The Academy at Atlas【Location Name】
An association (協会, kyoukai) of Magi (魔術師, Majutsu-shi) / Alchemists (錬金術師, Renkin-jutsushi) based in the Atlas Mountain Range (アトラス山脈, Atorasu Sanmyaku) in Egypt.
Also known as the Giant's Pit.
The formerly (かつて, katsute) operational (機能していた, kinou-shiteita) Magecraft Association -- or rather, one of the three primary branches of such;
the institution focused upon aggregation (蓄積, chikuseki, lit. "accumulation") and appraisal (計測, keisoku, lit. "measurement").
Diverging from (異なる, kotonaru) the modern practice of Alchemy (現代錬金術, Gendai Renkinjutsu, lit. "modern Alchemy") that has since the medieval period (中世から, Chuusei kara) entered the vogue (主流となった, shuryuu to natta, lit. "become mainstream"),
they are an organization of Alchemists that conducts inquiry (解明, kaimei, lit. "elucidation") into the basis of Magecraft (魔術の祖, Majutsu no So, lit. "the forefathers / origins of Magecraft") and the Laws of the World (世界の理, Sekai no Kotowari, lit. "the principles / rationalities of the World").
Rather than referring to them as (というよりは, to iu yori wa) Magi, it would be more appropriate to describe them as Prodigies (異能者, inousha, lit. "persons of unusual ability") that treat (扱う, atsukau) their own flesh (自身の肉体, jishin no nikutai) as Man・Machine (マン・マシーン);
treating (扱って, atsukatte) their own flesh (自身の肉体) as vessels (容れ物として, iremono toshite) that exist for the purpose of (ため, tame) laboring (働かせる, hataraka-seru) per the ethos (知性, chisei, lit. "intelligence / wisdom / sapience") of "Accuracy (正しく, tadashiku, lit. "correctness"), Strength (強く, tsuyoku), and Expedition (速く, hayaku, lit. "speed")."
Humans (人間, ningen) are (とは, to wa) exceptional (類い希なる, Tagui-mare-naru) Calculation Engines (計算装置, keisan souchi) that bear the capacity for motility (運動機能をもった, undou kinou wo motta, lit. "bear motility / flexibility") -- the five senses (五感, gokan).
By the aggregation (収集, shuushuu) and analysis (解析, kaiseki) of information (情報, jouhou),
we Humans (我々人間, wareware ningen) are as sapient organisms (知的生命体, chiteki seimeitai) that have evolved (進化した, shinka-shita) as a workforce (労働力として, roudou-ryoku toshite) with the capacity to directly address (ダイレクトに対応できる, dairekuto ni taiou-dekiru, lit. "able to directly address") any variety of obstacles (数々の問題, kazukazu no mondai, lit. "large variety / quantity of problems") that may arise (生まれ出る, umare-deru, lit. "bear forth") --
such was their creed (彼らの信条, kare-ra no shinjou).
Oddly (奇しくも, kushiku-mo), the correctness (正しさ, tadashisa) of such (その, sono) was vindicated (証明された, shoumei-sareta, lit. "proven") in the world of EXTRA, wherein Magecraft came to extinction (絶えた, taeta).
The Alchemists of Atlas are destitute (乏しく, toboshiku, lit. "destitute / poor / scarce") of Thaumaturgical Circuits (魔術回路, majutsu kairo) --
individuals who would engage not in such undertakings (活動, katsudou, lit. "activities") as would require reliance upon Thaumaturgical Energy (魔力に頼った, maryoku ni tayotta, lit. "reliant upon mana").
Unreliant (頼っていなかった, tayotteinakatta) -- or rather, "incapable of relying" (頼れなかった, tayorenakatta) -- upon Thaumaturgical Energy,
they were able to continue (続けられた, tsuzukerareta) their pursuits (探求, tankyuu, lit. "explorations / inquiries") as students of Magecraft (魔術の徒, majutsu no to) even after the Mana Depletion (魔力枯渇の後, maryoku kokatsu no ato).
However (しかし, shikashi), with the persistent (長く, nagaku, lit. "extended / long") scarcity in the conception (誕生しなくなり, tanjou-shinakunari, lit. "non-engagement in birth") of children (子供たち, kodomo-tachi) for the succeeding generation (次代, jidai),
and the successive (続いていた, tsuzuiteita, lit. "continuing") suicides (自決死, jiketsu-shi) of the veteran (古参, gosan, lit. "senior") Alchemists,
the Academy at Atlas met with a destruction (滅び, horobi) unrelated to (関係なく, kankeinaku) the Mana Depletion.
Within (には, ni wa) the Academy at Atlas, there exists (存在, sonzai) now (もはや, mohaya) no more than (しか, shika) a single Homunculus (一人のボムンクルス, hitori no homunkurus).
The final remnant of Atlas (最後のアトラス, saigo no Atorasu, lit. "the last Atlas") died of illness (病死, byoushi) after (後, ato) coining (鋳造した, chuuzou-shita) this Homunculus,
letting to lie (残された, nokosareta, lit. "letting to remain") within the Cavern (洞窟には, doukutsu ni wa) only her final creation (最後の作品だけ, saigo no sakuhin dake).
With the vanishing (消え, kie) of the Alchemists, this underground city (地下都市, chikatoshi) that complects (連なる, tsuranaru, lit. "comprise by way of interconnection") solely (だけ, dake) of research facilities (研究施設, kenkyuu shisetsu) fabricated (作られた, tsukurareta) by way of (によって, ni yotte) as yet unknown (未知の, michi no) technologies (技術体系, gijutsu taikei, lit. "systems of techniques")
has become as (よう, you, lit. "like") an immense mausoleum (巨大な墓標, kyodai-na hakajirushi, lit. "giant grave marker").