A/N: Bethesda owns the elder scrolls Skyrim and etc. and I only own my Oc and I hope you enjoy the story the image is the new hold banners because the old one looked a little boring and I might change it a few things.
I don't know what is going on right now own minute I was getting shoved in a locker and calling for someone to let me out then everything was fading away and I was falling backward into a dark abuse and I landed in a bed our what looks like a bed it has animal fur and straw, I look around the room and everything looks like a nordic design like the Vikings in Scandinavia but I see a banner that has a deer head on a purple background that looks familiar.
A/N: so there are the new banners of the hold there is Dawnstar, Falkreath, Morthal, Riften, Solitude, Whiterun, Winterhold, And Markarth.
"uggh" my head was hit with a sudden headache it vanishes as quickly as it appeared weird I have my memories and someone else's memories her name is or was Astrid of Falkreath,... 'Falkreath from Skyrim what the hell' my hand went to my head, my confused face "but Skyrim is a game what am I doing here"
I stood up from my bed and walked around the room I saw what looked like a mirror and I saw how I look I did not have my light brown hair, brown eyes, light tan skin, and slim body I now had light blond hair that looked white, sky blue eyes, pale skin and had some muscle on my arms and I fell strong then I use to be, I looked around the age 16.
the memories of Astrid the person's body I woke up in, I look through her memories and she is the granddaughter Dengeir of Stuhn the former Jarl of Falkreath, then my or her uncle is jarl Siddgeir when I played Skyrim I did not like him and it looked like Astrid did not like him as well.
I sorted through Astrid memories, and found put the Year is 4E 200, 2nd of morning star so I have one year before the events of elder scrolls V is this a game like those fanfiction were a person gets transported into a game and have a system.
Astrid: "Stats, Skills, Inventory," so I don't have a system is this real, or is this a dream, ...ow that hurt did I really have to slap myself hard so this is real so if this is real then everything is bigger then how it is in-game.
??? " Lady Astrid are you awake, o good morning my lady you're grandfather wanted me to tell you he wishes to see you in the war room," the servent said I looked at her with a confused look intell some of Astrids memory popped into my mind about the mystery
Astrid:' her name is Desingil Timberlake a wood elf she is very loyal to Astrid because we took her in when she had no one, she my not look threatening but she is very deadly that's why Astrid kept her close she does not trust her uncle' i thought well seeing Astrid's memories.
Astrid: " ok Desingil I will see my grandfather can you get my clothes ready and get my sword" I replied I have to act like Astrid so no one would suspect that I am a spy and get myself killed.
Desingil nodded her head ad went to the dresser and started picking clothes I started getting up from my bed and started putting on the clothes that Desingil picked out for me and grabbed my or Astrid steel sword.
*small-time skip*
I got done getting dressed and strapping my sword we walked out from my room to my grandfather me and Desingil walked in silence, everything looked bigger than the game there were rooms for visiting jarls the high king, and any other person of high status.
Astrid: " Desingil why does my grandfather want with me in the war room," I asked Desingil well looking around the throne room.
Desingil: " well my lady, he did not say but what I heard from the soldiers is that your uncle jarl Siddgeir is fighting some bandits for the bandit fortress of cracked tusk keep, my lady" she replied
Astrid: " what would my uncle want with a bandit keep does he want more control in his hold our does he want fame by driving off some bandits," I said with a thought full manner
Desingil: "I do not know my lady but from what I have heard the jarl is having a difficult time fighting the bandits" replied
Astrid: 'of course he is from what I could find from Astrid's memories her uncle is unmotivated, and a not very good strategist, he just wants wealth, fame and to be high king, and Astrid grandfather was thinking about replacing Siddgeir with Astrid so that is why he went to take Craked tusk keep' i thought Astrid's memories are still coming and I am getting her combat skills I hope she has muscle memory.
well, we were talking we reached the war room Desingil opened the door and announced to my grandfather that I have arrived.
Desingil: " my thane I have brought lady Astrid as you asked" Desingil announced well bowing her head
well, Dengeir of Stuhn looked bigger in person than in gamer from what he is the former jarl of Falkreath, and passed it to my uncle that was around when Asterd was young.
Dengeir: " thank you Desingil you may return to your duties, And morning to you my Granddaughter," he said with a hint of happiness in his voice.
Desingil left the room and close the door behind her, I looked around the war room and saw some weapons on their racks an alchemist and enchantment table, and on a table, there is a map of Skyrim and there is a map of Tamriel, and some wood carved figures on the map of Skyrim with some pieces with the deer head of Falkreath and some blank species with could represent the bandits.
Astrid: " morning to you grandfather my I ask why you called me here I the war room," I said well looking at the map of Skyrim.
Dengeir: " the reason why I called you here is because of the little war that Siddgeir started with those bandits at cracked tusk keep,* pointing at were three of the deer head figures * I want you to take a small force and take peak's shade tower, there is a small bandit force that siddgeir has ignored for too long and has caused problems for travelers and traders," grandfather said
well, he was talking and explaining everything and pointing at where I was going to lead a small band of troops, I remember from the game that the tower is just an old nordic tower but if we take the tower then bandit won't be there to endanger traders and travelers that leave the city limits.
Astrid: " how many men did he take with him to cracked tusk keep, " I said well working tactics in my head, the ones from my world and the ones from this world.
Dengeir: " he took the experienced soldiers and some of the reserved guard, good thing I stopped him from taking any more soldiers Felkreath would have been defenseless" grandfather said with a heavy sigh
Astrid: "seriously why would he need the would guard it's just a bandit camp, is he such a coward he would need to leave our home and people defenseless," I said well slamming my fist in on the table, how could he be so idiotic.
Dengeir: "that is why I want you to take peak shade tower it may be an old nordic tower but it has strategic value, you will take a small force of 7 guards and you can take Desingil with you if needed once you take the tower and leave 5 guards there and report back to me" grandfather said well looking me straight in the eyes.
(Astrid's Room)
well, I and grandfather discussed what would we do with the peak shade tower and the bandit between Felkreath and Helgen we decided to take the tower then clear the road to Helgen, after that, I walked back to my room to prepare my armor, Desingil fallowed me to my room.
Astrid: " Desingil I want you to accompany me to take peak shade tower, prepare your armor we travel light, have you heard any news from the frontline" is said well preparing my
Desingil: "I shall prepare my armor and bow my lady, and the news I heard from the guards is that that Jarl is going to rush the keep and take it by force," she told me well helping me put on my leather armor.
Astrid: ' of course we want to take it my force, its a keep built in a defensive position he will lose some of his men and he could get himself killed' i thought well overlooking at a map of Falkreath hold.
after Desingil helped me put my armor I very thankful that I have Astrid's memory and muscle memory, Desingil left my room to prepare and put on her armor after I take this tower I have to prepare Falkreath for the civil war.
A/N: well I finished my first chapter for this story and I am going to change some of the things like armor design, hair, and some things that that kind of look Scandinavian design and imperial/roman designed, and many other stuff so don't say that it's not in the game in less you use mods.