Uncertain Future [Supreme Commander Quest]

Well, this is a quite shitty planet to gain as a reward, unless it was meant to extract resources non-stop, then go somewhere else.

[X] Lava Wall
[x] Send Scouts to the North West
[X] New name: Syracuse

You did have the choice of a few, not my fault the majority picked a hell hole :p

on the upside massive amounts of mass mean that you'll be able to build up a sizeable base economy while the thick cloud coverage could shield you from long range omni if a ship were to pass through the system
[X] Make a Large T1 Base
[X] Send Scouts to the South West
[X] New name: Syracuse

Expand quickly and start developing a ridiculous economy so we can drown people with bodies.
[X] Make a Large T1 Base
[X] Send Scouts to the South West
[X] New name: Syracuse

Expand quickly and start developing a ridiculous economy so we can drown people with bodies.

Thing is if the T1 bots do belong to a commander and they have even a 10 minute head start swarming them might not be feasible

though the chances of it being another commander are slim
[X] Lava Wall
[x] Send Scouts to the North West
[X] New name: Syracuse
Base Plan
[X] Lava Wall
You realise you will want to claim those Thirty Two mass deposites eventually but the chance, even if slim of the lava rising would be a major set back if you devoted a significant amount of resources to the task. If you build a lava wall using layers of Calcicrete wall sections stacked 3x3 you can ensure that no increase of lava flow would risk lower operations
Pro: Helps provide saftey to the lower areas Cons: Time and Resources devoted to this could be used to improve your economy

Scout Plan
[X] Send Scouts to the North West
Your Radar picks up a faint T2 signal to the North West, it is possible this is the probe that was sent ahead of you to scan the planet. If it is the probe it should have valuable information on the local area
Pro: Find out the source of the signal Con: Source may not be what your expecting

[X] Name your bot Syracuse
Your command units 'dumb' AI has no Name yet, simply computer. Perhaps you should give it one?

"Cant risk a fight just yet, those bots will have to wait" opting for the safe route you begin planning out the design of the 'Lava Wall' using bog standard Calcicrete wall segments, while not particularly durable when facing sustained military firepower they are virtually immune to any predicted lava flow. Construction was slow and tedious but such was the nature of peaceful operations, you eagerly awaited the scout groups recon report, tracking their movement to the north western radar signal.

While you wait for the scouts to report in you notice the T2 Sized signal to the South West flicker out of existence. It now seems likely that those T1 signals destroyed it before fleeing to the west at incredible speed similar to your own Land Scouts. Syracuse's Analysis of their movement patterns over terrain suggests that the unknown T1 units are hover vehicles of some kind, The only T1 hover scouts on record are of Aeon and Seraphim design.

It takes just a few minutes for your scouting force to reach the north western signal, it's the probe! As scouts close in they discover the Probe is heavily damaged, it doesn't take a detailed scan to see that the vehicle was cored by a powerful energy weapon which managed to cut straight through its reinforced chassis and bored a 30 meter hole into nearby rock. It would be impossible for T1 weapons to cause such clean penetrating damage to a Planetary Probe. Attempting to salvage any surviving data a Swish connects to the Probes Carcass, most of the information had been lost but a few key bits survived.

The Probe discovered four locations with great amounts of mass node. One to the north and Three to the east, each group having an average of 25 mass deposits. This could be of use for base expansion. The Probes sensors detected a signal T3 scale energy source to the west, this could be the source of those T1 Bots.

"Fast moving hover vehicles, powerful piercing energy weapons. Everything points to an Aeon military presence, but why would they send a commander here? something doesn't add up" rubbing her head Alice tries to make sense of the unknown presence

"If an enemy commander were to be present on this world probability would dictate that our position would already be over-run by artillery, air power or armies of T3 bots." Information any trainee commander could repeat, but it was comforting none the less. If there was a commander present at least they didn't want you dead or not yet anyway.

Actions -
[X] Send forces to the South West, it is possible something of the destroyed T2 unit remains however unlikely

[X] Send forces to the West to the Settlement

[X] Write in

Base Options
[X] T1 outposts
Create outposts at the newely discovered mass deposited to the north and east. This would give a boon to income while also somewhat preventing the possibility of an alpha strike wiping out your entire infrastructure
Con: Outposts would be spread out and poorly defended

[X] Large T2 Base
Pros: A well balanced base with decent production capacity and income

[X] Mid T3 Base
Pro: Allows for use of the most powerful units available

[X] Write In

Army Options
[X] - Build a large force of T0 Bots
[X] - Build a mixed force of T1 Bots
[X] - Build a mixed force of T2 Bots
[X] - None, building up an army could antagonise the locals
[X] Write In

Research Options
Not available. Find, ally with or hire someone to perform research


Assets -

Assets represent units, structures, people or equipment which cannot be easilly or quickly replaced
Pioneer Class Armoured Command Unit

Alice Pomona

42 Mass Deposits
2 Hydrocarbon Nodes

Darker areas represent either cliff walls or lower ground, red/orange is lava. Uneven terrain can be flattened by Engineers

Colony Stats
Stats are your current income, not something you need to worry about as Alice will generally handle micromanagement but i feel as though giving an idea might help with plans.
Mass Income = 40
Mass Storage = 20,000
Energy Income = 800
Energy Storage = 20,000

Structures -
Structures & Units are your current income, not something you need to worry about as Alice will generally handle micromanagement but i feel as though giving an idea might help with plans.

6 T1 General Purpose Factories
2 T2 General Purpose Factories

20 T1 Mass Extractors
2 T1 Hydrocarbon Powerplants
30 T1 Power Plants

20 T1 Mass Storage
10 T1 Energy Storage

1 T2 Radar
Lava Coastal Wall [3 Layers Thick - 3 Layers High]

Units -
x20 T1 Engineers
x 5 T2 Engineers

x6 T1 Land Scout - Swish
x30 T1 Land Light Security Bot - Protector
[X] Send forces to the South West, it is possible something of the destroyed T2 unit remains however unlikely
[X] Mid T3 Base
[X] - Build a mixed force of T2 Bots
[X] Send forces to the South West, it is possible something of the destroyed T2 unit remains however unlikely
[X] Mid T3 Base
[X] - Build a mixed force of T2 Bots
[X] Large T2 Base
[X] - Build a mixed force of T2 Bots
[X] Send forces to the South West, it is possible something of the destroyed T2 unit remains however unlikely
[X] Send forces to the South West, it is possible something of the destroyed T2 unit remains however unlikely
[X] Mid T3 Base
[X] - Build a mixed force of T2 Bots
[X] Large T2 Base
Pros: A well balanced base with decent production capacity and income

[X] Mid T3 Base
Pro: Allows for use of the most powerful units available

These two options lack their Cons, even if they're quite obvious.

[X] Send forces to the South West, it is possible something of the destroyed T2 unit remains however unlikely
[X] Mid T3 Base
[X] - Build a mixed force of T2 Bots

We don't really have much of a choice here. Independents don't have artillery, right? If so, we'll have to "borrow" a few models from the other factions.
These two options lack their Cons, even if they're quite obvious.

[X] Send forces to the South West, it is possible something of the destroyed T2 unit remains however unlikely
[X] Mid T3 Base
[X] - Build a mixed force of T2 Bots

We don't really have much of a choice here. Independents don't have artillery, right? If so, we'll have to "borrow" a few models from the other factions.

Yeah i left them out since they're fairly obvious, though i shouldnt have done that

You dont have any dedicated artillery no, though the Guardians riot grenade launchers act as light arty. it would be possible to modify a chasis to be fit with a few of these to give you a dedicated light arty unit for example take the T2 Land Transport, change up its troop bay to carry ammunition instead and stick a few grenade launchers on it. There are also the Sycthes light missile launchers which with a little tweaking could be used to target ground units

the heaviest 'artillery' you have access to right now however is an experimental, though using it would be like using a nuke

Experimental Anti Asteroid Defence Gun
A large turreted platform designed to protect worlds against potential asteroid impacts, rarely built due to its insane cost and build time
Given how simple those modifications sould be i could let them be research options for new makeshift artillery units, even if ilice isnt skilled in that sort of thing the simplistic nature of the modifications should make them easy enough for her to carry out
[X] Send forces to the South West, it is possible something of the destroyed T2 unit remains however unlikely
[X] Mid T3 Base
[X] - Build a mixed force of T2 Bots

After discovering the fate of the planetary probe you decide that more durable and higher performance structures would be needed. It is clear to you that T3 military units are present on Bounty in at least some capacity, after all nothing else could tear gut a probe with such clean precision.

There isnt much left of the T2 Unit, spread of debris suggesting it was destroyed by internal detonations. Your scouts analytical software allows them to use debris from the wreckage to re-create a 'complete' unit, It takes but a fraction of a second for the recreation to match up to a known AEON structure, a civilian habitat with a built in T1 power plant commonly seen on garden worlds. Not something you'd expect on a harsh volcanic planet like Bounty, two 2x2 wall surrounds a 100 and 250 meter radius around the ruined habitat, likely a measure to shield it from the harsh local weather. Crude trenches surround the outer most wall which are about 20 meters deep and 100 wide, these were seemingly built using an Engineers fabricator but should be unnecessary as additional defence... Unless repair functions of the walls have been compromised.

'No self repair systems on the Aeon structures...' You take a few moments to think on the possibilities, what could cause this. Its basic knowledge that any structure connected to a Quantumn network such as an ACU is capable of self repair utilising the commanders economy this is Logistics 101, yet these Aeon walls are incapable of self repair.

The answer was infront of you the whole time, but the idea of it was so unusual you struggled to reconcile it "They must not have an ACU, not even a civilian model. Its the only explanation, but then without one they would have no command and control for drones..." an obvious, but startling outcome. The T1 Bots which your radar had picked up must have been piloted by actual humans.

Realising that you may be up against T3 Heavy Assault Bots and thus a T3 economy you decide to counter this by building a reasonably sized T3 base, using multiple layers of walls around most every group of buildings in hopes to save them from the same fate as the Planetary Probe. Its nothing fancy but your base is efficient, optimised for peak performance and defence, now you have access to everything in your database and can finally begin producing super heavy experimental units.

Four Defence instillation now hold point at key positions near your base built up of 3 Riot Towers, 3 Anti Air towers, 1 T2 Radar and an excessive amount of wall blocks. While not brilliant against actual heavy military forces these defences should manage to hold off small sized attacks from the Aeon. At the very least the T2 Radars will give early warning against attack.

Thanks to the construction of a Quantumn gate you may now message other factions, corporate interests and so on. Independent Quantumn gates may also be used to teleport to other points on the planet or system allowing for single units to perform strategic strikes or to set out outposts on other worlds

Command Options -
[X] Scout the Aeon Settlement
You believe you know the location of the suposed Aeon settlement, perhaps it would be best to scout out the area before continuing. High altitude observation is rendered difficult due to high volume of volcanic ash meaning ground scouts would be required
Pro - Know what your up against
Con - If discovered the Aeon may believe the scouting is a prelude to an attack

[X] Operation Diplomacy
Something is wrong here, perhaps you should try diplomacy for a change
Pro - Could help solve the situation without a fight
Cons - You've never been the most charismatic of people

[X] Attack the Aeon Settlement
You have a small attack force, if this settlement really does not posses a commander then it is likely their defences will fairly be minimal. The attack force would be supported by engineers and T3 mobile shields to help mitigate losses, however while you're enforcers are able to fight Aeon Harbingers far more effectivly then most T2 Bots they are still no match
Pro - Perhaps wipe out a potential enemy
Con - Might not be enemies, might not be such an easy task

[X] Do nothing
You are biding your time, there is no need to rush

[X] Write in

Base Options -
[X] Production Focus -
Construction of additional T3 General Factories will improve unit and goods production massivly
Pros - Allows for the rapid manufacture of a large army
Cons - Gives no real defence from the get go

[X] Defence Focus -
Layered defences using walls, Defence Towers and Radar towers. Fortifications built in key locations, choke points and around your base should allow you to fight off potential attacks
Pro - Able to defend against attacks
Cons - May be seen as hostile

[X] Offence Focus -
Experimental Anti asteroid Cannons can be used as makeshift high powered artillery, they would certainly be able to hit the Aeon colony
Pro - Able to attack them if they prove hostile
Cons - Building many artillery pieces will definitly be seen as hostile

[X] T3 Outposts
Create outposts at the newely discovered mass deposited to the north and east. This would give a boon to income while also somewhat preventing the possibility of an alpha strike wiping out your entire infrastructure
Con: Outposts would be spread out and poorly defended compared to a main base

[X] Write In -

Unit Options
[X] Continue Production of T2 Forces
Pro - Your strongest combat units
Cons - somewhat slower to build then T1 or T0 units, however this is mitigated thanks to your T3 factories which are currently being supported by squads of engineers

[X] Begin Construction of Anvil Experimental Engineers
Capable of producing bases in no time on its own or supercharging factory production, Anvils represent a massive resource investment but are a great tool.
Pro - Massive boost to base construction, outpost construction or unit production depending on your wants
Cons - Lightly Armoured, unarmed. The Anvil is a sitting duck should it be hit by hostile forces

[X] Write In -

Quantum Communications
[X] Write in

Assets -
Assets represent units, structures, people or equipment which cannot be easilly or quickly replaced
Pioneer Class Armoured Command Unit

Alice Pomona

42 Mass Deposits
2 Hydrocarbon Nodes

Darker areas represent either cliff walls or lower ground, red/orange is lava. Uneven terrain can be flattened by Engineers

Colony Stats
Stats are your current income, not something you need to worry about as Alice will generally handle micromanagement but i feel as though giving an idea might help with plans.
Mass Income = 240
Mass Storage = 200,000
Energy Income = 10,800
Energy Storage = 200,000

Structures -
Structures & Units are your current income, not something you need to worry about as Alice will generally handle micromanagement but i feel as though giving an idea might help with plans.

10 T3 General Purpose Factories

20 T3 Mass Extractors
2 T1 Hydrocarbon Powerplants
30 T1 Power Plants
4 T3 Power Plants

20 T3 Mass Storage
10 T3 Energy Storage

12 T2 Riot Control Tower [Each one fortified with Calcicrite walls to help lessen the impact of hostile fire and potential lava flow]
12 Air Defence Tower [Each one fortified with Calcicrite walls to help lessen the impact of hostile fire and potential lava flow]
6 T2 Radar
Lava Coastal Wall [3 Layers Thick - 3 Layers High]

1 Quantumn Gate

Units -
x20 T1 Engineers
x 20 T2 Engineers
x 20 T3 Engineers

x20 T1 Land Scout - Swish
x30 T1 Land Light Security Bot - Protector

x30 T2 Land Heavy Security Bot - Guardian
x30 T2 Land Anti-Air Security - Scythe
x30 T2 Air Scout/Interceptor - Eagle
x20 T3 Air Transport - Ostrich

x6 T3 Land Mobile Shield Generator -
[X] Scout the Aeon Settlement
[X] Production Focus -
[X] Continue Production of T2 Forces

[X] Contact your former employers. Inquire as to why there's a hostile military presence in Bounty.
Last edited:
[X] Do nothing
[X] Production Focus
[X] Begin Construction of Anvil Experimental Engineers
[X] Contact your former employers. Inquire as to why there's a hostile military presence in Bounty.

Start setting up for "Operation Drown Everything". We have a reasonably large force and some walls at the moment, so defense shouldn't be that big of an issue.

We can contact the settlements later when we have some firepower to back up our words. Gunboat Diplomacy works well for those who don't have much talent with nice words. In the meantime, let's talk to the people who gave us this planet.