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Prologue 1.1

Stars are bright, and their brilliance eclipses even the shadows of Nyx. That much...
Prologue 1.1
Prologue 1.1

Stars are bright, and their brilliance eclipses even the shadows of Nyx. That much is obvious, but it still had to be pointed out to drive home to the very important fact that stars were bright, especially in the dark. And whenever people go stargazing, they expect themselves to feel inspired by the sight of the starry night.

But when I gaze up and observe the stars, I feel saddened instead of the joy and hope people normally feel, for I am aware of the despicable, the undeniable "Truth".

'No matter how bright a star is, they are all destined to fall.'

Just like the flames of a candle, destined to be eventually put out.

As I was about to continue my thoughts, a voice called out to me from behind, interrupting my inner monologue. "Sorry for being late, I… -had something to do."

I tilted my head slightly and met the sight of a limping man with sickly pale complexion. The man was blind in one eye, and had white hair; veins could even be seen protruding on certain parts of his face. Compared to the last time I had seen him, he looked as if he was a cancer patient rather than the healthy man he was supposed to be.

If I were anybody else, I would pity him for his current situation. But then again, anyone who abandons their own child for a child that does not even belong to them deserves neither pity or mercy in my eyes.

"You're always late."

It was a simple answer, but it achieved its objective and made its impact. The man flinched from my shallow answer for he knew it to be true. He was always late when it comes to mother and me.

But I guess I could not blame him for it since he never truly cared for us.

There was an awkward pause as we both silently continued observing the stars, and the tension only increased when he finally mustered the courage to speak out. "I'm leaving."

"Why?" I asked, even though I already knew the answer to it. It was a statement, rather than a question. But it still had to be asked to test him. To test if he was finally going to be honest with me.

"For work."



"Fuyuki City."

"When will be the next time I see you." I asked.

The man flinched. "In about a month or so."


"I see…" The disappointment within my voice was laid on thick, causing the man to flinch once more.

There was another awkward moment of silence. Nobody dared to speak out, and the eerie silence eventually caused the man to leave, leaving me -- alone -- to watch the stars once again.

A month later, a letter arrived at our mailbox to regretfully inform us of Kariya Matou's death.

Mother gripped my hand tightly as she wept and grieved for father. There was nothing I could do for her, and it made me feel useless.

Nothing has changed, even though my old life was gone.

The Truth -- as always -- is cruel.

Thus, I reject it.

For the sake of happiness, I shall don the mask oflies and shroud the world within the veil of illusions.

And as long as the people aren't aware of it, the Illusion is the Truth.

AN: Credit to Oniele for helping me come up with the name of this project.
Prologue 1.2
"The rules can only be reset when everyone loses. We break the game. The loser resets the game. Restart"
Prologue 1.2

In the middle of London, there was a coffee shop and within that coffee shop sat two figures.

And before them was a chessboard.

"Checkmate." It was the word that marked the end of the game and the declaration of victory for the man with long loose hair, but instead of a smile, there was a sour look on his face.

"Oh. Why the long face?" The young man with white scholarly hair asked, amusement seeping into his voice, even though he had lost. "You won, didn't you…. Waver?"

"That was because you lost on purpose." The man now known as Waver rebutted. "The Asian Financial Crisis… you had a hand in it. What does a man like you want with the Holy Grail?"

"The Holy Grail… From a businessman's perspective, it's a meat -- the best meat, and everyone in the moonlit world wants a piece of it." The young man paused for a moment before he continued on. "And I want to profit off it."

Waver raised an eyebrow. "Reaching the Root… that's the ambition of every magi family. And selling a device that helps them with their objective… is bound to earn you a lot. But you already have money, lots of it… so what is your true objective… Mish?"

The young man now revealed as Mish just smiled before handing over some papers to Waver.

Waver's eyes narrowed before widening in horror after reading them. "You… damn you."

"Greece is gonna go into debt… we all know that. And when Greece goes into debt, the wholeEuropean Union is gonna be dragged into the Greece Bailout. Most families from the Association are based in Europe, so what do you think will happen to the Archibalds when Europe crashes?"

Waver gritted his teeth before widening in surprise. "The Archibald's power will lessen along with countless other families."

"Exactly. But for now, I need the Archibald's support, especially yours." Mish said before stretching a hand out to the current Lord El-Melloi to which he hastily accepted.

"Pleasure doing business."


"Silver and iron to the origin. Gem and the archduke of contracts to the cornerstone. The ancestor is my great master Schweinorg."

"The alighted wind becomes a wall. The gates in the four directions close, coming from the crown, the three-forked road that leads to the kingdom circulate."

"Shut (fill). Shut (fill). Shut (fill). Shut (fill). Shut (fill)."

"Repeat every five times.

Simply, shatter once filled."

"I announce."

"Your self is under me, my fate(doom) is in your sword."

"In accordance with the approach of the Holy Grail, if you abide by this feeling, this reason, then answer."

"Here is my oath. I am the one who becomes all the good of the world of the dead, I am the one who lays out all the evil of the world of the dead."

"You, seven heavens clad in three words of power, arrive from the ring of deterrence, O keeper of the balance!"

A bright light shone, and a tanned teenager with white hair appeared within the magical circle.

"Amakusa Shirou Tokisada, are you interested in bringing salvation to the world?"

The Heroic Spirit before me immediately raised an eyebrow, curious as to what I have to say.

"We're gonna break the game."

AN: BTW, Shirou is a Caster, so he got nerfed... big time.