Try to survive the Winter: A planquest in Fantasy Colonial America

@OldShadow if we pick [] Test the Sambankoli [0/50] NEW are we going to use any specific tree? Because if it is undefined, we should probably plant chestnut trees

There should be plenty of availability in our area, since until the 1930s there were tens of millions of chestnut trees in Virginia (and hundreds of millions on the East Coast), and on top of giving a good amount of nuts yearly, they also produced good quality wood and were pretty fast growing (they produced nuts in 3-5 years, maybe eve less in our bullshit soil)
My plan was for chestnuts and perhaps a few others. As could be expected, the people of Union want more food for the Winter stocks.
Oh hey I actually get to use my forestry knowledge.

The American northeast is a place where three different regions of forest types border each other. From the mid-part to the border with Canada you have the Northern Hardwood forest. At the mid-part you have the Oak-Hickory forest. And in the coastal regions you have the Northern Pine-Oak forest.

The Oak-Hickory forest used to be called the Oak-Hickory-Chestnut forest. That's because today there are hardly any chestnut trees in the northeast US due to the Chestnut Blight. Which was a disease that came in and destroyed the American Chestnut population in the 1930s. It proved incredibly hard to get rid of and actually still exists in the wilds today.

There's a project that's been going on for the last decade to try and reintroduce chestnut trees back into the wilds where they can fulfill their old roles. The idea is crossbreeding American Chestnuts with Chinese Chestnuts, which are very resistant to the blight. Trying to make a hybrid with the looks and characteristics of American Chestnut but with the blight resistance of the Chinese Chestnut. Apparently they've been having some success and right now are trying to build up seed stocks.
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Oh hey I actually get to use my forestry knowledge.

The American northeast is a place where three different regions of forest types border each other. From the mid-part to the border with Canada you have the Northern Hardwood forest. At the mid-part you have the Oak-Hickory forest. And in the coastal regions you have the Northern Pine-Oak forest.

The Oak-Hickory forest used to be called the Oak-Hickory-Chestnut forest. That's because today there are hardly any chestnut trees in the northeast US due to the Chestnut Blight. Which was a disease that came in and destroyed the American Chestnut population in the 1930s. It proved incredibly hard to get rid of and actually still exists in the wilds today.

There's actually a project that's been going on for the last decade to try and reintroduce chestnut trees back into the wilds where they can fulfill their old roles. The idea is crossbreeding American Chestnuts with Chinese Chestnuts, which are very resistant to the blight. Trying to make a hybrid with the looks and characteristics of American Chestnut but with the blight resistance of the Chinese Chestnut. Apparently they've been having some success and right now are trying to build up seed stocks.
Yeah I hope the manage to do it... I am not American, but I heard about how hundreds of millions of such a magnificent tree species (which also were a Keystone Species) were annihilated in just a few decades send shivers down my spine.

And since you are someone who knows about forestry @trooperist ... Which tree species avaible in the Virginia area, besides chestnuts, would you suggest for the Sambankoli?

I also thought about planting walnuts as well, but apparently they don't mix up well with other plants...
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Yeah I hope the manage to do it... I am not American, but I heard about how hundreds of millions of such a magnificent tree species (which also were a Keystone Species) were annihilated in just a few decades send shivers down my spine.

And since you are someone who knows about forestry @trooperist ... Which tree species avaible in the Virginia area, besides chestnuts, would you suggest for the Sambankoli?

I also thought about planting walnuts as well, but apparently they don't mix up well with other plants...

Are we in Virginia? I thought we were in somewhere in New England.

In Virginia is still Northern Pine-Oak on the coast and Oak-Hickory-Chestnut in the mid-part. Though in the west you have Mixed Appalachian forest.

Yeah, Black Walnut doesn't really play well with other species. They're a very selfish tree that releases chemicals into the nearby soil to try and poison competitors. Very good quality wood though.

White Walnut (Butternut) is a better alternative. It doesn't really exist in the wild today since 90% of the species was wiped out by the Butternut Canker in the early 1900s. There were apparently tons of uses for it. You can use the inner bark and the nuts to create light or dark brown dye. The crushed up bark can be used as a laxative. It's sap can be harvested in spring to make syrup. The nuts can actually be pickled or there were tales of the Natives boiling the nuts to make a butter-like oil. And if you crush up the fruit and feed it to fish you can poison them. Softer wood than the Black Walnut though. Both trees like full sun.

Luckily we're in a region that has a ton of nut trees.
Chestnuts would still be good. They like full sun so they'd do good planted out in the middle of our fields with no other cover. The wood is also pretty good quality.
Though trees usually take a few years to really start growing into useful heights or produce things like fruit or nuts. But I guess that's nothing a little magic can't fix.
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Which tree species avaible in the Virginia area, besides chestnuts, would you suggest for the Sambankoli?
I might not know about forestry, but I do know about foraging forests in North America.

The butternut (white walnut) would also be a good tree to plant. I've actually eaten one of its nuts and liked it. Think of a walnut with a lighter taste but softer and more oily. You can press the nut to make oil, tap the tree for sap, use parts of it as a yellow dye, can stun fish, and the wood is good for carving. The butternut endangered in many areas from a disease that is rapidly spreading and killing them off. Weird side note, for some reason a Viking settlement in Newfoundland had some even though the only source would be several hundred miles south.

Sugar maple would be morale and lumber. Maple syrup is one of the rare sources of sugar available to colonists and even the seeds can be eaten (but I don't recommend it.) The wood is decently hard, shock resistant, and looks good.

Oak might be a prime choice for a variety of reasons. Acorns were an important food source for Native Americans and oaks produce more of them when spread apart. You really do need to soak the acorns to make them less bitter. The bark can be used for tanning, its galls can be used for ink, and the wood is prized for ships.

Sassafras would be an interesting one for both medicine and food. The root can be turned into a tea and is the source of the original flavor of root beer. The ground leaves of the tree can be used as a spice with an earthy flavor. Varies parts of it have traditional medicinal uses including wound dressing and anesthetic.

Edit: I can't believe I got ninja'd on the niche topic of edible products from North American trees.
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Are we in Virginia? I thought we were in somewhere in New England.
We're in northern Virginia/southern Maryland, more the former than the latter, and accounting for awkward things like the Wilds being Bigger On The Inside and the geography not being a complete 100% matchup (though the generalities seem to be the same.)
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To help everyone on the difference beetween this world and OTL :
  • Union is just at the border beetween Northen Virginia and Southern Maryland, in a woody area near the coast filled with rivers.
  • Geography is somewhat changed by the presence of the Wilds, that do not obey conventional geography, but most major landmarks in the region still exist.
  • Beyond the obviously supernatural stuff, most plants and animals are like those present OTL (so all those trees presented by @trooperist and @Lurking_Badger , thank you both !). The main notable difference would be the Giants of the Woods. They look like Redwood trees for their size, with varied bark coloration. Due to their sheer size and the stone-like hardness of their wood and barks, the Giants are really hard to cut (most of what you have come from either the healty parts of poissoned, dying Giants or you part of battle prize from your participation in the War beetween the Voices).
The wilds should also be filled with blueberries. They're apparently very hard to cultivate but they grow everywhere in the wild so that really shouldn't matter.

Raspberries also grow well, but they're a European plant so I don't think they're available yet.

Edit: I can't believe I got ninja'd on the niche topic of edible products from North American trees.
Sorry, it just happened to coincide with my niche knowledge on Northeastern American trees.
But doesn't oak take ages to grow? We might want to plant something with a shorter growing period.
Oak really doesn't take ages to grow, they just live longer. There aren't really fast growing trees were we are, so we're going to need to wait 20-30 years for them to make nuts. An alternate solution would be to use existing trees or get the Sun-loving Woods to move some.

Sorry, it just happened to coincide with my niche knowledge on Northeastern American trees.
No need to apologize. I'm happy to meet another person willing to share knowledge about North American plants.

Adding onto your list of native edible fruits there are cranberries, pawpaws, elderberries, grapes, and blackberries. Unfortunately, I've only had pawpaw preserve since they don't grow where I live and don't keep well.
Say, speaking of local wildlife and plants, are there any updates scheduled for the Bestiarus from prior events? I feel like the Blood-Loving Woods at least should have gotten a mention, and maybe the Wise of the Tribute Takers (of which the Masked Merchant was said to be one.)
Salvation's End
@OldShadow, I know what my question for my previous omake is: "What are our best countermeasures against Tribute Taker agents?". For the sake of clarity, I'm referring to individuals like the Lone Hunter, Mazked Merchant, or the one behind the Shadow's Gaze. Folks I strongly suspect could be Tribute Takers hero units. I assume you can give me a much less broad and cryptic answer for that? If not, let me know and I'll pick a different question.

Thanks to @Chimeraguard for helping me come up with the question.

Anyways, my muse is a demanding taskmaster so here's my latest work. It kinda got away from me, to the point where I think it's my longest yet.
Salvation's End
Or, Why Nobody has Discovered Immortality in the New World

Salvación was a small colony in the Gulf of Honduras, founded by a group of prominent men of New Spain allegedly seeking to become closer to God. They were isolationists, wearing masks during all dealings with the outside world, but were always seeking more souls to "save", be they slave or free. These "eccentricities" were ignored due to the founders being quite free with their gold. Well, until a merchant vessel blown off course saw the island aflame and decided to investigate one 30th of July. The first sign that this was more than an unfortunate fire was when they came across the corpse of Father Juan Díaz, the local priest. He had been shot through the heart, as evidenced by the bullet hole in his golden crucifix.
From An Accounting of Spanish Settlements in the New World, Vol 3.

Juan Díaz had his undead guards drag in the would-be hunter. He had hoped that such interruptions to his research would have ceased now that Salvación had been established. Alas, such hopes had been dashed by their most recent arrival.

"Tell me my son, what has brought you these shores", asked the fallen priest.

"I have come because you are a monster trading lives for youth" replied the man in German-accented Spanish.

Such hypocrisy. Men who sacrificed the lives of their lessers for base gold or glory were respected landowners or war heroes. Meanwhile souls like him who engaged in the same trade so they could continue their great work of bettering humanity for longer were decried as monsters and hunted like dogs.

"And you came here all the way from Germany armed with only a pistol to end us all? This is a beautiful pistol but to expect it alone to be enough was foolish", Juan allowed his scorn to enter his tone as he picked up the weapon in question. That was the problem with these fanatics. They assumed God would do all their work for them and refused to think for themselves.

The man chuckled, "I don't know about that, it's about to take your life after all."

"What!", Juan looked down, only to see his own hands moving to place the business end of the pistol against his chest. Juan tried to pull his hands away, but his body refused to heed his commands. Nor did his undead guards.

"By the way, begging and pleading would be futile, so don't bother", the man sounded almost bored, as if he had done this thing a thousand times. Juan's last thought before his fingers pulled the trigger was that perhaps he had.
The shore party, now far more wary than when they arrived, advanced towards the town hall. Along the way they saw a multitude of corpses showing clear signs of necromantic desecration, being armed, armored, and in solid defensive positions. They showed no signs of recent combat though, as if their masters had been slain before the slaves could fire a single shot.
From An Accounting of Spanish Settlements in the New World, Vol 3

The death of Juan Díaz did not go unnoticed. The unquiet dead quickly armed themselves and set up defenses around the town hall at their masters' insistence. Despite this, they saw no enemy, and did not fire a single shot until the dark curse binding them had been lifted. They were not the man's prey.

Upon entering the town hall, they came across the other leaders of Salvación, all dead and in what could only be described as "occult garb". Those in the shore party who were veterans of war felt as if there was something off about the scene, but none could figure it out.
From An Accounting of Spanish Settlements in the New World, Vol 3.

Genoveva Díaz cursed her brother under her breath. The fool had always been too arrogant for his own good, and it seemed he had paid the ultimate price for his hubris. Worse, said demise had destabilized the necromantic working that encompassed Salvación, forcing the remaining members of the Council to gather in the Town Hall to keep things stable.

A cold wind interrupted her thoughts, despite the night being warm and all doors in the hall being closed. She turned around only to discover a man had entered the hall despite all doors being locked and barred. He was wearing a dark cloak and hat, and was seemingly armed with just a pistol.

She scoffed, "Better make that shot count you fool, because once you use it the rest of us will rip your soul from your flesh".

"I only need one shot", replied the man as he fired his pistol. The bullet bounced off of the walls of the room, each ricochet leading to a new death. All Genoveva's alchemy-enhanced perception could do was allow her to marvel at the geometry involved before the shot finally reached her.

The shore party continued down a secret passage that had been left open in the hall which led to the caves below. What they found at the end of the passageway was destruction, destruction and long-dead children. This had clearly been a place of dark power at one point in time, where lives were traded for dark boons, but no remnants of such power remained.
From An Accounting of Spanish Settlements in the New World, Vol 3.

The spirit rose to greet its new supplicant. This was not the first time its puppets had been slain by those seeking to take their place, and it wouldn't be the last. Infinite wealth and immortality were valuable assets, and the list of those willing to slay innocents for them was long indeed.

The new fellow was male and white so the spirit chose the seeming of a comely young woman who had been recently sacrificed upon its altar. "Well done. Well done. I was tiring of those fools anyways", the spirit applauded. Time for the sales pitch, "I am yours to command, assuming you're willing to accept my prices, immortality is yours".

The man scoffed " I already have a master, spirit, and he is most displeased with you for stealing what is his due".

Hmmm, seems the spirit had a rival. No matter. The spirit had been well fed these last few years, and could easily swat this gnat in its place of power.

A wave of force struck out at the man, but he was unmoved. As the spirit launched attack after attack, the man drew a long polearm with a spiked collar at one end from seemingly nowhere. The man spoke as he used said polearm to restrain the spirit" My master would have words with you". As the spirit was ripped from the sacrificed souls which empowered it, it felt true terror for the first time in its existence. Then the man opened a portal, and all the spirit felt from then on was agony.

AN: This omake started out as "Ghost Rider slaughters Huntsmen". However, I'm not comfortable writing fight scenes and I had trouble getting the Rider to fit in this era. So I added a ton of stuff from the stories of the Freischütz, tossed in a bit of Batman for good measure, and placed it in a setting I had in mind since @Chimeraguard's omake involving that villain faction from AoE3. I figured that Old Scratch wouldn't appreciate some other force keeping damned souls from their destined fate, thus the intervention of his agent.

Not sure about my reward but I'm strongly considering asking about how the big raid will work. My working question (and boy howdy does this sucker need additional work) is, "Will we get to choose the form our enemies take like a normal Winter, will it be decided for us, or will it be a mix of both".
So it seems like the Dual Monarchy is some sort of variation on Anglican, given the Dissolution of the Monasteries occured. Is the Order of Lazarus also officially Anglican, or are they granted dispensation to continue catholic rites?

Are large portions of the dual monarchy still practicing catholic, or has anglicanism been largely effective? Given history clearly went differently, I have no way of telling how 'uncatholicified' anglicanism is at this point.
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The wilds should also be filled with blueberries. They're apparently very hard to cultivate but they grow everywhere in the wild so that really shouldn't matter.
Adding onto your list of native edible fruits there are cranberries, pawpaws, elderberries, grapes, and blackberries. Unfortunately, I've only had pawpaw preserve since they don't grow where I live and don't keep well.
I am pretty sure that getting most of those mundane berries falls under the Forest Gardens category

I hope that the next ship brings seeds of fruit trees or grapes... We would get some truly impressive orchards and vineyards

Though trees usually take a few years to really start growing into useful heights or produce things like fruit or nuts. But I guess that's nothing a little magic can't fix.
Oak really doesn't take ages to grow, they just live longer. There aren't really fast growing trees were we are, so we're going to need to wait 20-30 years for them to make nuts. An alternate solution would be to use existing trees or get the Sun-loving Woods to move some.
Well the thing is that with the absurd fertility of our soil, the effect of the Wilds, and some of the Voices moving in, we are probably going to get some truly absurd growing rates
The benefices of the Voices being healed are :
- More spiritual protectors for Union.
- A source of supernatural sap and bark for Union.
- A gradual increase in the fertility of the fields, especially for supernatural plants (this one of the way to get domesticated Fireberries)
- A direct line of communications with the Voices.
- The trees moving and helping Union on dire times.
The benefices will take times, but be strong. Like growing a tree.
get the Sun-loving Woods to move some.
Goodness gracious, that does sound prime. One of reasons that clear cutting took off is that the logistics is easier to just set up camp and cut everything down rather than walk through the forest looking for the tree that you need. If we can successfully transplant fully grown trees and plant their seeds behind in their place, it would be so much easier to keep the forests sustainably.
Okay, here's my current plan. The Alexandre die on Heal the Wounded is a placeholder more than anything else.
I think I might see a major issue with doing Master and Apprentice now. It's reasonable to assume that whatever option we select will affect our Craft Quality rolls. It's also reasonable to expect that said options could involve making short-term sacrifices for long term benefits and vice versa. Add in our current massive malus courtesy of educating the youngsters, and I suspect our options if we do the option now are limited. Please tell me I'm missing something and/or making mountains out of molehills.
I think I might see a major issue with doing Master and Apprentice now. It's reasonable to assume that whatever option we select will affect our Craft Quality rolls. It's also reasonable to expect that said options could involve making short-term sacrifices for long term benefits and vice versa. Add in our current massive malus courtesy of educating the youngsters, and I suspect our options if we do the option now are limited. Please tell me I'm missing something and/or making mountains out of molehills.
I suppose I could see some effects, since Master and Apprentice is debating who gets to use the craftsmen's specialist tools. But tbh this really feels far more like scrambling for an excuse, any excuse, to not do Master and Apprentice.

Master and Apprentice overall for me is a low priority thing I wanted to get out of the way before some unfortunate internal event makes it a high priority thing. But I have been considering reassigning the Prince to training Champions (possibly alongside the Unchained die currently on Sambankoli if we're willing to sacrifice that and nothing specifically urgent and Unchained-related comes up regarding their dead, which it probably will.) Since if we've agreed to do the Vermin Hunt on Turn 11, we probably want the Champions available for that.

I'm also wondering whether we want to Expand the Council first still, since it both unlocks more Council Dice and seems the most pressing of the "form an actual government" actions:
[] Expand the Council [DC 30/ ??/??] UPDATED
Now that Union as a true gathering place, we have the space to expand the number of people able to gather and plan everyday. Recruiting new Council Members would give more leaders for the various projects of the town, and give voice to more groups in the day-to-day government of Union. Especially now that we have new people in town...
However, we would first need to decide how Council members are recruited.
Open sub vote to decide how Council members will be recruited. Depending on the roll, unlock options to expand the number of Council die.

Or if with the new Hero, we instead want to do Captain, Officers and Priest to figure out what role Heroes play. I had planned to do that one on Turn 11, but I'm wondering if we feel it pressing enough to switch the order.
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You know we can leave the healing of the voices this summer cause were doing the wickerman and that would help the Spirits heal them as it would destroy any harmful ones coming to infect them. And that we already planted razorweed which also help the voices in union. Which right now are on road to healing naturally so we can leave them alone to spare some dice.
I suppose I could see some effects, since Master and Apprentice is debating who gets to use the craftsmen's specialist tools. But tbh this really feels far more like scrambling for an excuse, any excuse, to not do Master and Apprentice.
More like mostly-irrational anxiety about a project that I'm admittedly not too crazy about to begin with, which is why I asked you to debunk it. Like I said before, I've given up on convincing you I'm right on this.

If I know it's irrational, then I can ignore it a lot better. Well, I can usually manage it, but this one is being a bit more stubborn than most. I'll probably need a good night's sleep for my brain to fully calm down.
Or if with the new Hero, we instead want to do Captain, Officers and Priest to figure out what role Heroes play. I had planned to do that one on Turn 11, but I'm wondering if we feel it pressing enough to switch the order.
I wouldn't be surprised if there's die bonuses or even additional dice hidden behind Captain, Officers and Priest. Figuring out a framework, both legal and structural. (as it's hard to make the former without having the latter done as well), for how Heroes and their retinues work could make using them more efficient.

As for Expanding the Council, judging from the similarly worded Preach option we just did, I think we'd have to do another project to actually get the additional die/dice. It's not a deal killer by any means, but it's something to keep in mind.
Yeah, here's the new plan draft:
[ ] Plan Hunt Preparations
-[ ] Test the Sambankoli [0/50] (1 Unchained Die)
-[ ] Razorweed
--[ ] Hedge building, Phase 2 [0/200] (1 Colonist Die, 1 Unhardened Colonist Die, 1 Native Die)
--[ ] Feed the Razorweeds [0/25] (1 Native Die)
-[ ] The Wicker Man [21/100] (2 Colonist Dice)
-[ ] Dog-Searching [0/??] (1 Son's Skirmisher Die)
-[ ] Hunt
--[ ] Game [0/30] (1 Son's Skirmisher Die)
-[ ] Take our share of Wood [Task] (1 Silent Blades Die)
-[ ] True Homes for a True People [101/150] (1 Colonist Die)
-[ ] Granaries and Seed-stocks [41/60] (1 Unchained Die)
Crafting (5 Craft Points)
-[ ] Make some barrels [1 Craft]
-[ ] Produce Winter Clothing [1 Craft, 1 Normal Leather]
-[ ] Lordskin Clothes [2 Craft, 1 Excellent Leather]
-[ ] What to do with ashes? [1 Craft, Quality Roll]
-[ ] Saltpeter caves Trails [0/75] (1 Colonist Die)
-[ ] Set-up Charcoal Burning [0/50] (1 Colonist Die)
Raids, Expeditions and Diplomacy
-[ ] Meet our neighbors
--[ ] Shepherds [Meet][???] (1 Native die, 1 Colonist Die)
-[ ] Follow the path of the First Walker [101/150] (1 Native Die, 1 Warrior's Son Die)
-[ ] The Mindless Ones [Death] (1 Alexandre Die, 1 Personal Die)
-[ ] The Fruits of Flesh [0/40] (1 Failure Die)
The Council
-[ ] Master and apprentice [30/?? DC] (1 Council Die)
-[ ] Expand the Council [DC 30/ ??/??] (1 Council Die, 1 Prince Die)
Death Singing
-[ ] Teach Death Singing [Death Singing]
--[ ] The Warrior's Son [Teach] [50 DC] (1 Personal Die)
-[ ] Shepherds for Corpses [Death Singing]
--[ ] Bone Hives [Shepherds][27/150] (2 Mourner Dice)

Remaining Dice: 1 Militia
Dice Deliberately Unused: 1 Silent Blade
What is still in debate is swapping the Prince die away from The Council (to put both Council Dice on Expand the Council) along with possibly the Sambankoli die. Assign them to either Training Champions, or whatever Unchained-related Death options show up from having the Unchained Dead join the Freed, and whether or not for the Expand the Council action to be replaced with others.

I wouldn't be surprised if there's die bonuses or even additional dice hidden behind Captain, Officers and Priest. Figuring out a framework, both legal and structural. (as it's hard to make the former without having the latter done as well), for how Heroes and their retinues work could make using them more efficient.

As for Expanding the Council, judging from the similarly worded Preach option we just did, I think we'd have to do another project to actually get the additional die/dice. It's not a deal killer by any means, but it's something to keep in mind.
Maybe, but even so, I feel like the action itself for showing that there'll be a way to get people represented in the Council is important to satisfy the people, since now we've got a sixth of our population that wasn't here when the initial Council was formed.

It might also be another step in reassuring the Unhardened, since taking the steps to show we'll be doing things like this will help reassure them that they'll have a voice in things.
What is still in debate is swapping the Prince die away from The Council (to put both Council Dice on Expand the Council) along with possibly the Sambankoli die. Assign them to either Training Champions, or whatever Unchained-related Death options show up from having the Unchained Dead join the Freed, and whether or not for the Expand the Council action to be replaced with others.
Weren't we debating about only putting one die on Bone Hives before the miniturns hit? That way we could move things around so Sara can get some self-improvement going? That being said, it's a very different situation now that neither Personal die is on the project. A lot of whether or not we should still consider making the change depends on what Mourner actions we have newly unlocked.
It might also be another step in reassuring the Unhardened, since taking the steps to show we'll be doing things like this will help reassure them that they'll have a voice in things.
I suspect that putting legal limits on the power of our Heroes, none of whom would be acceptable in the Old World, would reassure the newcomers as well. However, you have a point about the amount of immigration since the Council was first assembled.
Say, speaking of local wildlife and plants, are there any updates scheduled for the Bestiarus from prior events? I feel like the Blood-Loving Woods at least should have gotten a mention, and maybe the Wise of the Tribute Takers (of which the Masked Merchant was said to be one.)
Oh, I forgot to uptade it. Well let's go.
@OldShadow, I know what my question for my previous omake is: "What are our best countermeasures against Tribute Taker agents?". For the sake of clarity, I'm referring to individuals like the Lone Hunter, Mazked Merchant, or the one behind the Shadow's Gaze. Folks I strongly suspect could be Tribute Takers hero units. I assume you can give me a much less broad and cryptic answer for that? If not, let me know and I'll pick a different question.
I can divide your contermeasures in two categories :

  • Passive defences like the Razorweed, wards set-up by Faillure and those he teached, or simply by saturating Union with ghosts and faith. Since all of the Tribute-Takers units are empowered by Winter, those passive defence will make it harder for them to affect or infiltrate Union (higher DC for them). Think of those as walls : the more you have, the harder and longuer invaders will take to reach you.
  • Active defences wich are mostly your heroes and supernaturals units, witch will make an opposed rolls against Tribute-Takers units they can fight (So Spiritual for Sara, Faillure and to a lesser extant the Mourners, Physical for the Son, the Prince and to a lesser extent the Blades and Skirmishers).
Those are your best current contermeasures against the Tribute-Takers units, and the best way to eliminate them when they attack would be to let them tire themselves against your passive defences, attract them with a target of opportunities (the Wounded Voices, some weak victims, a distracted Sara...) and ambush them on it.
However the best contermeasure without risk for Union would to raid the Tribute-Takers, to do dammages and kills important Tribute-Takers, but also to cause issues they would be forced to deal with, distracting them (escaped slaves, rampaging monsters...).
Salvation's End
Or, Why Nobody has Discovered Immortality in the New World

Salvación was a small colony in the Gulf of Honduras, founded by a group of prominent men of New Spain allegedly seeking to become closer to God. They were isolationists, wearing masks during all dealings with the outside world, but were always seeking more souls to "save", be they slave or free. These "eccentricities" were ignored due to the founders being quite free with their gold. Well, until a merchant vessel blown off course saw the island aflame and decided to investigate one 30th of July. The first sign that this was more than an unfortunate fire was when they came across the corpse of Father Juan Díaz, the local priest. He had been shot through the heart, as evidenced by the bullet hole in his golden crucifix.
From An Accounting of Spanish Settlements in the New World, Vol 3.

Juan Díaz had his undead guards drag in the would-be hunter. He had hoped that such interruptions to his research would have ceased now that Salvación had been established. Alas, such hopes had been dashed by their most recent arrival.

"Tell me my son, what has brought you these shores", asked the fallen priest.

"I have come because you are a monster trading lives for youth" replied the man in German-accented Spanish.

Such hypocrisy. Men who sacrificed the lives of their lessers for base gold or glory were respected landowners or war heroes. Meanwhile souls like him who engaged in the same trade so they could continue their great work of bettering humanity for longer were decried as monsters and hunted like dogs.

"And you came here all the way from Germany armed with only a pistol to end us all? This is a beautiful pistol but to expect it alone to be enough was foolish", Juan allowed his scorn to enter his tone as he picked up the weapon in question. That was the problem with these fanatics. They assumed God would do all their work for them and refused to think for themselves.

The man chuckled, "I don't know about that, it's about to take your life after all."

"What!", Juan looked down, only to see his own hands moving to place the business end of the pistol against his chest. Juan tried to pull his hands away, but his body refused to heed his commands. Nor did his undead guards.

"By the way, begging and pleading would be futile, so don't bother", the man sounded almost bored, as if he had done this thing a thousand times. Juan's last thought before his fingers pulled the trigger was that perhaps he had.
The shore party, now far more wary than when they arrived, advanced towards the town hall. Along the way they saw a multitude of corpses showing clear signs of necromantic desecration, being armed, armored, and in solid defensive positions. They showed no signs of recent combat though, as if their masters had been slain before the slaves could fire a single shot.
From An Accounting of Spanish Settlements in the New World, Vol 3

The death of Juan Díaz did not go unnoticed. The unquiet dead quickly armed themselves and set up defenses around the town hall at their masters' insistence. Despite this, they saw no enemy, and did not fire a single shot until the dark curse binding them had been lifted. They were not the man's prey.

Upon entering the town hall, they came across the other leaders of Salvación, all dead and in what could only be described as "occult garb". Those in the shore party who were veterans of war felt as if there was something off about the scene, but none could figure it out.
From An Accounting of Spanish Settlements in the New World, Vol 3.

Genoveva Díaz cursed her brother under her breath. The fool had always been too arrogant for his own good, and it seemed he had paid the ultimate price for his hubris. Worse, said demise had destabilized the necromantic working that encompassed Salvación, forcing the remaining members of the Council to gather in the Town Hall to keep things stable.

A cold wind interrupted her thoughts, despite the night being warm and all doors in the hall being closed. She turned around only to discover a man had entered the hall despite all doors being locked and barred. He was wearing a dark cloak and hat, and was seemingly armed with just a pistol.

She scoffed, "Better make that shot count you fool, because once you use it the rest of us will rip your soul from your flesh".

"I only need one shot", replied the man as he fired his pistol. The bullet bounced off of the walls of the room, each ricochet leading to a new death. All Genoveva's alchemy-enhanced perception could do was allow her to marvel at the geometry involved before the shot finally reached her.

The shore party continued down a secret passage that had been left open in the hall which led to the caves below. What they found at the end of the passageway was destruction, destruction and long-dead children. This had clearly been a place of dark power at one point in time, where lives were traded for dark boons, but no remnants of such power remained.
From An Accounting of Spanish Settlements in the New World, Vol 3.

The spirit rose to greet its new supplicant. This was not the first time its puppets had been slain by those seeking to take their place, and it wouldn't be the last. Infinite wealth and immortality were valuable assets, and the list of those willing to slay innocents for them was long indeed.

The new fellow was male and white so the spirit chose the seeming of a comely young woman who had been recently sacrificed upon its altar. "Well done. Well done. I was tiring of those fools anyways", the spirit applauded. Time for the sales pitch, "I am yours to command, assuming you're willing to accept my prices, immortality is yours".

The man scoffed " I already have a master, spirit, and he is most displeased with you for stealing what is his due".

Hmmm, seems the spirit had a rival. No matter. The spirit had been well fed these last few years, and could easily swat this gnat in its place of power.

A wave of force struck out at the man, but he was unmoved. As the spirit launched attack after attack, the man drew a long polearm with a spiked collar at one end from seemingly nowhere. The man spoke as he used said polearm to restrain the spirit" My master would have words with you". As the spirit was ripped from the sacrificed souls which empowered it, it felt true terror for the first time in its existence. Then the man opened a portal, and all the spirit felt from then on was agony.

AN: This omake started out as "Ghost Rider slaughters Huntsmen". However, I'm not comfortable writing fight scenes and I had trouble getting the Rider to fit in this era. So I added a ton of stuff from the stories of the Freischütz, tossed in a bit of Batman for good measure, and placed it in a setting I had in mind since @Chimeraguard's omake involving that villain faction from AoE3. I figured that Old Scratch wouldn't appreciate some other force keeping damned souls from their destined fate, thus the intervention of his agent.

Not sure about my reward but I'm strongly considering asking about how the big raid will work. My working question (and boy howdy does this sucker need additional work) is, "Will we get to choose the form our enemies take like a normal Winter, will it be decided for us, or will it be a mix of both".
Nice omake, If it happened in the quest's world, it would be probably from some less than scrupulous people obtaining/stealing secrets from the region of Union (since it is kind of undead land).
I have not planned for any Ghost Rider-like figure, however the german, in his demeanor, act somewhat like what I would expect of a dissident menber of the Order of Michael.
Hmm. Between the Voices and the Unhardened, we have plenty of "live bait" so to speak. Passive Defenses we seem to be doing well on, with recent events meaning a lot more Ghosts hanging around, the new faith having taken hold, and the first hedge should be up by the time Winter hits, and we plan to add in Failure's wards on Turn 11.

Active Defenses are a bit iffier, if only because they rely on not being triggered by other strikes from Winter, but this year we seem to be liable to strengthen the Warrior's Son quite a bit.

A raid will probably have to wait until next year, but with all our work on bulking up our military before then, plus aid from the Woods, we can likely inflict some serious damage.
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@Chimeraguard Just a little thing about your plan, why are you picking Feed the Razorweeds with another Razorweed project? IIRC we need to take Feed the Razoeweed by itself to see what happens in the experiment... So if you want to go crazy on Razorweed this turn then you should put that 4th dice on the Hedge to assure its completion or we can start New Plots or Pit Tactics ...

Besides that, since we are not taking any expeditions/raids this season we can always put the Militia in Unleash Fire to take advantage that is only available in summer...
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I bit late on the tree talk, but white pine could be a good option. The needles can make a tea with lots of vitamins, the seeds and inner bark are edible (though the latter doesn't taste good), and it's a ready source of pine resin for waterproofing and salve-making. Plus, the wood is very easily workable.

Sweet/black birch could also be a good choice since it grows fairly quickly, and the sap can be used for syrup or wintergreen oil which would be a nice novelty. Like white pine, the inner bark can also be eaten as a starvation food.