[X] OPLAN: Spyglass
-[X] Patrol Carrier Revisions
--[X]Use some of the excess space to include additional hangar space for two SAR craft for pilot retrieval (doubling as ship's boats); if a suitable design can be made at ten tons, good. If not, the larger design should include either medical facilities or emergency low berths in order to ensure wounded pilots can be stabilized during docking / landing procedures.
--[X] Include a third launch tube.
--[X] Put any remaining tonnage into armor.
--[X] Revise planned complement of fleet carrier to 6 strike/2 EWAR.
-[X] To protect those border systems from probing and to learn about Hermosa's capabilities and intentions in advance of a show of force which will act as a deterrent against conflict
-[X] Approve it. There's only so little we can risk.
--[X] Dispatch the diplomatic cruiser on a mission to Plenty to attempt to make second (and more enduring) contact as a part of this expedition, if fuel will allow.