I'm still baffled that Nacli somehow entirely evaded the "too inexperienced" hammer that knocked Tinkatink out of the race. By literally this time tomorrow, unless our mandatory task gets cancelled, Tinkatink would be at least as strong as Nacli is now. A 200xp difference is basically nothing, and it isn't a lot of move xp either.
-Unique trait to treat wounds
-Ability in ghost-busting that may become required in the future
-Tank. Like, Garganacl is one of the best tanks to ever exist in Pokemon history and it gives a balance to our team's powerful but fragile attackers.
-Immediate advantage against the Bug Gym, and has useful match-ups against other leaders of Paldea (of the top of my mind, we have the ice gym in the future).
-And a strong personality.
if we can customize Pokémon like the Tinkaton line, can we do the same for Garganacl? Since Garganacl is basically a giant Pokémon made out of and covered in salt, can we sculpt its form? Instead of a walking salt pyramid can we have a salt knight?
Edit: Or at least vaguely knight shape?
Nacli (once it evolves) is also a solid damage-over-time attacker with Salt Cure, but rather than Roland and Drilbur's hit-and-run weardown raider style, it's a bulky tank that outlasts its target (while hitting it with salt and bolders). Personally the differing roles are appealing to me, since you conceptually have an anchor to pin enemies down and a harrier to attack their flanks and (in Roland's case) trap them.I also think that on a mechanical level, Drilbur helps lean into an existing playstyle with Dreepy. It gives Mary a fighting style she can build herself around, a DoT kind of build with Meowstic as a beat stick to finish the job.
I don't mind if Nacli wins, though.
Garganacl already looks like a Paladin. Just. A WoW Paladin, with the shoulders.
Of course honestly I'm noticing Nacli AND Drilbur would make a pretty incredible team, with a combination of sandstorm and salt cure just deleting everyone's HP over time. I'm not willing to do that in this Quest but maybe if I ever get into doubles in Showdown.
Yeah there's several reasons not to do it here. Honestly setting up Sandstorm for weather purposes is already situational with our current team comp, but if we pick up more Steel or Ground types LATER it might be worth investing in.Honestly, I don't really like the Sandstorm-Drilbur idea for our current team.
We'd have no synergy with it aside from them.
Frankly the idea that Garganacl's shoulders are massive pauldrons just makes me like them even more.Garganacl already looks like a Paladin. Just. A WoW Paladin, with the shoulders.
How would Sandstorm even work in this quest?
Because I'm not sweeping the entire building if we use it indoors.
According to the 1.2 Battle informational it doesn't actually do any damage, it just halves damage taken by Rock and Ground types.How would Sandstorm even work in this quest?
Because I'm not sweeping the entire building if we use it indoors.
According to the 1.2 Battle informational it doesn't actually do any damage, it just halves damage taken by Rock and Ground types.
Yeah that was a problem overall with the Highlands set. Or really any of the popular pre-main update options that weren't Charcadet (Fire immunity and eventual Fighting super-resistance...and the same vulnerability to Sunny's coverage moves that Roland has).Not at all a factor I'm using in my voting, just a minor quirk, but Drilbur is also the only option on the list that isn't hit supereffectively by one of Sunny's STABs. This will change after evolution though.
To be fair, Monferno can have fairly ridiculous coverage in general if you have a trainer willing to invest the time and money for TMs and aren't limited to four slots. Knockoff, Zen Headbut, Acrobatics, Rock Slide, Thunder Punch, Dig, Shadow claw...
To be fair, Monferno can have fairly ridiculous coverage in general if you have a trainer willing to invest the time and money for TMs and aren't limited to four slots. Knockoff, Zen Headbut, Acrobatics, Rock Slide, Thunder Punch, Dig, Shadow claw...
And it just gets worse as Infernape.
I think as long as Nemona spends time battling and reinvesting her money into her Pokemon, having a Pokemon that can resist all of Sunnys moves will remain a pipe dream.
That too. I was just listing physical coverage under the assumption it might specialize. Of course, having Swords Dance, Nasty Plot and Agility on the same mon means that trying to outbulk it is a rather terrible idea unless you can also pile on the damage quickly.It's saying something that Infernape is one of the few competitive mons that could viably run Mixed sets in the day. The fact he has such insane coverage means only things absurdly bulky are safe against it - and even that may not be enough in some cases.