Uri's snippet thread. Fighting the plot bunnies one word at a time (starting with a JJK Si).

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A snippet thread for me to push unwanted plot bunnies into.

And maybe derive some benefit to my writing skills.
JJK normal Si.
Welcome, welcome one and all to my snippet thread. It is my unfortunate fate to be burdened by many, many interesting ideas that just beg to be written and developed while I'm trying to focus on one project (my quest, distant stars, link in my sig if you're interested) and so I figured that if I just write them out, they would leave my mind and let me develop the setting I'm actually working on.

We'll see if that will work or not, in time what it does seem to do, is increase my writing speed.

I'm a slow writer, if I get 500 words a day that's fast for me (super-fast) yet I managed to push out all 1.6K words of this snippet in a single day, after already writing 400~ words for another project.

And if all this snippet thread would do is help me increase my writing speed. I;'ll consider it well worth it.

But don't let me hold you, I present to you my first snippet a JJk Si as a normal human without cursed energy.

FYI, I know basically nothing about JJK except that the fights are awesome and the setting semi interesting.

"Yo, Gojo over here" I called out waving my hands high in the air, hoping to be noticed over the bustling crowd "Gojo Satoru, over here",

Fortunately, the smug bastard seemed to notice my yelling his white hair turned to my direction, a single finger pointing at himself inquisitively.

"Yes, you" I yelled out and finally he started making his way toward me but he was takin his sweet time about it.

its only the fate of the world in the balance here, nothing to be concerned about.

It's been about seven years since I've found myself in this world, since I woke up in an alleyway in Tokyo with no recollection of how I got here.

For the first year, I thought I've been the victim of some human trafficking ring that fucked up somewhere and tired everything I could think of to get in contact with my family and county but apparently, I didn't existence in this reality and my insistence of leaving in another place with a family that also didn't exist got me sent to a mantal institute.

It was there that I found about Jujutsu sorcerers and realized I've been dumped in Jujutsu Kisen, I might have been exited about it if I could utilize cursed energy.

The world of JJK was shit but superpowers would sweeten many shit piles.

Unfortunately, I couldn't even see cursed spirits, as the fact I have never even caught a hint of the spirit the Jujutsu sorceress came to exercise at the mental institute proved.

And for a normal human in Japan, life was very much a crapshoot, if you didn't die to the many causes that would normally kill a human you could also have your head mulched on by a cursed spirit, or become collateral to one of the many high levels shounan fights.

I thought long and hard about fucking of to the middle of nowhere and living out my life away from all of the insanity that was to come.

But… but I liked to think I was a decent human being and I could not live with the knowledge that I might have been able to avert the death of millions and didn't even attempt to do so.

I didn't remember much form the anime not the precise details at least but I did remember Shibuya and without knowing the precises date of the incident I've resolved to come here every night.

And for five years I did exactly that.

Until at last the day has come and I moved forward with my plan.

Perhaps there was a better way to go about things but I didn't know anything about just society except from half remembered tidbits form the anime. I didn't know the player; I didn't know how was feeding information to who and who was aligned with whom.

In the end I've decided this was the beast point I could force a change.

I looked at the blindfolded man standing in front of me and I had to admit he had style, he coked his head to the side "yo, I don't suppose you're the man responsible for the barrier" he asks his voice light.

"If only" I reply "but I do know who is"

"Oh?" his voice took an intrigued note "don't leave me hanging here"

"Go into the lower levels of the station itself and you'll find them"

"Them?" he asked.

"Yeah, them" I said "you already know two, that fire spirit that escaped you a while back and the special grade that invaded Jujutsu high recently, the third would be on of the cursed puppets his technique is blood manipulation, like the Kamo one".

"Oh?" he inclined his head, a single finger lowering his blindfold a little to let his clear blue eyes stare into my soul "and you know this how?".

"Dos it matter?" I deflect "they would fight you within the crowds, killing the civilians and trying to confuse you by purring more to the slaughter, to make you hesitate on summoning your domain. Mahito will join them with a bunch of transformed humans after a while trying to overwhelm your ability to defend all the humans in the station and tire yourself further"

"Then I spouse I would just summon my domain before they have a chance" Gojo let the hand holding his blindfold drop into his chin and took a thinking pose.

"Don't, you'll kill them but let the master mind escape" I state "and he can't be allowed to live".

"Hmm... and who is this mysteries master mind?"

"I don't remember the exact name but he's an old Kamo sorcerer" I say "a few hundred years old".

At this proclamation Gojo gave me a stink eye "never heard of him and I would know if anyone that old was still skulking around".

"How sure of that are you?" I ask.

"Sure enough" he replies "those kinds of sorcerers always leave a trail and the clan keep a very close eye on any sorcerer that has a curse technique that could even hypothetically be used for immortality".

"I wouldn't be surprised if they missed him, he switches bodies every so often" I say "right now he would be in the Body of Suguru and in possession of his cursed technique"

Gojo froze at my words, "I burned his body myself" his tone more menacing and heavier.

"Then he got one over you" I reply to the unasked question "but he will use that surprise to root you in place enough for his plan to work.

Suddenly I felt myself being lifted off the ground, looking down, any trace of the aloof persona of Gojo was gone. All that was left was special grade sorcerer, Gojo Satoru the strongest "talk, everything you know" he commanded.

And I -being the mere mortal that I am- obeyed.

I didn't tell him everything but I did tell him anything I remember about the Shibuya incident -in brief terms- before he stormed off and left me tied up to a lamp post saying he'll come back for me later.

Unsaid was that I wouldn't like my fate if I laid to him but I wasn't worried, I did tell the truth after all.

Everything will be fine.

I hope.

Satoru desperately drew in breath after breath, gasping for air to alleviate some of his tiredness.

And he was only half faking.

Taking on four special grade opponents at once was taxing, even for him, he won of course.

He is the strongest for a reason.

The death painting womb puppet was crushed into a ball of flesh and blood.

He blew up the nature spirit early on in the fighting.

And he has taken every measure he could think of to ensure Mahito died as soon as he arrived.

The price for that has been paid by the bystanders, no normal human remained alive in this section of the Shibuya station and many who stood above it perished as well, just from the pressure of cursed energy thrown around.

Normally, Satoru would have been more careful, he's not above getting his hands dirty and cutting losses when the situation calls for it but he normally much prefers the collateral to be nonexistent.

Yet the minute he located the three curses waiting him, he knew that the strange foreigner he met above was correct.

At that point he still wasn't sure if it was a trap or not but when Mahito came around he figured it wasn't and started cutting lose, prioritizing exorcising the curses over protecting the civilians.

And the results spoke to themselves.

Three special grade curses exercised -the fire one escaped when he was busy killing patch face- and the only cost were a few hundred non sorceress.

The old fogies at the administration would probably clap themselves on the back for this kind of casualties' ratio but for Satoru even a single death was too much.

He's the strongest, no one should die when he is around.

But he didn't let his mind ruminate over the fallen, he still had a job to do.

And as if on que he noticed, out of the conner of his eye a small cube covered with closed eyes.

As suddenly as it appeared so did it open, stretch into four directions, its interior looked like flesh and a giant eye opened in the middle to star at Satoru.

As described to him, he turned to leave and then he heard it "Yo, Satoru".

On instinct he pushed, Red blasting the prison realm far away into the train chute.

With that dealt with and before the man wearing Suguru skin could respond, Satoru rushed him cursed energy coating his fist.

He put all of his anger at the mere thought of someone desecrating his friend body and punched him in the face with enough curse energy to empty out second grad sorcerers.

Red and black sparks escaped his fist as the man wearing his late friend skin blasted off into the wall.

Looking closely, with the effect of the black flash flowing over him, Satoru could see clearly that the soul inhabiting that body did not belong to Suguru, which only mad him angrier.

The man wearing Suguru face pulled himself from the wall Satoru punch has put him in and patted down his cloths, he was clearly injured but not as much as Satoru would have preferred form such a sudden attack.

He spoke only two words, his voice sounding so much like Suguru yet so different

"Well, shit".

And this is where we end things, I don't know nearly enough about JJK to even try to do that fight justice, so things would end here.

Of course, with Mahito dead and with Satoru not sealed away (and likely not being sealed) the butterflies are kinda massive not that I have any idea what they would be.

Which is why this is a snippet rather than anything more.

I hope you enjoyed and you'll see me again when the plot bunnies stirk once more.
It was cool, shame about Choso, if the SI knew enough about jujutsu kaisen, he could have probably made Choso change sides in a single sentence.

Kenjaku is done for, it isn't a fight he can win, this is likely his end, than it just leave the binding vow Sukuna still has on Yuji, and the finger Jogo is carrying.
Shame about Choso, but great story.

Kinda funny that you wrote JJK SI as JJK Si, I had a moment where I tried to figure out what "Jujutsu Kaisen Yes" meant lol
Also, It is a minor point, but Gojo so strong that even all those curses together aren't really anything serious or tiring for him if not for the civilians, Geto had enough hold of his personality to know that while he was willing to write off civilian casualties.

He wasn't willing to cause civilian casualties, this limited most of his abilities, he couldn't use his domain without crushing all the civilians inside or destroying their mind, he couldn't use blue without harming civilians, couldn't use any serious use of red, or purple, his teleportation is a space warping and will smash through them.

He was left with only his melee and very limited part of limitless, and he still kicked their ass.

But I guess Kenjaku would have run if he saw a major change in Gojo's personality (using his curses technique even if it kills civilians), so he was trapped in similar situation to canon (and just a warning of what they will use), and was still half tired because he could only use limited part of his abilities.
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This whole sentence bro. Gotta check for spelling error.
Well, I wrote this half sleep deprived so typo's are expected.

But the greatest part of this being a thread for the random shit that pops into my head is that I don't need to care about maintaining the standard I try for my quest and can just write with very little editing.

If I ever develop this idea further, I'll give it a few more looks and edits but for now its fine.
Fate. A Rwby SI.
To continue the line of SI that try to fix their world here is a new one, this time a Rwby SI, its different then the last one in that this time he actually posses' power to influence things.

Honestly, I might develop this idea further when I have the time the semblance, I've given him is really interesting to play out with and is decently overpowered.

Anyway, enjoy.

The beat of the club could be heard well outside of its confines, the music shaking the very air.

Bypassing the long line to its entrance, I approached the bouncer casually, my hands tucked in the overcoat I was wearing.

The bouncer -a six-foot three muscular guy- took one look at me and let me pass silently.

The inside of the club was a hundred times worse than the outside; the music was so loud that the very floor was shaking with its beat. I'm pretty sure that the more then a hundred people -human and faunus alike- who were occupying the dance floor would return home with severe hearing lose this night.

Yet I disregarded the crowd of young adults ruining their future for the brief satisfaction of the now, this wasn't why I was here. I pushed my way through the crowd and made my way to the bar and the sharply dressed man behind it.

"What can I get Ya?" the man known as junior asked when I set down, ideally cleaning the glass in his hand with a small towel not showing any reaction to my appearance.

"Information" I answered curtly, I might need the guy but I didn't have to like him, the guy hit on girls way younger than him and that put him in the scumbag category for me -if the fact he was part of organized crime didn't put him there already.

The man seemed intrigued at my words he set the glass he was cleaning on the counter and leaned forward "what kind of information?"

"The kind that I would pay handsomely for"

"Well, why didn't you say so sooner?" Junior expression shifted to one of anticipation as lien was mentioned "what do you want to know stranger?"

"I'm looking for someone" I began "a man by the name of Roman Torchwick, I believe he's a business associate of yours". At the mention of man, Junior scowled.

"Yeah, I know him, everyone knows him, he just robed more then a dozen dust stores" junior said his tone betraying the frustration he felt "but I don't know why you would think I know where to find him".

"He hires your men for the robberies" I say "surely you know something"

"Sorry man, I've got nothing, he run's a tight ship".

I sigh excessively and throw a small sack full of lien onto the counter "ten thousand" I say.

"Sorry friend, I've got nothing" out of the corner of my eyes I saw several bouncers/gang members positioning themselves around me "and I think you've overcome your welcome".

So that's how it's going to be, huh? Well two can play this game. "You stand upon a crossroad, junior, the outcome is already written I will get what I came here for, the only question is if your punch is going to be ten thousand Lien heavier or if I'm going to draw old inevitable here "I tap the giant greatsword strapped to my back "wreak your club, slaughter your minions and then break every bone in your body until you tell me what I want".

My words seemed to carry over the heavy music if the tension in Junior's minions was to say, the man himself carried the threat well, he didn't let his fear show on his face but if you knew what you were looking for, you'll find it.

He tightly gripped his club under the counter "you're crazy" he said infusing false bravado into his voice "I have more the three dozen guys here, you'll be full of led before you even move".

"Perhaps" the kind of guys Junior employs wouldn't even be a speedbump for someone of my caliber, yet it wasn't often you got such opening for badass one liner and a man needed to take whatever victories he could find "yet I'm confidant I could kill you before they would manage such" the smile on my face took a sinister note " care to bet who's faster? Me or your minimum wage crooks for higher?".

In the end, Junior took the wise decision and spilled everything he knew about Torchwick, it wasn't much but it was enough.

Whistling a happy tune, I left the club behind and made my way to the docks or more specifically to a warehouse situated at the docks, the very same one who Junior pointed me toward.

As expected, a few minutes of surveillance has confirmed Torchwick presence as expected. As well as the presence of an unexpected guest.


Well, well that was a happy surprise, the reason I've been looking for Torchwick was to get to cinder through him but it seemed as if she fell into my lap.

I was doubly happy I didn't end up fighting Junior and his goons. I already used my semblance twice tonight and I wouldn't have dared risking using it against someone as powerful as Cinder if my Aura was chipped away even slightly more form fighting.

I strode openly toward the warehouse entrance, the heavy wooden door locked yet a simple appellation of strength took care of that problem.

Inside the warehouse I found the two criminals staring at me, weapons in hand. "Hello" I said. A simple glance around the warehouse -which was full with containers of dust- didn't reveal Neopolitan but that was expected. The girl semblance was suited to hiding like little others.

"And who the fuck are you?" it was Roman which answered my greeting.

"I go by many titles" I answer "today it is of the avenger, the righter of wrongs, by blood and steel would justice be done" to emphasize my point I draw inevitable from my back, the twohanded great sword, its large tip pointed toward the ground.

"Great, just great" Torchwick exclaimed, clerically frustrated "another clown".

Disregarding the clown comment I continue "fortunately for you I'm not here for you, I'm here for her" I point my sword at cinder which just silently takes me in, I could swear I saw the gears spinning in her mind, trying to understand who I was and what I wanted "stand aside and no harm will befall you this night".

I could see that my words had appealed to him, Torchwick didn't like Cinder, he worked with her because it was profitable and because she coerced him to and he would shed no tears if she were to die.

The only question was if he was willing to step aside and suffer later if I didn't win. Thankfully the choice was taken out of his hand as cinder came forward two short swords in hand. "I will deal with this" she knew that if Roman choose to step aside no matter the outcome the seeds of rebellion and defiance would be planted in his mind and so she gave the only order that she was sure he would follow "I think a little demonstration is in order".

"No skin off my back" Roman responeded, lowering his cane and stepping to the side.

Cinder was confidant in her gambit, she didn't think for a second, she would need help with defeating me as she was absolutely assured in here superiority, this would be her undoing.

"Cinder Fall" she seemed taken aback by my knowledge of her name "tonight you die" and I would live.

My aura bottomed out as my semblance activated, going from around eighty percent to seven, and unseen by all the very fabric of the world shifted as an immaculate fact was spoken and destiny took hold.

Cinder Fall would die tonight, the end of the story was written carved into the bones of this world. All that was left was to write the steps in-between.

Perhaps she has felt something or perhaps the threat was enough to anger her because Cinder wasted no time sanding a dozen glass knifes at my head.

I swung inevitable in front of me, using the large dust forged blade as a shield, knife after knife plinking off of it.

In doing so, I blocked my point of view, cinder -an experienced fighter- moved to take advantage of this opening. Just as I expected.

With Aura given strength, I transformed my guard into an uppercut swing forcing her to break of her charge.

We clashed, me with wide and deliberate swings and her with quick jabs and swift projectiles.

I was at a distinct disadvantage, not only did I need to conserve Aura to not run out, my fighting style was full of opening the swift style could exploit.

In order to conserve Aura even more I let most of her strikes through only blocking the ones which would actually inflict a wound that would reduce my performance. By the end of our first few exchanges, I was covered with small cuts all over my body.

Not that cinder was in particularly better shape, sure she only got hit once for every twenty times she managed to strike me but my weapon hit a lot harder than here little knifes.

Not to mention that on the frequent occasions that she needed to deflect my weapon rather than fully doge my attack, the aura needed to ensure they wouldn't break emptied her reserves even faster.

Yet, little by little I was losing. I just stated with way less Aura reserves then her and even with my ultra conservative fighting style I just couldn't over come that difference and after a few more clashes the inevitable happened and the sound of glass shattering echoed throughout the warehouse as my Aura broke.

That was not the end, with the hungry nature of my semblance I have trained myself extensively to fight well after my Aura shattered.

Of course, the fight that up to this point was mostly tied shifted against me as I lost the protection and enhancement of my Aura, racking up wounds faster and faster and inflicting less in turn.

At some point inevitable was prayed from my grasp and a kick to my stomach sent me crashing into one of the containers, with no weapon and covered in injuries.

Cinder toward over my prone form her eye alight form using her semblance so much, her red dress immaculate as if she didn't just go a few rounds with me. "It seems that it is not I who would die tonight" and she was gloating.

I chuckled, the action causing me to cough up some blood "I wouldn't speak too soon".

She created another knife in the air but before she could send it to kill me, the sound of Aura breaking was once again heard in the warehouse as a thin blade pierced cinder heart as Neopolitan reveled herself.

Torchwick approached Cinder fallen and gasping form "I never did like you" he pointed his cane at her head and pressed the trigger.

"Well," I said, diverting his attention from cinder cooling corpse to me "I don't suppose I could hitch a ride to the hospital, can I?".