Try to survive the Winter: A planquest in Fantasy Colonial America

" activities they must sustain" ok so i would like to ask someone to spend a question on WHAT activities the MUST sustain. if we can attack their main projects with a surprise attack bonus we maybe get some actual breathing room. will try to write an omake today
Without giving too many details, for each raid option there is a core/majorproject that the Tribute-Takers cannot interrupt without consequences.
[X] Plan Hunt Preparations
-[X] [Mandate] Dead Mariners on the waves again
-[X] Test the Sambankoli [0/50] (1 Unchained Die)
-[X] Razorweed
--[X] Feed the Razorweeds [0/25] (1 Native Die)
-[X] The Wicker Man [21/100] (2 Colonist Dice)
-[X] Plant Flax [Task] [1 Workforce Die] (1 Colonist Die)
-[X] Hunt
--[X] Game [0/30] (1 Son's Skirmisher Die)
-[X] To find dogs [0/100] (1 Son's Skirmisher Die)
-[X] True Homes for a True People [101/140] (1 Colonist Die)
-[X] Train the Militia against monsters [Militia]
--[X] Formation Training [10/100] (1 Militia Die)
-[X] Hospital [0/150] (1 Colonist Die, 1 Unhardened Colonist Die, 1 Native Die)
Crafting (5 Craft Points)
-[X] Make Master tools [2 Craft ; 1 Good Steel]
-[X] Make some barrels [1 Craft]
-[X] Produce Winter Clothing [1 Craft, 1 Normal Leather]
-[X] What to do with ashes? [1 Craft, Quality Roll]
-[X] Set-up Charcoal Burning [0/50] (1 Colonist Die)
-[X] Build a Stonemason Workshop [0/50] (1 Unchained Die)
Raids, Expeditions and Diplomacy
-[X] Meet our neighbors
--[X] Shepherds [Meet][???] (1 Native die, 1 Colonist Die)
-[X] Follow the path of the First Walker [99/150] (1 Native Die, 1 Warrior's Son Die)
-[X] The Mindless Ones [Death] (1 Mourner Die, 2 Silent Blade Dice)
-[X] The Fruits of Flesh [0/40] (1 Failure Die)
-[X] Forceful Reciprocity
--[X] Free the Enslaved [0/100] (1 Alexandre Die)
-[X] Heal the Wounded
--[X] We shall give them the ashes…[Free]
---[X] From the scarecrows filled with our nightmares we burn each autumn
The Council
-[X] Expand the Council [DC 30/ ??/??] (2 Council Dice, 1 Prince Die)
Death Singing
-[X] Teach Death Singing [Death Singing]
--[X] The Warrior's Son [Teach] [50 DC] (1 Personal Die)
-[X] Shepherds for Corpses [Death Singing]
--[X] Bone Hives [Shepherds][27/100] (1 Mourner Die)
Sara Smith, the Mourner
-[X] The Anchorless [0/50] (1 Personal die)
--[X] Me, I shall support them with the power of my soul, and they shall help me in return (+1 Sara die)

Personal die on Pains of an Old Mariner is still open for possible reassignment if people feel strongly about it. And I'd like confirmation from everyone else that they're okay with feeding the scarecrow ashes to the Wounded. I'm still a bit worried there's going to be a backfire, but people have made good points about the metaphysics making it unlikely that anything particularly wicked survived the flames, and the difficulty it would likely have crossing the species barrier.
You are putting a native dice next to the son while putting a skirmisher dice on hunting. Could we shift those two around since we get a plus 10 to skirmishers rolls if they are next to a son dice?
I mean, I personally think we do have things to trade with them. We have an incredible amount of food right now (4 seasons worth and the harvest isn't even in yet.) We could trade a decent chunk of that for animals or occult lore, or even just meat to turn into longer lasting pemmican or just balance out our diet, or possibly even the quality hairs needed for gunpowder sieves. Especially since I genuinely don't think we'll be able to eat all of it before it spoils even with Winter (given how we exited the last Winter with a 3 seasons worth of food.)

Carbohydrate-rich grains were one of the main trade goods pastorialists normally traded with sedentary cultures for. And barrels will help with both storage and transportation.
I had almost forgotten about the trade with these guys...

But something else to consider @Chimeraguard is that trading with the Shepards kind of makes your "Hunt for game" action redundant since we are going to buy meat and pelts from these guys anyways, or even better we can get animals that we can use to get meat and leather/pelts regularly...

So I suggest you again relocate the Skirmisher´s dice we are using for hunting game, my preference would be to double down on the War on Woods, but we can also put it on getting the doggos
Remind me again what animals the Shepards have? Pastoralism wasn't a common part of the landscape of early colonial North America, so I'm not sure what we're dealing with or how much we can expect from them.
Some seem to be regular animals, but others seems to be devolved humans. So I'd be leery of buying food from them.
I am sincerely curious about what species of animals they're dealing with.

And yeah, until we know what species they're dealing with, I'm hesitant to make ourselves reliant on them for any particular thing.
I am sincerely curious about what species of animals they're dealing with.
Well, since they are called "Shepards" I will guess that most of the animals they have are ungulates, and since we are too far away from the ranges of animals like, bighorn sheep, mountain goats, muskoxen, and reindeer... The most likely things that they have domesticated are bison and deer...

But then again this is following RL rules on an obvious magic continent, so we can have lots of weird stuff as well, or animals that don't belong in this area...
We are contacting with them in the leading plan which I am quite excited about personally to see what there deal is, get some occult lore more animals ect
I hate that you're making sense. Still, if you're willing to take the AP off of making Winter Clothes, there's a fair few options available. We could fully arm our militia with steel weapons (it'd have to be mediocre steel, but it's better than nothing and said weapons would be a great trade good if and when we upgrade). Alternatively, if you want to stay in the Heat category, there's those Potions of Warmth. Those should also have a positive effect on our Knowledge score as well.

Or there's Engraving. I know you want to wait until the malus goes away, but that won't be for quite some time, and I don't think we'd lose anything if we roll badly.
Mmm, I was considering removing Winter Clothes and another thing for the Great Mending to try and get Morale above the 70 mark. I think on reflection it may be better to just leave things as-is. Maybe the Craft for this turn isn't 100% optimal for all things, but it's workable.

  • They are somewhat less risky than expected, since Union as...extracted insider information about the Tribute-Takers activities, so little risk for the assigned die as long as you don't roll below 15-20, and permanent harm would be reserved for rolls below 5.
  • As always, the more efficient dice for those raids are the Skirmishers or the Warrior's Son dice, but a few Learning or Council would also be useful, since you are specifically trying to turn against the Tribute-Takers their own, more or less supernatural activities.
  • How much damage you inflict to the Tribute-Takers activities will be determined by the progress accumulated, with complete destruction/huge consequences for the Takers being around 300-400, and major damages at around 200.
  • Potential rewards (beyond fucking with the Takers) will be determined by how high the rolls, representing targets of opportunities and prizes that can be taken.
  • The timeframe would be until the Tribute-Takers raid at least if you do nothing about those activities, with the Tribute-Takers trying all the while to rebuild their connections to these projects. However, when you will begin to raid those activities, the Tribute-Takers will probably begin to evacuate their most vulnerable operations and try to harden activities they must sustain.
Hmm, interesting. Am I right in thinking that the Sun-Loving Woods aren't much good for the "release Swamp Beasts" and "provoke the Lords" actions, but would at least be able to go Last March of the Ents on the dams the Tribute Takers have built?
I had almost forgotten about the trade with these guys...

But something else to consider @Chimeraguard is that trading with the Shepards kind of makes your "Hunt for game" action redundant since we are going to buy meat and pelts from these guys anyways, or even better we can get animals that we can use to get meat and leather/pelts regularly...

So I suggest you again relocate the Skirmisher´s dice we are using for hunting game, my preference would be to double down on the War on Woods, but we can also put it on getting the doggos
It isn't redundant. the Shepherds may provide meat (if they've got animals that aren't ex-humans), but their list of available resources for trade explicitly doesn't provide hides/leather, so we need to hunt for those ourselves.
Hmm, interesting. Am I right in thinking that the Sun-Loving Woods aren't much good for the "release Swamp Beasts" and "provoke the Lords" actions, but would at least be able to go Last March of the Ents on the dams the Tribute Takers have built?
Yes, but honestly the Sun-Loving are at their best in long campaigns or against fortified targets.
They are giants trees after all.
I think on reflection it may be better to just leave things as-is. Maybe the Craft for this turn isn't 100% optimal for all things, but it's workable.
I think Craft is fine, we do need everything that's on the plan.

Next turn we'll have 6 Craft, meaning we can do Mending, Lordskin clothes and two other things (booze and nets imo) next turn.
It isn't redundant. the Shepherds may provide meat (if they've got animals that aren't ex-humans), but their list of available resources for trade explicitly doesn't provide hides/leather, so we need to hunt for those ourselves.
I am assuming that leather is among the things that they sell because I understand "meat and animals" as animal products and livestock... But just ask the QM...

@OldShadow In the Shepards you list it as possible trade options Meat, Animals, Scraps of occult lore... It is wrong to assume that "meat and animals" also include things like leather, hair, horns, and other subproducts of animal husbandry?
See @Chimeraguard ? We are getting animal products in general from the Shepards (not just meat), and that also includes leather/pelts
I see. And I'm also not changing it.

We want to still be producing some degree of meat and furs ourselves rather than being completely reliant on trade, especially since we have uses for the furs ourselves. If nothing else, we don't know that we want the meat from their "possibly former human" animals, in which case we'd better have gotten some ourselves.
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Leather yes, but I wouldn't be so sure about pelts. That's important, because I don't think that Strongarm would be happy if we offered him New World Leather instead of New World Furs (the former won't be valuable until the Industrial Revolution hits).
The QM has confirmed that the Shepards offer us "products derived from animals" in general so I am assuming that in this context Pelts and leather are interchangeable...

But let´s clarify it further then
So yeah, leather, hair...
Just to clarify @OldShadow the deal with the Shepards also pelts, no?
I see. And I'm also not changing it.

We want to still be producing some degree of meat and furs ourselves rather than being completely reliant on trade, especially since we have uses for the furs ourselves. If nothing else, we don't know that they'll have meat and furs available this turn, or that we want the meat from their "possibly former human" animals.
Producing our pelts not to rely on trade is all nice and dandy but the opportunity cost of using a dice to get something that we can get via trade, especially since getting pelts is not all that urgent, is pretty high...

I would rather make sure to get a few more things going before winter like getting the dogs, especially when next turn we need to build stuff like crazy and go after the pests