Now I'm wondering if the American Discount Senshi will eventually get Outers, and if so if their Missy Uranus/Neptune are cousins or Cousins With The Subtext They Didn't Bother To Erase.
Now I'm wondering if the American Discount Senshi will eventually get Outers, and if so if their Missy Uranus/Neptune are cousins or Cousins With The Subtext They Didn't Bother To Erase.

"Sorry, Amy, looks like your notes about your little science project got mixed around in the Shieldco server and got sent to our lab in Silicon Valley. What, we never told you about that one?"
Wasn't that an actual plot point in a couple of MG shows or something?

Also this
A little of this, a little of that.

That said, people looking through rainbow glasses are so commonplace these days, true platonic love is becoming an endangered species.
WEll Luffy from one piece Exist
Turns out a media ecosystem of "you can only have your gays if we say they're really good friends" produces a culture of skepticism.
Yeah the Fact aseksual and Aromatic People Exist is Kinda Lost to many People
Turns out a media ecosystem of "you can only have your gays if we say they're really good friends" produces a culture of skepticism.
I can see the Future Historians now:

Professor Fullabluster: "....and thus, as you can see, the Senshi were Really Good Friends™ in their youth—"

Jimmy the Student: "You do know the Senshi are still alive, right professor? And they all very much definitely like women. You don't see five women taking turns in wedding dresses and tuxedos—"

Professor F: "This is a history class, Jimmy, not a conspiracy blog! Next thing you know, you'll be telling me that—"

Opaline the Student: "Please don't antagonize Sailor Pluto again, Professor! Do you want to lose your tenure?!"

Jimmy (brandishing ofuda): "Pluto isn't a Dwarf Planet. Pluto isn't a Dwarf Planet. Sailor Pluto is Six-foot YES with heels that say 'hot' and 'damn!' Pluto isn't a Dwarf Planet. Pluto isn't a Dwarf Planet...!"
As somebody who never watched the Cure franchise etc, is it canonically Rainbows everywhere or more heterosexual life partners?
it's mostly the 2nd. The side effect of a series where your main characters are all female so the "I can't do this without you" type speeches get very rainbow.

However, there are the few who are closer to Nanoha and Fate or Haruka and Michiru level of "what Subtext? it's just text."

There are Yukari and Akira (from KiraKira★Pretty Cure à la Mode), who we have met in quest .
There is an episode in that season where Akira and a prince compete in challenges for Yukari's affection. Guess what is the the monster of the week? A pot of lilies.

Then there is Doki Doki! PreCure, I've called it a stealth harem season, called Mana a harem protagonist and referred to a character (that hasn't appeared in quest yet) as a yandere. There is just a lot in this season.
Jimmy (brandishing ofuda): "Pluto isn't a Dwarf Planet. Pluto isn't a Dwarf Planet. Sailor Pluto is Six-foot YES with heels that say 'hot' and 'damn!' Pluto isn't a Dwarf Planet. Pluto isn't a Dwarf Planet...!"

At least young Jimmy has learned his lessons. Carry on, son.

Edit to avoid dbl. posting:

Also this

WEll Luffy from one piece Exist

Yeah the Fact aseksual and Aromatic People Exist is Kinda Lost to many People

Luffy is Shouen. If Shouen advances a romance in any non-movie, non-final-episode arc - especially the lead! - they might contract a dangerous infection of Cooties™.
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*Imagines Sailor Uranus and Sailor Neptune setting up a seminar titled something like "The Magic of Magical Girl Duos: The Love in the Power of Love" *
You joke, but there's an idea buried in there.

Early thread I remember we talked about making a volunteer center for helping new magical girls with advice anonymously (along with how the Senshi are pretty much the only ones who can set such up due to the sheer strength of our glamors).

So a series of videos on youtube or something, including advice on the good old Hey Yo (and we're going to be getting statistics on how many magical girls are gay which is hilarious), could be a good band-aid as we nail down something better maybe?

Magical Girls bringing Gay Awareness to you because Love is literally a power up. Gotta be careful about that though, not having them think they're supposed to be in love either.

Sailor Moon Says.

... I'm actually just putting for the idea to do Sailor Moon Says.

You joke, but there's an idea buried in there.

Early thread I remember we talked about making a volunteer center for helping new magical girls with advice anonymously (along with how the Senshi are pretty much the only ones who can set such up due to the sheer strength of our glamors).

So a series of videos on youtube or something, including advice on the good old Hey Yo (and we're going to be getting statistics on how many magical girls are gay which is hilarious), could be a good band-aid as we nail down something better maybe?

Magical Girls bringing Gay Awareness to you because Love is literally a power up. Gotta be careful about that though, not having them think they're supposed to be in love either.

Sailor Moon Says.

... I'm actually just putting for the idea to do Sailor Moon Says.


Usagi needs to be hit by a clue-by-four*, before Sailor Moon can say.

*or an intervention at this point. Inner Senshi-tachi, for happiness's sake take the initiative!
As somebody who never watched the Cure franchise etc, is it canonically Rainbows everywhere or more heterosexual life partners?
That is a complicated subject, there are a handful of Cures that the veneer of 'normal' that the Suits force them to wear is so thin and chipped that it is barely there
- In the Hugtto crossover movie, one of Nagisa's lines is a cultural touchstone lines in Japanese, referring to Honoka as being 'Her Most Important Person'. It's similar to the 'the Moon looks beautiful tonight' line from old samurai works. Where saying the two characters are dating is not allowed, but they can hint at it very firmly. (A non-romantic example of this same kind of thing would be Itachi from Naruto. When he tells Sasuke to live a long and unsightly life, that is a huge flag in Japanese literature that Itachi's motives were much more complicated than they seem.) Saki and Mai get some pretty heavy shades of it due to being... Well, serial number shaved copies of Nagisa and Honoka, but they don't ever get anything quite as blatant.

Then there is Fresh's Love Momozo and Setsuna. Technically Love has a love interest in the show, but there are like, three episodes dedicated to him during the latter half of the series where Love is so unaware of his interest that he basically ditches him to go and spend time alone with Setsuna instead. Poor confeses to Love to her face, and she completely fails to parse his interest.

There's the Suite Duo - there are two other cures who show up later in the season, but one of them is like 8, and the other is a cat. They have no love interests. But the tension between Hibiki and Kanade is so obvious that other characters make jokes about Hibiki being Kanade's wife, and if one of them is in a funk, their friend group's primary means of fixing it is 'Go find the other and throw them at them'. Their parents make these jokes, and they never (other than one episode) actually argue against the jokes.

Dokidoki was mentioned, with the way ongoing joke that Mana is a harem protagonist. And honestly, given that she canonically marries Kamen Rider Wizard that joke might be onto something.

Someone else mentioned Yukari and Akira from Kira Kira Precure A'la Mode... But they failed to mention the manga where Akira is kidnapped by a psychopathic BDSM witch who wants to melt Akira into chocolate fondue and bath in her, and through the entire thing Yukari is acting like a jilted lover... But Yukari and Akira's relationship is very heavily inspired by Uranus and Neptune...

Finally there is the Maho Duo - Who raise a child together (arguably two), and the Star Twinkle main duo - That series technically has five, but it has been flat out stated by the original writer that he wanted to write a whole series that would only have two cures, but since Maho was still very popular, Toei didn't want to compete against their own products, so he had to add in more cures. Something that becomes extremely obvious when the movie just puts the other three cures on a bus for the whole movie. But that series ends with a fifteen year time skip where Hikari, the main character, invents faster than light travel for the sole purpose of meeting up with Lala again, and during that time both girls changed their hairstyles to the other's hairstyle in order to help them remember each other.

Admittedly, yes, part of it is just the suits at Toei making it so that they never really show it off on screen...

But there are plenty of cures who either don't have enough romantic chemistry with another cure to cut it with a knife, or who have decent amount of chemistry with male characters.

...Even when they honestly shouldn't.
Is that just a canon joke, or is this a reason for me to do some watch-throughs of Wizard and DokiDoki?
Cannot remember where this thing comes from at the moment, but yeah it is a thing.

Seriously, for Mana almost all of her team and one of the villains has a thing going for her, doesn't help two of the people in that team have been childhood friends with her from a very early age.
Dokidoki was mentioned, with the way ongoing joke that Mana is a harem protagonist. And honestly, given that she canonically marries Kamen Rider Wizard that joke might be onto something.

I'm sorry, what?

Someone else mentioned Yukari and Akira from Kira Kira Precure A'la Mode... But they failed to mention the manga where Akira is kidnapped by a psychopathic BDSM witch who wants to melt Akira into chocolate fondue and bath in her, and through the entire thing Yukari is acting like a jilted lover... But Yukari and Akira's relationship is very heavily inspired by Uranus and Neptune...

I'm sorry, what the fuck!? I mean, I guess it's a sort of a kid friendly way to do Bathory's bathing in the blood of young virgins shtick. But seriously, what the fuck?