Welcome to another gamer fic. The difference is that I'm co-authoring with @Malbutorius, so...
User | Total |
Yuki no Yue | 5 |
Feed your Kin
With your mother gone, they will die should they not eat. Learn how to feed them.
Reward: Your kin will survive the night.
Risks: You will be alone.
Suggested Perk
Omnivore: Remove the boundaries of food and consume as you wish, let nothing stand in the way of your teeth.
Food types gained: Solids, Vegetables, Fruits, Meats.
Pear Consumed!
Grants minor Satiety and 5 HP Recovery over 5 minutes.
Suggested Perk
13'th kit of a 13'th kit: The first step on the path of the Witch's Familiar.
Suggested Synergy - Omnivore: Will immediately grant access to a mild spell that will turn food in the stomach into a different kind of sustenance.
Quest Completed!
Reward: Your kin shall survive the night, and you have secured a source of consistent nutrition for them... Despite how creepily you did it.
Welcome to the Tutorial of the - Gamer System 2.0 -, the new and improved version! Now outfitted with thought-only interface!
To proceed, think [next]
Excellent! Now that you understand how to operate your new system, let's explain the various parts of the interface. First is your [Status] page, where it's exposed your [Name], [Level], [Race], [Age], [Titles], [Stats], [Racial Perks] and [Perks]. For a brief explanation, think [next]
[Name]: What is your own name, the way you identify yourself. Remember, true names have powers.
[Level]: Your level, as quantified by the Gamer System 2.0. Certain perks, skills and items cannot be unlocked or used until you reached the appropriate level.
[Race]: To what race you belong. Every race come with benefits and drawbacks, some more than others. barring magical, divine or mad-science intervention, changing your own race is extremely difficult. Some skills are restricted for certain races.
[Titles]: Titles are achievement that the Gamer System 2.0 bestow on Gamers who have done something that exceed expectations. Some titles have an effect on the Gamers, called Persona Titles, some on the World around the Gamers, called World Titles, and some are simply cosmetic. You can only equip two Persona Titles and two World Titles at once. Cosmetic Titles don't have a cap.
[Stats]: Stats are the way the Gamer System 2.0 quantify your physical and mental abilities. The Stats are:
[HP](Hit Points): It quantify how many hits you can take. Reaching 0 HP will result in you falling unconscious, another hit will kill you. Otherwise, your body doesn't show he damage inflicted. The formula to calculate it is: (VITx10)+(STRx5)
[MP](Magic Points): It quantify how much magic energy you have. Reaching 0 will render you unable to cast any other spell, but it will not stop any ongoing spell, as long as your natural regeneration can sustain the,. The formula to calculate it is: (INTx10)+(WISx5)
[STR](Strength): It quantify the ability of your body to inflict damage on what is around you, how much you can carry and how hard is your natural skin.
[VIT](Vitality): It quantify how healthy you are, how resistant you are to illnesses and poison and how fast you recover your HP. The formula is: (VIT/2) every minute
[DEX](Dexterity): It quantify the speed of your movements, how fast you can react and your reflexes.
[INT](Intelligence): It quantify your ability to think logically, to remember things and events and how powerful your spells are.
[WIS](Wisdom): It quantify the ability to understand situations and how to escape from it, how resistant you are to mental status effects and how fast you recover your MP. The formula is: (WIS/2) every minute.
[Racial Perks]: These are the perks that your Race grant you. They have both a plus and a malus. In certain circumstances, there is the possibility of a way to remove certain malus via quest.
[Perks]: These are the perks that you can gain leveling up. You start with three perks from a pool of six perks tailored to you. Once these are chosen, you gain a perk starting from Level 2 and every other Level after that. Perks can cover a wide range of things, from unlocking certain branches of magic that would usually be inaccessible to you.
Skills are a staple of the Gamer System! And with the 2.0 edition, we streamlined the Skill System leaving back the old and overused way to look at a skills and we moved to an innovative method: The Mastery Method!
[Untrainted]: Learned martial arts from the Matrix.
[Novice]: Read about CPR on a poster.
[Apprentice]: Actually attended a good number of classes on the subject.
[Journeymen]: Good enough to make money with it.
[Expert]: The usual pinnacle of skill for the majority of people, usually achieved from many years in a career.
[Master]: Often renowned as the best at what they do in the state, if not the country depending on the skill.
[Grand Master]: A once in a lifetime genius of the craft.
[Legendary]: Someone with skills such that they stepped right out of myth. Or, in more modern terms, someone who can reliably shoot bullets out of the air with a totally mundane gun.
You can find all of your skills in the [Skill Page].
[Name]: ??????
[Level]: 1 (0%)
[Race]: Cat
[Age]: Two month
[Titles]: Reincarnated Humans (Persona Title)
HP: 40/40
MP: 90/90
[STR]: 2
[VIT]: 3
[DEX]: 3 (6)
[INT]: 4 (8)
[WIS]: 15 (10)
Free points: 5
[Racial Perks]: [On Little Cat Feet...], [How to Cat], [Curiosity Killed the Cat...]
[Perks]: none selected, three available.
Hidden Kitten
The unknown being is angry and trying to get in, it is doubtful that it means no harm.
Rewards: Safety from the being, Kin's safety from the being, ???, ???.
Risks: Getting caught, death, Kin's death, ???, ???.
Suggested Perk: Closets and Corners
Cat's have always been known for their trickery and deceit, but their greatest lie is to the world itself, telling them that they aren't where they are.
Base Technique - Cutting Corners: The first lie, to trick the world into thinking that going around this corner will instead take you around that corner.
Quest Completed!
You and most of your kin are safe from the being for now.
[Name]: ??????
[Level]: 1 (0%)
[Race]: Cat
[Age]: Two month
[Titles]: Reincarnated Humans (Persona Title)
HP: 40/40
MP: 90/90
[STR]: 2
[VIT]: 3
[DEX]: 3 (6)
[INT]: 4 (8)
[WIS]: 10 (15)
Free points: 5
[Racial Perks]: [On Little Cat Feet...], [How to Cat], [Curiosity Killed the Cat...]
[Perks]: none selected, three available.
[On Little Cat Feet...]: This perks double your dexterity score when engaging in typical cat activities: running, jumping, falling, hiding, etc... "But I swear that I checked the closet! Twice!"
[How to Cat]: You are a cat. You don't need anything else. Your INT is halved and WIS is reduced by one-third.* "Everything the Light touches belongs to us..."
*The Persona Title: Reincarnated Human, will remove this perk once your INT and WIS have reached their original values.
Reincarnated Human (Persona Title): This Title act only on the self. This Title grant the Self the opportunity to remember their past lives as a human, granting the possibility to remove the Racial Perk [How to Cat]. Once the Racial Perk is removed, the Title will disappear, returning half of the spent points to the Self.
[Curiosity Killed the Cat...]: This Perk grant you the ability to see places of interest. "Ohhh, shinyyyy...."
Avalaible Perk: [Omnivore], [13'th kit of a 13'th kit], [Black Cat Prowling], [Closets and Corners], [Nine Lives], [All Cats are Grey in the Dark]
[Omnivore]: Remove the boundaries of food and consume as you wish, let nothing stand in the way of your teeth. "Did that cat just eat a pear?"
Food types gained: Vegetables, Fruits, Meats.
[13'th kit of a 13'th kit]: The first step on the path of the Witch's Familiar. "Dude, I swear that the cat was glaring at me..."
[Black Cat Prowling]: Do you remember the superstition about black cats? Well, in your case, it's true. "What the hell happened to you? You look like someone ran you over!" "A black cat crossed my path..."
Open up the Curse Magic ability tree and grant you the curse: [Bad Days Ahead]
[Closets and Corners]: Does cats reallly have the ability to slip between space? Well, I dunno about the others, but you do. "How the hell did Mittens end inside the closed cupboard??"
Open up the Space Magic ability tree and grant you the spell: [Cutting Corners]
[Nine Lives]: Hercules could do it, so can you. After all, cats are Death favourite. "But the cat came back the very next day, the cat came back, we thought he was a goner..."
For Nine times during the course of your lives, you will survive sure death.
[All Cats are Grey in the Dark]: Ninja are amateurs against you. "That freaking cat came out from fucking nowhere, I swear..."
Open up the Stealth Magic ability tree and grant you the spell [Mimeticat]
[WIS]: 10 (15) + 5 = 15 (15*)
*recovered the malus from [How to Cat]
[MP] adjusted: 90->115
Discovered: Abandoned Dungeon
A place, dark cold and abandoned. A tomb? Or a new beginning? Regardless, the denizens aren't the most helpful.
Skills: With The Gamer System 2.0, skills are now revamped. Skill level have been abandoned in favor of the Rank System, which, as we remind you, is the following:
[Untrainted]: Learned martial arts from the Matrix.
[Novice]: Read about CPR on a poster.
[Apprentice]: Actually attended a good number of classes on the subject.
[Journeymen]: Good enough to make money with it.
[Expert]: The usual pinnacle of skill for the majority of people, usually achieved from many years in a career.
[Master]: Often renowned as the best at what they do in the state, if not the country depending on the skill.
[Grand Master]: A once in a lifetime genius of the craft.
[Legendary]: Someone with skills such that they stepped right out of myth. Or, in more modern terms, someone who can reliably shoot bullets out of the air with a totally mundane gun.
Skills granted by perks start at the [Apprentice] level. Skills created by yourself* start at [Untrained] level.
*please note: skills belonging to the schools of Magic you have unlocked gain a 5% bonus to experience. The level of the spell will be displayed near the name. If no level is displayed, it is at the same level of the overall skill.
Skill Page
[Prowling] (Novice) (0%)
You stalk the night and evade the sight of the average unobservant and apathetic human and stalking ever skittish mice and rats to further help feed your predatory instinct. "Silent as a feather in the breeze..."
Specialties: Light Step
[Stalking] (Novice) (0%)
A simple hunting style used to hunt smaller and weaker foes, built around singular lethal pouncing strikes. "Wiggle. Wiggle. POUNCE!"
Specialties: None
[Curse Magic] (Apprentice) (0%)
Why fight when you can simply make your enemies kill themselves? Or make them fail in interesting and funny way. "...and first I lost the bus, then the next one was late, so I didn't arrive at work in time..."
-Spells unlocked: [Bad Days Ahead]: This staple of Curse Magic had plagued cat-haters and superstitious people for years! And now you can wield it with pride. Go forth. "...then my boss called me to her office to talk about my tardiness..."
Effects: lower one random stat of the target by a set amount: Untrained - 1; Novice - 2; Apprentice - 4; Journeyman - 8; Expert - 16: Master - 32; Grandmaster - 64; Legendary - 128.
Cost: 20 MP for target. Cannot stack
[Stealth Magic] (Apprentice) (0%)
How do you discover the secrets of your enemies, find their weaknesses or simply make them jump whe they don't see you coming? By being a ninja! Or, if you want to choose the superior option, by being a cat. "AAARGH!! WHO....! Oh, hello kitty. I didn't saw you..."
-Spells unlocked: [Mimeticat]: The starting skills of every cat proficient in stealth, this spell makes you invisible to all but the most attentive enemy! "How come you didn't see him? He's a red cat on a white background!"
Effect: Makes you blend into the background. Effectiveness scales with skill level.
Cost: 10 MP per minute. Doesn't stack.
To our Watery Grave we Go...
Unsure of where you are, where you need to go and who is an ally or an enemy, you go explore during a rainstorm! If you're so sure, why not.
Find shelter, food and water before nightfall.
Reward: Food, shelter, water.
-Bonus: Explore the park. Reward: ???????
Failure: Chance of Death, ????
[Grooming] (Untrained) (23%)
Are you wet? Are you dusty? Is your coat *gasp!* dirty? Never fear! With the grooming skill you will be ready to be the belle of the ball in no time! "Clean as a whistle and sleek as a missile!"
Effect: Clean yourself and be well! It removes harmful status effects and heal wounds.
Cost: 1 MP for 1 HP, 10% of removing harmful status effects.
This seems like a typo, unless you are intentionally doing Max/Current?:
MP: 115/107.5
I'm glad this was updated. I've enjoyed the story so far.
You should probably either change it to Max\Current or Current/Max then, since your current health is almost always less than or equal to your max health. The convention is for lower health to mean the "fraction" gets smaller instead of bigger, since the alternative is the lower your current health is, the larger the fraction reads as.
You should probably either change it to Max\Current or Current/Max then, since your current health is almost always less than or equal to your max health. The convention is for lower health to mean the "fraction" gets smaller instead of bigger, since the alternative is the lower your current health is, the larger the fraction reads as.
It's a pretty neat story though, and I'm interested to see where you take it.
Worst case scenario you can use the on screen keyboard.Thanks for your comment. I would change, but my keyboard only have the slash in that direction, so![]()
Weird, I figured it was a standard feature on PC. It should be in accessibility options.
Weird, I figured it was a standard feature on PC. It should be in accessibility options.
I'm really excited for more of this! I like that there are two perspectives and that they're already going in pretty different directions, build wise. Also cats are fun, and it'll be fun to see them grow in power from small kittens to towering forces of feline fury!
I examined the hole in the floor near the corpse of the beastly rat I slew, after a body length's distance into the hole it was utterly enshrouded in darkness. I felt a chill down my spine at the idea of entering it, I had nearly been slain by the beast that I had just fought. It would be foolish to go after it so soon afterwards.
Uh. Okay, then.
Sub-Quest obtained!
Infiltrate inside the park kiosk!
Reward: Food, Water, Shelter, ???
I… don't think I ever heard of a game with a feature like this. Still, it looks interesting.A sub quest is an additional, bonus, objective which can add - or replace - to the existing bonus objectives. Note: you can only have up to three bonus objective, barring special circumstances.
Quest Updated!
The sub-quest: "Explore the Park" has been replaced with "Infiltrate inside the Park kiosk". Are you sure?
Well,that was easy. Now, let's see...
[Analyze] -Passive- (Untrained) (0%)
You are a reincarnated human, this is obvious. This also grant you the ability to try and understand what you are and the world around you instinctively.
Grants insight into reality.
Scales with INT and WIS.
[Natural Affinity: There's more to the world than the physical, the Witch's path is not to demand, but to ask. To ask of the world and have their will made manifest through the power of nature. Bring a connection to oneself to the world around you. Your Mana will replenish itself faster in natural areas and/or when resting.]
[Witchy Reserves: Within life, there is Mana. With every spell, with every manipulation of the world, there is the pressure of will upon the world. To have more Mana, is to have more force to pressure upon it. Increases the growth rate of your mana pool.]
[Deep Pots: A great deal of modern Witch's approach potion crafting as if it was chemistry, a delicate process requiring a great deal of constant attention and effort. In truth, it is far simpler. Cooking is an ancient art, that has been around since the dawn of time. Did you honestly think brewing potions was something so unique? Now making one at a time can lead you to more effective potions individually, but it is vastly more difficult to supply a great deal of people.]
[Witchcrafting: You think being a witch is all about casting spells and brewing potions? Bah, mere common tricks and nothing of note. The truest power of a Witch, is the imbuement of Mana into common objects, making them so much more than mere mundane instruments.]
Effects: lower one random stat of the target by a set amount: Untrained - 1; Novice - 2; Apprentice - 4; Journeyman - 8; Expert - 16: Master - 32; Grandmaster - 64; Legendary - 128.
Cost: 20 MP for target. Cannot stack
[Witch Leather Hat: Crafted through self sacrifice, pain, and the guide of magic. The first creation of a true witch and the first step on the path of Witchcraft. The emotional weight behind the creation of this item is nigh insurmountable, as the pain that went into it was enough to kill a man six times over. The memory of this item's creation will always remind the Witch that the path of Witchcraft is difficult and fraught with dangers, allowing them to progress faster than those without such a constant reminder.]
[Spiderkin gem: Allows the user to imbue themselves with the essence of a spider, improving the user's ability to climb, improving their reflexes, and granting them poisoned natural weapons while bound to an item.]
[To our Watery Grave we Go...and related subquest is completed!]
[Level Up! +5 Stat Points gained, +1 Perk Point gained! Inventory unlocked!]
[Inventory is the extradimensional space where all the Gamers, in every world and age, stored their possessions, be legally or illegally gained. It's accessible only by the Gamer and it's inviolable by everything/everyone else. You cannot store living, sentient and/or sapient creatures inside without their consent.
The inventory have no limit on the number of objects stored inside.]
[INT]: 8 (4) + 4 = 8 (8)
[MP] adjusted:115->155
[VIT]: 3 + 1 = 4
[HP] adjusted: 40->50
[Congratulation! You cleared the requisites! The Persona Title: Reincarnated Humans and the Racial Perk: How To Cat are fusing together!]
[Racial Perk obtained! From the fusion of a Title and a Perk, you gain the Racial Perk: Feelin' Feline!]
[Feelin' Feline: You are a human reincarnated as a cat. But why should that bother you? With the mind of a human and the innate superiority of the Cat-Kind, soon you will rule the WORLD!
"I'm king of the highway, Prince of the boulevard, Duke of the avant-garde, The world is my backyard"
*You can reason and think like a human and/or a cat without mental pollution, granting you all of your mental faculties without reductions.]
Avalaible Perk: [13'th kit of a 13'th kit], [Closets and Corners], [Nine Lives], [Magically Adept (⅓)], [Vocalizing for Dummies]
[Magically Adept: Mana flows and respond at your command like it should do. Magic lives in you and you in it. Every spell you cast have it's cost reduced by 10%.
[Vocalizing for Dummies: We all know that humans are just dumb kittens that cannot comprehend us until adequately trained, but now you can understand and make yourself understood by everyone!
"Meow!" "Yes, yes, I know, it's time for dinner. I'm coming."]
[Spatial Magic] (Apprentice) (0%)
Together with Time, Space love cats. We are their favourite. As it should be. So the whole cat-kind is blessed with minor space-bending powers. Not you. You harnessed this powers and developed them. Now Space itself close an eye on your antics.
"Sir, we have a problem." ""What?" "There's an intruder in the base" WHAT!?"
-Spells Unlocked: [Cutting Corners]: The first trick one learns, is to lie to the world that, if you go around this corner it will make you turn that corner. "The base should be impenetrable!" "But they managed to enter."
Effect: You can move between two different point in space without actually crossing the space between them.
Cost: 1 mana for every foot crossed. Maximum space possible: 30 feet
[DEX]: 3 + 1 = 4 (8)
[INT]: 8 + 2 = 10
[MP] adjusted: 155->175
[I'm not sure what is the question you asked, but... first,thank you for saving me. I would have probably died if it wasn't for you. Second, you are a Gamer like me, right?]
A feeling of familiar love
And an impression of familiarity but uncertainty
[Class: Soul Refiner - A rare gift, the ability to grow the soul as a blossoming flower by cultivating the essence of the world.]