Type-II Civ Civil War


GWS Recipient
Around Dover Street
In my upcoming hard Sci-fi Strategy RP 'The Tessellation War', a civ on the cusp of being a Type-2 civ falls into civil war as 'disagreements' break out over how much each nation-state analogue gets their share of energy.

If you're further inclined on fleshing out mechanics and whatnot with me, then you're free to PM me, but in the meantime I'd like you guys to help me worldbuild with some general thoughts and questions.

- Destabilize a player's logistical and economic base to ruin their chances of repairing their fleets, but make sure that they don't do the same to yours.
- Negotiate temporary alliances with other players, but have some back-up plan on the very likely chance that they'll stab you in the back.
- Some NPC nation-state analogues to spice things up as either partners, enemies, or everything else in-between.
- Conditional attributes in between each battles to make each of them unique and stuff.
- Space battles are king here, and most individuals would rather just surrender and wave flags rather than do some kind of last stand.
- AIs are present, and are a parallel yet still distinct civ. Yes, they are used in military purposes, which means false-flag operations are incredibly risky.
- Space-Geneva Convention that prevents warcrimes on civilians. Break them at your own peril.
- Ranges for space combat is now measured in light-seconds due to the widespread use of high-powered lasers.

- Gamma lasers widespread on military ships, combat engagement rage is bumped up to light-seconds and ships are either mission-killed or destroyed in only a few hits... if it doesn't kill the crew. Potential consequences for space warfare in general?
- Interplanetary kill vehicles still viable, or are they banned? (KKVs or RKKVs disguised as 'satellite launches' or 'space telescopes')

I'm sure there's gonna be more things that I'll have to ask in the future. Sticking w/ this original post for now, though.
Try to use cyberwarfare to hijack the nearly-complete Dyson Swarm, and use it as a (weak) Dyson-Nicoll laser against your enemies non-civilian targets. A statement not a manifesto.