Well, technically it could be more of a body possession thing, it's still immortality, but the Baba Yaga gets a new body when the old one wears out. I think I remember something about the Baba Yaga being multiple woman in folklore, to be honest though, I'm not sure if I made that factoid up or I just heard it somewhere.
Theres multiple versions were baba yaga is three people, possibly three sisters. Although it may also be three aspects of the same being, possibly from the whole maiden/mother/crone imagery.
[X][House] Remove the Stone from the Sconce
- By doing this, the house will be paralyzed and no longer a threat for now, but means that there is the chance of allowing it to move once more in the future

Well, i don't think this answered my question about why the chickenhouse was here, but atleast it does strongly imply that there won't be a second one (at least from Faust).
The return of Cloch Ghlas into the narrative is potentially worrying, presumably not immediate worry, but that is still a Silver Millennium survivor with a history of trying to murder Princess Serenity, for reasons.
Did we have a working theory on the identity? I want to say one of the Shitennou, but don't remember for certain.
This could imply that DK has been active lot longer than we were aware.
id rather we keep it one it may have been mistreated so perhaps repairing any damage and neglect the poor thing may have suffered might help it feel calm and happy i mean if we gain its trust and friendship it could make a useful ally. also imagine Malachite's face when this thing barrels at him full force in the face with the force and intensity of a thousand trucks.
Not the point. Point was to push against the claim that we already could rolfstomp opposition quite easily.
I am the one who brought up Ace, not because i think anyone wants one, but because struggle means you risk having one.
And that is why i, at least, prefer to take steps to avoid things like that beforehand, instead of assuming our current prowess scores are sufficient to deal with future threats.

I want to note you are essentially saying you want to enter all fights with the idea of losing someone in that fight being impossible. Because the Loss of Ace was not due to fighting any normal enemies. It was against one of the three strongest forces in the world, vs a man who could explicitly hurt an otherwise invincible individual.

I don't think we are desperate enough that we need to ignore sexual harrassment.
Yes, he is not a high priority, because there is the whole "world about to end" thing looming.
But as, minor, as he may be in the scheme of things, he still matters, and if we could stop him with one or two actions when nothing else is on fire, i would consider it a good use of our time (main problem here is that if he is not stopped for good, he becomes a constant thorn on our side that might actually become a risk to the world due to short sighted spite making him distract us when bigger things are at hand).

This is... really just kind of metagamey. Like, first off the Senshi barely know Happosai exists, secondly we are implicitly ignoring sexual harrassment basically all the time, because we have never once stopped it, yet we know in Tokyo it is going on. Like, the only reason you care about him is that he is prominent in one of the crossovers, but his crimes are crimes that non-prominent characters do all the time and there is no call to stop all crime. Because that isn't a reasonable thing to shoot for.

If the chance comes to swat him in the normal course of events, fine, but I see no reason to put him on a list of problems to be dealt with, because he isn't a problem. No more than the numerous other criminals in Tokyo.


Saitama also gets bored because he doesn't really care about anything but the handful of people that he encounters personally and getting a proper fight. His goal in life isn't to save lives, that's an optional bonus, but thrill seeking. He has more in common with Goku than Superman or Usagi.

The latter two are concerned with saving lives with getting into fights being something that they do to achieve that. Neither Superman or Usagi will ever defeat enemies with the ease that Saitama does because unlike him a fight with an enemy isn't just about beating the bad guy, but about protecting the innocent.

Take one look at the kinds of fights that Saitama gets into and one of the biggest things that sticks out is the immensity of the collateral damage that is left in their wake. One of Saitama's first fights in the show results in a city being functionally destroyed.

Contrast that to the final fight in Superman vs. The Elite where Superman seeds the city with robots to prevent civilian casualties. So central is that kind of attitude to that character that when Man of Steel depicted Superman allowing a city be turned to rubble it became a point of contention for the film.

The reason why Saitama is the way he is isn't because he is all powerful, it's because what he cares most about is getting a good fight. His fights wouldn't be so simple or clear cut if he concerned himself with preventing collateral damage or fought with the intention of avoiding killing his current adversary.

Usagi doesn't share that viewpoint. Unlike Saitama, Usagi doesn't just make a beeline for the bad guy to kill him, because her goal is to protect people, because beating the big bad doesn't solve every problem and may well cause more. Usagi will never be like Saitama because the things she's after cannot be solved with raw power alone. She will never get bored because she doesn't fight for fun she fights to save lives.

You say you don't want the team to end up like the Justice League, but why not? The Justice League is and has never been the Superman support group. In the DCAU depictions of the League, Superman is the group's heaviest hitter but his arrival on the field didn't decide engagements. He was a part of a diverse team with diverse skillsets and no matter how powerfully he was depicted as being he always had the limitation that he was but one man trying to help an entire world and awareness of that limitation was why he proposed founding the Justice League.

As a counter-point though. We the readers are kind of in this for the fights to a degree. Sure, we want to save people, but while the Oblivion nest we eradicated was awesome, what isn't awesome is doing that every single time.

Superman, as a narrative figure, still does have difficult and interesting fights because we the audience want that sort of drama and conflict. Meanwhile, Saitama's fights have no drama. They are a comedy bit, with the trappings of a serious massively epic fight added on to increase the comedy.

This isn't about literally turning Usagi into person who only seeks a challenge, it is more about the fact that if she never faces any challenges... it quickly gets kind of boring unless this turns into a completely different style of quest.


What makes that even worse is that removing a Devil Demesne's Hearth strips the animating blessing from the materials, which means that an entirely new Hearth has to be created to reanimate the house. One would think that might be simple enough, but at the end of the day, there isn't a soul alive left who knows how the houses were originally made. Not fully, and instead one would have to hunt down the current Baba Yaga and collect enough materials from the First House to make a new Hearthstone.

Oooh, this is fascinating. Hmmm.... So it is a title passed down. I wonder then if she still guards the Waters of Life.

Edit: Didn't read further than this before commenting....

The Baba Yaga line has been aligned with the damned Lich that rules over the Golden Library for hundreds of years now, and they don't agree with Faust or his superiors. Tsar Yeltin, sorry, President Yeltin has been wanting to rein in the all but entirely separate Magical Russian population for years now. Now, he finally starts to have the power to do so, and first the USSR collapses in on itself, and now these strange magical forces are starting to try and tear down the Masquerade.

Everything is starting to move far too quickly for the ancient near-immortal, and there are days when he looks back at all the choices that he has made, and wonders if he made the right ones. All of them, all stemming back to the most important choice of his long life.

The one he made, back in his old home of Germany, back in last days leading up to the year 1500. Back when he was little more than a charlatan, a street magician dancing and playing tricks for the common folk, and yet ever searching for the deeper secrets of the world.

That was when he met the man that changed everything, the man that turned the whole of his world upside down. A demon named Cloch Ghlas. That was when everything changed, when he became more than a simple master of sleight of hand and card tricks, instead learning of the deeper secrets of the universe.

Oh. OH! In this much is revealed.

Cloch Ghlas is still around and causing problems for us.

Faust worked for Yeltsin, and is (as I secretly wondered) the original Faust. Yelstin and Ivan have been in conflict. This makes SO MUCH sense. We've been assuming the USSR was unaware of Magical Russia, so we hadn't been accounting for them. Now Faust's goals and existence are no longer so bizarrely out of touch for Ivan.

Only... A promise was made, and in the here and the now, that promise has been kept.

The Promise has been fulfilled.

I got some chills. AWESOME!


[ ][House] Remove the Stone from the circle
- This... This will destroy the magic that animates the house, returning it to nothing more than brick and mortar.
[ ][House] Remove the Stone from the Sconce
- By doing this, the house will be paralyzed and no longer a threat for now, but means that there is the chance of allowing it to move once more in the future

Hmm... this is an interesting choice.

The house isn't truly alive, but it is... almost alive. Removing the Stone from the Circle kills it.

Paralyzing the house gives us options though. We may be able to subvert the house, give it true life, and have a cool mobile home. Additionally, if the house is killed... it might collapse, and we could lose valuable intel.

Yes, there is a chance of someone we don't like getting their hands back on the house but... I place that as a minor concern. This house is certainly dangerous, but not to the degree that we can't risk it ever getting free again.

So, because I want to eventually get a house golem

[X][House] Remove the Stone from the Sconce

But, also because I know people might be worried, I am curious about doing something like this @Lunaryon

[X][House] Write-in: Remove the Stone from the Sconce. Remove the Sconce if it will not damage the magic of the House. If it will damage the Magic of the House, put a lock on the sconce to prevent the stone from being placed in it and bring in a safe to lock the stone into, to make reactivating the House more difficult without our permission.

Because I try to be accommodating to legitimate worries


[x][House] Remove the Stone from the circle

Better to get rid of it now then try and then leave it around as flight risk. All an Empty Face has to do start shit is just put Hearthstone back on.

You may be interested in my write-in option then.


The return of Cloch Ghlas into the narrative is potentially worrying, presumably not immediate worry, but that is still a Silver Millennium survivor with a history of trying to murder Princess Serenity, for reasons.
Did we have a working theory on the identity? I want to say one of the Shitennou, but don't remember for certain.
This could imply that DK has been active lot longer than we were aware.

My only running theory about him is that he is potentially Wiseman. But, he is also very likely an OC villain.

And... I'm kind of surprised people are surprised he's alive? Not only was he a potential OC, but he is also very likely behind Beryl, potentially behind Metallia's first sealing, there was no way he was dead and buried in the past
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Now I'm awake, time to make a few corrections on the 'Gear post.
he most powerful attack of a Symphogear is the Superb Song a dangerous attack that can deal massive damage to the user and depending on if the compatibility levels even kill the user. The dangers can be greatly mitigated if done with someone who is through some series of shenanigans Relic hybrid. But that is an absurdly rare phenomenon.
Note: Damage depends on compatibility levels; Relic hybridisation just happens to give insanely high compatibility with that relic that sticks after that goes; our major injuries are generally either Linker users in bad condition, or someone misusing the energy in a way that puts a greater burden on them.
(S2CA is also nothing to do with Relic hybrids, it's abusing Hibiki's unique Superb Song properties to shift the burden onto her high compatibility.)
*Though it doesn't come up as often you'd think. After Season 2 Igalima's ability to cut spirits only comes up like once to note that it is also difficult to heal wounds caused by it. The other 2 Symphogears who's special abilities are referenced more than like once are Gungnir's Godslaying abilities it has because Symphoverse Gungnir is also the Spear of Longinus and Shenshoujing's ability to reflect light which gives it lasers and it's anti Relic capabilties.
Ig-Alima actually comes up in the mobile game as something that can actually damage famed vampire Vlad Tepes. But generally, the properties only tend to manifest strongly in the Superb Song. Gungnir and Shenshoujing are also strongly affected by their user's mindset; Hibiki takes the anti-god from bonus damage to outright ignoring defences, and Shenshoujing would usually only be anti-evil if its user wasn't originally in a yandere feedback loop focused around a Relic-user.
Also the Gacha introduced metric shitton of other forms of which there are to many for me to list here. But those aren't technically part of the default package.
Image Change, and technically they are part of the base package, they operate on the same principles as the between-season style changes. However, while the between-season stuff operates off the Tuning-alike reaching another stage being able to cope with a greater amount of power on a permanent basis, Image Change is a temporary reconfiguration to deal with specific circumstances, such as water combat( swimsuits) and snowy conditions( Santa outfits) .
. It's normally locked because a requires a shitton of Phonic Gain like 7 billion people singing at once to unlock it for 6 users.
7 Superb Songs also seem to be able to pull it for one person, but that seems linked to other 'Gear metaphysics stuff.
The first type can also have various stuff added to like the ability to use the Incineration of Memories as fuel.
Property of Carol's brand of Alchemy, not Dur Da Bla.
Finally Mechvaranus which is either powered by or enabled by the study of a Fossil of an Azdaha. Power output they are in their base forms at least initally much weaker than their Symphogear counterparts but they have easier time being upgraded so they eventually catch up. They can also benefit from a Phonic Gain System but they don't need one. They presumably have compatibility issue considering that AU versions of Hibiki's normie classmates are their primary users. They also have a dangerous Super Form called the Devastator Module which they can only stay in for a maximum of 3 minutes lest they enter berserker state. The Devastator Module has 3 times the power output of the Symphogear's Ignite Module.
While I'm yet to review the event in question, important caveat: There's a major downside for anyone who cares about the users. Running off the power of a monster has its consequences; overuse of its power in certian states can cause the user to degenerate into a monster themselves; the predecessor of the Stroganoff Trio fell to that while saving them.
I want to note you are essentially saying you want to enter all fights with the idea of losing someone in that fight being impossible. Because the Loss of Ace was not due to fighting any normal enemies. It was against one of the three strongest forces in the world, vs a man who could explicitly hurt an otherwise invincible individual.
Yes, i agree, that would be an optimal situation as far as i am concerned, and pretty much the eventual end game we will arrive at.
It is unlikely to happen anytime soon, we are not able to really do that even in Japan without ganging up on certain people.
But, yes, if i had the option, i would choose to enter fights knowing we will win and not having to struggle, and people being harmed if we loose.
And in the desire to minimize the need to struggle, i think we should keep trying to become stronger like we have since the beginning of the quest, even if the best methods to do so may change over time (my current favorite, the helmet, i think that might have lot of potential, and at least should do a lot to protect Naru).
Because that has allowed us to win, quite easily, against most opposition, it allowed us to stop the police precinct from being bombed by IMO (that was kinda uncomfortably close), it allowed us to win against Kunzite, and is now allowing us to defeat a surprise 65 prowess enemy we did not expect.

It is a policy that has provided very good dividends over time.

I could probably have found other examples with less OP enemies, but have not read One Piece for sometime so don't remember many character names, and Oda seems to have a habit to make everyone survive, so i picked Ace because he was easily recogniceable, and as far as i know has not made a surprise comeback.

This is... really just kind of metagamey. Like, first off the Senshi barely know Happosai exists, secondly we are implicitly ignoring sexual harrassment basically all the time, because we have never once stopped it, yet we know in Tokyo it is going on. Like, the only reason you care about him is that he is prominent in one of the crossovers, but his crimes are crimes that non-prominent characters do all the time and there is no call to stop all crime. Because that isn't a reasonable thing to shoot for.

If the chance comes to swat him in the normal course of events, fine, but I see no reason to put him on a list of problems to be dealt with, because he isn't a problem. No more than the numerous other criminals in Tokyo.
Ii is, but think lot of our actions when it comes to Nerima are more than a bit meta gamey.
Yes, i don't think we should make it a priority, but i don't think we are going to remain ignorant about him during our interactions with Ranma in specific, and Nerima in general, at which point we need to make a decision on what to do.
And what that will be depends a lot on what situation we find ourselves at that time.
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Superman, as a narrative figure, still does have difficult and interesting fights because we the audience want that sort of drama and conflict. Meanwhile, Saitama's fights have no drama. They are a comedy bit, with the trappings of a serious massively epic fight added on to increase the comedy.
Also, one big part of the show, is that it's still very much a superhero anime with the classic epic fights. Just, it becomes a thing where as soon as saitama pops up said fights get short-circuited. Like the battle between Genos and that 'mosquito monster', that was robbed of it's climax by Saitama appearing and ending it with a flick.
And then there was the Sea king one, where a long string of heroes battle it out against the 'Sea King', desperately trying to fend off an overwhelming force, or buy time for someone that can actually contest it. With again, Saitama short-circuiting the usual plot by just one-shotting the boss after he appeared.
Part of how Saitama works, is because the setting is still a superhero anime. Just one that pokes some fun at the tropes by having saitama running around mucking up the 'typical plots'.
Chickenhouses are constructs.
They don't breed, they have to be made, and are made only rarely.
Naru might be able change that. :thonk:
If Naru golemizes a skyscraper, will it be a cranehouse? :V
OMG can we fixer upper/rehab the house like the big ol' misussed chicken baby it is?

[x][House] Remove the Stone from the Sconce

We'll have a house repair minigame or I riot!
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I was already going to be voting to loot the chickenhouse, but the idea of maybe actually making it a living being with an actual mind of its own is just making me even more exited over it.
Also, it seems that MCAT would probably not be able to replicate it anyway, so its value to MCAT is somewhat less than it seemed earlier, we can always come help if they need to bunker bust or whatever they would use a chickenhouse for.

Also, have not really commented on the update, but...
But rather... "Oh, honey." Naru says softly, "It's okay. Mama won't be mad." There is still a moment of silence, "Please, I just need a little cut, so I can get a drop of blood." Finally, almost nervously, the crystal creature sitting atop Naru's head reaches out, and with a snap forward it's pokes at the pad of Naru's finger. After a long moment, a bead of ruby blood wells up from the point where the tiny creature poked, and Naru smiles.
I can feel my teeth rotting.
This, is just so adorable.
If Naru golemizes a skyscraper, will it be a cranehouse? :V
The ground rumbles as the titanic building bird moved.

"So what goes into making one the size of a skyscraper?" Moon asked as Naru looked upon her creation in horror. "A crane? Emu? Ostrich?"

"No." Naru replied in a quiet voice. "A Terror bird."


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Yes, i agree, that would be an optimal situation as far as i am concerned, and pretty much the eventual end game we will arrive at.
It is unlikely to happen anytime soon, we are not able to really do that even in Japan without ganging up on certain people.
But, yes, if i had the option, i would choose to enter fights knowing we will win and not having to struggle, and people being harmed if we loose.

And in the desire to minimize the need to struggle, i think we should keep trying to become stronger like we have since the beginning of the quest, even if the best methods to do so may change over time (my current favorite, the helmet, i think that might have lot of potential, and at least should do a lot to protect Naru).

Because that has allowed us to win, quite easily, against most opposition, it allowed us to stop the police precinct from being bombed by IMO (that was kinda uncomfortably close), it allowed us to win against Kunzite, and is now allowing us to defeat a surprise 65 prowess enemy we did not expect.

It is a policy that has provided very good dividends over time.

I could probably have found other examples with less OP enemies, but have not read One Piece for sometime so don't remember many character names, and Oda seems to have a habit to make everyone survive, so i picked Ace because he was easily recognizable, and as far as i know has not made a surprise comeback.

I would be very disappointed if we went into the fight with Galaxia and had no question that we will win with no significant struggle.

From a Watsonian perspective, fine, that's the ideal because no one wants a few quintillion lives snuffed out and the universe rent asunder, so losing "isn't an option"

But from a Doylist perspective a fight we have no hope of losing is just as boring as a fight we have no hope of winning. It ends up being the same as doing a scene about Usagi digging for spare change in the couch. The best we can hope for is a bit of humor, but at the end of the day the results are pre-determined and don't really involve anything interesting happening.

I think the issue is that the Watsonian perspective alone is going to lead to a story with no stakes. A story with no stakes is boring, and I don't want this story to be boring. Yes, we have prevented tragedies, but I also want to again point to the Pretty Cure Dog fight... I'm not really certain of a good way to measure it, but that fight really didn't hold my interest. It was so abundantly clear that we outclassed everyone that is was really only a concern of "is sailor moon accidentally going to kill someone's puppy". Which... that's not a thing I want to see. Same thing with the Weaponshop fight. We sent Jupiter and Mars because we were concerned about the concentrated power of that force... and it was completely a non-issue. Inuyasha took the entire place practically solo.

Even the chicken house you were so concerned about... was nothing. Lost immediately after the concerns were voiced, because it stood no real chance against us.

Responding to a fight where we had a total and complete victory with no injuries with a call to train more because we aren't yet invincible... I don't find that useful.

Ii is, but think lot of our actions when it comes to Nerima are more than a bit meta gamey.
Yes, i don't think we should make it a priority, but i don't think we are going to remain ignorant about him during our interactions with Ranma in specific, and Nerima in general, at which point we need to make a decision on what to do.
And what that will be depends a lot on what situation we find ourselves at that time.

Why would we have to make a decision on what to do? He's committing the same level of crimes as a horny teenage boy, he's a nuisance sure, but nothing about anything I know of him makes him any more dangerous than a purse snatcher.

And if the response is "his crimes are serious enough that we should act" then we should have BEEN acting against people who commit the exact same crimes who we can stop. But they aren't. The only difference is Happosai is strong enough no one has stopped him before, and now that we are, people want to see him get his comeuppance.

Also, have not really commented on the update, but...

I can feel my teeth rotting.
This, is just so adorable.

That was SUPER ADORABLE! I would have squeed if I wasn't at work.
[X][House] Remove the Stone from the Sconce

Goddamn, the hair pin was ridiculously cute and endearing for a hair pin. Time to give them a giant chicken house younger sibling?