[X] Plan Neutral Aslan Torpedoes
-[X] What if we extracted promises in return for basing rights, rather than simple taxes.
--[X] Host a HSWS liaison.
--[X] Do not to accept contracts aimed at HSWS or Home's government.
--[X] Set aside time for HSWS training exercises and wargames. Provide advisors for smallcraft operations and development at preferential rates.
-[X] Continue a more neutral position, allowing things to happen as they do.
--[X] Stress the importance of trade remaining uninterrupted to the dictatorship.
-[X] We prefer the torpedo boat!
[X] OPLAN: Acceleration
-[X] What if we extracted promises in return for basing rights, rather than simple taxes.
--[X] No contracts aimed at the HSWS or disrupting the security of Home Space; HSWS will take on a small group as advisors for smallcraft operations and development as a part of the basing rights deal.
-[X] Continue a more neutral position, allowing things to happen as they do.
-[X] Accept both designs into service as the Cruiser, Fast Attack (A) and Cruiser, Fast Attack (B); alternate construction.