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Premise: A story within a story in which Mikoto, Itachi, and Sasuke Uchiha play Vampire: The...

Vito Scaletta

The City of Empire Bay
Premise: A story within a story in which Mikoto, Itachi, and Sasuke Uchiha play Vampire: The Masquerade and have an awesome time. The setting is our world instead of the Ninja World, so there is some key changes. Since the Uchiha Clan Massacre never happened in this universe, Itachi and Sasuke are still close and so they may seem a little OOC, but I try to keep everyone else in-character. The bulk of the story is set in the World of Darkness during the course of the campaign. Also, there is some mild yuri elements (Nothing explicit though) as Mikoto Uchiha is in a relationship with Kurenai Yuhi in this story. This is my first fanfic, so it may not be the best, but I will try to make it as good as I possibly can and improve as I go along. The first chapter is a bit short but it does set the scene.

Author's Note: I own nothing, Naruto and Vampire: The Masquerade are properties of Kishimoto and White Wolf respectively.

So, without further ado, here's the fanfic....

Chapter I: In the Beginning....

There is a time for us to wonder
When time is young and so are we
The woods are green, they're over yonder
The path is new, the world is free

-The Dillards, There is a Time

Deep back in the hills, way down in Virginia, in the rural coalfields of Dickenson County lay an old and small one-story house that was the residence of the Uchiha Family. Beneath that old Dante Mountain and way up on Martin Hollow just above the little settlement called Trammel, was an old dirt and gravel road that stretched a fifth of a mile long and led directly to the old house where our story took place. The year was 2005 and summer had just begun, which meant three months of fun and freedom for twelve-year old Itachi Uchiha and his younger brother Sasuke. The two boys had just got home from the last day of the school year and were so happy to head home. Walking through the woods of the hollow and heading through the front door of the old and worn-down, yet well-kept house, Itachi and Sasuke hung up their backpacks and walked through the hallway into the kitchen when Itachi noticed a note on the fridge door.

"Itachi and Sasuke,

Went out to pick up some dinner. I'll be back soon, so just relax and wait for me. Kurenai will be home shortly as well. You'll like what I have planned for today's meal.


The two brothers decided to simply sit on the couch and watch some TV while they waited for their mother and her partner. Their mother, Mikoto Uchiha, was a kind and sweet stay-at-home mom who loved her sons and cared deeply for them. Their father Fugaku was killed by a drunk driver when Sasuke was only a few months old and a few months after the tragedy, Mikoto had entered a relationship with Kurenai Yuhi, an old friend who was now a history teacher at nearby Ervinton High School. The two women were happily in a relationship and truly loved each other, despite the rather traditionalist atmosphere of the coalfields. Kurenai cared for Itachi and Sasuke as much as Mikoto did, and the two boys loved and respected her as well. Kurenai was the breadwinner of the house, although the Uchiha Family's finances were helped partly by Fugaku's impressive life insurance benefits and partly by the low cost of living in the economically depressed region they lived in.

Itachi and Sasuke both sat on the old cozy blue couch, waiting for their mother. Flipping through the channels, neither Sasuke or Itachi could find anything interesting at the time, even with the new satellite TV they had got earlier that spring, which was far superior to the limited cable package from the mom-and-pop cable company that provided their previous TV service. Itachi turned off the television and turned to Sasuke.

"Hey Sasuke, now that we have the summer off, do you think we could talk Mom into playing some D&D with us? She is a good DM, though I could try to DM a campaign for just you and me."

Sasuke replied with "Maybe. Let's wait until dinner, and maybe we could ask her. The last game we played was fun, shame my thief got killed."

"Well, that's what happens when you roll a 1 on your attempt at disarming that trap. My cleric barely walked away from that encounter with those ogres because of some bad rolls, so you have my sympathy."

Itachi, Sasuke, and Mikoto were all shamelessly nerdy and had been playing Dungeons & Dragons on-and-off for the past year and a half. They were using the old AD&D rulebooks that Mikoto owned as a teenager, being a rare girl gamer back then. Now, since her sons were so young, Mikoto did simplify and house-rule a lot of things but they had fun anyway. Around that time, the two Uchiha boys heard their mother's car pull up the gravel road into the driveway.

"Mom's here" said Sasuke as the two brothers headed to the kitchen and sat down at the table.

In walked a raven-haired woman in her mid-thirties, this was Mikoto Uchiha, the mother of Itachi and Sasuke Uchiha. She was carrying boxes of pizzas from Little Caesars. As she walked in, the boys' faces lit up with joy. Pizza was their favorite food and Little Caesars was their favorite pizza place. As Mikoto lay the pizzas on the table, Kurenai entered the house and walked to the kitchen.

"Ooh, pizza. Good call, Mikoto." said Sasuke and Itachi's other mother so to speak.

The four of them dug into the pizza rather quickly and Itachi turned to Mikoto and said "Mom, Sasuke and I were wondering if we could play some D&D some time soon since school's out."

Mikoto looked at both of her sons and said "Well, that is a good idea, but I have a better idea. We'll play an RPG, but a different one. one that I rediscovered while clearing out my closet. It's called Vampire: The Masquerade and it is really fun. You play as a vampire and it is set in the modern times, so you can use guns, drive cool cars, and do a lot of other stuff you can't do in D&D!"

Kurenai's eyes opened up with excitement.

"Vampire: The Masquerade? I played that game in high school and college! That game was the bomb back in the day! Mind if I join you?"

Mikoto replied "Sure. The more, the merrier. We'll play after dinner, I already have a campaign planned out. I'll explain the setting and character creation as soon as we're done eating."

Itachi and Sasuke were super-excited about playing this new game they never heard of before. This would be a summer that the Uchihas would not forget.