tsars of House Romanov; It is a huge, powerful Europan superpower with unmatched industrial and population potentials, out-matching those of Federation, Gallian and Polanian counterparts.

The rich culture of the Rus' has a long history with their origins that can be traced back to the Kievan and Muscovite Rus' in medieval times. Its people are known for their conservative views including racial discrimination against the Darscen minority of the Empire, which was further intensifies during the late 19th century.

While the rest of Europa becoming more emancipated towards the Darscens, in the Tsardom, the policies toward the Darscens becoming even more draconian and repressive as the ruling elites actively encouraging the people to organize Pogroms against the Darscens, forcibly exiled them to far-flung impoverished regions of the Empire, or worse, being sentenced to forced labor camps to provide labour and materials for the Rus' war efforts.

The end of the First Great War has brought what once a great cultural and industrial power of the continent into desperation, its people are tired, grown weary as famines and internal unrest plagued the country while the absolute power of the ruling Tsar Nikolai II slowly weakens.

The capital of the Ruthenian Tsardom is Petrograd, lies on the coast of the shallow brakish inland Baltic Sea.

Ruthenian military doctrine tends to revolve around armor protections and large caliber weapons, favouring close-quarter combat doctrines. Their tanks and mechs had modular but rugged designs to allow mass production, built to last and outnumbered their adversaries with superior numerical advantages.

Possessing strong armor protection and powerful short-ranged cannons, the Ruthenian heavy mechs mobility are surprisingly fast for their sizes, enabling them to quickly close the distance and unleashing destruction on the enemy. However they generally had poor internal ergonomics with limited visibility, resulting in very low long range gunnery accuracy and short effective firing range than those of Saxon, Polanians and Federation models.

Ruthenian mechs were designed for offensive doctrines, ditching long range weapons in favor of close-quarter combat and melee as well as crowd-control weapons designed for surpressing infantry and static defenses.

  • Petrograd: The Capital of the Tsardom, lies in the coast of the inland Baltic Sea.
  • Kronshtadt: An important port city that also served as the main naval base for the Tsardom's Navy's Baltic Fleet.
  • Moskva: Former Capital of the Tsardom, the city is historically significant for being the first capital of the Rus' Tsardom since the era of the Grand Duchy of Muscovite.
  • Vladivostok: A Rus' city of the Tsardom located outside of Europa in the Far East. It is considered to be the Rus' most important stronghold in the Asiatic region.
  • Fort Aleksander: A naval fortress on an artificial island in the Baltic Sea, it served as a vital defense for the waterway between Petrograd and Kronshtadt.
  • Baltic Sea: A large enclosed expanse of brackish water off the Tsardom's Northeast coast that froze during severe winter season, it also bordered by the coasts of Polanian Republic, Saxonian Empire and Nordic Kingdoms.
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VC 1920+ Factions: Atlantic Federation
Atlantic Federation

"In the name of peace and equality We join hands in brotherhood

To defend these ideals from evil Will we stand and fight?

The Republic calls for us! Let's know how to vanquish or how to perish!

For her a free man must prevail, For her a free man must sacrifice!"

-Excerpt from the anthem of the Atlantic Federation "The Chant of Departure"-


A loose alliance of democracies between two sides of the Atlantic Ocean. It is one of the predominant superpowers of Europa alongside the Saxonian Empire and the Rus' Tsardom. As the Industrial Revolution of the late 18th Century was in full swing, new ideologies of republicanism and liberalism emerged as these movements would culminate in the Atlantic Revolutions started in the New World continent of Vinland then spread to Europa like a wildfire.

Revolutionary spirit persisted even to the modern day, however the presence of the Ruthenian Tsardom combined with the newly emerged superpowers like the Saxon Empire and the Zipangu Shogunate in the Far East represented the external threats for these newly formed independent republics, further motivated them into forming mutual defense agreements and alliances between member states.

The Head of the Federation Legislative Council is a Chancellor, elected by the member states as an overseer of political affairs between the constituent republics, although tensions were rare thus enacting new policies would still take months.

Known member states included the United States of Vinland, United Kingdom of Edinburg, Frankish Valois Republic, Sardegna-Piemonte Empire.

Addendum: Although initially of little importance to the Federation's geopolitics, both the Polanian Republic and Principality of Gallia are listed among potential candidates for memberships. Due to Gallia's neutral stance, Polania is generally seen as the better candidate due to their immense hatred towards both the Saxons and the Ruthenians. This combined with the history of Polania's democracy dated from feudal era and participation of Polanian revolutionaries in numerous Europan democratic uprisings made the Polanians more favourable in the eyes of the Federation politicians alike.


Due to lack of infrastructure in the Federation prior to the Great War, the war saw the Saxonian Empire and the Ruthenian Tsardom leading a head start in tank and mech developments. As the Federation military still rely on infantry doctrines, the sights of tanks and mechs on the battlefield represented the new terror of war, with the latter being used to provide armies with deadly firepower as they mowing down troops in drove with their colossal size brimming with fearsome arsenals of large caliber cannons and machine guns.

Near the end of the Great War, the Federation military belatedly acknowledged the importance of armored warfare, and the development of armored combat vehicles, both tracked and legged began in earnest. Unable to rival their adversaries in technology or military prowess, they instead chose to exercise their economic superiority, acquiring the latest proven technologies available and improving upon said designs to leapfrog the typically long development process and attain an incremental advantage over their Saxon and Ruthenian counterparts.

Early models of Atlantic Federation mechs are derived from those of Polanian models, examples like Valoisian's first automachine, the M1918 "Liberty" was based off the venerable PZM-7 Smialy used by the Polanian Army of the Great War era. As time progressed, Federation mech doctrines became more refined, with the majority of their mechs being the epitome of "jack of all trades, master of none", capable of performing multiple combat roles but fell short against more specialized units of other nations.

Low in cost and easy to manufacture, Federation tanks, much like their mechs, can be considered as armored jack-of-all trades - they will serve the crew well, however they won't excel in any particular role. The Federation industrial capability to field thousands of these tanks with great versatility enabled them to rival their Saxony and Ruthenian counterparts by sheer numbers and tactical flexibility.
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VC 1920+ Factions: Empire of Saxony
Saxonian Empire

"The cry resounds like thunder's peal, Like crashing waves and clang of steel:
The Rhine, the Rhine, the Saxon's Rhine, Who'll keep it when its foes combine?
Dear fatherland, no fear be thine, dear fatherland, no fear be thine,
Firm stands the Watch along, along the Rhine! Firm stands the Watch along, along the Rhine!"

-Excerpt from the anthem of the Saxon Empire "The Watch on the Rhine"-

The Saxon Empire (Sachsen Kaiserreich in Germanic) has its origins from the nationalist sentiments not of the liberal masses but through the cabinets and meetings of a new generation of Enlightened Europan aristocrats partly inspired by the Atlantic Revolutions of the 18th century.

In the late 19th century, a new ideology of "State Socialism" was born among the elites of Germanic states as a counter-movement to the new waves of republicanism that spread across Europa. Despite its name, it was a conservative ideology that opposed both liberalism and socialism with the purpose to satisfy the working classes and detract support for socialism; Favoring the aristocracy, the church and the monarchy while maintaining cordial relations with capitalists and workers. Saxony become the first of the Germanic Kingdoms to adopt State Socialism as part of its national unity with the monarchy while also appeasing the masses.

Through a series of diplomatic alliances between the dominant Germanic Kingdom of Saxony and hereditary monarchies of Baden, Prussia, Austria and Bavaria, the vision of a unified federal Germanic state would be realized in 1871 E.C, with the unified Saxonian Empire as the culmination of seven years of two successive wars by the Germanic Kingdom of Saxony that resulted in the demise of the 2nd Frankish Valois Empire and reducing the Nordic Kingdoms to a lesser power status in a series of events that unified all the Germanic states of the continent.

An emerging superpower of Europa with a highly industrialized economy, developed cities and strong military traditions. Saxony lands are renowned for idyllic landscapes covered in pine forests and seasonal snowfall which were often idolized in modern Europan literature as the perfectionist visions of the beauty and magic of nature.

After the unfavorable conditions of the ceasefire that ended the Great War. the Empire is in a perilous position. The humiliated aristocrats and elites secretly oppose the Kaiser's peace proposals and his appeasement policies with the Rus' and other major powers. In the eyes of the elites and the masses, what the monarchy did is a shameful admission of defeat and a huge stain to the Saxonian national pride, a sentiment that is also shared by the Saxonian Crown Prince Wilhelm, who vehemently opposed his father's decision to accept a tenuous peace treaty with the Polanians and the Rus'.

The Saxonian Empire government is a semi-constitutional monarchy, with its capital in Dresden. The current reigning monarch is Kaiser Friedrich III, his heir to the throne is his son Crown Prince Wilhelm.

Addendum: The current diplomatic relations between the Saxonian Empire and the Atlantic Federation so far had remained cordial to the point a comprehensive mutual defense agreement between the Federation and the Empire against the Rus' Tsardom was formed during the periods preceeded the Great War still remained valid to this day despite animosities between some Federation member states with the Saxonians (Valois Republic in particular being the most vocal opposition due to irredentism regarding the question of the annexed provinces of Alsace and Lorraine in Saxonian Empire).

This is largely thanks to the efforts of the previous reigned Queen Victoria of Edinburgh in responsible for the current political alliance between the incumbent reigning Emperor of Saxony, Friedrich III and his Edinburgh brother-in-law, King Edward VII through the well-matched marriage of Victoria, Edinburgh Princess Royal (Edward VII elder sister) to Friedrick back when he was a still the Crown Prince of Saxony.

Saxonian doctrines placed an emphasis on armor and firepower superiority. Their mechs have intricate, over-engineered designs, armed with accurate guns of smaller calibers with higher rate of fire and shell velocity compared to their peers. Mobility wise, they are slow and not very maneuverable, the majority of the Saxon mechs tend to have boxy designs than the rounded or smooth designs of Polania and Rus'. Typically, Saxonian mass produced combat mech designs were adapted from converted obsolete tank chassis but with spider or crab legs while their names based on characters or creatures from German fairy-tales and folk-lore.

Saxonian tanks had similar traits like their mechs, with a balance between firepower and protection. Armed with quick firing but accurate guns, their armour protection while of good quality tends to be less thick and inferior to those armored vehicles used by the Rus' and the Federation due to worse sloping and angling effectiveness. Mobility wise, they are above average but remained inferior to the Rus' and Federation counterparts in maneuverability due to their heavier weights.

  • Dresden: The capital of Saxony and the seat of the Empire, it has a long history as one of the artistic and cultural centers of Europa. Also known as the "Jewel Box of Europa" for its unique baroque and rocco street architectures.
  • Kiel Canal: A freshwater canal in the Germanic state of Schleswig-Holstein, it served as the link between the North Sea and the Baltic Sea due to increasing demands from Saxonian merchant shipping lines and the Imperial Saxonian Navy.
  • Hamburg:The second largest city in Saxonian Empire, it is renowned for its shipbuilding industry and the world's oldest merchant bank, Berenberg Bank.
  • Neuschwanstein Castle: Arguably the quintessential embodiment of medieval Germanic Castle. Neuschwanstein was built for the Bavarian King Ludwig II near the end of 19th century on a rugged cliff overlooking a scenic mountain backdrop.
  • Essen: A city located in the western part of the Empire, it is the most important iron and ragnite production center of the Empire.
  • Cologne: A major harbor and transport hub of the Saxonian Empire in the Rhine River, it also has a significant chemical and manufacturing industry.
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VC 1920+ Factions: Second Polanian Republic
Second Polanian Republic

"Polania has not yet lost, As long as we still live.
What the foreign power taken from us, We shall retake with a sabre.
March, march, Dąbrowski, To Polania from Sardinian land.
Under your command We shall rejoin the nation."

-Excerpt from the anthem of the Polanian Republic "Polania Is Not Yet Lost"-


The Republic of Polania (known as Republika Polanii or Rzeczpospolita Polanii) is a large agrarian country located in Central Europa and the Baltic Sea with a long history of unstable geopolitics between its neighbors, the Saxon Empire to the West and the Rus' Tsardom to the East. Widely touted as the "First Europan Feudal Democracy" during the heydays of its political union with Grand Duchy of Lietva, Polania is a melting pot of Western and Eastern Europan cultures and also responsible for the creation of the oldest democratic constitution in modern Europan history.

Fate hasn't been kind to the Polanians as their nation would be torn apart by the partitions between the Austrian Empire, Kingdom of Prussia and East Europan Ruthenian Tsardom in early 18th century. It would not be until the late 19th century, at the height of the Europan Republicanism Movement that the Polanians would be able to retake their homeland in what is known as the 1863 January Uprising.

With the support of Kingdom of Saxony, Duchy of Gallia and the Atlantic Federation, the Ruthenian occupiers were finally driven out and Polania became independent again. After regaining its independence, . Cities like Warsaw, Krakow, Poznan, Wilno and Lwow became major European cities and the sites of internationally acclaimed academies for higher education.

Years of occupations by their Prussians and East Ruthenian overlords also had left Polania a great deal of industrial base to develop a moderate economy. Despite this, much of the country is still largely agrarian provinces that was badly in need of economic reforms and land redistribution of land that would relieve the population as well as the modernization of production that could shorten the gap between agrarian and industrial prices. Industrialization is still their priority, but the domestic capital just wasn't enough, and foreign investments proved to be not as beneficial to the newly reborn Republic as they have hoped.

Eventually, history repeated itself, during the Great War, Polania was invaded by Saxony during Operation Sonnenaufgang as a shortcut to the East Ruthenian territories. Within 6 months, most of Polania's western cities were reduced to nothing but rubbles and ashes upon which flies the flag of the Golden Direwolf of Saxony, however that would be just the icing on the cake. Near the end of the war the counter-offensive of East Europan Ruthenian Tsardom against Saxony proved as equally devastating for the already badly bruised republic. Despite the protests from it's civilians, most of Polania's Northern Eastern provinces had to be given away by the Polanian government to their East Ruthenian occupiers as a payment for "liberating Polanians from the claws of the Saxon's Wolf" after the Polanian parliament gave in to the political pressure of the East Europan Tsardom.

In the aftermath of the Great War, it is once more struggling to keep this status-quo as the nascent 2nd Polanian Republic is still undergoing a military modernization with the Eastern provinces still occupied by the East Ruthenian military as part of the uneasy treaty that ended the war on Polania's soils. On top of that, years of hostilities had left much of Polania in ruins. Its political, economic, and judicial systems and traditions has to be rebuilt from scratch.

There are rumors that with the current geopolitical climate, the possibility of Polania joining the Atlantic Federation is only a matter of time with the Polanian populace are becoming increasingly restless with the Rus' occupation of their homeland as the unstable peace treaties with the Saxonian Empire and Rus' Tsardom becoming ever more fragile for the uncertain future of Polanian motherland.

  • Warszawa: Capital of Polania and also its largest city, located on the Vistula River, it is a significant cultural, political, and economic hub of Central Europa region.
  • Krakow: Former capital of Polanian-Lieta Commonwealth, the city traditionally has been known as a center of Polanian academic, economic, cultural and artistic life.
  • Gdansk: A coastal city that served as the most vital seaport of Polania, it is currently under the Rus' occupation according to the terms of cease-fire that ended the Great War
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Would you like to use these links to help get some ideas for the conventional vehicles and weapons?

Armor and Artillery by Decade

Showcase of the battle tanks, armored vehicles, and artillery pieces by their respective decade of military history.

Vehicles and Artillery from 1910 to 1919

Combat vehicles, tanks and artillery introduced during the span of 1910 to 1919

Vehicles and Artillery from 1920 to 1929

Combat vehicles, tanks and artillery introduced during the span of 1920 to 1929

List of Aircraft by Decade of Flight

Showcase of the aircraft and helicopters by their respective decade of aviation history.

Aircraft from 1900 to 1909

Military and civilian aircraft introduced from the period spanning 1900 to 1909

Aircraft from 1910 to 1919

Military and civilian aircraft introduced from the period spanning 1910 to 1919

Aircraft from 1920 to 1929

Military and civilian aircraft introduced from the period spanning 1920 to 1929

Warships by Decade

Showcasing the various military warship and submarine types organized by decade of commission.

Warships and Submarines from 1900 to 1909

Warships and Submarines designed, developed and constructed during 1900 to 1909

Warships and Submarines from 1910 to 1919

Warships and Submarines designed, developed and constructed during 1910 to 1919

Warships and Submarines from 1920 to 1929

Warships and Submarines designed, developed and constructed during 1920 to 1929
VC 1920+ Geopolitical Map of Europa

Since this crossover universe is supposed to be an amalgamation of real Europe and VC Europa, I made some liberal changes to be able to compromise with the lore of both franchises. This is only the first draft so there will be changes in the future.

List of major nations on the Europan continent:
  • East Europan Rus' Tsardom
  • Second Republic of Polania
  • Saxonian Empire
  • Nordic Kingdoms
  • Duchy of Gallia
  • Osmani Sultanate
  • United Kingdom of Edinburgh (member of Atlantic Federation)
  • Frankish Republic of Valois (member of Atlantic Federation)
  • Sardegna-Piedmonte Empire (member of Atlantic Federation)
  • Iberian Union (member of Atlantic Federation)
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This looks nice. Where did you get the source material/pic for this? What did you use to redraw and colour it?
So @lawrencenguyen do you have ideas of how to connect the two games' anti-tank infantrymen and their signature anti-tank weapons?

Obviously, the Iron Harvest examples serve as the predecessors of Valkyria Chronicle's Lancer AT infantry.


Infantry units are the backbone of every army in Iron Harvest. They are cheap, relatively fast, and - most important of all - extremely versatile. They can equip different weapons and tools to get new abilities or to change the type of damage they deal. A standard infantry with a rifle can’t...
  • Gunners: The "heavies" among the infantry units. Equipped with a cannon, they can damage everything up to heavy armoured units. Pretty slow, though.


Lancers are the games primary anti-armor specialists. Armed with high-power launchers carrying a variety of warheads, small ragnaid canisters and equipped with heavily armored blast shields (army and militia lancers) or combat suits (Lanseal lancers) which protect them from mines, gunfire and...
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So @lawrencenguyen do you have ideas of how to connect the two games' anti-tank infantrymen and their signature anti-tank weapons?

Obviously, the Iron Harvest examples serve as the predecessors of Valkyria Chronicle's Lancer AT infantry.


Infantry units are the backbone of every army in Iron Harvest. They are cheap, relatively fast, and - most important of all - extremely versatile. They can equip different weapons and tools to get new abilities or to change the type of damage they deal. A standard infantry with a rifle can’t...


Lancers are the games primary anti-armor specialists. Armed with high-power launchers carrying a variety of warheads, small ragnaid canisters and equipped with heavily armored blast shields (army and militia lancers) or combat suits (Lanseal lancers) which protect them from mines, gunfire and...

There is actually a way though, the Gunner class of Iron Harvest could serve as the predecessors to the Lancer. Their large and cumbersome anti-mech cannons would actually evolved into a more portable rocket-propelled grenade lances by the early 1930s.
There is actually a way though, the Gunner class of Iron Harvest could serve as the predecessors to the Lancer. Their large and cumbersome anti-mech cannons would actually evolved into a more portable rocket-propelled grenade lances by the early 1930s.

Yes, I was thinking the same thing too. I'm wondering how we could show a transition from the Iron Harvest anti-mech cannons to the RPG Lances of Valkyria Chronicles. The Trivia entry in the Polanian Gunner file mentioned this........ so maybe we could follow the Trivia's speculation of the Iron Harvest anti-mech cannons working like the PIAT system?
  • The design for their cannon seems to be inspired by that of the M20 "Super Bazooka" rocket launcher employed by the United States Army in WWII as well as its later German counterpart the RPzB 54 "Panzershreck."
    • It also resembles the the Projector, Infantry, Anti Tank (PIAT) Mk I, a British anti-tank weapon firing shaped charges used in WW2 to good effect on armour but at the cost of short range among other pros and cons.
  • Given the availability of rocket/missile technology in the Iron Harvest universe, the use of hip-fire large bore cannons, whose recoil would be impossible to control and whose weight should be unbearable, is interesting to say the least, though looking at the mortar-like munitions visible on some models it's possible they behave like the PIAT.

Yes, I was thinking the same thing too. I'm wondering how we could show a transition from the Iron Harvest anti-mech cannons to the RPG Lances of Valkyria Chronicles. The Trivia entry in the Polanian Gunner file mentioned this........ so maybe we could follow the Trivia's speculation of the Iron Harvest anti-mech cannons working like the PIAT system?
  • The design for their cannon seems to be inspired by that of the M20 "Super Bazooka" rocket launcher employed by the United States Army in WWII as well as its later German counterpart the RPzB 54 "Panzershreck."
    • It also resembles the the Projector, Infantry, Anti Tank (PIAT) Mk I, a British anti-tank weapon firing shaped charges used in WW2 to good effect on armour but at the cost of short range among other pros and cons.
  • Given the availability of rocket/missile technology in the Iron Harvest universe, the use of hip-fire large bore cannons, whose recoil would be impossible to control and whose weight should be unbearable, is interesting to say the least, though looking at the mortar-like munitions visible on some models it's possible they behave like the PIAT.

The VC anti-tank lance is actually based on the Pzf.44 RPG launcher but with WW2 Panzerfaust style firing mechanism, the best way i would see it is that the need for a more portable unassisted anti-tank weapon system for infantry would lead to the developments of RPG lances, which would either looks more like those medieval lances or the more bazooka-look-alike types seen in VC4

Also @RedWolff , I already know what I should write for the first crossover story in this universe. You see, Isara father was a brilliant engineer and a scientist, the fact that Gallian government didn't appreciate his talents because of his Darscen ethnicity is really a waste of talent. What if, after being neglected by the Gallian government, he was approached by Tesla and become one of the chief engineer in The Factory City State?

The story outline is that, the combined talents of Tesla and Theimer, with the supports of Belgen and the Galllian military would resulted in the first walking machine prototype of Europa. Although both Tesla and Theimer had envisioned their inventions would serve the better future of mankind, fate had decided a different route...
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Also @RedWolff , I already know what I should write for the first crossover story in this universe. You see, Isara father was a brilliant engineer and a scientist, the fact that Gallian government didn't appreciate his talents because of his Darscen ethnicity is really a waste of talent. What if, after being neglected by the Gallian government, he was approached by Tesla and become one of the chief engineer in The Factory City State?

The story outline is that, the combined talents of Tesla and Theimer, with the supports of Belgen and the Galllian military would resulted in the first walking machine prototype of Europa. Although both Tesla and Theimer had envisioned their inventions would serve the better future of mankind, fate had decided a different route...

Don't forget both Piotr Kos and Heinrich Steinmetz from the Iron Harvest game too.

So, why not ensure it's Isara's father, Tesla, Piotr and Heinrich?