Uncertain Future [Supreme Commander Quest]

It looks like we found a forgotten colony. Watch out with the mad techno-barbarians.

[X] Do nothing
[X] Defence Focus
[X] Begin Construction of Anvil Experimental Engineers
[X] Contact your former employers. Inquire as to why there's a hostile military presence in Bounty.
+When in doubt, kick the issue upwards.
[X] Scout the Aeon Settlement
[X] Production Focus -
[X] Continue Production of T2 Forces
[X] Contact your former employers. Inquire as to why there's a hostile military presence in Bounty.

It takes but a moment for the Quantum link to connect to a Coalition operator who then redirects your hail to Commander Evaline Ford, a high ranking official in the Coalition you saved his life during the final battle in the Seraphim war, you figure he still owes you a favour or two. Though a military man through and through aswell as a staunch patriot to the UEF he is trust worthy and helps those he believes deserve it.

"Alice, finally willing to accept my offer to join the Coalition?"

"Did you 'gift' me a world which had already been claimed?"

"Excuse me?" Replies a somewhat offended Ford "There shouldnt be anyone in that system we charted it before the seraphim arrived it's just a bunch of dead rocks"

Seeing is believing, so you decide to send the commander copies of your scan data. The channel goes quiet for a few moments then another joins the talk

"Commander Pomona my name is Administrator Tara of the Aeon Illuminate, the Good Commander asked me to clarify the situation. I will make this blunt, we have no records of a colony being established in that system, you must understand we cannot allow military technology to remain in the hands of unknowns and as such we have a Aeon Commander standing by to Gate in to assist you in dealing with the situation. However Bounty is your world, not ours and thus the decision is yours, message me on this channel if you wish for us to deploy the Commander" Almost as soon as she finishes talking Tara cuts off the communications channel 'rude' you think, leaving without saying goodbye.

"I believe you're more then capable of handling the situation on your own, however if you feel you need the help we have a young commander who can be dispatched immediatly. He's not experienced but even a single commander is a major force multiplier. Maybe something to think about?" ... "Oh and Alice, do try to stay safe out there, i probably shouldn't be telling you this but we have been reviving reports of independent colonies 'going dark' out in the rim of our territories. So look after yourself, Ford out"


Your scouts crest a hill onlooking the Aeon colony, its compact nature and spartan design unbecoming of the Aeon.

The colony comprises of a Dozen or so T3 Habitats, A Pair of T3 Factories and Two Dozen Agriculture centres surround an oversized T3 shield generator, beneath this lies the colonies primary power source, while it cannot be visually identified it is clear to be a Quantum Reactor however its power outpost is roughly triple that of a T3 reactor. Spread around the outskirts of the colony are 100 Mass Storage Facilities, 100 Energy Storage facilities and Twenty Six T3 Mass Extractors. All of the structures are connected either via surface umbilicals or underground connectors, this is most certainly to compensate for the lack of an ACU and thus the lack of a Quantum Node for wireless resource transfer.

The Colony is Defended by 20 T3 Anti Ground and 20 T3 Anti Air turrets along with a mixture of 120 T3 Aeon units. As is to be expected the colony makes heavy use of Wall posts around each building, around groups of buildings and in strategic places around the region. The T1 units you detected earlier are present aswell but they are not combat units, they are T1 Hover Transports, Civilian issue for mass transit on City worlds and totally unsuited for long term exposure to this environment.

"Why would they use 'busses' in this type of climate, surely they should know better and those buildings are all wrong they look like an Aeons attempt at building cheap utilitarian designs. Mabye the lack of a Commander forced them to improvise? but then why wouldn't they just build a Quantum gateway and leave..."


T2 Forces have now grown significantly in size and given the information you currently have you believe that fighting the Aeon colony could be possible but highly unlikely and it could result in heavy losses, the Aeon may be less willing to take those losses if these units are manned as logic would suggest but if your force fails to defeat the enemy then they would possibly be capable of counter attacking. Unlike what you would expect from a base preparing for combat the Aeon factories are not currently building units.


Command Options -
[X] Operation Diplomacy
The Aeon Attache to the Coalition has claimed that they know nothing of the colony, perhaps these people are not part of the illuminate?
Pro - Could help solve the situation without a fight
Cons - You've never been the most charismatic of people

[X] Attack the Aeon Settlement
You have a reasonably sized attack force however the enemy has many T3 bots and defences, victory is not certain
Pro - Perhaps wipe out a potential enemy
Con - Might not be enemies, might not be such an easy task

[X] Do nothing
You are biding your time, there is no need to rush

[X] Write in

Base Options -
[X] Production Focus -
Construction of additional T3 General Factories will improve unit and goods production massivly
Pros - Allows for the rapid manufacture of a large army
Cons - Gives no real defence from the get go

[X] Defence Focus -
Layered defences using walls, Defence Towers and Radar towers. Fortifications built in key locations, choke points and around your base should allow you to fight off potential attacks
Pro - Able to defend against attacks
Cons - May be seen as hostile

[X] Offence Focus -
Experimental Anti asteroid Cannons can be used as makeshift high powered artillery, they would certainly be able to hit the Aeon colony
Pro - Able to attack them if they prove hostile
Cons - Building many artillery pieces will definitly be seen as hostile

[X] T3 Outposts
Create outposts at the newely discovered mass deposited to the north and east. This would give a boon to income while also somewhat preventing the possibility of an alpha strike wiping out your entire infrastructure
Con: Outposts would be spread out and poorly defended compared to a main base

[X] Write In -

Unit Options
[X] Continue Production of T2 Forces
Pro - Your strongest combat units
Cons - somewhat slower to build then T1 or T0 units, however this is mitigated thanks to your T3 factories which are currently being supported by squads of engineers

[X] Begin Construction of Anvil Experimental Engineers
Capable of producing bases in no time on its own or supercharging factory production, Anvils represent a massive resource investment but are a great tool.
Pro - Massive boost to base construction, outpost construction or unit production depending on your wants
Cons - Lightly Armoured, unarmed. The Anvil is a sitting duck should it be hit by hostile forces

[X] Write In -

Quantum Communications
[X] Accept Aid from the Aeon
Pro - A military commander would be a big boon to offensive ability
Con - Long term issues may arise from this

[X] Accept Aid from the Coalition
Ford has offered to dispatch a Rookie commander to assist with the defence of your base and to help 'deal' with the Aeon colony
Pro - A military commander would be a big boon to offensive ability
Con - A inexperienced commander may make mistakes or act against orders

[X] - Do Nothing

[X] - Write in

Assets -
Assets represent units, structures, people or equipment which cannot be easily or quickly replaced
Pioneer Class Armoured Command Unit

Alice Pomona

42 Mass Deposits
2 Hydrocarbon Nodes

Darker areas represent either cliff walls or lower ground, red/orange is lava. Uneven terrain can be flattened by Engineers

Colony Stats
Stats are your current income, not something you need to worry about as Alice will generally handle micromanagement but i feel as though giving an idea might help with plans.
Mass Income = 480
Mass Storage = 200,000
Energy Income = 20,800
Energy Storage = 200,000

Structures -
Structures & Units are your current income, not something you need to worry about as Alice will generally handle micromanagement but i feel as though giving an idea might help with plans.

10 T3 General Purpose Factories

20 T3 Mass Extractors
2 T1 Hydrocarbon Powerplants
30 T1 Power Plants
4 T3 Power Plants

40 T3 Mass Storage
20 T3 Energy Storage

12 T2 Riot Control Tower [Each one fortified with Calcicrite walls to help lessen the impact of hostile fire and potential lava flow]
12 Air Defence Tower [Each one fortified with Calcicrite walls to help lessen the impact of hostile fire and potential lava flow]
6 T2 Radar
Lava Coastal Wall [3 Layers Thick - 3 Layers High]

1 Quantumn Gate

Units -
x20 T1 Engineers
x 20 T2 Engineers
x 20 T3 Engineers

x20 T1 Land Scout - Swish
x30 T1 Land Light Security Bot - Protector

x150 T2 Land Heavy Security Bot - Guardian
x150 T2 Land Anti-Air Security - Scythe
x150 T2 Air Scout/Interceptor - Eagle
x60 T3 Air Transport - Ostrich

x40 T3 Land Mobile Shield Generator -
As far as we can tell, they still don't know we're here, right? If so we might as well build up.

Especially artillery. Get some of those and we could destroy them without touching their buildings since they need land connections to everything. And they're protecting civilians it looks like.

We, effectively, have some nasty guns to point at their heads. We die, the Aoen show up and kill them all, since they've already proven hostile and have military tech, but we ourself can aim artillery at the civilian infrastructure.

Either way we're probably want to continue building up and see about avoiding drawing scouts... I really wish there was stealth tech. Something to look into maybe.
[X] Operation Diplomacy
[X] Offence Focus
[X] Begin Construction of Anvil Experimental Engineers
[X] Accept Aid from the Coalition

Build big guns, lots of them, and show them off to convince the settlers that they don't want to mess with us. We'd be justified in doing so too since they took our scouts out.
[X] Operation Diplomacy
[X] Defense Focus
[X] Begin Construction of Anvil Experimental Engineers
[X] Accept Aid from the Coalition

With the help of a "proper" Military Commander, we can afford focusing on Defense, which can be repurposed for offense as well. The rookie Commander's presence is necessary, as T3 Aeon Units, even if limited and manned, are more powerful than ours by design. By the way, what is the allegiance of said rookie? UEF I would assume.
[X] Operation Diplomacy
[X] Offence Focus
[X] Begin Construction of Anvil Experimental Engineers
[X] Accept Aid from the Coalition
As far as we can tell, they still don't know we're here, right? If so we might as well build up.

Especially artillery. Get some of those and we could destroy them without touching their buildings since they need land connections to everything. And they're protecting civilians it looks like.

We, effectively, have some nasty guns to point at their heads. We die, the Aoen show up and kill them all, since they've already proven hostile and have military tech, but we ourself can aim artillery at the civilian infrastructure.

Either way we're probably want to continue building up and see about avoiding drawing scouts... I really wish there was stealth tech. Something to look into maybe.

Oh they know you're here, they destroyed the planetary probe sent ahead of you and evacuated their outlaying habitats. They dont know you're independent and not UEF or Cybran

[X] Operation Diplomacy
[X] Defense Focus
[X] Begin Construction of Anvil Experimental Engineers
[X] Accept Aid from the Coalition

With the help of a "proper" Military Commander, we can afford focusing on Defense, which can be repurposed for offense as well. The rookie Commander's presence is necessary, as T3 Aeon Units, even if limited and manned, are more powerful than ours by design. By the way, what is the allegiance of said rookie? UEF I would assume.

UEF born - Coalition trained, his loyalties arent to the UEF or at least shouldn't be
[X] Operation Diplomacy
[X] Offence Focus
[X] Begin Construction of Anvil Experimental Engineers
[X] Accept Aid from the Coalition

Just a short few minutes after accepting help from your coalition contact sensors log a massive energy burst, the commander had just arrived. A young man barely in his twenties his image almost suprises you in the vidcom 'had the coalition really sunk to using such inexperienced troops?' you quietly muttered under your voice, if he heard he didnt mention it.

"This is Commander Andrews of the Joint Coalition Military, i've been ordered to offer assistance where you deem necessary ma'am"

ma'am. Heh its not the first time you've lead others, leading troops is what you did and you were good at it. But this is the first time another commander has followed your say. It feels good to have the help even if he's green.

"Thank you Commander. You jumped in near a large group of resource nodes, you should set up your base there and prepare a force we may see combat soon.' but hopefully it didnt come to that 'i trust you know the basics of ACU Tactics"

"Yes ma'am! I may have only recently gained this position but do trust in my skills!"

He definitely is eager but hopefully not to eager. An attitude like his might have seen him killed in a real war, a real battle. But this? you knew that even without his help this fight would be nothing like the wars you thought in just a few months ago.

As you greeted the young commander forward scouts reported that the Aeon T3 units had been receiving field modifications. 'Commander Killer' T3 nuclear missile launchers. These weapons were taken out of a pre-built storage facility and then welded onto their T3 units. While strong they will only have one shot each each one will be capable of threatening experimental units or killing either you or Commander Andrews. While no movement has been seen yet it seems these colonists are preparing for the worst


"To the Aeon colony my name is Alice Pomona and this world was given to me by the Coalition for services rendered. Now may i ask why you are here and why you saw to attack my forward probe?" you may have came across as a bit aggressive, 'my' world given to 'me'. But that was true and you had no intentions on giving up this rock, even if you werent here first.

for a while your message is met by nothing but static, had they ignored you? no after a half hour you recieved a reply from an older woman with dark red hair. She looked to be in her thirties but with an Aeon you never really could tell just by looking at them.

"I am Captain..." she pauses for a moment before correcting herself "I am councillor Lieana Fey of the colony Freedoms Hope. I am sorry to say your arrival was sudden, we had no expected anyone else to find this world. You must understand when our Homeworld was destroyed by the Seraphim we had no choice but to run and now with your presence we must run again, we mean you no harm but we will not be victims to the Seraphim once more. We are making preparations to leave, please leave us to them." just before closing the com-line the 'councillor' leaves you with an offer of kindness "I do know who you are or where you are from, but if you need we could accomodate you on our ship. Help you to escape the Seraphim, i cant promise you anything but at least we could try to find safety together, we need to stick together if our species is to survive."

you think for a moment, you know you should tell them that the Seraphim are gone and that the war was won but you could use this to your advantage. Should the colonists leave you would have this world to yourself as you were promised.


The 60 engineers of various tiers in your base focus their efforts first on getting an Anvil up and running, it takes but a few minutes for the first to rumble out of the makeshift construction site, simply a layer of terrain filled in with calcicrete to stop the massive vehicle from sinking into the ground during construction. This Anvil then goes on to begin constructing Anti Asteroid Cannons, Able to do the work of 50 engineers with its over sized heavy fabricator suit and 12 t3 engineering arms spread around the hull the Anvil finishes its first AAC within a half hour. Before long you begin to run out of places that can safely hold an AAC without collapse or other environmental hazzards, just one of the platforms is capable of defending worlds against barrages of asteroids or meteors but because of this are large, bulky designs. In the end 20 Anvil engineers are completed and 8 Anti Asteroid Cannons spread about the region. A single hit from just one of these cannons would wipe out the Aeon colony as well as a significant portion of the local terrain.

By the time your diplomatic talk is finished and all of the AAC's are built Commander Andrews has a sizeable T3 base with a large mixed army including four 'Fatboy class' experimental units.

Command Options -
[X] Operation Diplomacy 2.0
This Council woman has claimed she means you no ill will, perhaps she means it. Tell her the Seraphim war has been won and that you are willing to share this world with the colony, after all there is more then enough room to go around
Pro - Could help solve the situation without a fight
Cons - You've never been the most charismatic of people

[X] Attack the Aeon Settlement
You have a reasonably sized attack force however the enemy has many T3 bots and defences, victory is not certain
Pro - Perhaps wipe out a potential enemy
Con - Might not be enemies, might not be such an easy task

[X] Do nothing
You are biding your time, there is no need to rush

[X] Write in

Base Options -
[X] Production Focus -
Construction of additional T3 General Factories will improve unit and goods production massivly
Pros - Allows for the rapid manufacture of a large army
Cons - Gives no real defence from the get go

[X] Defence Focus -
Layered defences using walls, Defence Towers and Radar towers. Fortifications built in key locations, choke points and around your base should allow you to fight off potential attacks
Pro - Able to defend against attacks
Cons - May be seen as hostile

[X] Foundation -
Offence focus is no longer possible due to building the maximum number of Anti Asteroid Cannons within your command limit, that meaning there are no more locations inside of your 100km command range which could safely accommodate an anti asteroid cannon. However it is possible to create a foundation upon which AAC's could be constructed, but this would be a long and fairly expensive project.

[X] T3 Outposts
Create outposts at the newely discovered mass deposited to the north and east. This would give a boon to income while also somewhat preventing the possibility of an alpha strike wiping out your entire infrastructure
Con: Outposts would be spread out and poorly defended compared to a main base

[X] Write In -

Unit Options
[X] Start Production of T2 Forces
Pro - Your strongest combat units
Cons - somewhat slower to build then T1 or T0 units, however this is mitigated thanks to your T3 factories which are currently being supported by squads of engineers

[X] Continue Construction of Anvil Experimental Engineers
Capable of producing bases in no time on its own or supercharging factory production, Anvils represent a massive resource investment but are a great tool.
Pro - Massive boost to base construction, outpost construction or unit production depending on your wants
Cons - Lightly Armoured, unarmed. The Anvil is a sitting duck should it be hit by hostile forces

[X] Write In -

Quantum Communications
[X] - Do Nothing

[X] - Write in

Assets -
Assets represent units, structures, people or equipment which cannot be easily or quickly replaced
Pioneer Class Armoured Command Unit

Alice Pomona

42 Mass Deposits
2 Hydrocarbon Nodes

Darker areas represent either cliff walls or lower ground, red/orange is lava. Uneven terrain can be flattened by Engineers

Colony Stats
Stats are your current income, not something you need to worry about as Alice will generally handle micromanagement but i feel as though giving an idea might help with plans.
Mass Income = 480
Mass Storage = 200,000
Energy Income = 20,800
Energy Storage = 200,000

Structures -
Structures & Units are your current income, not something you need to worry about as Alice will generally handle micromanagement but i feel as though giving an idea might help with plans.

10 T3 General Purpose Factories

20 T3 Mass Extractors
2 T1 Hydrocarbon Powerplants
30 T1 Power Plants
4 T3 Power Plants

40 T3 Mass Storage
20 T3 Energy Storage

12 T2 Riot Control Tower [Each one fortified with Calcicrite walls to help lessen the impact of hostile fire and potential lava flow]
12 Air Defence Tower [Each one fortified with Calcicrite walls to help lessen the impact of hostile fire and potential lava flow]
6 T2 Radar
Lava Coastal Wall [3 Layers Thick - 3 Layers High]

1 Quantumn Gate

8 Anti Asteroid Experimental Cannons

Units -
x20 T1 Engineers
x 20 T2 Engineers
x 40 T3 Engineers

x20 T1 Land Scout - Swish
x30 T1 Land Light Security Bot - Protector

x150 T2 Land Heavy Security Bot - Guardian
x150 T2 Land Anti-Air Security - Scythe
x150 T2 Air Scout/Interceptor - Eagle
x60 T3 Air Transport - Ostrich

x40 T3 Land Mobile Shield Generator -

x20 Anvil Experimental Engineers
[X] Operation Diplomacy 2.0
[X] Defence Focus
[X] Start Production of T2 Forces
[X] - Do Nothing

I don't see why we shouldn't try diplomacy first. If we can solve this peacefully and avoid wasting precious resources, then all the better. These people at least deserve to know that they don't need to run from the Seraphim anymore.

As for our defences, that's easy enough to excuse as us making sure everything is in order just in case another mystery faction pops up and starts shooting. It already happened once on a supposedly abandoned world after all.
[X] Operation Diplomacy 2.0
[X] Defence Focus
[X] Start Production of T2 Forces
[X] - Do Nothing

I don't see why we shouldn't try diplomacy first. If we can solve this peacefully and avoid wasting precious resources, then all the better. These people at least deserve to know that they don't need to run from the Seraphim anymore.

As for our defences, that's easy enough to excuse as us making sure everything is in order just in case another mystery faction pops up and starts shooting. It already happened once on a supposedly abandoned world after all.

They cant really comment on your defences, after all they have just started welding nukes to their mechs.

diplomacy may well gain you a new asset depending how things go down, best case scenario would have you potentially gaining control over the colony. Worst? shes lying and calling a pirate-ACU commander or four to gate in. Your right about the potential of mystery factions showing up, whos to say there arent more already in the system? its not like you've tried setting up sensors to scan other worlds yet
"I don't know who you are or where you are from,

[X] Operation Diplomacy 2.0
[X] Defence Focus
[X] Start Production of T2 Forces
[X] Inform the Coalition about the recent development regarding this colony. Ask if they know about Lieana Fey, just in case it's a fake name.

That shoudl cover all bases in case they're lying. What will our assistant do by the way? His own military forces are better than ours technically.
[X] Operation Diplomacy 2.0
[X] Defence Focus
[X] Start Production of T2 Forces
[X] Inform the Coalition about the recent development regarding this colony. Ask if they know about Lieana Fey, just in case it's a fake name.
[X] Operation Diplomacy 2.0
[X] Begin constructing T3 Habitats near the main base.
[X] Start Production of T2 Forces
[X] Inform the Coalition about the recent development regarding this colony. Ask if they know about Lieana Fey, just in case it's a fake name.

I think they would be grateful for an offer to upgrade their habitats to something a bit better suited to living on this world.
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