Valhalla Romance - Cryptical (Oregairu Isekai Quest)

[X] Chiba Special Assault Police

Seems like the most versatile of the available builds. a good mix of scatter shot for multiple enemies in the shotgun, and high powered pistol for accuracy and damage. The ballanced approach to stealth and Stamina also works best and Urban would be the critical missions to saving lives.

Edit: not sure about choice of Waifu but more dating options in the cities.
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Honestly, the more that I think about it, the more I'm thinking that getting Hachiman out of Chiba is a really good thing. Meeting new people and being away from various doppelgangers of friends and family would probably encourage seeing this reality as a distinct and separate place.

This world already has a native Hachiman, who has found his own place in it, to some extent. Existing in the same place as him, with people used to him, can be really disconcerting to our Hachiman, who is different in some important ways. He should become his own person on his own terms, not forever exist as a reflection of the other one.

Vote Okinawa!
Hey Zero, will Blue Hachiman be around for most of the time? Also, is the development path locked once chosen?
Meeting new people and being away from various doppelgangers of friends and family would probably encourage seeing this reality as a distinct and separate place.
Hey Zero, will Blue Hachiman be around for most of the time?
Blue Hachiman would be away due to Yui's choice of training, which is Taijiquan. Can't go to China, so they go to Tokyo.
(Notoriously mocked as ineffective in modern martial arts scene, but very useful in body and energy control. Guess what Yui's ability is.)

Whatever Hachiman choose, chances are he'll stuck with a few old and new people, but not all of his old friends. Most of them will be often out on mission. Mom and Dad still the same busy worker that's missing 6/7. The only reliable factor of him staying in Chiba is Komachi visiting regularly.

Hachiman will spend 2 weeks in the camp. And whatever mission chosen will be part of his training. The old cast will not officially fully assemble until September comes in full swing.
Also, is the development path locked once chosen?
Nope. Very non-linear, for good and for ill.
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Whatever Hachiman choose, chances are he'll stuck with a few old and new people, but not all of his old friends. Most of them will be often out on mission. Mom and Dad still the same busy worker that's missing 6/7. The only reliable factor of him staying in Chiba is Komachi visiting regularly.
I'd pick Chiba regardless because I prefer the build, but this is a pretty solid reason to go with Chiba. Hachiman is going to be mostly separated from Yui during training and a face he can't help but trust will be healthier for him.
Basically in MMO terms
1. Hunter path is rogue/assassin. Focus of stealth and silence at the cost of less powerful equipment. Probably lowest defense too.
2. Police path is tank/knight. Pistol license is basically indispensable if you want to use shield. Armor also the thickest. Wondering if they also have least firepower though.
3. Military path is DPS/warrior. They get the most powerful guns, good armor and stamina training.

Is there some kind of progression for them? At least in weapons.
Is there some kind of progression for them? At least in weapons.
There is clear progression, if not necessarily equal. Let's just look at second period advancement:
Military get normal pistol and automatic rifle (assault and battle rifle, machineguns).
Police get normal rifle, submachinegun, and automatic pistol.
Hunter got access to revolver and lever action guns (in pistol, shotgun, and rifle form). Essentially Wild West cowboy equipment.

Linear advancement would give you bonus in proficiency.

Generally, Hunter path have the most issue of getting an automatic weapon for BRRRRT while military path is the opposite. But Hunter path can still get ridiculous boomstick.
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Awwww and I was already started writing updates too...

(Hachiman beating goblins with night stick)

But at least it did get more votes than expected.
Chapter 3 - Biblical Angel, Part 1
"I'm joining the Special Assault Team training." Hachiman decided.

"I see. May I ask you why?"

"Some people fear the police and think that the Police force is just the boot of the government. To a degree, I don't think it is wrong." Hachiman said. "But it depends on what kind of government the police served. Even more, people rely on them and consider them their friends."

"Right." Pink Yui closed her eyes. "Japan's police force is considered timid. Even with the militarization of Police Special units, Japan's Riot police emphasized de-escalation and minimum application of force. The Special Assault Team mostly recruits people from Riot Police for this reason."

It says something when the requirement to become a Riot Police spokesperson is to be eloquent and has a good sense of humor. To calm the panicked or angry crowd and prevent stampedes.

It doesn't mean the Japanese Police force is free of violent oppression and scandal. But the positive impression far outweighs the negatives.

"I feel it would give me strength to protect myself. But also the people around me." Hachiman said. "Unlike lone Hunters or offensive Soldiers."

"That's the spirit." Pink Yui couldn't help but appreciate his swift and assured decision. "I'm pretty sure people will appreciate it. As long as you made your action in good faith."

It is not like Hachiman will JOIN the police, though.

"Right, in this case, you'll spend the first two weeks in the Riot Police. If you complete the qualification, you will be sent to train with the special assault team."

"The Special Assault Team training grounds are top secret, right?" Hachiman nodded. "That's fine."

"Most of that period, you'll spend it in VR anyway." She laughed. "Privileges of being high-ranked Guardian."

Right. VR technology in this world is advanced. However, to utilize it to maximum strength, Trans-Phase energy was needed.

Effectively, it became accelerated time learning, similar to Sword Art Online's Alicization Arc or Accel World. For B-rank Guardians? Ten times compression is considered a safe and acceptable margin.

However, the side effect would manifest if abused too much. Hence the curriculum used here covers two weeks of six hours per day. 840 hours total spent in VR training.

Another catch was that while VR training can increase knowledge, it doesn't train motor skills. Real-time practice is necessary. VR training is used to skip the red tape of months or years of Academic learning.

Most of that time would be spent learning and remembering laws and codes of conduct. Plus, additional lessons on psychology and negotiation tactics.

"You know, on second thought, it sounds like I'm going to get brainwashed and indoctrinated." Hachiman jokingly remarked. "Worth it, though."

"That's not funny because it is true." Pink Yui winced. "Part of law enforcement and military education IS indoctrination. The price to pay to bear arms in this controlled society."

Hachiman knew that once he finished this one-month training, he would change. Nevertheless, he was willing to take the risk because he needed that strength to return to where he came from.

Hachiman recalled the argument he had when he first met Yukino. She said that if you don't change yourself, your problem will never go away.

For Hachiman, it was not that he hated to change. He doesn't want that change to be pushed on him by others. Taking up this training meant swallowing a bitter pill to blindly follow orders.

Even if it was only during the period of training.

He would have to remember and not forget why he made that decision because he wanted to fight for his own freedom and punch his way home.

"I wonder if Tenmudou also had their own limitation," Hachiman muttered. "There's no way they can walk away scot-free with living WMD in their pocket while I struggle just to get a freaking Shotgun."

"It's complicated. Tenmudou as an organization is technically under His Majesty, the Emperor of Japan, but..." Yui said. "Because of their vulnerabilities to fraud and dangerous cults, not to mention schism. Tenmudou is weaker and fragmented compared to AMA."

"Not that paramilitary subgroups are pristinely clean, but the boot of government is ready to step on your toe anytime you step over the line. However, AMA members require a huge amount of material support in the form of ammunition. Tenmudou branches focused on martial arts, which benefits them in reducing footprint."

Cripes. Now he's worried about Yui.

"You have to understand. This is no utopia." Pink Yui frowned. "If what you say about alternate Japan is correct, at least you can live peacefully there."

"I know."

The sooner Hachiman returned, the better. Despite being similar on the surface, this world is a besieged, war-torn shithole. If you don't have the strength to fight, you're toast. It says a lot when the gun-toting mockery mercenaries are a more predictable risk than Wuxia wannabes.

Hachiman had the strength. He lacked the means to leverage that strength.

"Have you decided what to do, bro?" Blue Hachiman suddenly showed up and hooked his arm around Hachiman's neck. "No need to hurry."

"Don't jump on me like that." Hachiman seethed. "And I have decided."

"Special Assault Team, huh." Blue Hachiman remarked. "That sounds very you."

Blue Hachiman is visible, flashy, and cocky. Every inch of his face exudes a smug chuunibyou aura which may annoy others, but Hachiman found it somewhat comforting.

Instead of becoming sour and loner, Blue Hachiman coped with his isolation in the opposite way, becoming shamelessly loud and visible so that no one would ignore him. In some way, it was similar to Zaimokuza from the original world.

"Right!" Blue Hachiman shouted. "To celebrate the success of this mission, the lunch is on me!"

"Haha, you're being generous now? Just how much money you got from slaying that A-rank Mercurial?" Sagami taunted.

"Tsk! Numbers don't matter. What matters is that there's money to use!" Blue Hachiman winked. Not that you can see through his black shades well. "Let's go to Saizeriya!"

"Saize, he said!" Orimoto cackled. "Saize!"

"Ahahahaha!" Sagami also laughed. "There is a limit to your thick skin, I thought. I was mistaken!"

Ha! Predictable. Even when Hachiman was being generous, Hikigaya Hachiman would be a cheapskate. Or Hachiman himself would say, good taste in a family restaurant.

The girls, on the other hand, have certified shit taste for mocking it. Not that Hachiman would say out loud...


"Since the two of you had decided to join as Guardians, let us reintroduce ourselves formally," Tamanawa said. "I am Tamanawa. I'm part of the Tenmudou subgroup, [Salvation Cross]. It was registered under the Catholic Church and had ties to the Vatican."

"I'm Orimoto Kaori, part of the AMA subgroup [Iron Shell]. It's a Guardian organization specialized in deploying exoskeletons in combat."

"Ah." Hachiman realized how many people were wearing exoskeletons back then. "Most of the people involved in Gunma were from [Iron Shell]?"

"35% of the combat forces involved were from [Iron Shell]." Orimoto nodded. "The rests are local hunters, police, and JGSDF attachment. Other than a select few elite agents, Tenmudou was absent from this operation."

Elite agents?

"Hikigaya Hachiman." Blue Hachiman absenmidedly said.

"Sagami Minami." Sagami grinned. "We're part of [Maxwell's Demons], a Tenmudou subgroup operating together with Singularities."

"Due to the volatile nature of Singularities, we're under the direct supervision of the National Security Council," Blue Hachiman said. "Other than battle operations, we're assisting with research and development of anti-Mercurial countermeasures. In other words, lab rats."

"Even if that's true, isn't it rude to say that aloud, is it?" Sagami made an air smack.

"Who cares." Blue Hachiman indignantly said. "Members of [Maxwell's Demons] are cursed with fear and prejudice, but no one would deny our necessity to human survival."

Hachiman frowned. So that was the reason why...

"Are Category 4 Causalities that hard to destroy?" Hachiman asked. "I heard the operation involves six hundred active combatants."

"I thought there were more people?" Yui asked. "I swear I counted like two thousand of them."

"Most of them are support personnel," Hachiman told her. "Easily over a thousand of them."

"I see." Yui nodded.

"The Causality and the Mercurial guard is not a problem," Saki said. "There were two A-ranks and four B-ranks in this operation. That was more than enough to take them out in half-hour."

"However, Category 4 Causality has a 25-kilometer radius. How many lesser Mercurials do you think were there?"

"Thousands, easily," Hachiman said. "There should be multiple B-ranks Mercurials."

Consider the fact that Hachiman, despite his inexperience, literally killed several dozen creatures with his hammer and sword. Pink Yui wiped out hundreds, to the point of running out of ammo multiple times, and had to resort to using rocks, trees, and even smaller Mercurials as Telekinetic projectiles.

They also fought a B-rank Orthus together, even though the report said Pink Yui and Blue Hachiman had already slain two in the assault operation.

"Correct," Tamanawa said. "The appearance of a Category 5 would've brought tens of thousands of Mercurials within a day. No matter how strong you are, even an S-rank Guardian would've been exhausted fighting all of them."

"Even the strongest human being cannot fight alone." Blue Hachiman pointed. "For each Category step up, you're expected to field ten times the personnel."

For Category 4, 600 Guardians. For Category 5, 5000-6000 Guardians are not unbelievable. Mobilizing people in such a short time would've been a nightmare for a military superpower. Let alone the neutered-by-law Japan Self-Defense Force.

And those Guardians would need well over ten thousand support personnel. The logistical agony would've been enormous. No wonder they had to rely on disposable, self-funded private contractors.

Hachiman more or less started to unravel how the whole economy of paramilitary organizations works.

"I still don't understand why you need separate fighting groups," Yui mumbled. "Would it not be better to incorporate everyone into the military and the police?"

"Illusion of freedom and materialistic reward." Blue Hachiman told her. "There is no money or fame gained fighting as a member of the police force or the military. You'll also have o adhere to far more stringent rules and conduct."

"To be a soldier is to live in servitude to the nations. To be a mercenary is to fight for wealth and prestige. If you don't love the country and the people, being paid to fight is a far more exciting prospect."

Yikes. Not that Hachiman disagreed. Blue Hachiman is every bit as cynical and observant as he is.

"Conversely, if you die or are injured as soldiers and officers, you burdened the country's economy. But if you die or are injured as a mercenary, you have only your asset to rely on." Hachiman argued.

"The mercenaries don't have a social safety net to run into. At least, not to the same extent. So people willing to fight for their family's safety and economic stability would still be interested in joining the military or police."

"Yo, that was an epic devil's advocate." Blue Hachiman grinned.

Yui's horrified look and the grim expression of the other people around the table were pretty telling. Saying the quiet part out loud never fail to ruin the mood when it comes to Japanese gathering.

"Bitter as it may, that is the reality." Pink Yui put her hand on Yui's shoulder to calm her down. "Don't get influenced by others and fight for your own belief. Whether money, fame, religious or national fervor, or protecting what you hold dear and finding a way home."

"I am Yuigahama Yui, Strategic Anti-Causality Task Force [Stiletto]. Like [Maxwell's Demons], my group work under NSS." Pink Yui smiled. "Nice to meet you."


"The scariest battlegroup in Japan." Blue Hachiman snorted. "Every single member can erase a small town in minutes. They recruit people from AMA, Tenmudou, and unaffiliated groups."

"That is an exaggeration." Pink Yui winced. "Besides, you're one to talk. We're exactly the same rank!"

Although Hachiman had seen her erase an entire grid of forest. It couldn't be that easy to destroy a small town. The gap between B-rank and A-rank couldn't be that enormous.


"SakiSaki, what organization are you part of?" Yui asked.

"New Hunter Association," Saki replied. "It's nothing special. Just a reworked public organization centered on hunting dangerous wildlife, and now also training Guardians to deal with Mercurials."

"In the past, they were focused on dealing with bears and wild boars. Occasionally also culling deers to prevent overpopulation. Pink Yui added. "Though they have the least wealth and power compared to AMA or Tenmudou, they're also the most friendly with public and local government."

"I see."

"If you want money and power, joining the Hunter Association is not a good idea." Saki seriously told Yui. "But at least you can avoid stupid politics and clout war and focus on what's important."

Yui looks conflicted. On one side, it is tempting to avoid getting involved with human conflicts. However, if Yui wanted to go home, she needed to get strong as quickly as possible.

As everyone finished eating, Blue Hachiman went to pay all the bills.

"Money and power is a double-edged sword, can lead to prosperity but also the deepest despair." Tamanawa flicked his hair. "Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power."

"Lincoln quote?" Yui asked.

Hachiman scoffed. "I don't expect you to know that much. But it was wrong."

"What's that supposed to mean, hey?!" Yui protested.

An alarm blared nearby, and their cell phones also became active.

"Dimension portal is opening. A Category 3 Causality is coming nearby." Pink Yui frowned. "In fact, just 200 meters from here."

Everyone clicked their tongue in response as the public began to evacuate in fear. However, it seemed that the situation was still under control as they left in an orderly manner.

"We gear up for battle. However, can you let me take care of the Causality alone?" Pink Yui asked. "I can end it in one attack."

One attack?

"We'll secure the rest of the surroundings," Saki said. "Just in case the Mercurials made a landfall before the Causality."

"Right. We're just the side characters here." Sagami wore a pair of hand claws.

Yui looked at her counterpart, feeling strange.

"I can understand she is strong," Yui muttered. "But what's the weird feeling? This is not arrogance, but not confidence either."

"Something about quotes mistakenly attributed to Lincoln," Hachiman said. "Nothing discloses real character like the use of power. It is easy for the weak to be gentle. Most people can bear adversity. But if you wish to know what a man really is? Give him power."

"Robert G. Ingersoll. 1895." Blue Hachiman clapped. "You're really me."

Chapter 3 - Biblical Angel, Part 1

The place under the portal had been deserted. The sky was littered with strange cracks and eerily beautiful glowing lines.

The teenage Guardians were geared up for battle and stood on every street corner surrounding the area from the center. Hachiman had a shield and hammer with him.

Pink Yui stood alone in the epicenter of the scene.

Orimoto was wearing her Psyco-Armor and stood close by. Its gargantuan two meters tall body was clad in army green steel. "[The real strength of [Stiletto], I never actually saw it]."

"[Supposedly, Yuigahama Yui is both the strongest and the weakest member]," Tamanawa remarked. He was wearing full-plate medieval armor from head to toe. "[I don't know how to interpret that]."

"[Portal opening! Everyone be careful]!" Saki warned.

A glowing circle formed in the sky shortly before a massive object emerged.

The object looked like a giant plant seed slowly descending off the portal.

Pink Yui looked up and then opened a briefcase. She picked something that looked like a giant metal arrow as long as her arm.

"[What is that]?" Yui asked.

"[Unless my eyes fail me, that's M829 APFSDS penetrator, basically an antitank dart]." Orimoto said. "[It is used by most of the NATO aligned countries on their 120mm tank gun, and Japan isn't an exception]."

"[Tank gun ammo]?!" Hachiman gasped. "[Don't tell me...]"

"[If you guys have a shield, better hide behind it. Oh, and I suppose you guys also wore earplugs? This is going to be loud]!" Blue Hachiman warned. "[Just saying]!"

Blinding lights emerged from Pink Yui's back, forming a pair of wings. More and more wings sprouted, and Yui was surrounded by three hoops made of light.

When she looked back, Hachiman noticed her face wasn't recognizably human. Her face had no mouth, and there were six blue eyes. Yui couldn't help but grimace from shock.

Pink Yui flew upward so quickly that Hachiman was sure she was close to the speed of sound.

"[It almost emerged fully! Brace, everyone]!" Saki visibly sneaked behind Orimoto's Psycho-Armor, with a large airgun aimed at the descending Causality.

Everyone else used defensive equipment or skill they had, such as how Blue Hachiman formed a pair of giant hands in front of him.

Something glowing and fast struck the Causality from above. Within a fraction of a second, a thunderous shockwave raged. It cracked every piece of glass within a fifty-meter radius and shattered anything closer.

The people caught in the blastwave flinched. Hachiman was thankful for the noise-canceling headset. He wouldn't go deaf, but it'd still be awful.

Fragments and dust filled the entire area with deadly shrapnel. Ordinary people would've been hurt by the debris. Yui had to create a TK field to stop them from hitting.

They saw the Causality break apart from the impact, its pieces raining down before disappearing into light, leaving just a few floating fragments and a glowing core ball.

The roads underneath were damaged, with hydrants bursting out from the pressure. And the sewer directly underneath the impact zone caved in. Nevertheless, everyone here had seen a Causality battlefield before.

Yet, it was a shockingly low amount of environmental destruction. Rather than an explosion, something else destroyed the Causality with a single shot.

Something very fast and focused, yet also brief, unlike a laser or beam weapon. Perhaps it was an actual meteor?

"The collateral damage is within an acceptable margin." Sagami whistled. "Well done, Yui!"

"What kind of weapon is that?" Tamanawa asked.

Blue Hachiman snorted. "1950, it was during the cold war. Jerry Pourlenne worked at Boeing and designed the concept of a strategic weapon capable of striking anywhere on Earth and delivering massive damage without using a nuclear warhead. This concept was dubbed Project Thor."

Hachiman's face darkened. "Also known as Rods from God."

"I see someone is well-learned." Blue Hachiman cheekily pointed.

"I'm not exactly a hard sci-fi reader, but many popular fictions used the concept," Hachiman shook.

"What is that?" Yui asked. "Rods from God?"

"Imagine a telephone pole made of solid metal." Orimoto described. "Then imagine shooting it at nine times the speed of sound. Faster than any bullets used in war. Just one shot can vaporize a city block. Few non-nuclear bombs could do it."

Pink Yui descended down like a Biblical Angel fresh out of delivering divine judgment. It might seem an exaggeration, but any humans who have seen it would have thought the same.

Even the superhuman teens on the scene thought it was hard to swallow. Yuigahama Yui, a member of [Stiletto] special task force, is terrifying.

"The deed was done." Pink Yui turned back into her usual appearance. "How was it?"

"...Who are you?" Yui asked. "How could you..."

"I am you, but stronger." Pink Yui said. "If you train hard enough, you'll also achieve that strength. The strength beyond that of an S-rank guardian."

Beyond... an S-rank?!

"Only a tiny little bit. But it's not wrong." Blue Hachiman crossed his arms. His monster tentacle arms, anyway. "Yuigahama of this world broke her limit not just once, but twice."

"You're also the same." Pink Yui poked him accusingly. "We're both one of the few A-rank Transcendents."

"Anyway, have faith." Blue Hachiman's tentacles made two thumbs up. "As long as you keep fighting, there will be a way home."

Right. Fucking weirdos.

"You guys are the worst motivators," Saki remarked.

"[I know, right? Preach it]!" Orimoto laughed.

Hearing that voice from two meters tall mech suit is incredibly jank, no lie.


Finally, the group separated. Both Hachiman and Yui went with their counterpart so they could go home. Or at least the place they would call home for the time being.

"So what is a Transcendent?" Hachiman asked.

"Right, where to begin. Most of the time, your Trans-Phase energy output and supply are predetermined. For example, you're currently B minus, most likely will grow to B-rank within a few months of training." Blue Hachiman said. "Sometimes, however, you can break that limit and turn from B-rank to A-rank."

"Just like you and Pink Yuigahama did." Hachiman nodded. "And that makes you Transcendent?"

"No, just Ascended." Blue Hachiman corrected him. "Some Ascended Guardian, however, broke another limit and can temporarily tap into an even higher power. And those people are called Transcendents."

"...Scary." Hachiman shivered. "You two make me feel like small fish."

"Eits. Hold on a second. Power output is not the same as an energy reserve." Blue Hachiman slapped his back. "Even as Guardians with esoteric abilities that defy known math and physics, this is one part that still applies to us."

"It means Angel Mode Yuigahama run out of energy super fast, right?" Hachiman grimaced. "Because her energy reserve is that of an A-rank."

"Correct!" Blue Hachiman grinned. "If my calculation is correct, the kinetic strike descended at 7500 meters per second, dished out 300 MJ of energy. Imagine sprinting to your death for five minutes. That was how much effort she put into that single attack that takes fifteen seconds to charge."

Hmm. No wonder Pink Yui didn't put herself in the same ballpark as true S-rank Guardians. Her combat endurance would be significantly shorter.

"It is easier to intercept Causalities inside the city before they can plant themselves and spread Mercurials en-masse." Blue Hachiman mumbled. "Where there are people, there would be Guardians. But when it comes to the countryside, it is hard to mount a rapid response."

"Ah." Hachiman widened his eyes. "Understandable."

That was the reason why a large operation had to be carried out. Unless the Causality is destroyed within a few tens of minutes, it will root and begin summoning hordes of Mercurials.

And Japan had a LOT of empty countryside.

"Here's your account book. All the rewards had been added, some subtracted to replace the destroyed shield." Blue Hachiman gave Hachiman a bank book and an ATM card.

Hachiman checked the balance, and his heart stopped. That was SO MANY zeroes!

"Where does the money come from, and how do they count the pay?"

"Anti-Causality operations always be covered by AI drone swarm." Blue Hachiman said. "You might notice, but Mercurials have a pseudo-hive mind and can operate surprisingly well in large groups. For this reason, humans can't rely on the radio but also strategic live feed."

"I see. So the observer decided our kill counts." Hachiman deadpanned.

"While relying on the observer is easy and usually reliable, writing a report will do you well. Yuigahama also wrote your combat report for you." Blue Hachiman pointed. "I wrote a report for the other Yuigahama instead."

"Uh... thanks?" Hachiman was surprised. "I wish she told me, though."

"You might think you're rich now, but buying guns will be expensive." Blue Hachiman scoffed. "Besides, your current training isn't cheap either."

"I know that well." Hachiman put the book in his bag and the card in his wallet. "Private military contractors have to pay everything to stay afloat."

This is why a lot of people still look for Government employment. Too many financial risks are involved.

"I'd probably need to buy clothes first," Hachiman said. "And probably a new phone."

Because of the shift in technological advancement, Hachiman's 4G internet system doesn't work here. Though the

"Right, I don't mind giving you mine, but..."

Blue Hachiman had a full-on Chuunibyou goth fashion sense. Hachiman cringed to think about wearing something similar. His counterpart was worse than old-world Zaimokuza.

"Also, you gathered all the cores, didn't you?" Blue Hachiman asked. "Those Mercurial cores sell a high price on the scientific market and esoteric industries, but you better wait until you get Guardian License so no one would rip you off."

"Right," Hachiman remembered he had almost a hundred cores and miscellaneous parts. Even the one from the first Ogre kills at the camp.

Third-party companies are willing to store them securely for a fee. Those people always come in hazmat suits.

"Well, people will try to rip you off anyway, just less likely to do so." Blue Hachiman shrugged. "Being part of AMA means you're not likely to do a lot of melding to create artifacts and mystic equipment, but you can trade them for unique weapons or tech."

Hachiman twitched. "Tenmudou does a lot of empirical experiments on these otherwordly materials, right?"

"Yes." Blue Hachiman confirmed. "Despite the risk involved, the progress of Tenmudou's advancement is staggering. AMA group prefers to leave it to the select few experts and trusted laboratories. To balance it out, however, high-rank AMA members might find themselves using Singularity tech."

Oh right. There are also Singularity machines to consider. Hachiman hadn't seen one yet, but looking at Orimoto's Psycho-Armor, they must look weirdly futuristic.

"The concept of anti-Causality machines is weird, though." Hachiman pointed. "Don't you need Trans-Phase energy to hurt Mercurials and Causalities?"

"Singularity machines had an unknown mechanism to twist time and space fabric. Different from Trans-Phase Energy." Blue Hachiman said. "But even then, they are of limited effectiveness. A machine gun mounted on a Singularity engine isn't different from the same machine gun on the hands of a D-rank Guardian."

"I see."

"Yet, it is still worthy to keep doing research." Blue Hachiman shook his head. His voice was full of disappointment. "Because humans fear us and want to make Guardians obsolete."

Honestly? Hachiman can't say he wouldn't think the same way. History has proven it only takes a few bad actors to abuse their power and makes everyone's life hell.

No, not even history. Pink Yuigahama outright said that in less-orderly countries, Guardians rule as warlords. Unpowered people have every bit of incentive to end Guardian supremacy.

"You seem to agree with them."

"When Japan is one of the last bastions of stable government, why wouldn't I agree?" Hachiman shrugged.

Blue Hachiman smiled.

"You also agree with them." Hachiman noticed.

"The sooner I can kill Azazel, the better." Blue Hachiman nodded as he removed his shade to reveal his demonic eyes. "But the time is not now."

He still needed the Singularity Demon's strength.

Hachiman got himself settled in the largely unused guest room. His blue counterpart offered to trade places, but Hachiman wasn't egoistic enough to accept. Besides, it would feel more jarring.

"I'll slowly transform this into my own room if you don't mind," Hachiman said, half joking.

"No one would bitch, for sure." Blue Hachiman grinned.

"Onii-chan! I'm home!"

"Komachi is here."

Both Hachiman walked down the stairs to see the little sister coming home.

"You look tired. Want to take a bath?"

"Please!" Komachi winked.

"I'll prepare the bath for you." Blue Hachiman waved his hand. "Talk with your other brother while at it."

"Heh." Komachi looked at Hachiman, who was weirded out. "You two are almost twins."

Other than differences in hair color, eyes, and build, they were identical.

"How was it, the Komachi of another world? Is she as cute as me?"

Hachiman wanted to say that his Komachi was indeed cuter. But that was a biased answer.

"She was cuter, but you're a bit prettier." Hachiman joked.

"Are? Please don't try to hit on me even if we're not born from the same mother!" Komachi elbowed him. "Bad Onii-chan."

"I mean what I said. And please don't even think about it. That's disgusting." Hachiman didn't stutter. "In my world, Komachi doesn't even use makeup."

Hachiman noticed that this world's Komachi seemed to dispense most of her childish features.

"Is she really?" Komachi asked. "I guess she wanted to preserve an innocent air to herself because it's cuter and more appealing in middle school."

Right on the mark! Of course, she would know herself the most.

"Is it different in Gatekeepers Academy?"

"It is not that different per se." Komachi hummed. "I guess being mature and dependable is more popular. Being a cute, clumsy girl gives an impression of weakness and unreliability. Boys would try their best to impress and protect you, but you'll get no respect from other girls."

This Komachi is every bit as shallow and calculating as the old-world Komachi. Hachiman wasn't even remotely surprised.

"Is that Komachi also sloppy at home?" Blue Hachiman came back and laughed. "Like throwing around dirty laundries in the living room?"

"UWA! Onii-chan! You're ruining my good first impression!" Komachi blushed. "I'm not like that at all!"

Hachiman's face was unconvinced, and then said: "That was actually true."

"EEEH?!" Komachi gawked.

The more things changed, the more things stayed the same. Throughout the dinner, Hachiman shared the stories of the peaceful old world. Their family situation and their school situation.

Komachi warmed up to him quickly, and Hachiman knew it was genuine. Even here, she tried her best to emotionally care for her brother.

In fact, Blue Hachiman somehow didn't feel out of place. It was like Hachiman saw another version of him that was similar yet different. The chuunibyou side that he desperately buried.

Yet, their mind, belief, and understanding of society are the same.

"Thanks for taking care of me." Hachiman honestly smiled. "I'll try my best not to be a burden."

"It's fine if you stay here forever." Komachi laughed. "Just be sure to put effort into improving yourself, Onii-chan."

Right. Old-world Komachi constantly berated Hachiman for giving up and slacking off. However, Hachiman wanted to go home. Slacking off is out of the question.

"Sorry, got a call." Blue Hachiman stood up. "Hello."

"...Onii-chan must be happy you came," Komachi whispered. "Until you came, only two of us in this house. Mother and Father never came on time, so we rarely see them."

"Other than being a terminal Chuunibyou, he's a cool dude," Hachiman admitted. "That, and I'm envious."

Hachiman wished he could be that honest and outspoken.

"I'm sure he thought the same way. The grass is greener on the neighbor's lawn, after all."

Heh, that's not how the proverb sounds, but at least she got the meaning correctly.

"Yo, you're buying clothes tomorrow?" Blue Hachiman said. "The girls asked if you want to join since they're buying clothes for the other Yuigahama."

"Ha! It's a date!" Komachi pointed.

"Date my ass." Hachiman grouched. "100% it's going to be us as pack mules and following them from one boutique to another!"

"My brother in Buddha, you're absolutely correct." Blue Hachiman nodded. "I mean, there are more girls than boys, anyway. It can't be a date."

"My God, you two are so hopeless." Komachi seethed in anger. "Are you serious?! You two are beyond trash!"

Blue Hachiman extended his tentacle hand for a high-five. Hachiman reluctantly responded. It was hilarious to see Komachi malding, though!

"Honestly, I'm fine going with the girls if you also go. Orimoto won't be there anyway." Blue Hachiman said.


Did they also have a sordid history? Blue Hachiman didn't look like he was uncomfortable with Orimoto. But maybe he just hid it well.

"If you don't, we can go with just the two of us." Blue Hachiman offered. "Unless Komachi also wanted to join."

"Tempting. Two guys on a fashion trip sound sad, you know?" Komachi winced.

"That's sexist, oi!"

Why is it that when only girls, it's good, but when it's only guys, it's sad?

"Well. Komachi also wanted to know if your fashion sense was better or worse." Komachi grouched. "This is hard..."

Hachiman can guarantee that his fashion sense is far superior to this world counterpart, that's for sure.

[ ] Go with Komachi
[ ] Go with the girls
Blinding lights emerged from Pink Yui's back, forming a pair of wings. More and more wings sprouted, and Yui was surrounded by three hoops made of light.

When she looked back, Hachiman noticed her face wasn't recognizably human. Her face had no mouth, and there were six blue eyes. Yui couldn't help but grimace from shock.

Pink Yui flew upward so quickly that Hachiman was sure she was close to the speed of sound.

"[It almost emerged fully! Brace, everyone]!" Saki visibly sneaked behind Orimoto's Psycho-Armor, with a large airgun aimed at the descending Causality.

Everyone else used defensive equipment or skill they had, such as how Blue Hachiman formed a pair of giant hands in front of him.

Something glowing and fast struck the Causality from above. Within a fraction of a second, a thunderous shockwave raged. It cracked every piece of glass within a fifty-meter radius and shattered anything closer.

The people caught in the blastwave flinched. Hachiman was thankful for the noise-canceling headset. He wouldn't go deaf, but it'd still be awful.

Fragments and dust filled the entire area with deadly shrapnel. Ordinary people would've been hurt by the debris. Yui had to create a TK field to stop them from hitting.

They saw the Causality break apart from the impact, its pieces raining down before disappearing into light, leaving just a few floating fragments and a glowing core ball.

The roads underneath were damaged, with hydrants bursting out from the pressure. And the sewer directly underneath the impact zone caved in. Nevertheless, everyone here had seen a Causality battlefield before.

Yet, it was a shockingly low amount of environmental destruction. Rather than an explosion, something else destroyed the Causality with a single shot.

Something very fast and focused, yet also brief, unlike a laser or beam weapon. Perhaps it was an actual meteor?
...Holy shit, Pink Yui literally goes full Old Testament. Based.

"Date my ass." Hachiman grouched. "100% it's going to be us as pack mules and following them from one boutique to another!"

"My brother in Buddha, you're absolutely correct." Blue Hachiman nodded. "I mean, there are more girls than boys, anyway. It can't be a date."

"My God, you two are so hopeless." Komachi seethed in anger. "Are you serious?! You two are beyond trash!"
Hachiman, never change.

[X] Go with the girls

But let's not disappoint Komachi too much on our first day!
Hachiman, never change.

[X] Go with the girls

But let's not disappoint Komachi too much on our first day!
Hachiman fashion sense is automatically better from various influences, most especially Saika-chan, so it's not possible to disappoint her. ;)

In addition, no way character presence is so slanted as to be just Komachi vs 5 girls. Definitely meet some new characters with this option.

[X] Go with Komachi
Komachi is definitely the 'dicey' option of the two.
Rolls. Nice.
Komachi would actually railroad it toward the girls or some other girls.

She literally did just that in the previous canon arc.
Like I said, the next update will have more characters than just Komachi if we vote for her. Whether thats new characters or not is more up in the air than I expected, but still in favor of new in my opinion. Either way, it'll be fun reading Komachi be an angelic devil full of mischief.