Transfictional Isekai Chatroom [IC]

User: Vanquisher of Beginning
Current Identity: Ye Xuan
Active Mission: -NONE-
Current World: You agreed to fight with Mechas; why do you use your body to destroy stars?
Finance: 56,000 Contribution Points

Having a Space Station not only help with smuggling,

I also can start doing business, exploiting the fact that I have some of the largest zero-G factory humanity can have and asteroid mining right. It means that I have an oligopoly on many products such as ultra clear fibre optic cable and lab grown organic tissues. Being a businessman that I am, we immediately start set up channel.

Normal currency might be useless for most mecha pilot but as someone who still buy mundane material to make my own mecha from scratch as oppose of using Abyss' preset. I need all the material for my R&D

And this isn't mention how I can use money to achieve my dream of being Gatcha game whale~

Basic result probably multi-module? Ufufu, or it might just be one really one~
Sound possible, by the way if you need metal you can call me, I got tons from asteroid mining~
User: Tea-Fuelled Intellect
Intelli Saiko
World: Boku no Hero Academia
Mission: -
Finance: - CP

School is pleasant, I suppose. It's nice to simply be yet another kid and not needing to care about complicated thing.

Haah, I suppose I worked a bit too hard these last few years. Enjoying something inane such as talking to classmates, gossiping about what's happening, eating lunch with others, these are all nice. I would say I am building connections for future events but in all honesty, I put all those concern for later. I simply want to enjoy things here without needing to worry about implications or risks. Simply being yet another student, albeit one that study on how to be a 'hero'.

Granted, USJ incident should be soon so I suppose I should enjoy this while it last. My spies already indicate things are on track as the many small times villain recruited for a big event at least. All Might is far healthier but I shouldn't be slacking in preparing contingencies.

Sound possible, by the way if you need metal you can call me, I got tons from asteroid mining~
She said since the mission require her to leave a self-sustained faction, it's better to start finding the vein herself so the people can supply up to the future when she left. She does indicate wanting to get some regardless though. Something about more resources the better and 'if nothing else, I'll just make fake mine and embedded the ores into the ground'
User: Venator of Absolution
Current Identity: Alvin Frei
Active mission: -NONE-
Current World: Villainess Paradise
Finance: 30,000 Contribution Points

I was cornered…

The whole world was a set-up; God of Destruction had no chance from the very beginning. God of Darkness, not only he has the power of creation but 7 out of 9 single digit dungeons had long become god with significant portfolio.

Saying that worlds is run by the dungeon is an understatement at this point. Anyway before Eliot took me away I, for the first time, to activate final celestial armament "MAOU" the Jinki have power of 'anti-enemy' which turn into 'anti-world' as soon as I target the God of Darkness. I don't know what happen afterward beyond fact that due to my action Eliot will took all my ultra skill away.

At least he didn't re-impose the limitation; I can use my super power and job skill without losing talent now.

Simply being yet another student, albeit one that study on how to be a 'hero'.
Hero school always is a fun concept~
User: Great Work Prospector
Clara of Archisorte
World: Tropico? A Lord Game?
Mission: El Presidente Never Dies!
Finance: 2000000 CP

But was it just structure that I got from a certain Mongrel? No, not at all.

Ufufu, Dinosaurs! Ah, the dream of many children, recreated and refined. Perhaps not truly original as they should be but that didn't diminished their glory at all. In the end, giant lizards are cool after all, so even if not scientifically accurate, they are still quite valuable and perhaps even more. Most importantly, these ones are refined by whatever the world is into truly become quite the killing machine so their genes will be even more valuable. I doubt a random prehistoric pig able to do aoe heal originally after all~

Since the people will need to adapt to the new tech and slowly explore surrounding area for resource, I should quickly fabricate something using these~

The whole world was a set-up; God of Destruction had no chance from the very beginning. God of Darkness, not only he has the power of creation but 7 out of 9 single digit dungeons had long become god with significant portfolio.
Ufufu~ As expected, it was quite the set-up~ Good to hear you survive, I wonder if the resulting world will be up for salvage~ I don't doubt some would be interested in that...such as a certain occultist~
User ID: Viceroy of Calamities
Current Identity: Sean Stretton
Active mission: Unlock Eden
Current World: Iron Ladies + Rogue Galaxy
Finance: 1,000,000 Contribution Points

My journey with JRPG cast start in the desert planet.

While I don't get to meet Jaster when he was introduced, he still ended up walk into me while I was acting cool. As expected of the protagonist, I supposed, as you might have expected I introduce myself and ended up give some hint about what we're looking for.

Soon enough, we reached Juraika, the Jungle planet.

Here I met with the frog; this frog has the ability to synthesise weapon… Seeing how useful it is, I decided to take a sample and send them to Caishen. Not sure what he can do with it, but he might be able to develop some interesting pet? Anyway, after we find the frog, we end up encounter another great beast… But before I can show my awesomeness, the team already defeat them. I guess I'll stay a support.

In the end, giant lizards are cool after all, so even if not scientifically accurate, they are still quite valuable and perhaps even more.
Dinosaur are cool indeed~
User: Occult Hobbyist
Mamiya Kyouka
World: MGE
Mission: Daybreak
Finance: 8000 CP

I was bored so I asked a certain proud purplette for some statues~

Her work is good I admit, even I can't help but shiver seeing these massive things underwater~ They supposedly raises the level of Occult and weird thing happening, in exchange of lewdness. Also they are conduit which Great Ones can channel more of their power, just massive underwater titans that might warp reality a bit. They are big enough that even the prideful dragon girl would feel small without Great Ones channelled through it. And if so? I doubt anyway will stay and not runaway~

Installing them was a bit harder but I had someone equally bored and had construction System so even underwater, I can easily plops it without notice eheheh~

Here I met with the frog; this frog has the ability to synthesise weapon… Seeing how useful it is, I decided to take a sample and send them to Caishen. Not sure what he can do with it, but he might be able to develop some interesting pet? Anyway, after we find the frog, we end up encounter another great beast… But before I can show my awesomeness, the team already defeat them. I guess I'll stay a support.
A frogman or literally a frog? Interesting thing anyway eheheheh~
User: Venator of Absolution
Current Identity: Alvin Frei
Active mission: -NONE-
Current World: Villainess Paradise
Finance: 30,000 Contribution Points

Life is new world felt the same?

Sure there aren't that feeling of constantly being studied; instead what I met is more of usual disgusted, possibly from innate racism. Even then, local are true to their word. They said 'we respect power more than everything' and when I show power they show respect.

Then again, this town is apparently a frontier of sort; where all the great adventurer who don't want to retire in capital comes to die. People in such background has no luxury to develop racism, at least not between other civilised race. Amusingly, this fact also what allow me to gather a lot of local currency. This place lacks person who do low level odd job, so taking them allow me to charge premium.

Unfortunately, I know this can't last… Frontier is too far away from 'plot' and eventually, I will have to move out to face that.

I was bored so I asked a certain proud purplette for some statues~
I heard about statue from Chai, it sound really useful.
User: Great Work Prospector
Clara of Archisorte
World: Tropico? A Lord Game?
Mission: El Presidente Never Dies!
Finance: 2000000 CP

You know what's fun? Guns.

Ah, the wonder of modern firearms. Able to elevate even lowly peasants to the rank of basic soldier if used correctly. Normally that is, as monsters here are far tougher than normal of course. Especially deeper into the woods, unless it's a mass firing line, those wolves and panthers will just easily dodge the bullet. Even if hit, it won't be instantly fatal either usually as they are made of sterner stuff. Such as being able to tank a bullet to the head once with only bone fracture and concussion as the result.

More shots still kill many things at least and with these being able to be mass produced in our primitive factory, my monsters can fully commit to push deeper into the island~

Unfortunately, I know this can't last… Frontier is too far away from 'plot' and eventually, I will have to move out to face that.
Just be strong and rich enough that even racism won't be enough to turn them away from you~ We all know how easy those types crumble with the right incentive~
User: Vanquisher of Beginning
Current Identity: Ye Xuan
Active Mission: -NONE-
Current World: You agreed to fight with Mechas; why do you use your body to destroy stars?
Finance: 56,000 Contribution Points

Since normal mission aren't threatening enough, I decided to challenge senior.

Retiree Corvus is every bit monstrous as the rumours states. Despite using a barely customized NEXTs, the Lynx pretty much destroy all my mechs and defeat me all within the time it takes for incenses to burn. Not only his tactical skill are cut-throat, but his control over Lynx innate psychic power also very precise to the point where I can see him manipulate Kojima particle manually.

In other world, in terms of being a mech pilot, he's far above my league.

The defeat does not deter me, though; in fact, the opposite is true. Knowing that there are sky above sky excite me, not to mention how in every lose in mech battle I gain in bodily energy. I can't wait to challenge him again when I breakthrough to next realm.

Ah, the wonder of modern firearms. Able to elevate even lowly peasants to the rank of basic soldier if used correctly.
Gun are amazing; as soldier king and mecha pilots, I really appreciate its existent.
User: Tea-Fuelled Intellect
Intelli Saiko
World: Boku no Hero Academia
Mission: -
Finance: - CP

For one reason and another, I've become the class president it seems.

The fact that it's unanimously chosen by everyone only rendered me speechless. The fact that their reasoning is basically boils down to I looked the part or my vibe just right is frankly almost insulting. Especially when the teacher just took one look and shrugs in acceptance. That mess of a dark hero...perhaps in his check up I should do something so he isn't as lazy. He might not know that the secretive clinic he frequent in is mine but honestly, his attitude as a teacher truly need some fixing.

It's a good thing Bakugou and Izuku aren't fighting each others intensely, I doubt this sleep deprived man will care about the mental health of the student despite what he is preaching.

The defeat does not deter me, though; in fact, the opposite is true. Knowing that there are sky above sky excite me, not to mention how in every lose in mech battle I gain in bodily energy. I can't wait to challenge him again when I breakthrough to next realm
A mech cultivator is truly as absurd as willpowered-based evolving mech...many engineers would cry further upon such desecration of their field.
User: Venator of Absolution
Current Identity: Alvin Frei
Active mission: -NONE-
Current World: Villainess Paradise
Finance: 30,000 Contribution Points

With everything I have, I ended up develops artefacts.

This might look like it comes of no-where, but it actually not. You see, during some of my last dungeon hunt I manage to force a magic granting scroll out of the dungeon's loots pool; that scroll being the Golem Create magic.

Since the magic is useless for me who has dozen of high level Ultra Skills at that point, it was put into ring to collect dust… Now without any other talent beyond Borrowed Power, Unusable Magic System and Jinki. I am forced to rack my brain on what to do. That's when I remember one of dungeon I raided, the cave of desire. There Kehma, the dungeon master, has show ingenuity turning golem into artefact!

I reckon that with this scroll I could do the same, and indeed it's working!

Just be strong and rich enough that even racism won't be enough to turn them away from you
Ah yeah! That how Senior overcomes the prejudice! Thanks for Inspiration!
User: Occult Hobbyist
Mamiya Kyouka
World: MGE
Mission: Daybreak
Finance: 8000 CP

Finally, an interesting development!~ Eheheh, it's been awhile~

We've captured dozens of mamonos now, mostly succubi and lesser succubi, but none of them interest any of the grate ones fully. At least, until this one, a doppelganger! A mamono whose whole gimmick is to copy the appearance of a man's crush or preference, then go seducing him. She can be dangerous as over time, might somehow share her 'love' of the man with the original. And she tried to copied me eheheheh, it was enough to rouse the great ones interest but apparently Anima is very interested about her.

So she was spirited away. By the time it was finished, there's a huge change of things. Apparently great Anima decided to fully commit into this route, turning themselves into a doppelganger-like figure. Their appearances always ever changing, but most certainly human. So familiar yet not. Even her realm become much more ordered, like illusion of a familiar city one might've called home. Both the great ones and the realm become far more 'spooky' personally like this than incomprehensible horror like before. It's just almost comprehensible after all~

Anyway yeah, great Anima now took all the mamonos to become their brood. Most women but that might just be default appearance being that can change their form and appear or disappear as quickly. This certainly elevate her above other great ones that still lack sapient minions~ It seemed that they might also take the plunge if I offer the right incentive~

Oh and fortunately, Great Anima and their brood are not Mamono. Mamonos strong parts are taken but they still hold their Horrors nature quite well~ At least this way, recruitment will be easier as their Charm now exist and quite strong~

I reckon that with this scroll I could do the same, and indeed it's working!
Path of the minion eh? Nice~ Though I guess only technically as you seemed want to become an artificer instead~
User ID: Viceroy of Calamities
Current Identity: Sean Stretton
Active mission: Unlock Eden
Current World: Iron Ladies + Rogue Galaxy
Finance: 1,000,000 Contribution Points

One good thing about being a sponsor is I don't have to deal with unneeded fight.

Boss fight is fine, or at least depend on circumstance, but those unnessary monster that always block the way for no reason? No, thanks! I rather not deal with zubat like existence.

Amusingly, this ended up with me being in charge of open the treasure box.

Why? Mimic of course! Those things are surprisingly commons and since others already spend fighting a rubbish mob along the way I become the de facto guy to trip the mimic off and robs the monster of all its valuable. Sadly most of them are money, which is useless for me, and so I ended up give most of them to Jaster. He seems to spend a lot for orphan who barely touch money when adventure start...

A frogman or literally a frog? Interesting thing anyway eheheheh~
The latter, it seems to have the ability to eat two equipment and puke out a better one.
User: Occult Hobbyist
Mamiya Kyouka
World: MGE
Mission: Daybreak
Finance: 8000 CP

Heee, it seems things are heating up!

Great AM-HEMET gave a me mission, a troublesome one so they can elevate themselves like Anima. The mission is to finding fallen warriors and the like. Normal warriors work but I have to find great warriors too, Heroes really. Not to mention they are already rare to begin with, but since this whole mamono thing, bloodshed is really rare after all. So I will most likely have to make them fall myself phooey~ I am a peaceful girl after all, so this kind of mission is a bit much~

Thankfully, there are Heroes ready to get that won't sabotage my mission too much. That is, the mamonos' husband~ Some of them managed to score newbie Heroes, and I heard demon lord's minion lots of heroes turned incubus. Since incubus seemed to still count as humans while quite powerful, that should count as good one~

Still phooey, hopefully Oetaru won't do something like this~

Why? Mimic of course! Those things are surprisingly commons and since others already spend fighting a rubbish mob along the way I become the de facto guy to trip the mimic off and robs the monster of all its valuable. Sadly most of them are money, which is useless for me, and so I ended up give most of them to Jaster. He seems to spend a lot for orphan who barely touch money when adventure start...
Nice guy~ Oh and you kept the mimic alive after opening it, gimme~ I think all the Great Ones might appreciate mimic, I know Anima with their "familiar place" gimmick would totally appreciate it~
User ID: Viceroy of Calamities
Current Identity: Sean Stretton
Active mission: Unlock Eden
Current World: Iron Ladies + Rogue Galaxy
Finance: 1,000,000 Contribution Points

That is, the mamonos' husband~ Some of them managed to score newbie Heroes, and I heard demon lord's minion lots of heroes turned incubus.
Incubus from the Demon King castle should be good; I believe that those that somehow manages to retain their conviction and march through their journey up to the very end where they face demon lord castle should at least deserved to be call 'great'
Oh and you kept the mimic alive after opening it, gimme~
Sure thing, I only have 99 of them so far.
99 Super lewd Mimics
User: Tea-Fuelled Intellect
Intelli Saiko
World: Boku no Hero Academia
Mission: -
Finance: - CP

The villains attack happened.

It happened mostly the same way, though some of my men managed to infiltrate them. Nothing much is found from it however, AFO kept their involvements clean from it. It was still a step however so it wasn't a loss. Especially as the data gathered from this is very precious, whether my fellow classmates, heroes, or the criminals all fighting seriously. Without much injury on our side of course, I've assisted my classroom teacher so he won't be as severely wounded and prevent 13, the black hole hero, from being wounded herself by the trickery of the villain.

Allmight came and finish up the rest while the students perform admirably, especially Izuku and Bakugo but that just obvious with my own gadgets and training I gave them. Most importantly, I've secured the Nomu and many villain. That should help with future development.
User ID: Viceroy of Calamities
Current Identity: Sean Stretton
Active mission: Unlock Eden
Current World: Iron Ladies + Rogue Galaxy
Finance: 1,000,000 Contribution Points

While JRPG adventure going on, Kowtang is trading stuff likes crazies.

On the bright side, this time it wasn't me… Instead, it's Chai who seems to realise he's falling behind Kota and need to do something really fast. I'll leave detail for Chai to write in his own post, but to me, what ended up happened is me giving up my Pandemic Blade for the Combination of the Weaving Skill and Esper Power: Realization.

This and my grade E gene fusion allow me to do so many things; one of them is copying other people artefact, physique, or even skill and use temporary use them as if I actually own them.

Potent power, one with many usages!

Without much injury on our side of course, I've assisted my classroom teacher so he won't be as severely wounded.
That's good, still if people of your side need some support, my angels are still bored right now~
User: Great Work Prospector
Clara of Archisorte
World: Tropico? A Lord Game?
Mission: El Presidente Never Dies!
Finance: 1500000 CP

Alright, let's stop gimping out for a bit.

Building stuff from the stuff is fun but I kinda miss my soft bed so time to cheat! Paying An some money, I got myself a whole city~ It's still mostly classic medieval fantasy aesthetic but the design and foundational ideology it made is based on more advanced stuff. Castle walls made of super concrete and supermetal, four stories stall cottage lining up a beautiful cobble road, decorative statues with CCTV and security system built in. Mix of traditional and improved with technology. Nothing too complex such as anything made with chips, but still far beyond than anything in this world.

Well, except my personal lab. Under the castle basement, a massive workshop just for me. This should me fabricate stuff faster~

That's good, still if people of your side need some support, my angels are still bored right now~
What happens when someone overleveled in a JRPG world~
User: Venator of Absolution
Current Identity: Alvin Frei
Active mission: -NONE-
Current World: Villainess Paradise
Finance: 30,000 Contribution Points

Golem allow me to scale up, soon enough I start to clear out all quest.

At first, I use robots to gain the quick bucks, then the governor see my machine and start lowering the pay. In respond, I pull and golem strike, and we end up making a deal where these golems will solve a recurring problem semi-permanently.

Since job can benefit me more than one time purchase I was going to decline; governor know this so he makes an offer I can't refuse. He'll send me to a top tier school; one that would guarantee my place later in the Academy of Higher Education. I know he probably will use power to make everything happen for practically free, but considering what I have to pay otherwise, I ended up agree to the deal…

Hopefully this will smooth thing up~

Well, except my personal lab. Under the castle basement, a massive workshop just for me.
Clara being supervillainess, just like how we all loves her!
User: Great Work Prospector
Clara of Archisorte
World: Tropico? A Lord Game?
Mission: El Presidente Never Dies!
Finance: 1500000 CP

Speaking of, our city is actually quite empty.

An might've gone overboard and turned decent chunk of the island into the city. The mountainous centre turns into mining and factory area, the beach turns into massive docks, essentially a third of the island is the city now. Which we don't really have enough people to live in. We can't even fill a tenth of it when we give each person a building. At least it's not whole island, though honestly, she might as well already since the leftover jungle is actually carefully remade into logging and nature preserve. The remaining fertile plains and swamps actually easily can be converted into farms and fields.

Cheat user is truly different, ufufu~

lara being supervillainess, just like how we all loves her!
Now that's slander, I am simply being true capitalistic desire. Expand, expand, expand!
User: Vanquisher of Beginning
Current Identity: Ye Xuan
Active Mission: -NONE-
Current World: You agreed to fight with Mechas; why do you use your body to destroy stars?
Finance: 56,000 Contribution Points

Making a Breakthrough was interesting.

Since the Grade 4 promotion was a milestone rank, I ended up finding myself not in a historical remnant like other case but instead in real world just in an unknown planet far, far away. Mission this time is to help civilisation survive calamity and usher them to new ages of Mecha.

And of course, since this is real world, I have only 1 chances to do it right. No wonder there is sharp drop between Grade 4 and Grade 5.

Thankfully, unlike others, all 4 of my machines are rather uniques. Kururi, the steam Kakashi, can turn into human and communicate. Steel Can, the Tetsujin, able to move independently, Mimi, the Spiral Garanndoll, usually has the form of a girl work will with Kuudere Kururi. The only one that can't exactly capable of independent movement is the AC, which is fine, pilot wouldn't be one of they not even drive a mech.

Which we don't really have enough people to live in. We can't even fill a tenth of it when we give each person a building.
I can recommend many Kowtang who could send people to your world. Likes Bai or Sean.
User: Great Work Prospector
Clara of Archisorte
World: Tropico? A Lord Game?
Mission: El Presidente Never Dies!
Finance: 1500000 CP

Best part of our new city would be the fact we can afford ships, if we can crew it.

For now, I instead created aquatic creatures like kraken-like fabrication or an armoured whale as 'ships'. We will be able to finally explore our surrounding with these and minimal investment. Unlike regular ships, these creatures can move by itself so the crew needed only to guide and see what was found. Though of course, I made smaller 'escorts' using stuff I got from Yuuna like Megalodons. We can't be too sure about our safety after all, the sea most likely be even more dangerous than our island.

Hopefully we will found other islands, preferably inhabitated one. We need more people whether as ally, trading partners or future residents~

I can recommend many Kowtang who could send people to your world. Likes Bai or Sean.
Let's not spread Blue Star hmm?
User: Venator of Absolution
Current Identity: Alvin Frei
Active mission: -NONE-
Current World: Villainess Paradise
Finance: 30,000 Contribution Points

Some mistake happened, for some reason I was hired as guild/home room teacher instead of being student.

Thankfully, school still guaranteed that I'll get my recommend letter, as a matter of fact as soon as I accept the employment the dean pretty much hand my graduation certificate. At least I don't need to worry about not test, I guess.

Anyway because of reasoning above I am now in charges of a bunch of kid from either the church or house of low nobility. By low, I mean mostly son of knight and esquire with few baronets. The highest ranking amongst these kid seems to be a young brunette who's a child of a poor baron. Amusingly, she loves to act like she comes from the lowest of low family.

Oh yeah, act... For some reason every kid here is odd; they seem to all keep it to themselves though.

Hopefully we will found other islands, preferably inhabitated one.
If you can't find new land, make one!
User: Great Work Prospector
Clara of Archisorte
World: Tropico? A Lord Game?
Mission: El Presidente Never Dies!
Finance: 1500000 CP

The work never ends~

Even if we basically conquered the surface of the island due to An's excessive city building, there are still wildlands to make sure not spillover to our city. Not to mention there is actually an extensive cave system underneath the central mountains that goes in quite deep and branched before ended in huge cavernous opening. Huge enough to potentially house millions of peoples and monsters so I won't be surprised if there is some sort underground monsters or even civilisation here.

So I've decided to train our first human soldiers that will be tasked not to guard our people but to go out to the world. Sort of. Closer to adventurer party as there's only three of them but it can't be helped, we don't have many people right now.

If you can't find new land, make one!
While technically not impossible, those will take way too many labour ufufufu. Terraforming is a bit harder when you aren't somekind of magicians or god after all. And it seems you got quite the Opportunity, maximise your gain from it~
User ID: Viceroy of Calamities
Current Identity: Sean Stretton
Active mission: Unlock Eden
Current World: Iron Ladies + Rogue Galaxy
Finance: 1,000,000 Contribution Points

Journey to Star continue, this time I found myself back in Zarard.

Reason? Well, Dogenark have been sailed for a decade, and it's about time for someone to renew her ship licence. Considering that I am their current employer, I decided that they also should take time doing some retrofit and deep clean too. Ship need to be treated well.

For the crew, Jaster and his new friend are in charge of extended licence, while Dorgen will go reconnect some connection he had.

And me, I'll go meet my angels and maybe enjoy the high life of being a constitutional monarch. Life of pure luxury with none of the responsibility; whoever think of this idea is a genius! Oh, since I am here it probably good to start using factory to R&D some weapons considering that our weapon are kind of under performing Jaster might appreciate the upgrade... and Insector!

Sort of. Closer to adventurer party as there's only three of them but it can't be helped, we don't have many people right now.
When lack quality... one would need quality to compensate that!