Yeah. Don't get me wrong, what he did is pretty damn amazing by modern standards, but by servant standards, it's not that great.
He could likely fight some of the lower scale servants, or the more honor crazed ones that would leave themselves open, but other than that...not much else.
I imagine if he were a Servant he'd probably be a half-decent Assassin that would be excellent at sneak attacks from afar, but he would have some shit stats and would be utter shit at a straight up fight against most Servants.
Since Xuanzang already been made a Servant, I'm surprised Type Moon hasn't tried for her companions.

Wonder why...
Sun Wukang has appeared in the gag comic.
I imagine if he were a Servant he'd probably be a half-decent Assassin that would be excellent at sneak attacks from afar, but he would have some shit stats and would be utter shit at a straight up fight against most Servants.

Sun Wukang has appeared in the gag comic.
But that's just a gag...
Until he/she really appears in F/GO or something canon, I don't think it'll count..
I remember @Takoe telling me this, but not exactly why...
So I'm asking, what's wrong with Simo Hayha sheets, and why should I run from them like the plague?

Usually just bad, or lots of wank or both.

The infamous Saberface Mystic Eyes of Death Perception supersniper still haunts me. Also discussion of Simo Haya sheets is banned on BL.

I'd still think he would be stronger than helena if she wasn't wanked, I mean sure she could be a minor HS due to starting theo stuff but connected to the root? fucking seriously!
I'm just waiting for aleister crowley to be aservant at this point.

She's not connected to the Root. She has an odd thing with magical foundations.
Also aliens maybe.

Manaka is the one connected to the root who is absolute bullshit.
You know, for all the modern Servant sheets I've never seen a Lee Harvey Oswald sheet! I mean, with all the conspiracies surrounding the JFK assassination there would be some interesting NPs out of it! A magic bullet NP, a men in the grassy knoll NP (which I picture as LHO creating an illusion that makes targets think he attacked from a different location); these just write themselves!
So with the Valentine's Event over and 1.5 coming up soon, are there any Servants that people expect to appear and are saving up for?

Personally, I am waiting for Jason to appear. Because he's a fellow Herakles fanboy and I need to have that punchable face in my line-up. The only question are how much I'll drop on Agravain if he appears first and how many rolls I'll accidentally lose when Ereshkigal inevitably shows up.
Blazing Sword nostalgia is a curse sometimes.
So with the Valentine's Event over and 1.5 coming up soon, are there any Servants that people expect to appear and are saving up for?

Personally, I am waiting for Jason to appear. Because he's a fellow Herakles fanboy and I need to have that punchable face in my line-up. The only question are how much I'll drop on Agravain if he appears first and how many rolls I'll accidentally lose when Ereshkigal inevitably shows up.
Blazing Sword nostalgia is a curse sometimes.
Agravain, EMIYA Alter, and mystery butterfly ojisan.

Also I don't exactly expect it but more Pandavas or Duryodhana would be good.
Things I expect I'll burn my quartz on: Theoretical Okita return, Majin Saber, Archimedes, possibly Agravain, RiDarius and LanceDusa if they show up, butterfly old man looks cool may toss him a 10-roll, ummmm EMIYAlter maybe if that's actually EMIYAlter.
Pucci, so he can use Made In Heaven to accelerate through as many universes as it takes to get one with a fair gacha.
So with the Valentine's Event over and 1.5 coming up soon, are there any Servants that people expect to appear and are saving up for?

Personally, I am waiting for Jason to appear. Because he's a fellow Herakles fanboy and I need to have that punchable face in my line-up. The only question are how much I'll drop on Agravain if he appears first and how many rolls I'll accidentally lose when Ereshkigal inevitably shows up.
Blazing Sword nostalgia is a curse sometimes.
Agravain, Jason, Perseus, Human King Goetia (I choose to believe!) Sigurd, Protosaber.
So with the Valentine's Event over and 1.5 coming up soon, are there any Servants that people expect to appear and are saving up for?

Personally, I am waiting for Jason to appear. Because he's a fellow Herakles fanboy and I need to have that punchable face in my line-up. The only question are how much I'll drop on Agravain if he appears first and how many rolls I'll accidentally lose when Ereshkigal inevitably shows up.
Blazing Sword nostalgia is a curse sometimes.
Agravain, King Hassan and Merlin, the rest are up to my whims.
Human King Goetia (I choose to believe!)
I am not sure if it counts (or if this is like recommending Alcides to someone wanting Archer Herakles), but Solomon seems like a pretty good candidate for the second Anniversary.

Da Vinci was a Servant who exemplified FGO to a certain extend, and the only other Servants who do that that I can think of would be a theoretical Olga-Marie Pseudoservant and, indeed, Solomon. And there's a pretty decent shot one of his Ascensions would be Goetia based.

Although naturally his 3rd Ascension would be Doctor Roman. No escaping that.
Saber Wars 2 when?

They've already set up Agravain as Alter X's master. Now we just need to be able to summon him!


That and I also want Sherlock and Ereshkigal as well.

One hour 32 minutes until the stream!

Youtube link!

Killing time by watching the latest Chaldea Radio
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