Transfictional Isekai Chatroom [IC]

To all who will see this message: I come bearing good news for you. You've most likely found yourself stranded far away from your home, maybe in a new world you can recognize, or maybe you can't. However, you're not alone. I welcome you to your omniversal sector's Transfictional Isekai Chatroom!

Here you will be able to come in contact with other people who have been isekai'd just as you have, trade with them, and receive support on your journey. But before everything, we must of course get to know you, so here are a few quick questions to get the ball rolling on your introductory post:

- Who are you?
- In what world have you found yourself?
- Have you accomplished anything interesting in your time here?
- Have you found out where you are in your world's timeline?
- Is there anything you're interested in doing in your world?
- Do you have any questions of your own?

Feel free to pick only a couple if you don't feel like answering everything, or simply can't give an answer yet. Regardless, we'll welcome you with open arms.

This is Vihan Tetsukoro, acting director of the Chatroom, signing off for now.

OOC: To read the rules, please go to the OOC thread first HERE
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User ID: CEO Of Information
Current World:
Current Identity: Vihan Tetsukoro
CP: (does it matter?)

Alright, everything should be sorted out. Might need to tidy up some of the code in the background, but it should be good to go.
User: Deaf to All but Songs
Mystia Lorelei
World: Touhou
Mission: -
Finance: -

Oh, it's finally open!

Hello, I am Mystia Lorelei from Gensokyo, a Night Sparrow youkai. It's u-um, complicated but basically imagine just all fantasy need some sort of sanctuary to sustain themselves, and just create an isolated pocket world? Oh dear me, I am not really smart about this but if anyone has question then I'll try to answer. Though I myself just a night sparrow youkai and besides scaring human, I occasionally also open up a stall too though. It's more of hobby thing but I am quite confident about my cooking ability!

...That's about it? Things are a bit in the calm era after the latest Hakurei no Miko, the arbitrator of Gensokyo basically, just enforced some interesting rule. Instead of normal fighting, we use this thing called danmaku. It's intended to be a non-lethal, fun way to solve things, also to make it fair for weaker people (like humans) to face against the stronger youkais. It's like battle of firework magic basically!

Un, I think that's it!
User ID: Property Damage
World: Minecraft
Mission: -N/A-
CP: 10,000

Why hello, there!

The name's Santana, darlings~ Not sharing my last name just yet, but that doesn't really matter out here. As you can read above, I found myself not too long ago in the lawless land of cubes and pickaxes! While I might not exactly have a stable home or any such thing, I've had tons of fun simply running around and picking up everything that caught my interest.

I, um... I may have gone a bit overboard. But that's in the past! New life new me, right? I'm not sure just yet if this is purely vanilla minecraft or a modded version (oh how I dread some of the options), but we shall see! For the time being I'll get started on building my own home. Til next, darlings~

Instead of normal fighting, we use this thing called danmaku. It's intended to be a non-lethal, fun way to solve things, also to make it fair for weaker people (like humans) to face against the stronger youkais. It's like battle of firework magic basically!
Oho, that sounds like quite the sight! Ah, if only we could have something of the sort here. I'd take fireworks over running from the zombies and skeletons any day of the week... alas, I think they might be a bit too dumb to appreciate.
User: Deaf to All but Songs
Mystia Lorelei
World: Touhou
Mission: -
Finance: -

It's a quiet night again~ Alone in the woods, without you~

Ah hello there Santana! Minecraft...I remember that, it was the one with funny voice right? Or was it Robux? Hmm, ah sorry, I am not very good at remembering things....Though I don't think it would count as 'a bit overboard', I am pretty sure the bill worth more than several universes combined but listen to this bird all prattling about something not my problem, sorry sorry!

I don't know a lot about building things but if you need something like bamboos or food, we have aplenty here! Good luck out there, Santana~
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User ID: Property Damage
World: Minecraft
Mission: -N/A-
CP: 10,000

Back again~

I was digging for some materials and found a music disk. Lucky me! And also a diamond, which I of course used for the most important thing in the world! ...Yep, a jukebox to listen to the disk! That funky tune really helped me work, and my new house is now finished! It's... well, not that great just yet, but it will hold on for now! Maybe after I've given it a few touch-ups I'll share a picture.

I don't know a lot about building things but if you need something like bamboos or food, we have aplenty here! Good luck out there, Santana~
Some food would be really nice right about now, actually. Bread, meat and apples gets pretty boring after a while.
User: Celestial Lord of Spirit
Current Identity: Osler Bolneze
Active mission: -NONE-
Current World: Unrivaled Tang Sect
Finance: 2,000,000 Contribution Points

Finally a Character Slot, I almost thought I might be stuck in Astral Plane forever.

To real newbies, the name's Osler. I am a Spiritmaster and Aspiring Restaurateur; I say aspiring mainly because currently I am a student at the Shrek Academy. Being a student means that sadly I cannot be a full-time chef and run the restaurant at the moment.

All problems won't stop me from making progress though; right now I just made a contract with Huo Yuhao and pretty much asked him to sell his recipe for monthly earnings. This way he won't be my competitor and instead be part of my business once the school approves my building my shop on campus... Failing that, the front of campus is fine too.

My goal was to earn from rich kid in school, so as long as I'm close to money anywhere is fine!
User: Deaf to All but Songs
Mystia Lorelei
World: Touhou
Mission: -
Finance: -

No customers tonight too it seems, hmm~ Maybe I should find a better spot~

Some food would be really nice right about now, actually. Bread, meat and apples gets pretty boring after a while.
Oh, dear, that's no good! Something about nuts would be out of balance!(?) Hmm, I don't think it would be proper to serve some Sake! Enjoy, dearie!
1x Plate of Grilled Lamprey
1x Cup of Honey Tea
To real newbies, the name's Osler. I am a Spiritmaster and Aspiring Restaurateur; I say aspiring mainly because currently I am a student at the Shrek Academy. Being a student means that sadly I cannot be a full-time chef and run the restaurant at the moment.
Greetings, Osler. Already aspired to run your own Restaurant at your age? Oh, how humans truly ambitious! And from what I heard, you're truly blessed by God of Food themselves with your weird spirit ability thing too?

It would certainly be convenient to be able to just summon things around, but I do hold my small, rackety cart dearly~ Made it myself too! Though I can do with some improvements.
User ID: Property Damage
World: Minecraft
Mission: -N/A-
CP: 10,000

So, I mentioned in my post that I wondered if I was in a modded world. Turns out I am, but most of the mods are blurred out? I did find out how to access the NEI display, though! While having dinner, even, so thank you Mystia-chan~

Ah, if you don't know NEI, it basically shows me a list of everything in the world (or it should, at any rate) and shows me how it can be created, if possible.

In other news, had some encounters with a particularly stubborn Enderman, and I needed to stay underwater for hours before it got bored and left. Feeling a bit chilly now.

And enjoy I did!
My goal was to earn from rich kid in school, so as long as I'm close to money anywhere is fine!
Money sure makes the world go 'round, doesn't it? Well, welcome to this little gathering of ours, Osler! I hope you brought drinks for everyone~
User: Celestial Lord of Spirit
Current Identity: Osler Bolneze
Active mission: -NONE-
Current World: Unrivaled Tang Sect
Finance: 2,000,000 Contribution Points

It would certainly be convenient to be able to just summon things around, but I do hold my small, rackety cart dearly... Made it myself too! Though I can do with some improvements.
Mhm, my Gate of Cookery Tools is very convenient, though sadly unlike a cheat system user, I have to source the food myself. This mean once in a while I'd need to go the Stardou Forest to restock a food!
I hope you brought drinks for everyone
Not sure if this is enough for anyone but here have some Honey Ale
a Barrel of Honey Ale for each member
User: Deaf to All but Songs
Mystia Lorelei
World: Touhou
Mission: -
Finance: -

Oh goodness, things are very dangerous indeed sometime.

I was simply out looking ingredients before a wild youkai tackled me and managed to get few good hits at me before I was able to flee. My poor arm, I don't think I can cook today, maybe tomorrow too. It's a bit unfortunate but at least I am still alive, such is fate of the weak I suppose. But at least I managed to get quite a bit of ingredients! Some honey, mushrooms and even a whole sack of rice, still quite good too! There are other stuff but those are mostly perishables and my ice box sadly already full.

Maybe I should get some work so I can buy some new storage? That would be useful indeed to store more things!

Feeling a bit chilly now.
Oh, that's no good! I don't have many but I hope this will help!
1x ratty cloak
And that's quite something you find, if I understand right. It's like those book things people mentioned a lot!
I have to source the food myself. This mean once in a while I'd need to go the Stardou Forest to restock a food!
Ah, that is quite the chore isn't it? I have to restock my ingredients too, mostly by scavenging them from the forest. From the lamprey, seaweed, the ingredients for the drinks, to even Rice! Oh, if only I know a dragon like that one legend, endless rice would be nice indeed! But alas, having to brave the Forest and hope no Youkais tried to eat me.

Thanks for the Honey Ale, it's delicious! I wonder what recipe and ingredients you use, but I don't think I can get enough things to make Ale in any case..
User ID: Echo
Name: Sam 3.0
World: Nier: Automata
Mission: -N/A-
CP: 20,000

From me to me to you, hello hello!

I guess this is the part where I gotta provide some context on things.

Name's Sam like you saw up there, last in the series. Or so the other me would like to hope.

That's neither here nor there though, what you want to know is what I'm doing, so let's move onto that.

Little old me was thrown all the way to Nier: Automata. The DB was required to even be allowed to be alive here, which is of course, soooo fun. Stuff is interesting when you're not the one experiencing them, huh?

Well anyway. This place. Timeline? No clue.
Anything notable? Pft, yeah sure. The other me didn't even have the common decency of giving me a power or a weapon...

Anyway, I'm intended to find the droids in a while. Things should be fairly ok all things considered, but I can't help but shake the feeling that the other me is forgetting something. This might come back to bite me in the ass, unfortunately.

Oh, right. Please send me help if you can. I'm not as shy about this as the other me's since I know a bit more than them. I'll try to keep tabs on things and get it back to you later in some form or another. Or just help newbies when it's my turn I guess.
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User: Deaf to All but Songs
Mystia Lorelei
World: Touhou
Mission: -
Finance: -

Oh, right. Please send me help if you can. I'm not as shy about this as the other me's since I know a bit more than them. I'll try to keep tabs on things and get it back to you later in some form or another. Or just help newbies when it's my turn I guess.
So many people in dangerous (?) place! Hmm..I don't think I can give you a [Spellcard], or maybe I can? Ah here, also some bamboo spear!
1x [Vocal Sign "Hooting in the Night" (EASY)] Spellcard
1x Sharpened bamboo
User ID: Echo
Name: Sam 3.0
World: Nier: Automata
Mission: -N/A-
CP: 20,000

It's honestly absurd how much the machines have overrun this place. It feels like at every street corner I turn, there's a machine waiting for me.
Of course, the ones that are around are the basic stubbies. Annoying little hunks of metal. All noise, little to no threat, even to me.
So many people in dangerous (?) place! Hmm..I don't think I can give you a [Spellcard], or maybe I can? Ah here, also some bamboo spear!
Danmaku fits right at home in this place. Ran into a flyer and had to fight it, their bullets were really similar to Danmaku's. It's an interesting way of fighting tbf. The spear isn't really all that good against metal, but it's good at keeping them away from me. Stabbing the circuits once it was down from Danmaku bullets in this case.

Would you believe me if I said I ran into 2B and 9S? Like, absolutely on chance. Still don't know where I am btw.
Anyway, they came to me more than I went to them. From what they said, they were looking for me? They didn't provide much information but from their attitude... I should probably be safe. Their gazes are heavy. Feels like a Christian looking at God or smth. It's weird.
User ID: Property Damage
World: Minecraft
Mission: -N/A-
CP: 10,000

I may or may not have fallen in a ravine. Ow.

I'll be fine though, no worries. So long as I'm not dead I can just heal with food.

My poor arm, I don't think I can cook today, maybe tomorrow too. It's a bit unfortunate but at least I am still alive, such is fate of the weak I suppose.
Oh dear, that sounds painful. It does sadden me so to know I can't help. Though, I do know how to brew some healing potions. Only issue would be, well... the resources. Heh. The Nether isn't a place I can handle as I am now. Though, thank you for the cloak. I'll remember this kindness~
Oh, right. Please send me help if you can. I'm not as shy about this as the other me's since I know a bit more than them. I'll try to keep tabs on things and get it back to you later in some form or another.
Hm... I doubt anything I have on hand would be helpful in such an advanced world, alas. I do wish you a warm welcome, though!

...Dear me, I should do my best to get a move on, shouldn't I?
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User: Deaf to All but Songs
Mystia Lorelei
World: Touhou: Mystia's Izakaya
Mission: Help Mystia!
Finance: -

This is weiiird~

Helping myself in another world, how odd! Things seem more...friendly, this me has a friend! I never saw this dog youkai before so maybe newcomer? She apparently has stall all across Gensokyo too or something? Even in the Human Village! If it were me, I would've been smashed by the guardian there! People are so friendly, this me got many customers including humans and even the scary Hakurei Miko! And they eat, enjoying the food before paying!

Oh and the food, this me has so many different food! Many recipes and ingredients I never seen before, in a much bigger stall and might as well a full-on restaurant! ...It's a bit weird she doesn't want to cook avian meat though, something about fellow birds? I don't understand but if it's what she wants...

But things are great! It's only one night and I've learned a lot! ...ohh, these eclectric ice box is soo nice~

Maybe you, or humanity, are their god? Ohh, maybe you're like prophesied hero!
I'll remember this kindness~
Don't worry Santana, I heal faster than human after all! Just keep yourself safe and stomach full!
Yomi Sagishi.
P: 200



[User has been Muted]

[ x15 Explicit messages removed]

[ x200 Explicit messages removed]

[User has been Unmuted]

I'm killing something I swear
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User: Celestial Lord of Spirit
Current Identity: Osler Bolneze
Active mission: -NONE-
Current World: Unrivaled Tang Sect
Finance: 2,000,000 Contribution Points

Oh, right. Please send me help if you can. I'm not as shy about this as the other me's since I know a bit more than them.
Hello there, the name's Osler. If you want some food with weird mystical property than you can ask me. I'll try to see if I can cook up something that could help you... Failing that at least it would be a nice solid food!
So long as I'm not dead I can just heal with food.
Here have some hotdogs
User: Deaf to All but Songs
Mystia Lorelei
World: Touhou: Mystia's Izakaya
Mission: Help Mystia!
Finance: -

Phew, things are tough here! So many customers, and some of them can be quite handful.

Most importantly though, I found out this me can do magic! Oh, dear, of course I can too but she can just sing and helped with the cooking? Cooking just become easier, hard to describe but definitely much quicker than it should be, I think. It tasted very good too, though maybe it's just her being really good at cooking!

Hmm, I am a bit jealous with that weird? I think it's a bit weird~
User: Dream God Involvolus
Current Identity: Eru Involvolus
Active mission: -NONE-
Current World: That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime
Finance: 0 Contribution Points


Live Feeds

A small caterpillar is having a feast using its Extra Skill [Gu Parasite] the lavar who was eating the corpse of an Orge managed to sneak into the Orc lord Geld's body. Even when he is inside the monster's stomach Eru continues to eat Orge's leader absorbing any knowledge and skill he could gain from the consumption.

Intrinsic Skill: [Ultimate consumption] activated gain
  • Skill: Thought Communication
  • Skill: Leadership

The caterpillar does not know what exactly it heard but the blessing allows it to understand that this is a good thing... Which is good enough for Eru to continue eating even while it's inside Orc of Gluttony
User: Nadir Fortune Breaker
Current Identity: Kurtis Aalto
Active mission: -NONE-
Current World: My Dungeons are Popular
Finance: 0 Contribution Points

My Dungeons are Popular... a setting that once ruins future prospect of a Kowtang.

As a demonic man-eater without much way to advance, I decided to take this challenge and become the Nightmare Keeper! This is a horrifying job one where thousands of humans ended up going insane all just to keep a nightmare lord at bay. Good thing I am not a human, and pray that my inhumanity will allow me to complete the world without damage.

Taking Wayne's spot I wake up as a fresh out graduate who manages to land myself a job in prison; this is the first day of the job where the boss will the place around mainly where all nightmare lords reside.

I have feeling things will start out very grim...
User ID: Property Damage
World: Minecraft
Mission: -N/A-
CP: 1,652

Well, as it turns out, there are... a number of monsters in this world that are not part of the original game. And so I needed a way to defend myself quickly, which means now I can't speak normally.

Yes, a confusing sequence of events, I know. The crux of the matter is that I bought a power to save my own skin, however the ability -- the Cursed Speech Seal -- causes every word I say to become a direct command. Further, each word places a lot of strain on my throat, so as of now I can get perhaps three or four commands out before losing my capacity to speak completely for some time.

That'll teach me to buy things in the heat of the moment~

Here have some hotdogs
Why thank you, they're quite delicious.
I'm killing something I swear
I see someone has the right idea here!
I have feeling things will start out very grim...
Aren't things always terrible anyways? I say it's better to just march ahead with a grin and let things come!
User: Deaf to All but Songs
Mystia Lorelei
World: Touhou: Mystia's Izakaya
Mission: Help Mystia!
Finance: -

Tonight's star is a pair of easygoing egoist~

I would never expected to meet gods, or any of the infamous people really, especially misfortune gods but here Mystia seems fine? Both the goddesses, a trio of poltergeist and a tsukumogami seemed to hold a concert that surprisingly popular? ....This world is very weird, very friendly,!

I have feeling things will start out very grim...
Why so many people start in bad place? you need anything mister? Not that I can send much beyond food..
1x plate of grilled lampreys
That'll teach me to buy things in the heat of the moment~
Oh that's why you were quiet, I see. Pity, your voice seem pretty but that's also cool~
User: Dream God Involvolus
Current Identity: Eru Involvolus
Active mission: -NONE-
Current World: That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime
Finance: 0 Contribution Points

Eru is back in Orc Lord Tummy!

He seems to eat more people this time; no matter I am strong enough to eat him now... Eh, why there is Majin inside this guy's body? I better eat him first then, I wouldn't want Ord Lord to turn into something else. That would make getting out of him hard! Oh too late now? Orc Disaster? I'll just eat my way out of poor guy then!

And done! Oh, my skill evolving?! Gu and Ultimate Consumption change into Unique Skill: Tristitia?

Interestingly, with this, I might be able to control Geld to let me out of his body! Oh, what is my skill merge again? Vainglory and Acedia are somehow on my list too. Cimooo was right, once you get one other skill is easy! Then again it could be all skill he give me...

Nevermind that, time to get out!

More friend! Hello there little one~ Here, some food from the mall!~
Ice Cream is nice, I use it as bait for baddy slime who's eating Geld!