Yeah I know but it just pisses me off, People like waver deserve better than certain magi who kill just for calling them a fucking nickname.

Waver doesn't deserve jack shit, he's a piece of shit until he grows up thanks to the Grail War.

El-melloi meanwhile.
Oh yes. Formalcraft can be enacted without your own Magic Circuits. It's slow and often painful, but it works - and it's also the most basic element in that art. We haven't really seen much of true alchemy, the path to power of an alchemist, the way we got to get inside Shirou's head as he grew more powerful, but realistically they must have something better. Or an automated version.

(Now there's a thought. A printing press for spell circles. ... I betcha something like that was the middle ground between that and the magitech computer that is Trismegistus.)

I'm 99% sure Formalcraft requires magic circuits because you need magic circuits to connect to a magical foundation to hack the world into doing things for you.

No no, fuck that , I disagree so heavily with this. its just a author pushing his viewpoint onto a story to the point were it becomes choking and wank worthy, If nasu would stop certain things from being wanked maybe I would agree with you, but no, If humans have to condemn themselves to have there very fucking souls to be shredded in the name of not being stagnent, than fuck him.
It's almost like an author has a theme and purpose and point to his world/stories and that he's being consistent with them.
Literally the point of Mashu, Goetia, F/GO and stuff like that. Otherwise you can argue that it might come from certain philosophies that you aren't exactly ingrained in. I mean you can disagree with them but they're still a thing, they're still how that fictional universe works. His stories are built with that as one of its core pillars.

Also the idea that 'immortality is bad' kinda falls null and void when you see the Throne of heroes, it starts to sound more like nasu wants immortality to be a cool kids club

I wouldn't call the Throne of Heroes immortality at all. It's not like they chill in a club. Heroic Spirits are pretty different from what you see as servants anyway, so you shouldn't think it's like they're just chilling as Saber or Cu or whatever.

If you want immortality look at Scathach or Merlin. Also NEETdom = immortality confirmed.

I mean since nobodys allowed to just be a shithead in Fate any more, his doomsday plan was part of a generic "I don't understand humanity so I want to save it which is bad due to circumstances outside my control" so if you want to retroactively become an immortal new-human his plan's got plenty of upsides.

The only real time someone was just a complete shithead was Kirei really in Fate. Honestly I wouldn't say that's all that new!
Was anyone ever allowed to do that?
I dunno, Gilgamesh was kind of just a huge piece of shit in Stay Night with the human flaws of being selfish, narcissistic and arrogant. He knew what he was doing was going to kill billions of people, he just didn't give a shit because they didn't live up to his standards of BUCK IN MUH DAY. But then further works came out and continually confused the issue such as CCC both whitewashing his actions in Stay Night as 'lol the era put him in a bad mood' and having Andersen condemn him for being a childish sociopath in an endless flipflop between "did nothing wrong" and "actually did plenty wrong".
If anyone is willing to change the topic, I was curious as to what what rank eyes would certain things from other settings be considered like the Sharingan or Byakugan. Im guessing something the rinnegan would be like rainbow or something.
I mean since nobodys allowed to just be a shithead in Fate any more, his doomsday plan was part of a generic "I don't understand humanity so I want to save it which is bad due to circumstances outside my control" so if you want to retroactively become an immortal new-human his plan's got plenty of upsides.
Demons subsist on human wishes and realize them via distortion.

That may or may not have had an influence on Goetia.

I mean, it's a good theory. Maybe. Probably.
I'm 99% sure Formalcraft requires magic circuits because you need magic circuits to connect to a magical foundation to hack the world into doing things for you.
Formalcraft is asking Gaia nicely to do stuff for you, IIRC. Weak bloodlines use it because their thaumaturgical foundations suck.

There was some Case Files stuff? Fallacies knows better.
But then further works came out and continually confused the issue such as CCC both whitewashing his actions
No, he's still a horrible asshole.

Now we know why he is one, but that still doesn't change his plan; killing humanity in percentage is generally taken as a horrid thing.

And I'm pretty sure Ender offered an explanation on how the sudden change in opinion came to be. It's late here and I'm on my phone so I won't search for it.
Can we talk bout fictional characters that would be servants in there home universes? Like say Lei shen from warcraft who would undoubtebly be a servant.
Back to the topic y'all are trying to distract the topic from.

I've said this or things close to this before, so I may as well repeat it here. Viewed through a Watsonian lens, timeline pruning is schwatever. It's magical timeline physics run by ROB. From a Doylist perspective, it's worthless. It's Nasu trying to backtrack on his "Time Travel and Alternate Timelines are the domain of This One Dude and you can't have it, so fuck off with those plotlines" so he can write a stupid shitty Time Travel plot (side note: How exactly is fucking Archie of all people traveling through time/timelines? Yes yes, plot bullshit, I know, but I'm mildly curious about the actual mechanism) but because time travel plots are stupid and time travel can't actually change anything, he has to install some artificial way to limit time travel and thus inject the ability for time travel to actually change things.

That this mechanism is shitty and poorly-written is juuuuust about as ironic as the fact that it ends up proving irrelevant because Archie can't fucking change anything anyways lol.