Transient Bard's Questbuilder Thread: "Guardian"

Isle of Creation
In these threads, I'll be posting any and all information I have on these quests, in an effort to refine them and build it into a prospective, actual product per se.

The focus for this thread is the concept "Guardian", which was stated in the Quest Idea thread as such:

Inspired by showa-era Kamen Rider, Warframe, GARO Makai no Hana, the overall World of Darkness and maybe a huge chunk of Cthulutech. Players/SV control an agent of a mysteriously powerful cabal, equipped with biotechnical armor that may or may not be powered by alien/extradimensional entities. Intended to explore the limits of unreal enemies, the struggle of managing a life bound with something almost beyond understanding, and the coping of humanity and its relative weakness to the dark world all around them. Hidden heroes.
I'll be linking off-site to Google Drive, or just copying over what information I have available for this quest, during the thread. Keep in mind that all info I have written is tentative until the actual quest goes live, and is being put here primarily as an organization tool, and for those who want to gaze at what I have going to comment and play with.

Information will follow on the next post.​
Demonstration Characters
Listed below are a couple of the demonstration characters I had made for the /qst/ version that never got released. Images are within the Google Doc version, of inspirations.

The common theme is mixing the NYC cop procedural, with a Dresden-esque attention to detail about the more supernatural aspects. Specifically the Guardian Frames - supernaturally powered suits of liviing armor, semi-sentient, which are implanted in the user to be summoned later. (WIP)

These Guardian Frames are what the protagonist(s) would use to repel the darkness - Demons, eldritch and nigh-unknowable, primarily, though there are other targets. However, they turn the user's personality and exaggerate it in some respects. Morgan's recklessness, for example, spikes heavily once he gets Kurz and fully synchronizes with it.

Morgan Drake Chambers. "The Vagabond Dragon"
Personality: The Loyalist.
ESFJ: Extravert Sensing Feeling Judging.
Outgoing, social, open, does not like being alone. Easy to read. Warm-hearted and popular. Tends to put the needs of others over their own needs. Interested in serving others. Values relationships and families over intellectual pursuits. Group oriented, affectionate, complimentary, loving, considerate, and altruistic. Feels a strong sense of responsibility and duty. Well-developed sense of space and function. Organized. Follows the rules. A planner. Regular, orderly, clean. A finisher. Consults others before acting. Dutiful. Values traditions and security. Values organized religion. Likely to be religious. Thinks life has purpose and meaning. Dislikes science fiction. Does not like strange people or things. Likely to be intolerant of differences. Need positive reinforcement to feel good about self. Content. Positive. Loves getting massages.
Psychological Disorder: Masochistic. Not-so-secretly loves a good brawl

  • Traditionally Christian (small church in Brooklyn) but once awoken to being a Guardian, has been struggling somewhat with his place in faith. Pastor's a great guy and a genuine force of good in a tough environment (Keith David)
  • One of those kinds of people who is willing to give most anything, when it comes to things for fun. Tilts towards stuff that he can be active in – casual sports or sparring is preferred.
  • Complex software eludes him compared to hardware – he prefers a RAZR or similar flip phone than a smartphone. (Has been a point of contention for the department.)
  • Kinetic – always playing with something. Yes, has a fidget spinner – has a collection of toys in his desk (Beyblade, b-daman, transformers, etc.) that he plays with at his desk.
  • Fond of many different kind of sports, but those that he actively plays and follows in any significant capacity are skateboarding and MMA. Former MMA aspirant, when much younger, but doesn't have as much of the body as he used to anymore. (Specialized in rush-down muay thai and traditional boxing)
  • Doesn't awaken to his Guardianship fully until he's forced to fight and defeat a Thrall of the Demon. Once he does, he takes to it with fervor – even if it's a bit rocky at first.
  • While agreeing with rule and spirit of law, tries to take an empathetic and emotional approach to his cases and work – sometimes means that he doesn't get the full truth, or is unwilling sometimes to look at the truth in front of him. Upon Guardianship, however, he starts learning to follow his instinct rather than his hope. Is very much a "good cop" type.
  • Almost preternaturally good at firearms and well-trained in hand-to-hand combat.

Guardian Frame: "Vagabond Dragon"/
  • Motifs: Dragons, cowboys/gunslinger, flame, revolvers.
  • Inspirations: Sol Badguy (GGXrd, GG2Overture, GG Pachislot), Warframe Ember/Mesa/Chroma/Volt Arrester, Megaman ZX, Kamen Rider Hibiki/Armed/Hibiki Kurenai
  • Skills:
    • Flame: Can cast various forms of fire casting, including traps, buffs and straight fireballs.
    • Bullet: Highly skilled with using its distinctive weapon, a high-caliber revolver. Can ricochet shots and set up shots.
    • Speed: Main form of attack mitigation is via speed and dodging, rather than tanking it. Is fairly sturdy, but overwhelming force or overwhelming anything will dissipate it.
  • Temperament
    • Aloof when not actively being used. Is not a fan of being pulled out of nowhere to perform what is necessary. Unknown as to what his other actiivites may be, given that it remains mute.
    • When in combat, does not hold back. Loves at least power and finesse.

Tamsin Lucina Acosta –
"Lady Vesper"

Personality: The Detective.ISTJ: Introvert Sensing Thinking Judging.
Serious, quiet, with loner tendencies. Enjoys solitude and tends to sit back and observe. Private, rarely talks about their feelings. Can be insensitive to the hardships of others. A planner. Well-organized and hard-working. Works steadily towards identified goals. Focused, with well-developed powers of concentration. Will usually accomplish any task once they have set their mind to it. A perfectionist. Clean, thorough, detail-oriented. Avoids mistakes. Logical and analytical. Not adventurous or spontaneous. Realistic. Doesn't appreciate strangeness. Conventional. Interested in supporting and promoting traditions and establishments. Dislikes countercultures. Dutiful, always follows the rules. Punctual. Finishes tasks. Responsible and dependable. Prepares for worst case scenarios, cautious. Interested in security and a peaceful life. Would rather be friendless than jobless. Holds people to high standards and does not accept apologies easily.

Psychological Disorder: Depressive. Life alongside with her work as a Guardian does not contribute well to this.
  • Does not describe herself as religious. Family that she speaks of is religious, and she speaks fondly of her times attending church when she was younger.
  • She has very little time that she can use to herself, sadly – throwing most of her efforts and spare time towards her work. When she's at home, she enjoys playing acoustic guitar or occasionally singing. Don't catch her singing.
  • Sharpshooter certification, both with a standard-issue police sidearm and shotgun. Since obtaining Guardianship, has started to take up fencing and enjoys the hell out of it.
  • Contrary to popular belief or perception, she actually does have a sense of humor. She doesn't crack jokes, but at least can recognize humor and react accordingly. Finds it difficult at times to parse sarcasm or intentional irony, though.
  • Is an exceptional cop, but really by-the-books in most situations. Has sympathy for those doing bad things in difficult situations, but would rather let the law sort it out and ensure she did her job to the best of her ability. More often than not her instinct is correct.
  • Used to be a competition ballroom dancer! Has been slowly going back once becoming a Guardian.
  • Keeps abreast of baseball teams for conversation around the office.
  • If she can manage it, she sticks herself in the gym as her main stress relief. Even if she's in shape, or at least well enough to not pose any issue with her work, it's a quick way to at least get the anxiety and depression beaten down. Tactic she learned just out of college.
  • Frequently will also throw herself into Guardian work as a "beat cop" throughout Manhattan.

Guardian Frame: "Cognito Valkyrie"/"Vesper"
  • Motifs: Silk, queens and geisha, flower petals,