Ultimate Hangman's Gambit III - La Pasión del Amor y Muertes (Pueblo Victory)

Well, I would rather not try my hands at Spanish (I hated those classes in school, never got the hang of it), there are elections happening and the police chef just got murdered?
Perdón, pero no hablo español.

I think I'll lurk for this one. :3 Work has been kicking my rear lately.
Well, I would rather not try my hands at Spanish (I hated those classes in school, never got the hang of it), there are elections happening and the police chef just got murdered?
All that's important is that by the end of this game most of us will be so salty we won't want to see each other's faces for at least a month. Maybe two.
What, you want me to come up with actual places? What am I, a salaried worker? :V
The "State of Country" and the "Village of Town" sound a lot worse in Spanish than in English. And that is ignoring the horrible butchering of the Spanish language you committed. You Monster.

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Hey, man, tell that to the like 100k people that live in Pueblo, CA :V
Gorram, those must have been some lazy as frack settlers...

Yet my point stands, you Monster! Trying to change the topic won't abolish you of your crimes!
I can't tell the difference between regular spanish and broken spanish, so I don't care. :p

Once each night: Speak a foreign language to a target, causing a random result to investigative actions.
I took German in highschool (and don't remember a good fucking deal of that lmao) and also am probably too late, so I can sit out for this one....

Ah! Du weisst nicht meine probleme aber meine schule ist sehr schlecht und ich kann nicht handeln. Tut mir leid. Ich muss schlafen.

Gute Nacht, meine Freunde~

but I'll be watching. and laughing. and etc etc etc.
I took German in highschool (and don't remember a good fucking deal of that lmao) and also am probably too late, so I can sit out for this one....

Ah! Du weisst nicht meine probleme aber meine schule ist sehr schlecht und ich kann nicht handeln. Tut mir leid. Ich muss schlafen.

Gute Nacht, meine Freunde~

but I'll be watching. and laughing. and etc etc etc.
I took japanese.