[1]: Warship Girls Activated


ESC-A Doppel
Ni hao everyone, I'm Tyrant Yuyuka, shipper extraordinaire, and I'll be leading you through a game that I really like. And that game, as if you didn't know already by the title of the thread, is Warship Girls R, or by the official long-hand hand Warship Girls 2: Project R, or by its Chinese Pinyin name Zhan Jian Shao Nyu.

If you don't know what the game is, I can explain it to you in one phrase: Chinese Phone Game Kantai Collection with the inclusion of Allied shipgirls.

If you don't know what Kantai Collection is, then I'll just give you a super brief rundown of that game.

Kantai Collection is a free-to-play browser game that involves anthropomorphic World War II Axis nation ships fighting against the Abyssals, a scourge of the deep seas that threaten to take over the world or destroy humanity or something really bad like that.

The main difference between Kantai Collection and Warship Girls, like I said earlier, is the inclusion of anthropomorphic Allied nation ships from World War II as well. You can have a combined fleet of both the Imperial Japanese Navy, the United States Navy, and the German Kriegsmarine if you so desire. Think about it: IJN Yamato fighting alongside USS Enterprise and KM Bismarck.

These anthropomorphic ships don't have an official name, as far as I'm aware, but we're going to call then Shipgirls, term taken from Kantai Collection. Shipgirls are cute anthropomorphisms of World War II naval ships from both the Allied nations and the Axis nations. There are some information about their real-life counterparts that carry over into the game and affects it both little and big ways, ranging from how the stats for a shipgirl is determined to giving them a special skill based on the original ship's performance during the war.

If you know how to play Kantai Collection, then you'll pick up Warship Girls very quickly.

But I digress. If you want more information, then please visit the Kantai Collection wikia and the Warship Girls wikia.

This isn't going to be a blind playthrough, since I play this game a lot. In fact, I still play this game actively. Why am I doing a let's play of this game while I'm still actually playing it? Well, that's because I've reached a point in my regular account where all I'm doing is just level grinding. So to prevent burnout, I'm going to be doing a "fresh" playthrough of the game once more and starting again from the very beginning of the game.

I don't know how Let's Plays are traditionally done, but I'm going to be trying to give commentary about what I'm doing, what I'm supposed to be doing, reacting to RNG madness, and maybe even trying to give the shipgirls a bit their own personality in the world of this Let's Play.

Now then, enough chit-chat.

Let's get moving!

Welcome to the main website of Warship Girls R. You'll be needing an Android device to play this game, or an Android emulator. There's an iOS version of the game and iOS servers, but you'll need a jailbroken device to install the game. Unlike Kantai Collection, anyone from any region of the world can play this game. You can be in the United States of America, Japan, or even Sierra Leone, and you can still play this game!

Also, sorry if you heard me violently retching earlier. The title of the game is in Simplied Chinese and I cannot stand reading that kind of junk. It's not that I can't read Simplifed, it's just I'd rather not. I was taught to read Traditional Chinese and I've gotten used to reading that.

Heck, even the original version of Warship Girls was in Traditional Chinese before it got upgraded to Warship Girls R! Well, actually, the original version was in Simplified Chinese as well, but there were some major disputes between the developers of the game Moefantasy split up with the distribution company Patch, which caused two versions of the game to be made: One Traditional Chinese and the other Simplified. With the Traditional Chinese version being the true version of the game...

But whatever! You don't need to hear about that kind of trouble! If you want to know more, then you ought to read the wikia. You'll find a comprehensive and very detailed rundown of all the events.

Let's just download the game... and then we'll install it...

And presto! The game is installed!

Now then, it's time to choose to choose a starting ship. She'll be the main flagship, the squad captain, the leader of the bunch, for a bit of time while you're still a FNG.

Let's bring down our four lovely ladies!

Representing the United Kingdom's own Royal Navy, we have Glowworm!​

Next up, representing Nazi Germany's Kriegsmarine, we have Z16!

Our next lovely starting ship, from the United States Navy, is Gearing!

And our final starting ship, coming all the way from the Imperial Japanese Navy, is Fubuki!
Who should my starting ship be?

I'll let you all decide. ;)
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[x] Based Germanies

You can Kai-Ni her afterwards to make other Z-class destroyers more accurate! Get Z1 and Z31 and upgrade them as well, and you can seriously hurt the Abyssals!
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[X] Gearing.

Excellent multirole DD in WoWS, and has lots of Dakka (20 5" shells every minute thanks to autoloaders).
As a Kancolle player, I have no idea about this game, but I'll support

[x] Z16

I'm really interested in the differences between Kancolle and this game.
[X] Gearing

MissingJumbo seems to know how to actually play this game so I'm just going to agree with him and hope this is a good choice.
If it is any similar to Kancolle, it doesn't really matter, since you can get all the other starting ships later on anyway.
[X] Gearing

Gearing has the most health and dakka iirc, though it isn't going to matter much for a tin can:V. still every little bit helps. Looking forward to see how you proceed.
[2]: Welcome to Saratoga Naval Base
Nimen hao! I'm Tyrant and welcome back to Warship Girls R.

I tallied the vote and it seems that a strong majority of you all really want to pick Miss Gearing.

Good! Gearing was actually my first choice too.

Now then, with our secretary ship in hand, it's time to get moving.


After selecting the cute USS Gearing as our secretary ship, we have to introduce ourselves. She'll be our secretary ship for a while, so it would be rude if we just kept our identity to ourselves.

"Welcome to Saratoga Naval Base, Admiral!"

Welcome to the main screen of the game. (I actually forgot to take this screenshot, so I had to take it after I finished my original screenshot recordings.)

At the top left corner, you can see the level of our base, which is 1 at the moment. The empty gray bar you see underneath that level the experience bar. Once you fill that up, the base will gain a level.

At the top center of the screen, you can see our resources. Since we just started the game, we have a decent amount. It's not great, but it'll do for now. I'll explain what exactly they do in time, but for now, just know that they're there.

Next to our resources, at the top right, is the number of diamonds we have. Diamonds are basically cash shop points. You can use diamonds for all sorts of things, but we're not going to touch them yet. At this moment, I have no way of using it since I don't have a bank account in China. There will be PayPal support in the future, but that time is not now.

At the center right of the screen, you can see four buttons. I'm going to label them in terms of the compass rose: North, South, East, and West. You know, since that's what it looks like to me.​
  • North - Sorties
    This is where you go fight the Abyssal Fleet and where you go to send out shipgirls to collect resources for you. There are other things in there, but we'll get to it in due time.​
  • South - Dock
    This is where you go to organize your fleet in the proper order. This node will take you to the tabs where you can arrange your shipgirls in combat formations or expedition formations or whatever formation you need for a given situation. This is also where you go to outfit your shipgirls with new sparkly weapons or to take away their new sparkly weapons to give to another shipgirl that you like more. Also, this is where you go to get them healed up if they get hurt in battle and where you go to restock your shipgirls so you can send them out to hurt people once more.​
  • East - Modification
    This is where you go to upgrade your shipgirls. You can use some materials to help boost up their stats to give them an edge in battle. In this page, some shipgirls can undergo a process called Modification where they can go beyond their current limits and get some boost stats, new artwork, and even an unlockable skill. Just to add to that last part, this is where you go to unlock those skills too. We'll be getting to that part later down the line.​
  • West - Construction
    This button will take you to the docks where you can build equipment and construct new shipgirls. What's the cost? Resources. You need to spend some of those resources on the top of the screen in order to make some brand new things for your shipgirls to use to beat some faces in. You can also use the docks to dismantle old, obsolete weapons that you don't use and you can scrap unused shipgirls as well (you monster).​
At the bottom of the screen, you can see that we have five more nodes. Those are, starting from left to right: Cash Shop, Events, Quests, Ranking, and Mail.
  • Cash Shop is exactly what it sounds like.
  • Events is where you go to collect your daily login bonuses, to see your milestones and to collect your milestone bonuses, and to see an advertisement saying that your first purchase in Cash Shop will give you some resources, construction blueprints, and the Aircraft Carrier USS Ranger (CV-4). Quests is where you go.
  • Ranking allows you to see how you compare to others in terms of PvP, Sunken Abyssal Ships, How "powerful" your main fleet is (I don't know how the game determines how good it is), and your completion percentage in terms of how many shipgirls and their Mods that you personally had in your fleet.
  • Mailbox is where you get mail. You're going to be using this tab only once in the game (for now at least). What you're going to be using it for, I'll tell you later.
Now then with that information dump out of the way, let's go look at our quests. Sorry KanColle players, we don't have an Ooyodo to bring up the quest page for us. You're just going to have to do it yourselves.

You can see that we have five tabs on the side. Starting from top to bottom, those are: All Quests, One-Time Quests, Daily Quest, Weekly Quests, and Event Quests.

Right now we only have one quest. For the purposes of this Let's Play, I'm not going to be translating each and every quest word by word. That would take far too long. I'll just tell you what you need to do and what exactly we'll be getting out of it. If you want something a bit more detailed, then you should check out the wikia.

Our first quest is simple: Take down 1 enemy fleet. As a reward, we'll be getting 100 Fuel, 100 Ammo, 1 Instant Repair Unit, and 1 Shipgirl. Who that shipgirl is? It's a mystery~.

Welcome to the Sortie screen. We have four tabs on the right, from top to bottom they are: Sortie, Drill, Expedition, and Campaign.
  • Sortie:
    You command a fleet of shipgirls to go out and take down the Abyssal fleet. The main goal here is to reach the Boss Node and knock them all down.
  • Drill:
    This is PvP. You send out your shipgirls to take on another admiral's fleet and you see who has the better fleet. We're not going to be touching this at all for the time being. Every single admiral on that tab are really scary and could take you down with just a single bombing run. But we'll be back... Just not now.
  • Expedition:
    If you don't want to play the game or you find yourself short on resources, just send send your fleets on an expedition. After a given amount of time, they'll come back with some resources for your resources pool. You can use these resources to construct more gear, more ship girls, repair your shipgirls, or to keep them topped off when they're hunting Abyssals.

    This is also where there's a major difference between Warship Girls and KanColle kicks in, which is why it gets its own paragraph. While Warship Girls shares the expedition feature that KanColle has, you cannot fail an expedition in Warship Girls. You could send an entire fleet of Level 1 shipgirls and they would still come back successful.
  • Campaign:
    This is an interesting part of Warship Girls because this allows you to do some psuedo-historical reenactments from World War II using your shipgirls and the Abyssal fleet. There's a reason why you want to do campaigns, but I'll explain it in due time. We don't have a reason to do them yet.
With that explanation out of the way, it's time to fight.

Oh jeez, combat is really fast with just one ship! I can't take screenshots fast enough!

...Hey look at that, Gearing leveled up!

Check it out, we just got a dropped ship too. After taking down an Abyssal Fleet, they'll drop a ship. Everyone, meet the Japanese Ayanami-Class Destroyer Shikinami!

Now that we're back at base, let's go collect our reward from completing that quest. We got our resources, our instant repair unit, and now let's see who that new shipgirl is...

From the Imperial Japanese Navy, give Miyuki, one of the Fubuki-class special destroyers, a warm Saratoga Naval Base welcome!

Now that Miyuki is here, we just got two more quests. One of those quests is to place a shipgirl in the repair dock, while the other tells us to restock one shipgirl's equipment. Let's do these quests from top-to-bottom. Our first quest is to place a shipgirl in the repair dock. As we saw earlier, Gearing got a bit scuffed up during her battle with that Abyssal ship earlier, so she could do with a nice relaxing soak in Saratoga Naval Base's high-class repair docks.

Okay, now that Gearing is taking her bath, she'll be combat ready in 46 seconds. That's pretty fast actually. Well, while she's doing that.

Let's surprise her by topping of her gear (no pun intended). Just press that button down there will fill up all your shipgirls' equipment and get them ready to move out once more.

Now that we have all that, let's collect all our rewards. We've gotten more resources, an instant repair unit, and a ship construction blueprint. This will let us construct our very own shipgirl, no need to find one after taking down an enemy fleet.

Check it out, we got a new mission too. The mission states that we need to build our very own shipgirl. How convenient, we just got a blueprint to build a shipgirl just earlier.

Let's just go with the absolute minimum in everything. We don't need to for big money here. 30/30/30/30 will do for now.

Another big thing where Warship Girls differ from KanColle is that Warship Girls does not have Large-Ship Construction. There is only one construction screen. You can't exceed more than 999 per resource here, my friends.

And now we play the waiting game.

Who is it? Well, you'll just have to find out next time.
Our new ship is either a CL or a monitor.

I hope it's KTKM-sama, based torpedo goddess of maximum overcrit.
So KTKM is the torpedo goddess in Warship girls as well?

And no large ship construction? What is this madness? How will you waste tens of thousands of ressources in the hope of getting a hotel or the spat goddess, only to get ships you already have? (Yamato and Taihou for the uninitiated.)
So it's been a month since I last updated this thread.

I got a few reasons, starting from the dumbest to slight less dumb.

1) I got lazy. I didn't have the motivation to update because I can't keep to a schedule at all on updates, even for a game I play everyday.

2) School is a butt and it sucks up all my free time (although that doesn't stop me from playing on my main and doing some Repulse hunting.)


No matter what APK I use, no matter what emulator I try to use.

Nothing works.

The game runs for less than a minute. I can put some girls in the docks. I can send them out on expeditions. I can restock their ammunition and fuel and load them up with planes.

...And then the game crashes.

Sortieing is impossible in this condition. Base management simulator would not make for the best let's play.

Also you're still not going to know what the result of the ship construction is yet.
All of the fierce aim high, yet remember all do not make out of the nest.

Requiescat In Pace, little sapling.

*closes eyes on Warship Girls Let's Play and walks away*