Under the Sea (one piece/BNHA)

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Midoriya Izumi lives a rather quiet life in the ocean, she's an incredibly tall person and is constantly mistaken for various Kaiju, but that's fine. She has friends, maybe not human friends, but still more than she had when she was on land. And maybe there's a voice telling her human companionship might be nice, but if she ignores it it doesn't exist, right?
One piece Poseidon!Midoriya

Crossposted from AO3
Under the sea
You are Midoriya Izumi, and you currently live in the ocean off the coast of Japan. Now some might ask you "Why do you live off the coast of Japan?" And this is primarily because her father sort of threw her into the ocean and she sorta got fins? So alls well that ends well in her opinion, her life was significantly worse on land anyway, constant bullying, the stigma that came from being quirkless, her father working overseas until he came back and decided she was bad luck and tried to kill her.

You'd like to see what they have to say now though! You have grown almost thirty-eight feet from your four-foot-nothing days!~ You also have fins and gills and can communicate with large never-before-seen sea creatures, but personally, you think the height bit is the one people would focus on.

It's kinda difficult to find clothes for your utterly massive frame, however, and you had to resort to sewing kelp together, not that you needed clothes, you never really got cold, anyways, but you still had your pride! And also immense embarrassment despite not having anyone around to see you naked... Regardless, food is always an issue, you don't want to eat your friends, but you do have to eat them, so you stick to the less intelligent ones, not the sea kings.

And oh, the Sea Kings, they were your best friends, to put it bluntly, and the only semi-intelligent things you could communicate to. You were 17 now, it's been almost 10 years you've lived off the coast of Musutafu, and quite frankly, you're fine to never be on land again!

"What do you think?" You asked the fish swimming aimlessly next to you. It, like most fish, didn't reply. "I think you should stop talking to yourself, my lady." Came the reverberating voice of the massive island-sized whale from behind you. It was old-man Ruler-of-seas. You startle, of course, the whale was the largest sea king you've been in contact with and hasn't really moved or talked since you first came to the ocean.

"You haven't even moved in these past 10 years! I thought you were dead old man, do you get off on surprising people?!" You shouted at the whale that could probably just eat you if it really felt like it, but you were their ruler, the sea kings are massive creatures that obeyed only you, the older, stronger ones didn't tend to move or talk much, but when they did it was always full of some amount of wisdom, except for this time.

And he's back to sleep... damn old man whale. But despite everything he has been helpful, your quirk is incredibly dangerous, and if you get too angry the sea kings get riled and attack random things. He taught you how to do a lot of things, but how to calm down has to be the most important.

Maybe you could surface for a bit, and take a look around the shore? Yeah, if you are in and out no one will notice!


P.O.V Itsuka Kendo

You are Itsuka Kendo, and you have been chosen by All Might, to have his quirk, and become the next symbol of peace! It took a lot of training, but looking at the pristine beach of Musutafu makes it worth it, and the praise from locals who were often too old or busy to dedicate themselves to cleaning it.

You got All Might's attention when you were doing charity work in Shibuya, and then when children you were giving clothing and food to were threatened by this odd slime villain, you protected them until All Might jumped in and beat the slime guy to dust and put him in a bottle. He said he saw the qualities needed in a symbol of peace that day. Now that you have the strength, there were about 3 months until the entrance exam for U.A University, the greatest hero school in Japan. He said he was busy currently and would check the progress tomorrow, where you would inherit One For All, his quirk, which he inherited from the previous user.

And as you look out into the shining waters of the Musutafu Bay, you notice water bubbling and a shadow appearing on the water, an absolutely massive shadow, and then when you're trying to process what could possibly make such a shadow, a head slowly rises out of the water, Emerald green eyes peering around inquisitively, before locking onto you, you hear a squeak? of surprise and then the head goes right back into the water.

What the hell was that? Maybe one of the local residents knows something?

Ah! there!

"Hello sir, sorry to bother you but do you know anything about someone being in the bay?" You ask the elderly man who lives near the beach and appears right after the person goes back below water.

"Hmm, well, there are stories, ah. I remember now, the Midoriya family." He seems almost reluctant to talk about it, certainly sad, anyway. "The father worked overseas to support his wife and daughter, however, when it came out that his daughter, Izumi, was quirkless, he took it as a bad omen and threw her to sea. Before he did that she was bullied quite harshly at Aldera, from what my son who works as an attorney tells me." He smiles wistfully at the water and sighs. "However the father was caught on security camera throwing his daughter in the bay, and was swiftly arrested, people take that stuff very seriously ever since new anti-discrimination laws were put into place, anyway"

"When last I checked he was serving 40 years, and likely won't be able to get a job, the mother sued Aldera and moved away some time ago." He then looks to the water again, "Though, every so often you can see green eyes peering out of that bay, who knows, might be Izumi, quirk awakenings during stress have been recorded, after all." He then looks at the time, "Sorry, Kendo-San, I have to be home now, have a nice day." he waves as he walks off.

"You as well Mr. Tanaka" You wave back, how awful, throwing one's own child into the ocean, she was only 7!

Regardless, maybe some people have seen her online. It wouldn't hurt to look, but first, you have to get home.


P.O.V Midoriya Izumi

You wail and cry, someone saw you, this was awful, no one had seen you in forever! What if she tells other people? what if they try finding you? Oh this is terrible!

"Stop crying, my lady, you could always reveal yourself, after all, and avoid all the stress that comes with hiding someone of your height."

"Shut up!" You wail, maybe a bit petulantly, land life is complicated, out here you don't have to do anything! It's not like you went uneducated or anything, the sea kings taught you a lot of stuff, like math, and history! You don't need to go to land.

If you ignore the nagging voice that wants human company you'll be fine!
And this is primarily because her father sort of threw her into the ocean and she sorta got fins?
I see that Midoriya Izumi is Poseidon, one of the Ancient Weapons feared by the World Government and Japan should be grateful that she's not angry and vengeful like Shigaraki and his fellow League of Villains.

Also Mount Lady would probably be someone who can talk to Izumi, a fellow giant to another and probably mentor her compared to her canon self. As being giant on land is very complicated and destructive.

You are Itsuka Kendo, and you have been chosen by All Might, to have his quirk, and become the next symbol of peace!
Guess Mirio Togata was passed over and Itsuka Kendo will be the next One For All inheritor. That'd be interesting especially when Itsuka Kendo would eventually meet Izumi and befriend her.

people take that stuff very seriously ever since new anti-discrimination laws were put into place
That would mean Shoto Todoroki and his family (hopefully Dabi gets spared here) might breathe easy with Endeavor being arrested and imprisoned for his domestic abuse on them.

Anyway, I will be watching this crossover story with great interest.
How large the radar of poseidon power like if she can command all the sea king from like around the sea or even ocean she will be a walking disaster.

Because one piece poseidon is have the power to destroy the world and one piece planet is much bigger than the earth.

So her poseidon power might have the power to command the all the sea king from the world.
How large the radar of poseidon power like if she can command all the sea king from like around the sea or even ocean she will be a walking disaster.

Because one piece poseidon is have the power to destroy the world and one piece planet is much bigger than the earth.

So her poseidon power might have the power to command the all the sea king from the world.
Considering we see see Shirahoshi's use of her power, it's not worldwide as she just attract nearby Sea Kings that were drawn to Fishman Island whenever she gets too emotional.

So in that case, Izumi have control of Sea Kings nearby Japan and probably even Pacific Ocean.

Which would be a concern if All For One takes interest of a green haired giant mermaid girl upon finding out what she can do.
Considering we see see Shirahoshi's use of her power, it's not worldwide as she just attract nearby Sea Kings that were drawn to Fishman Island whenever she gets too emotional.

So in that case, Izumi have control of Sea Kings nearby Japan and probably even Pacific Ocean.

Which would be a concern if All For One takes interest of a green haired giant mermaid girl upon finding out what she can do.
She might even get sea related power like creating tsunami because in one piece poseidon power is in the hand of princess that didn't use her power very much. So sea related power might appear or not, i am not too sure.
She might even get sea related power like creating tsunami because in one piece poseidon power is in the hand of princess that didn't use her power very much. So sea related power might appear or not, i am not too sure.
It could be possible as Uranus is a sky-based weapon similarly like Mother Flame and Pluton is earth-based weapon that can oneshot islands.

Poseidon having water abilities aside commanding Sea King wouldn't be farfetched.

Of course we will have to wait and see if Shirahoshi can do that should she gain enough confidence of her power and herself in the Final Saga of One Piece.