Transgender Fiction and Other LGBTQIA+ Anime/TV/Novel/General Discussion Thread


You must be joking
United States
This thread is for all discussions regarding LGBTQIA+ fiction that does not fit under the Lesbian/Yuri fiction discussion thread or the Gay/MLM/Yaoi discussion thread.

Transgenderism. Intersexuality. Queer and/or questioning. Asexuality, aromanticism, and agender. Two-spirit. Genderfluidity. Pansexuality. Nonbinary and genderqueer. Etc. Etc.
It irks me that there are no recommendations yet.
So I'll throw a hat into the ring.

Loved in Transition

Sporadic updates due to health reasons When Cayden's girlfriend Larsa comes out to him as trans, he isn't entirely sure what to say, do, or think. But he's sure of one thing. He still loves Larsa regardless, and he wants to support him in every way he can through this transition-- though he...

A story about a Transmasc and her lover very fluffy it reads like a hug. It's nowhere near finished, but I think it is worth a read if you need some healing.
I admit to wanting to include trans characters in my writing that are not just defined by being trans. But given how sensitive the topic can be, and the risk of stepping on a landmine, even for trans authors or those who do their research, I'm always somewhat reluctant.
I admit to wanting to include trans characters in my writing that are not just defined by being trans. But given how sensitive the topic can be, and the risk of stepping on a landmine, even for trans authors or those who do their research, I'm always somewhat reluctant.

Honestly I would love to see more of that kind of stuff. Any ideas about what kinda thing you're thinking of?
Honestly I would love to see more of that kind of stuff. Any ideas about what kinda thing you're thinking of?

So, I've had an Isekai setting I've been sketching out for years. The important part is that it is emphatically NOT a litRPG. That's the joke. A bunch of gamers get thrown in a very traditionally magic world, seemingly based very loosely on their game and have to cope with the reality that game mechanics were always just abstractions.

There is no 'system'. There is no 'leveling' or 'hit points'. It's just . . . a 'normal' magical world that is NOT in fact magical Europe for once.

One of the characters in the main viewpoint party is a crossplayer elven mage who . . . y'know the 'Incel to Trans Girl' pipeline meme?

That's basically them in a nutshell. But their transness is not, nor should it be, the sum of their personality.

A much bigger part is general self acceptance, and self love, and being around people who are not abusive or leaving her stewing in her own self perpetuating toxicity. She goes from being the most selfish and meanest member of the party to the most selfless (note : not always a good thing!) and . . . less mean than before member of the party.

Also goes from being an internet addicted 'know nothing know it all', to someone deeply curious and thoughtful about the world around her . . . And able to do enough real magic to at least hold off a tremendously powerful mage.

"It turns out that first step to getting smart is to stop being afraid of being dumb."
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Hm, could be fun. The big thing would be having her get over the victim mentality so common with incels. Having her be uncharacteristically chill about being transformed, even if she justifies it as them having bigger things to worry about what with the whole isekai thing, could be a good way to hint at character depth from the start.
Some people on Discord discovered an upcoming light novel series called "Mimosa no Kokuhaku" (The Mimosa Confessions), about a high school boy who unexpectedly reunites with his best friend, the latter newly transitioned MtF.

Does anyone want to keep watch for it this June 2024?
Hmm, I thought Magical Princess Harriet: Chessed, World of Compassion was a decent time. Notes: very YA, also quite religious (Jewish, specifically). Transfem (at least for the main character) if the title wasn't obvious enough.

I've seen somebody here focus on The Murderbot Diaries for a very firmly asexual and agender character (albeit one who is also firmly not a human). Which are also just extremely good books.
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The big thing would be having her get over the victim mentality so common with incels.

Like I said, the antithesis of LitRPG tropes . . .

She falls in with a very good group of people who both don't put up with her shit and don't abandon her like she thinks they would. Which gives her the breathing room to figure herself out.

The reality is that if you Isekai a giant mass of people to a fantasy world, even if you give them some nifty starter skills, and I mean actual skills crammed into their noggin, not super powered magic . . . What you have isn't a bunch of super humans who can do whatever they want. It's a bunch of refugees who are going to be struggling just to eat and find shelter.

The whole 'nobody is acting like a piece of shit or treating me like a piece of shit, my 'internet friends' lied to me!' reasoning plays a big part in making her a nicer person. Literally fighting for her life in another world, so long as she's with people she can trust, is emotionally healthier than being addicted to the modern internet.
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MLM Vs WLW frustrates me. In Rogue Trader while there are around three WLW possible options for players the only MLM option is Marazhai.

A Sadi-machocist space elf that spent the first half of the game messing with you.
Hmm, I thought Magical Princess Harriet: Chessed, World of Compassion was a decent time. Notes: very YA, also quite religious (Jewish, specifically). Transfem (at least for the main character) if the title wasn't obvious enough.

I've seen somebody here focus on The Murderbot Diaries for a very firmly asexual and agender character (albeit one who is also firmly not a human). Which are also just extremely good books.
I never got the idea that making a non-human character non-binary is dehumanizing Enby people.

It comes from a Enlightenment era Eurocentric mindset where humans are the only being worthy of rights.

The "Noble Savage" myth started because indigenous tribes like the Choctaw and the Maori acknowledged non human persons like rivers and horses.

It doesn't mean they lived in harmony with nature but they thought of elements of nature as people to negotiate with.
Hmm, I thought Magical Princess Harriet: Chessed, World of Compassion was a decent time. Notes: very YA, also quite religious (Jewish, specifically). Transfem (at least for the main character) if the title wasn't obvious enough.

I've seen somebody here focus on The Murderbot Diaries for a very firmly asexual and agender character (albeit one who is also firmly not a human). Which are also just extremely good books.

Don't forget to support the creator, too
Wait they added those in? I was told there were no queer romances at all in RT.
No their are.

You can be in a celibate relationship with the kinder space elf. The Eldar don't have the same emphasis on gender that humans have.

You can also date space smuggler Jae as either a boy and a girl.

The other options are heterosexual only because they are nobles, marriage and reproduction is of the utmost importance.
honestly "trans representation" and "trans narratives" (and, if we're being honest, queerness in media more generally) are in a really weird - imo, kinda bad - place right now, particularly in what i will sneeringly term "mass-market fiction".
so for a while in the early-mid '10s things were looking pretty good for queer people in the "western world", what with gay marriage being legalised all over the shop and Time magazine doing that "Transgender Tipping Point" cover article with Laverne Cox (and probably some other stuff but this isn't a dissertation) - and mass-market fiction was part of that, with queerness no longer confined to Very Special Episodes and Sweeps Week Lesbianism; now there were trans characters on the CW and gay rat weddings in children's cartoons; it seemed like queerphobia was well and truly licked.

two things have happened since then;
1) a global archconservative backlash seized on queerness in media (particularly children's books and shows) as a wedge issue, and
2) the Old Baloney Factory realised that queer audiences have spent so long eating scraps and latching onto Mr. Male Autogynephile as "representation" that if they shovel out the same old garbage but paint a rainbow on it we'll eat it up with a spoon; for a prime example of this, see the 2016 Rocky Horror remake starring Laverne Cox as frank n. furter.
"behold, freaks!" the machine cries. "no longer must you endure cis men performing cruel caricatures of you! instead, we've got real live trannies uh, transwomen performing the same cruel caricatures!"

the Moral Majority has no quarrel with this because "grotesque/pathetic monster" is what we're supposed to be; it's only when we're depicted as, y'know, people with interiority, maybe even - gasp - protagonists, that they start revving up their hate machines.
so there's all this shit that makes me, at least, seethe with anger and betrayal even if "the community" loves it because can't they see this is the same shit we used to decry, are they really so fucking illiterate?
but that's just me.
personally, my preference is for trans characters who're more than just "woe is me for i was born in the wrong body, every morning i look in the mirror and see ~my true self~ before being brought back to hideous reality, o! what suffering i experience!"
like, cis characters can be conflicted warrior-princes, roguish thieves with hearts of gold, and gutter-witches who died but got better; and i want that for us.
Link to Transgender/Genderqueer Fanfiction thread
In addition to a discussion thread, can this also be an idea and recommendation thread?

I found a previous thread on this thread's topic:

Transgender/Genderqueer Fanfiction and Quests Recommendations

Seeing as there’s gay and lesbian recommendations I checked to see if there’s a trans or genderqueer recommendations thread and was a bit surprised and disappointed to see there were not. Seeing as there’s a not insignificant trans community here and the dearth of representation in media I...

I have some LGBTCQAI+ content I like, but I'm going to refrain from mentioning it for now; I'm not sure this is the right venue to share all of them.

I admit to wanting to include trans characters in my writing that are not just defined by being trans. But given how sensitive the topic can be, and the risk of stepping on a landmine, even for trans authors or those who do their research, I'm always somewhat reluctant.
Were you also thinking of doing a bit of this with Miyurin in your Dreamers of the Day*, maybe?

(* For context for others not following that story, I'm tracking it via the SB thread, but here's the SV one.)
Were you also thinking of doing a bit of this with Miyurin in your Dreamers of the Day*, maybe?

Certainly as a supporting character.

But my own original fiction also contains a main protagonist who was crossplaying before getting isekai-yanked.

The tricky line, and why I've been cautious for quite a while with pulling the trigger on this story, is that the character is very, shall we say 'red pilled' and in deep denial at the start of the story. She becomes a progressively better person all around as she becomes more accepting of herself and others.
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Certainly as a supporting character.

But my own original fiction also contains a main protagonist who was crossplaying before getting isekai-yanked.

The tricky line, and why I've been cautious for quite a while with pulling the trigger on this story, is that the character is very, shall we say 'red pilled' and in deep denial at the start of the story. She becomes a progressively better person all around as she becomes more accepting of herself and others.

honestly "trans representation" and "trans narratives" (and, if we're being honest, queerness in media more generally) are in a really weird - imo, kinda bad - place right now, particularly in what i will sneeringly term "mass-market fiction".
so for a while in the early-mid '10s things were looking pretty good for queer people in the "western world", what with gay marriage being legalised all over the shop and Time magazine doing that "Transgender Tipping Point" cover article with Laverne Cox (and probably some other stuff but this isn't a dissertation) - and mass-market fiction was part of that, with queerness no longer confined to Very Special Episodes and Sweeps Week Lesbianism; now there were trans characters on the CW and gay rat weddings in children's cartoons; it seemed like queerphobia was well and truly licked.

two things have happened since then;
1) a global archconservative backlash seized on queerness in media (particularly children's books and shows) as a wedge issue, and
2) the Old Baloney Factory realised that queer audiences have spent so long eating scraps and latching onto Mr. Male Autogynephile as "representation" that if they shovel out the same old garbage but paint a rainbow on it we'll eat it up with a spoon; for a prime example of this, see the 2016 Rocky Horror remake starring Laverne Cox as frank n. furter.

the Moral Majority has no quarrel with this because "grotesque/pathetic monster" is what we're supposed to be; it's only when we're depicted as, y'know, people with interiority, maybe even - gasp - protagonists, that they start revving up their hate machines.
so there's all this shit that makes me, at least, seethe with anger and betrayal even if "the community" loves it because can't they see this is the same shit we used to decry, are they really so fucking illiterate?
but that's just me.
personally, my preference is for trans characters who're more than just "woe is me for i was born in the wrong body, every morning i look in the mirror and see ~my true self~ before being brought back to hideous reality, o! what suffering i experience!"
like, cis characters can be conflicted warrior-princes, roguish thieves with hearts of gold, and gutter-witches who died but got better; and i want that for us.
One of the most famous queer people I know is we'wha a ambassador, potter, and Weaver of the Zuni and lhamana.

Their adventures included going to the US capitol to campaign for the rights of their tribe
personally, my preference is for trans characters who're more than just "woe is me for i was born in the wrong body, every morning i look in the mirror and see ~my true self~ before being brought back to hideous reality, o! what suffering i experience!"
like, cis characters can be conflicted warrior-princes, roguish thieves with hearts of gold, and gutter-witches who died but got better; and i want that for us.
*Slamming fist repeatedly on the table*

Monkey Man! Monkey Man!

Priestesses, healers, trainers, WARRIORS. I was going "FUCK YEAH" the entire second act forward.
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personally, my preference is for trans characters who're more than just "woe is me for i was born in the wrong body, every morning i look in the mirror and see ~my true self~ before being brought back to hideous reality, o! what suffering i experience!"
like, cis characters can be conflicted warrior-princes, roguish thieves with hearts of gold, and gutter-witches who died but got better; and i want that for us.
Would it count if the story is a multiple POV story, and the trans character just happens to be one of them (and not as a token minority)?

A story where a character openly embraces being trans as part of their identity and would be proudly "wearing it on their sleeve", but it's not the central focus of the story and would only factor into the plot in small character moments.
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It was great to see that Why can't you feminize me already? over on scribblehub is having a second season/book.
It's a story about how Hunter is a magnet for everything Hunter's roommate dreams about.
And everything else is spoilers. It gave me some good giggles already.
Certainly as a supporting character.

But my own original fiction also contains a main protagonist who was crossplaying before getting isekai-yanked.

The tricky line, and why I've been cautious for quite a while with pulling the trigger on this story, is that the character is very, shall we say 'red pilled' and in deep denial at the start of the story. She becomes a progressively better person all around as she becomes more accepting of herself and others.

Honestly, this sounds quite good.

Like, I think there's a worrying tendency that's sprung up especially in the last year or so to associate "Nazi phases" uniquely with trans women, as if transfeminity is ontologically white, or transfems were particularly likely to have this kind of past compared to, well, the general mass of white westerners living in a society where egregious racism is the default. So I get the concern.

At the same time, a lot of trans authors I know are pretty hungry for fics where a trans girl to be isn't necessarily a good person. It's also definitely a character arc that's been well received in online trans fic circles before. E.g.,