Unfinished Business [Ghost Quest]

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"Myre is a world shrouded in mystery, myth, and ruin. Lost history sinks ever deeper into the...
Intro 1
Lost in Hell
"Myre is a world shrouded in mystery, myth, and ruin. Lost history sinks ever deeper into the mists of time, and with every passing century the legacy of once-great empires is further disgraced. What once was a temperate world has by all accounts been marred by great deserts, half of a continent dead and destroyed. It shames me that I must be unsure of even so grand a statement as that, yet there are more important things to look towards.

Nin. Non. Nen. Myrcil. Cyril. Lyria. Goh.

These are the names of the seven moons which people look towards for guidance. Out of tradition? Out of superstition? Out of some forgotten truth? Irregardless, they hold on sway over us anymore.

Useless questions. Useless information. That's certainly what the average response might be. Yet to all of us, even those who have forgotten or don't care to remember, it is home. A uniting factor that binds every last one of us, no matter what shape we now take. Above all else, however? It represents a far better home than this place we've found ourselves lost within."
-Quote from The World We Knew,a semi-historical collection of autobiographies. Author unknown.

Unfinished Business
Name and Trademark Pending.

Words, you've come to learn, are important. Without them everything quickly becomes meaningless, as lost to you as your memory.

Green. Green is a color you can only distantly remember, so far divorced from this place you've found yourself in. Something associated with a more pleasant time, one that invokes images of cloudless skies and plants you no longer have words for.

Clouds. Clouds are the sky itself, consuming the horizon no matter which direction you turn. They are an ever roiling black mass from which ash falls every day, fed by any of a dozen or so distant mountains. From their smoldering tops emerges fire and ash, as red and bright as the light that the clouds seem to obscure but aren't always successful at hiding.

Red. It seems like the only color you know from personal experience besides black and grey. Red is the color that lights the world, the color hidden inside the clouds, and the color boiling beneath the ground. It is the color of the fiery rivers that mark the landscape around you, and the only thing that separates rocks stained by ash from unstained obsidian.

So similar, yet so different.

That's why you think words are so important. They help give meaning to that which seems pointless, and if they don't, they are definitions - definitions that help give clearer meaning to something. Green is green, even when it's not there. Clouds will continue to be clouds. The color reds hue isn't about to change any time soon. Yet by defining them you also define their differences.

That seems like the most important part of all. Understanding that difference between words, the gulf that separated them from one another. Perhaps even the bridges that joined them.

And you? You will continue to be dead and confused. Your memories grow dimmer and dimmer the further back you look, your recollections blowing away like sand held in an open palm. Your skull is an empty chamber that you can strip bare with all your will and find almost nothing of worth within. It leaves you with nothing to explain the knowledge that you are dead, save for affirming that such a statement is true and factual.

Perhaps that's why you place such value in not just the select words you know, but in the difference between them. It, that was to say the difference between them, was so stark. How can you be both dead and confused? Are you real anymore? Is your entire existence nothing more than someone's final thoughts, or do you have some fatal misunderstanding over what death truly means? Perhaps most important of all...

...Who are you?
[] Enter Name.

What were you?
[] A man.
[] A woman.
[] You either can't recall or didn't care for either in life.

Hopefully this is getting off to a better start than my last quest. I do plan on updating it much more frequently, at the very least. I plan on running this off of a somewhat modified DnD 5e system, in which said modifications will become readily apparent exceptionally quick. Potentially within the next few updates quick.

Luckily, I can also state with a fair amount of certainty that the system works! Mainly because I've been using my dnd group as guinea pigs and they've enjoyed it immensely in between their normal bouts of intense stupidity.

I also think that I managed to get this opening right. Its normally the hardest post, after all, and it took me about 8 drafts to get the proper mix of incoherence and rational thought I was going for.
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Character Sheet
Character Sheet
Name: Greene
Gender: N/A

Image Currently Unavailable

Level 0
XP 0/0

Strength: 10 (+0)
Dexterity: 10 (+0)
Constitution: 10 (+0)
Intelligence: 10 (+0)
Wisdom: 10 (+0)
Charisma: 10 (+0)

Saving Throws: None.
Proficiency: None

"Utterly Unremarkable."

Skills and Abilities
  • Animus: Effects unknown
"Not even a single redeeming quality."
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Gathered Knowledge
Please bear with me as I attempt to de-mangle my own incapable work.
  • Myre is the world from which you came, although at the moment it's name is lost to you. Notable for a wide array of reasons equally as unavailable to you, by far it's most distinguishing trait is the 7 moons that orbit it oddly. Their names are Nin, Non, Nen, Myrcil, Cyril, Lyria, and Goh.

    Currently, however, one element of Myre sticks out to you. The color Green, which you will never once find in your new home.
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Okay, we're playing an amnesiac ghost?

I'm sold.

[x] A man.

Also, dear QM; I have two very good references to a game no one played name ideas. However, I am torn on which one to use.

Should I use my vote on the name to suggest them both and have you or our protagonist decide which one suits them more?
Also, dear QM; I have two very good references to a game no one played name ideas. However, I am torn on which one to use.

Should I use my vote on the name to suggest them both and have you or our protagonist decide which one suits them more?
I would recommend just using the one you like more, since one person voting for two separate names would throw off the votes. You could say both of them outside of votes and see if anyone picks up on them, I suppose.
I would recommend just using the one you like more, since voting for two seperate names would throw off the votes. You could say both of them outside of votes and see if anyone picks up on them, I suppose.

Alright, then I'll go with the name I just like more.

[x] Sissel

And I may as well vote for the gender again, to make everything tidy.

[x] A man.
Well, it's officially been more than 24 hours since the last vote, and things are... fairly uneven.
Vote tally:
##### 3.21
[x] Edwin
No. of votes: 1

[x] A man
No. of votes: 3
Nevill, Anya Homura, ConfusedPotato

[x] Sissel
No. of votes: 2
Anya Homura, ConfusedPotato

[X] Greene
No. of votes: 2
veekie, Chrestomanci

[X] You either can't recall or didn't care for either in life.
No. of votes: 3
veekie, Chrestomanci, wingstrike96

[X] Brooke
No. of votes: 2
DeepWaters, wingstrike96

[X] A woman.
No. of votes: 1

So, since we're excluding one of the votes for "Man" since I forgot to ask Anya to delete the original vote, it looks like we're going down the gender neutral route! As for names... if we go by shared votes, "Greene" wins, but "Sissel" and "Brook" have an equal number of votes. Took me a bit to decide if I should roll/spin for it or not, but in the end, it looks like...

Winning Votes
[X] Greene
[X] You either can't recall or didn't care for either in life.

Depending on how quickly I get my AP project done, expect the update tomorrow morning or nearly ludicrously late tonight. Depends on if I sleep or not.

Now where are my notes on what the fuck Goh is?

Edit: I've now updated the Character Sheet and Information pages. I'm still experimenting with them.
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Intro 1.2
"Out of everything I can remember from the first time round... Non is definitely up there. Not much of a reason why, I suppose, since I don't remember buying into the general mish-mash of rumors and other such nonsense people spouted about it. Maybe it's Non's colors... an ever-shifting collage of colors every shade I can name. Like an artist's paintbrush had only been allowed to affect a small dot in the sky, a marble suspended in the sky. It was always a treat whenever it dominated the skyline.

But let me tell you this. Whatever else people might say about the other moons, what they tell you about Non and a gentle night's rest? It's no exaggeration. A sleep-deprived parent will never get a better night's sleep under Nin's light, either because you're both out for the count or because whatever dreams you're having are so pleasant you don't want to wake up."

-The World We Knew, excerpt from Farron's segment


The most important word you know. Not just because it's so close to another word you know,to a word whose meaning was lost a long time ago. It is you, and that is all which matters.

Perhaps it isn't truly your name. Perhaps, just like with everything else, you can't even remember what you're missing anymore, like anything else about what you were. If you even cared. Is it possible that you simply chose a name based on a simple world that held meaning to you? It's certainly the first time in recent memory you can recall even thinking your name. You can't even begin to recall when you last spoke it.

When did you last speak?

You turn your attention away from that question. You know you won't like the answer. There are other things to focus on now. Better things.

You've seen a great many things that you can remember. Rivers of ash that clogged a great scar in the earth that slowly filled it until one day it was no longer a pit, but instead a lake. Glassy spheres that stretched for miles in a plain of obsidian and glass, which you could stand before for an eternity before getting tired of looking at. A great obsidian pillar rising from a sea of lava, unmoving and unyielding. They are wonderful visions and you have never gotten tired of them. Perhaps that is why you walk and walk without ever seeming to stop for good.

Today, however, you have been watching others. With your name in your mind it feels easier to focus on them now. Questions spring forth faster than before, because something is very odd about the people you've been watching.

It is not the first time you have seen another person. Humans, or at least what once might have been a human, are quite common. They were white, whispy figures; some better defined than others, retaining facial features and distinct limbs, while others were little more than a cloud of fog. You had never talked to any of them before, because even if they could hear you, none of them had ever responded to you.

Or… had you even tried? Perhaps you were the mute one.

You decide to try speaking to them later. There's more of them walking about than you've seen in a long while. It's not that notable, honestly; there isn't a single memory left for you to look over where a dozen white figures were not visible somewhere in the distance. Even large crowds of them weren't an odd sight.

Yet ever since you started walking this way, you've noticed more and more of them walking alongside you, towards the distant mountain that still spewed ash into the sky. When you look to the left, you see a horde walking towards the same location; and to look to the right tells the same story.

Something in you guided you to a higher location; a jutting rock that appears as though some massive giant used it as a weapon in some bygone age, shoving it into the ground to await it's retrieval. Knowing what you sometimes see in the distance, perhaps that is truly the rock's origins.

From atop your perch, you were able to…. What are you doing? Sitting? Standing? You don't think you have legs anymore. How odd. Either way from up high, you were able to get a much better view of the surrounding area.

From there, you confirmed your suspicions. There were dozens of large groups, all headed towards the distant mountain. Some were small dots, while others were nebulous blobs. They all converged on a single point off in the distance.

Thus you remember a another new word to describe this. It is Peculiar, and you want to know more. You've also remembered what a suspicion is.

How … Exciting? That's the third word today. Knowing your name seems to be doing much more than you than you thought, to inspire this.

Finally, you decide that you've spent enough time watching all of these groups. You can only sit and watch for so long before growing restless. It will take you some time to catch up with them, though you don't know if that matters; for so many to be headed towards a single location, there must be some sign that you have arrived in the right place.

Such a thought is almost certainly misguided. Yet just as certainly it gives you time to think about a fourth word you would like to understand, even if you think that you know what it means.

Death. To be Dead. What does it even mean? If you still exist, if you still walk, then is such an idea useless? Was it ever real at all? You can't remember the answers to any of those questions, even now, but you know you must know what it actually is. Your death was important to you, after all, wasn't it?

It has to be somewhere in that empty cavern you call your skull. Even if you have to dig through a thousand worthless grains of sand to get to it.

How did you die, Greene? You'll know the answer when you find it.
[] A peaceful death, taken by age.
[] Surrounded by darkness and choking heat.
[] A Knife to your back.
[] The fields of war.
[] With an unfulfilled promise upon your lips.
[] Protecting those you love.
[] Write In

Whoops, kinda let this one get away from me. I'm going to update quicker in the future, especially since I had this one half-written for a few days already.

Either way, this is going to be the first important vote for Character Creation! It'll end up determining a few basic traits based upon the general theme of your death. Some are going to be fairly different from the others. Saving Throw Proficiency, Starting Stat bonuses, and maybe a skill or two. Figured I should give fair warning to that. If you write something in I'll go off of that.

I've also updated the Character Sheet and Info page.
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So it's been 2 days since the lasts vote and there's a 6-way tie. Since it doesn't look like there's going to be any sudden upsets, I'm calling an end to voting in a few hours and I'll just role to figure out the winner unless we get last minute voters to break the tie.
Oooo.... Ghost quest. and bugger, I just (sorta) missed the vote. Well, following time it is, and hopefully I remember to check SV next time.
Intro 1.3
"I'm honestly glad to be here. As twisted an existence we endure, here in this city we still live a semblance of normal lives. In the end, no matter what horrors walk this place's surface, none of them match the complete and utter terror Myrcil instills in me. One day. That's all it needed to get to work, with no one around to realize it was there because we were all stuck in bed with the flu. By the time we'd all dragged ourselves out, Myrcil was hidden behind the clouds, and long gone by the time they vanished. I still don't know whether or not to blame it for those clouds too, because they were responsible for the most miserable storm I've ever endured.

For the next 9 months, 9 months to the hour, there wasn't a single normal birth. They were either stillborn, so grotesque they couldn't survive, or so wrong I can't bear to remember it. The livestock took a decade to recover from nearly a full year with a stagnant population when we still had to kill them to pay our taxes. That's in spite of the fact that every last one of them was pregnant too, mind you, even the males and the calves. None of them actually gave birth, either; even the ones already swollen to their breaking point. Half the crops failed and withered, while the other half were outright toxic.

What I'm saying here is that if I never have to see that goddamned misshapen rock again I could never be happier."

-The World We Knew, memories of Irin

When you eventually find what you're looking for, you almost wish you hadn't.

The knowledge you seek isn't quite comparable for trying to find a specific grain of sand colored differently from the others while standing on a beaches shores; instead, it's like looking for a leaf when what you want to know is located on one of it's branches.

You feel worse, now. For the oddest of reasons. It's like coming across some old scar that you had forgotten about, and then touching it to realize it had never healed in all the time you had held it. Your death was undefined and nebulous, something you were content with leaving to rest, but now you know for sure what it truly was.

A terrible end to your life. Warmth, trust, and laughter cut short unexpectedly. One instant of intense pain, like a band-aid being torn away to reveal a truth before you grew numb in spite of the pain's intensity. A few final moments of disbelief turning into anger and acceptance. Nothing, more nothing, and even more nothing that somehow yields to confusion.... moonlight? Clarity yielding to an immovable wall of cobwebs. Memories of a life once lived that are startlingly clear compared to even what you were doing just yesterday, or at least within the time period you arbitrarily dubbed yesterday due to the absence of anything to reliably denote the passage of time.

Today, you've learned a fifth word even if the one you originally set out to learn more about has only become more muddled. This time you think you might have intentionally forgotten it rather than confront it. It's really the only one to describe what happened to you.


It feels like you're being hurt all over again, remembering it. As though it's left a mark on you that'll never heal or vanish, no matter what form you take, even if you forget it's sting again. Yet it's enough to help you feel more like yourself than you have in so, so long. It's a definite hunch, one that draws a clear difference between the you of now and the you of a short time ago. Parts of you that stopped working suddenly began to function again, and now you can use them freely.

You never want to go back. You've died and now you're alive again in some way. Is this the afterlife, the one that the King promised to all in long-lost ages past? Or is this something else?

You hate it. There's so much to dislike, and you've only just realized it. How passive were you before? How overly hostile are you now? Is this normal?

You don't know. Maybe that's what you hate most of all.

You do not notice it. Why would you, after all? What once was a cloud of misty vapor becomes more solid, shrinking until it resembles the outline of a human. Mist freely flows in and out from what resembles a long stab-wound in the outlines back; one that had no need to form, for it was already there. Emotion has finally given way to a better form, and thus do new ideas and emotions run rampant. How typical.

Your journey is both shorter and longer than you expected. The passage of time seems more real to you now, something you keep track of rather than passively noting every now and again. While you might consider it a change for the better, it's currently a painful one. To repeat once more a phrase you're already sick of, and that is undoubtedly redundant..

You can't remember the last time that the passage of time actually mattered.

Now that it does, you're forced to take it every detail about your destination. At the very least you, and by extension the group you've been following, are closer to the mountain. Where once it was a backdrop in the horizon now it looms ominously overhead. It's indisputably massive, an environment all it's own that flattens and grows and flattens again in endless cycles while dominating the horizon.

The groups that were to your left and right are closer now. They're visible without the need to turn your head; the group to the right is close enough that were it not for a river of magma separating you you're sure that it would've merged with the one you're following already. You take it in good faith as a sign

Answers are close. So you hope, at least.

You've been given too much time to think. Too many thoughts have sprung up and not been investigated further, and worse still your entire identity seems to have been thrown into flux. Are you still confident following these crowds?
[] It's more of a start than anything else you've found. That's more than enough for you.
[] So long as it helps you remember more, there's no point in not following them. You see no difference in walking alongside them for a week or walking away from them for a week.
[] You have no idea where they're actually headed. What if it's to another death? You should back away.
[] Whether or not it's a bad idea to follow the groups, others will come. You need time to sort out your thoughts.

Look at that, got an update out the day I said I would. What a nice experience.

Greene isn't, if you hadn't noticed. Since all you gained from the selected death are bonus traits that I can't divulge yet, since the way they'll show up hasn't happened yet. This vote is just to help characterize Greene here at the start; in other words, alignment! Kinda-sorta. Lawful/Chaotic/Neutral, with two options. They also determine whether or not you move forward with this particular mystery at the moment.

Regardless of your vote, though, the next one's going to be the most important of these intro posts. I'm going to call it "Class Selection." . Character Sheets will be updated then as well.

Grey Text is there because Invisitext is no fun.
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