Ultimate Hangman's Gambit III - La Pasión del Amor y Muertes (Pueblo Victory)

Yeah and if he was mafia he'd still be fighting for his life or be gunning for a quick hammer to cut off discussion. This helps no one if he's mafia since they can communicate outside of the day cycle.
And yet it's seems that his fucking around is messing with people's mind enough that he could still be fighting for his life. Don't forget that while the Mafia can communicate outside of the day cycle, they also want to steer discussion, or show the seeds of suspicious in the town, and considering that Lost and I have similar lists of people that needs to be checked, they are probably trying to buy time to throw more doubt into the list.

Again in the end we have three possibilities. Because he did turn up as guilty to Lost.

1. He's a Vigilante
2. He's a Serial Killer
3. He's a Mafia.

2/3 of the choices are ones we want dead anyways.
Of course, this assumes that LDJ is telling the truth. Which begs the question why would he lie?
Right so, let's try to sum up since we've had a few pages of Pure Bullshit lately:

What evidence is there that he might be a vigilante?

What evidence is there that he might be a serial killer?

What evidence is there that he might be mafia?

The last two might be an unnecessary distinction but it helps to try and break that down for seperate theories.
Like I'm fairly certain @TenfoldShields' grief seed is like basically fully darkened at this point and he's just trying to go out in a blaze of distractory glory that might be able to buy his teammates time to do some work on the thread and try to bait people's reactions out like yours @Icarus so that we'd suspect you and miss an chance of getting one of the other Mafia.
The evidence that @TenfoldShields is a killer is a combination of his own testimony and LDJ's. LDJ pinged him as guilty. TFS copped to the killing of Shard on Night 1.

TFS claimed he was El Desperado and as such was a vigilante.

Here's where the problem is. There was only one kill last night. In order for there to have only been one kill with a vigilante claiming to have killed that one kill, the mafia had to either choose not to kill, something very dumb of them, or they had their kill blocked, something that requires a sixth power role.

We had three masons. We have a cop. If we have a Vigilante and a doctor/jailer, that makes six.

This is a simple game. Something doesn't add up.
I mean, part of that depends on whether you consider the masons all a power role individually or not. I mean their power is numbers. In the eye of the game designer, maybe the masonry only really counted as 'one' power shared amongst three people, that being the extra potential for communication.
I mean, part of that depends on whether you consider the masons all a power role individually or not. I mean their power is numbers. In the eye of the game designer, maybe the masonry only really counted as 'one' power shared amongst three people, that being the extra potential for communication.

It might be "one" power, but it's three people with that ability of communication. Even if it was used rather poorly by revealing themselves completely on Day 1, it's still a potentially strong power. The ability to coordinate or even talk off-screen is supremely powerful.
I mean, part of that depends on whether you consider the masons all a power role individually or not. I mean their power is numbers. In the eye of the game designer, maybe the masonry only really counted as 'one' power shared amongst three people, that being the extra potential for communication.

No, I agree with @Ellf. I was assuming this was a vanilla game.

We've got three people with a power. One police man. One roleblocker or bus driver or whatever. Three scum roles. Might be four, might be two, but who's counting at this point.

That's eight slots accounted for out of thirteen. Like assuming a five-five-three split is alright, that's groovy, that's fine.

A six-four-three split is just unbalanced.
Especially a six-four-three split in favor of the power roles. I'd understand if it were in the vanillas.
That's also assuming three scum roles. It could very easily be four.

Call it 5-4-4 then. Three masons, one police man, one undetermined role , four townies, four scum.

I mean it could also be two scum roles I guess which would make less sense but I'm pretty sure the standard size is three someone correct me if I'm wrong.
Point is we have four power roles accounted for because let's be honest @LostDeviljho shit the bed pretty hard with that initial callout.

@TenfoldShields is claiming another power role which fills up all five slots.

There's only one body though and @TenfoldShields is claiming credit.

And now we're back in fucking circles again because we literally talked about this a while back. Odds are there's another power role, and that's an uneven split.
We've no proof beyond Tenfold's word that he's a vigilante, and we're not likely to get it without making him useless by killing him. That said, if he's a SK or Maf, killing him helps the town.

2/3 possibilities for what he could be have him helping the town by his death.

I mean.

He could be a VT.

And he could be fucking with us all.


I'm going to quote myself.

And @Deadly Snark.

I'll note that that fourth option I mentioned is like, impossible.

Because @TenfoldShields is an upstanding, rational, highly intelligent, beautiful guy.

And I refuse to believe he'd do something as batshit insane as that.

Like why.


Number 4 can't actually happen you realise, since Lost told us he was Guilty.
I mean option four is also assuming @LostDeviljho is lying about being a cop, which is unlikely,or @TenfoldShields is some other townie role that also reads as guilty which is fucking impossible.

But like, that just makes that option even more impossible. :V
Was distracted with other stuff tonight, my bad. Mostly just checking in to confirm that I am up to date, have received Nani's musings, and am still on board with lynching Ten for now. Though I'm obliged to point out that Jho could be a Lyncher with Tenfold telling the truth from a bad position. Doubt it from the way Tenfold is reacting though. He's trying to convince us his role screws up the report instead of questioning the existence or validity of the report. To me that says he had a cover story prepared instead of being a villager.
Yeah I think we've had plenty of time to talk and it's reasonable to hammer now. Is there anything else anyone has left to say?
Aight, let's get rid of the guy. He's still clearly mafia, people have had a chance to speak.

[X] TenFoldShields

This either hammers him or puts him at L-1. If it's the latter, someone please hammer. I'm on phone so can't check.