TS Plays: The New Order, A Hearts of Iron Mod.

[X] Liberate Malaysia
[X] Divided Russia and Independent Siberia
[X] Baltic Confederation
[X] Turkestan and Kazakhstan
[X] Liberate Malaysia
[X] Divided Russia and Independent Siberia
[X] All Independent
[X] Divided Central Asia
[x] Give it to Insulindia
[x] Divided Russia
[x] Baltic Confederation
[x] Central Asian Federation

Big powerful local fewer but easier to wrangle vassals.
[X] Liberate Malaysia
[X] Divided Russia and Independent Siberia
[X] All Independent
[X] Divided Central Asia
Republic of China Part 22
So maybe it's having liberate all of former Russia or maybe it was the War with India or maybe it's the fact that I'm nearly a decade into the game and most KR games don't last that long. Whatever it is the game starts to get prone crashing, slowing down and generally being a pain in the ass to run. And there's really nothing left to cover beyond war. So for the sake of Sanity I'm just going to show you basically the end results of what further liberation would bring us.

China fully united at long last. The East Asian National League has rapidly grown beyond it's borders, as it includes everything from Calcutta to Berlin, making itself the dominate power in the World. No longer will China suffer at the hands of anyone. Song Qingling has brought China to heights the Emperors could only dream of. China, and East Asia as a whole will remain free for ten thousand years.

Song stripped everything she could from the mighty Russian bear, divided it into so many pieces they could never again challenge us. This totally won't lead to an angry revanchist Russia coming after us in a few decades.

In Europe, the Commune of France has fallen and it seems the SRI's days are numbered. The Internationale will be divided between Austria, Spain and the Resurgent Entente. Syndicalism is all but dead, only really enduring in Anarchist controlled Indochina

South America is dominated by the Right but divided between the Carles Regime in Argentina and the Entente Allied Empire of Brazil. Sooner or later things will comes to a head between the two factions. Thousands more will bleed for the egos of Dictators and Emperors.

Finally in North America, the United States is at long last whole again. as New England peacefully rejoined the Pacific Administration. While in theory little has changed on paper, the years of bloodshed and shift of federal government from DC to the West Coast will no doubt have profound effects on the American psych.

So ends our first playthrough.

So we have a lot of option to vote on this time so I'm gonna have you guys list your five favorite options. with 1 being your top pick. I'm also introducing two more mods to the mix. Equestria at War, unironically the best mod out there for HOI4 as of time of posting and Old World Blues, an incredibly detailed and massively OC fallout mod. Both of which got updates not long ago.

[] Argentina (Standby, Coup in Progress)
[] Netherlands (A nation on glass pillars)
[] Greece (Don't Mention the ERE)
[] Socialist Republic of Italy (The Revolution will not be pasta filled)
[] Italian Republic (I'm Just a Po Boy)
[] Bulgaria (Defeat is not an end)
[] Union of Britain (Direct Rule from SB!)
[] Flanders-Wallonia (More or less a CYOA)
[] Commune of France (Vanguard of the Revolution)
[] Cuba (Small Island with a Lot of Flavor)
[] Guatemala (Napoleon in Central America)
[] Nicaragua (Home of the Central American Revolution)
[] El Salvador (Big problems in a small land)
[] Mexico (Sadly no Trotsky)
[] United States of America (A Nation Divided)
[] Norway (A Better King in a Worse Situation)
[] Sweden (A Relic King)
[] Japan (Finally has something to do in China)
[] Qing (Ten Thousand Years)
[] Ma Clique (A Love of Ice Cream)
[] Yunnan Clique (The King of Yunnan)
[] Sichuan Clique (Civil Wars, Famines, and Drugs)
[] League of Eight Provinces (A Unstable mess of Corruption )
-[] Lingguang Clique (Two Cliques and Dream)
[] Mongolia (a not quite so mad baron)
[] Tibet (Mahatma Lenin)
[] Kumul Khanate (Land of the Khan)
[] Xinjiang Clique (In which everyone is kind of an asshole)
[] Fengtian Government (Historical Irony)
[] Legation Cities (Dangerous Time in Shanghai)

Equestria at War
[] Equestria (Now with a bunch of a side nations)
-[] Las Pegasus (Ain't that a kick in the head)
-[] Confederation of Southern States (Confederate Ponies)
-[] Baltimare Republic (Anarchists, Jungle Troubles, and Corn)
-[] Disciples of Nightmare Moon (May The Night Last Forever)
[] Commonwealth of New Mareland (Every Pony A Princess)
[] Grand Duchy of Feathisia (Where Silence is Golden)
[] Nimbusia (Pony Ancient Greece)
[] Kingdom of Aquileia (France before the Spring of Nations, but with Griffons)
[] Kingdom of Wittenland (A nation of Unicorns and Magic Duels)
[] Lake City (Weimar Germany and 1930s Japan, But with Ponies)
[] Kingdom of Wingbardy (Italy 1920, but again, with Griffons)
[] County of Greifwald (or Else!)
[] Kingdom of Brodfeld (*Conspiracy noises intensify*)
[] Griffon Liberation Army (Welcome to the Rice Farm)
[] River Republic (Prepare for the Storm)
[] Kingdom of Vedina (Basically the raising an heir part of CK2, but with cool adventures)
[] The Griffon Empire (About as stable as the HRE)
[] Yale Rectorate (For Science!)
[] County of Bronzehill (A Nation of Good Boys)
[] Greifenmarschen (Of Elections and Fanfic Writers)
[] Strawberry Duchy (The Absent Duchess)
[] Barony of Angriver (Beware the Black Claw)
[]Griffonian Republic (Basically what we just did but with Griffons)

Old World Blues
[] New California Republic (A new future, without the mistakes of the past)
[] Caesar's Legion (Ave, True to Caesar)
[] Western Brotherhood (Knights of the Old World)
[] New Canaan (The Burned Man Lives)
[] Desert Rangers (Wasteland Justice)
[] New Reno (The Biggest Little City)
[] Mojave Chapter (Paladins of the Mojave)
[] Troll Warren (Super Mutants, together strong.)
[] Vault City (Where everyone is kind of an asshole)
[] Great Khans (A will to endure)
[] White Legs (Salt Upon Wounds)
[] Republic Of The Rio Grande (The Last Republic south of the Rio)
[] Nueva Aztlan (The Realm of the Blind Empress)
[] Chichen Itza (The Resurgent Mayans)
[] Free Fighters (The masked triumvirate )
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[X] Union of Britain (Direct Rule from SB!)
It might be the non-exotic option, but I haven't really heard much about UoB play. Would be interested, since most of the memes and playthroughs tend to be non-Internationale.
[1] Free Fighters (The masked triumvirate )
[2] Union of Britain (Direct Rule from SB!)
[3] River Republic (Prepare for the Storm)
[4] Equestria (Now with a bunch of a side nations)
-[4] Disciples of Nightmare Moon (May The Night Last Forever)
[5] Tibet (Mahatma Lenin)

Do you believe in JUSTICE? Also do you believe that I completely missed the priority vote thing, geez.
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[1] Qing (Ten Thousand Years)
[2] United States of America (A Nation Divided)
[3] Griffon Liberation Army (Welcome to the Rice Farm)
[4] Republic Of The Rio Grande (The Last Republic south of the Rio)
[5] Free Fighters (The masked triumvirate )
[1] River Republic (Prepare for the Storm)
[2] White Legs (Salt Upon Wounds)
[3] Mexico (Sadly no Trotsky)
[4] Kingdom of Vedina (Basically the raising an heir part of CK2, but with cool adventures)
[5] Free Fighters (The masked triumvirate )
[1] Republic Of The Rio Grande (The Last Republic south of the Rio)
[2] New Reno (The Biggest Little City)
[3] Bulgaria (Defeat is not an end)
[4] Kingdom of Vedina (Basically the raising an heir part of CK2, but with cool adventures
[5] Nueva Aztlan (The Realm of the Blind Empress)
[2] Japan (Finally has something to do in China)
[3] Qing (Ten Thousand Years)
[1] Equestria (Now with a bunch of a side nations)
-[1] Disciples of Nightmare Moon (May The Night Last Forever)
[4] River Republic (Prepare for the Storm)
[5] Republic Of The Rio Grande (The Last Republic south of the Rio)
[3] Equestria (Now with a bunch of a side nations)
-[3] Baltimare Republic (Anarchists, Jungle Troubles, and Corn)
[4] Kingdom of Aquileia (France before the Spring of Nations, but with Griffons)
[5] Kingdom of Wingbardy (Italy 1920, but again, with Griffons)
[2] Griffon Liberation Army (Welcome to the Rice Farm)
[1]Griffonian Republic (Basically what we just did but with Griffons)
[1]Griffonian Republic (Basically what we just did but with Griffons)
[2] Griffon Liberation Army (Welcome to the Rice Farm)
[3] Equestria (Now with a bunch of a side nations)
-[3] Baltimare Republic (Anarchists, Jungle Troubles, and Corn)
[4] Kingdom of Aquileia (France before the Spring of Nations, but with Griffons)
[5] Kingdom of Wingbardy (Italy 1920, but again, with Griffons)
[1] County of Bronzehill (A Nation of Good Boys)
[2] River Republic (Prepare for the Storm)
[3] Norway (A Better King in a Worse Situation)
[4] Baltimare Republic (Anarchists, Jungle Troubles, and Corn)
[5] Republic Of The Rio Grande (The Last Republic south of the Rio)
[1]Griffonian Republic (Basically what we just did but with Griffons)
[2] Griffon Liberation Army (Welcome to the Rice Farm)
[3] Equestria (Now with a bunch of a side nations)
-[3] Baltimare Republic (Anarchists, Jungle Troubles, and Corn)
[4] Kingdom of Aquileia (France before the Spring of Nations, but with Griffons)
[5] Kingdom of Wingbardy (Italy 1920, but again, with Griffons)
Griffonian Republic Part 1

Greetings Everypony. Welcome to Equestria at War. a mod that will always surprise me with how much artwork it has.

Today we'll be focusing on the Griffonian Republic. Despite the name, in all honesty Equestria at War is probably more focused on the Continent of Griffonia then it is on Equestria and the Continent of Equus , to the point where the mod is often nicknamed Griffonia at War. That will probably change once they introduce the third continent home to such nations as Saddle Arabia.

Regardless of it's non-Pony focus. Equestria at War is in my mind the most well developed mod out there for HOI4. With almost every nation having a shocking variety of routes, some incredibly hidden.

A look at our history though we'll go into far, far more detail about that in a moment. We're taking a role distinctly similar to the KMT but somewhere between where they were in KR and where they were in RL. The Right Wing Faction is still in control despite being defeated but we're not underground just in exile. Also the Griffonian Empire is far more similar to the HRE then it is to China. I like it, as you can clearly tell the inspiration is there but it's not one to one. We're not just controlling Griffon Chiang Kai-Shek

I should note there's some things I won't cover this update like looking at the city guide. I'll get to that eventually but I notice steam gets wonky with me if I have much more than 50 pictures in an update.

A look at our leader and the protector of the Republican Dream, Alexander Kemerskai

Despite defeats and the Long March, there are many who still fervently believe in the Republican Dream

Problem with fleeing North is most of the NPR and the Republicans in general are Herzlanders from the core of the Empire, creating a cultural and linguistic rift with the Natives of Cloudbury, many of whom support a return of the old duchy. Reactionaries!

Bandits plague the countryside and we've been unable to put a halt to them for the time being.

There's another problem though. We've basically lost control of our army, relatively minor issue I know. But the army's morale has gotten so low and that many have become little more than bandits themselves and the loyalty of some of generals has become very questionable.

Much like my recent games of Frostpunk, we're also running out of food.

And most of the people can't read

Which doesn't do good things for our economy.

Let's look outside our Republic for a bit

To our south lays the fractured Griffonian Empire. Despite reclaiming his throne, the Sickly Emperor's ability to control his own empire is limited.

While many proclaim loyalty to Griffenheim we only border three. One of them is Duchess Gabriela Eagleclaw of the Strawberry duchy, an ambitious noble and close confident of the Emperor. She is one of the worst of her kind, a noble who pretends to care for the people while only having the interests of her own class in mind.

Then there's Grand Duke Gerlach IV "The Silent" of Feathisia. The Grand Duke and his family are staunch enemies of the Republican movement

Then there's Erlvlar Sunstriker of the Sunstriker Clan. Who's basically just insane

To our north lays the Northern tribes, regretfully held by another Monarchy

And the Traitor Asper Sickleclaw and his Socialist Republic of Skynavia.

There's also the Kingdom of Vedina

And another Traitor, Hermann Meyer. He stole most of our airforce, not a joke.

And of course, across the sea lays Equestria, the homeland for Ponykind. Regretfully much like our own homeland it's ruled by a Monarch, the ageless Princess Celestia. Though to her limited credit, she is better than any Griffon Emperor.

I'll look at more nations in each updates. We have something bigger to tackle right now

The freaking Novella someone wrote about the Republican Struggle.

Our tale begins 32 years ago in early 975. The Young Emperor Grover V's regime was in chaos, rumors of his father's reforms being repelled combined with knowledge that the young bird was a puppet of the decadent nobility lead to an army wide mutiny. The Regency Council, save for Achron Eros was found and either lynched or executed after a mock trial. No one could find the young Emperor though, who vanished along with Eros. The Army Mutineers became the National Republican Party and formed the Grffonian Republic

As the Emperor fled to Strawberry, the irst battles against the Monarchists went well. Largely because we faced idiots and Dunkards

Our Success inspired other revolutions

So great was Kemerskai's devotion to the Republican cause he faught and later executed his own father the Baron of Vinnin.

With the Heartland secure, elections were held. With Kemersaki winning a Mandate with 77% of the vote. For the first 100 days of the President-Marshal's adminstration, everything seemed to be going well, at long last it seemed as though Griffonia might be free.

It was not to last. The dogs of Bronzehill, unshakably loyal to the Monarchy, allied with Strawberry and launched a counterrevolution in the North. The Republic collapsed in the counterattack. pushing North through Feathisia towards the weak Duchy of Cloudbury. Many followed the President-Marshal on the Long March, many others were forced to stay behind.

Not all who joined would follow the President-Marshall to Cloudbury. An Officer named Blackrock defeated and turned her troops into a roving bandit army. Feathsia, Strawberry, and Cloudbury tried to destroy the Long March but were defeated at the battle of Mirabelle.

Even defeated we still had supporters. Kloborg declared for us and a small fleet loyalty to the republican cause turned the Siege of Winghagen form a hopeless cause into a Republican victory

Cloudbury itself would be the next to fall. the ruling Duke and his heir were killed, though their uncle and his family would be spared and sent into Exile

Exile would not be the end of our humiliation. After passing the Act for the Salvation of the Republic, which secured NRP control of the Republic, Sickclaw defected and staged a Second Long March.

Vice President Rosewing was removed from his postafter daring to suggest a Constitutional Monarchy. His role would be filled by two men, Schnabel Sunglider, another skeptic of the Marshal, and Reinhard Suntail, who allegedly had connections to ultranationalist movements. Rosewing himself is rumored to have turned into some kind of Monarchist Bandit.

Suntail would not last long. exiled for crimes that he couldn't be fully convicted off. Sunglider was moved to Chief of Staff and Kingfeather was made VP

Finally, recent years have seen the rise of one Rikard Astler and his Left-NRP.

We're the Right Wing of the NRP right now. Equestria at War uses a modified version of the base political system.

There was more I was going to cover but I'm actually running out of time here so I'm just going to make it quick. The opening of the focus tree hits us immediately with a pretty big decision. Do we plot against the President-Marshal to say our dying Republic

Or do we support him in his efforts to save the Revolution

[] Plot Against Kemerskai
[] Support the President-Marshal
[X] Plot Against Kemerskai

Time to get the left-NRP in power. Hopefully we can reconcile with the leftist griffons to the north and go from there. I'm sure there's no way this could backfire :V
[X] Support the President-Marshal

The Republic must be reestablished. Step one: defeat the threat of Warlordism.