[X] [Origin] An endless field, a tower in the distance, and standing before it a legion of foes, vicious and thousands strong.
[X] [First Impressions] Who are you?
[X] [Origin] A woman's face, soot-stained but for tracks of tears leaking from her eyes, and all around her is a shuddering before your vision is obscured by blackness. [X] [First Impressions] I feel... Strange...
[X] [Origin] A woman's face, soot-stained but for tracks of tears leaking from her eyes, and all around her is a shuddering before your vision is obscured by blackness. [X] [First Impressions] Where am I?
[X] [Origin] The horizon slowly curving as gravity forces you into your seat, the lights of the great cities winking out one by one as you speed towards the stars, a desperate flight from a burning home... [X] [First Impressions] I feel... Strange...
[X] [Origin] An endless field, a tower in the distance, and standing before it a legion of foes, vicious and thousands strong. [X] [First Impressions] I feel... Strange...
[X] [Origin] The horizon slowly curving as gravity forces you into your seat, the lights of the great cities winking out one by one as you speed towards the stars, a desperate flight from a burning home...
[X] [First Impressions] Who are you?
-[X] Who am I?
[X] [Origin] The horizon slowly curving as gravity forces you into your seat, the lights of the great cities winking out one by one as you speed towards the stars, a desperate flight from a burning home...
[X] [First Impressions] Who are you?