Vote tally - Twisted Fate: An Original Sci-Fantasy Quest

Adhoc vote count started by OfSpaceandTime on Jan 27, 2020 at 1:17 PM, finished with 15 posts and 9 votes.

Tally configuration

Simple majority
Twisted Fate: An Original Sci-Fantasy Quest
Post #6
Post #20


  • [X] Commoner: You were simply the everyday, common girl growing up. You saw an advertisement for being able to explore the globe and meeting people from all over the world, and what being in the military could do at a young age. And so you set out to join it.
    [X] Military Child: Both of your parents are in the military and unlike your brother, you've decided it was best to follow in their footsteps. You've excelled in many of the tests that the military has put you through, and now you've found yourself within the ranks of the infamous Black Hawk Division.
    [X] Write-In:
    -[X] Commoner: You were a farmer's daughter. Growing up, you ate up any outside information you could find: music, news, languages, anything. But, you could only get your hands on so much. The military is your best bet to sate your curiosity.
    [X] Orphan: When you and Kodiak were young, your parents passed were murdered. You don't particularly like to talk about it, nor think about it. However, this set you upon the path you're on today. To the military. You wanted to do your best to be capable of protecting anyone else from suffering the same fate you and your brother had.