Flowey: "So please."
Flowey: "Just let them go."
Flowey: "Let Frisk be happy."
Flowey: "Let Frisk live their life."
Me: fuck you flowey you cocksucking sunflower lovecraftian psychomantis fuck you don't get to ask me that you don't get to make me feel these things
Flowey: "I'm sorry."
Flowey: "You've probably heard this a hundred times already, haven't you...?"
Flowey: "Well, that's all."
Flowey: "See you later..."
Flowey: "Chara. :]"
Me: wait what
Me: ...oh fuck you flowey
Me: flowey you piece of shit get back here
A co-worker of Sans who glitched himself out of existence somehow.
That's really the only thing we kind of know about him. Just about everything else is conjecture based on stuff happening when the Fun typo is corrected.
Gaster's full name is W. D. Gaster, likely "Wing Din Gaster" -
This indicates "Wingding Aster," both of which are fonts - like Sans and Papyrus.
It is perhaps notable that "Aster" is also a type of flower - a flower with a Golden center but white or purple petals.
However, from the writings we see, Gaster does in fact write in Wingdings, marking him as "The man who speaks in hands."
If you input "Gaster" into the name selection, the game restarts.
If one obtains the key to Sans' secret laboratory, one can find blueprints written "with strange symbols."
Reportedly, the cannons Sans uses in his fight are labelled as "Gaster Blasters" in the code.
Without editing the game, it is possible to obtain a few "fun" events - random events depending on the randomly generated value of "fun" in your savefile.
Such events are:
The Wrong Number Song (May I speak to G...)
The Refrigerator Call
The Pizza Call (Clearly from Alphys)
In order to find out more about Gaster, one must change the "fun" in the savefile to "Fun" and set the numeral value to specific numbers such as 61 or 63 or so on. Then, at certain areas, mysterious NPCs may appear, ghostly greyscale versions with empty faces or empty eyes.
Through interacting with them, it is possible to learn more about Gaster.
Before Alphys, Gaster was the royal scientist, who developed the CORE.
At some time, he fell into the CORE and was scattered across space and time.
It seems that Gaster is still watching (After all, it's rude to speak about someone who's listening...)
But is deeply frustrated or otherwise despondent about the fact that the world functions perfectly without him.
Through changing "Fun" values and editing your room location, it is also possible to access some hidden Gaster-related areas.
Some of these secrets appear to be accessible within the context of the game, but others seem to be still locked.
A "Sound Test" apparently in Snowdin, in the room where the fishing pole should be.
Only "MEAT FACTORY" and "HAPPY TOWN" are available... along "DANGER JINGLE" and "GASTER'S THEME."
All are very Yume Nikki-esque loops of sound lasting from 2 seconds to 10 seconds.
A hidden door in waterfall wherein a skeleton is found, likely Gaster.
Upon interaction, this skeleton opens its eyes with a startled expression and fades away with an enigmatic sound.
If you leave, the entire passageway with the hidden door will once again become inaccessible.
An event room playing the terrifying mus_smile.ogg in the background as - Gaster, likely enough, reads in Wingdings the results of a mysterious experiment. The transcription is available on the internet.
A room in which stands one silhouetted NPC shaped like... something.
Upon interacting with it, [REDACTED] is displayed in Wingdings.
According to a dataminer, the code for the removed (or just purposefully incomplete) Gaster encounter is thus:
0074CF3C|PUSH Variable monstertype
0074CF44|PUSH Int16 666
0074CF50|PUSH String Gaster
0074CF68|ASSIGN TO monstername
0074CF70|PUSH Int32 666666
0074CF88|ASSIGN TO monstermaxhp
0074CF90|PUSH Int32 666666
0074CFA8|ASSIGN TO monsterhp
0074CFB0|PUSH Int32 66666
0074CFC8|ASSIGN TO monsteratk
0074CFD0|PUSH Int32 66666
0074CFE8|ASSIGN TO monsterdef
0074CFF0|PUSH Int16 -6666
0074D004|ASSIGN TO xpreward
0074D00C|PUSH Int16 -6666
0074D020|ASSIGN TO goldreward
0074D028|PUSH Int16 666
0074D02C|ASSIGN TO itemrewardid
0074D034|PUSH Int16 666
0074D038|ASSIGN TO itemrewardchance
A very, very interesting theory about the splintering of Gaster: