[Touhou Quest Sign] Inside Flandre's Head

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Scraped from here.

You are Flandre Scarlet and you want to go outside.

You are Flandre...


Love & Destroy
Scraped from here.

You are Flandre Scarlet and you want to go outside.

You are Flandre Scarlet and you're afraid if you do, the world will crumble in your hands.

You are Flandre Scarlet and you're sick of those other voices saying they're Flandre. You're Flandre. They don't get to do anything unless you use Four of a Kind. They just need to shut up or they'll go boom again.

You are Flandre Scarlet and you wonder why people think you like Marisa more than Reimu. Marisa steals stuff and runs when she sees you. She also kinda sorta told you to kill yourself, though she probably didn't understand you mean it. Yeah, she's got that roguish charm and brass balls for a human whose power source is getting high off mushrooms, but she's so immature. You'd have to be her big sister, chronologically you are her elder but you'd have to act like the big sister. You wouldn't have to do that with Reimu.

Reimu is amazing.

Reimu beat your dear Elder Sister like she owed her money, then offered her tea. Your Elder Sister going from Queen of Midnight to sniffling little girl over a cup of tea was the most awesome thing you had seen in the four hundred and ninety something years you've been not-alive. Stupid preening bitch needed to get knocked down a peg or two.

The suckish thing is that Reimu won't invite you to tea. She doesn't even want to play danmaku with you, says its "hazardous to her health". It's not like you're going to rip open her pale neck and devour break her; you've been a good girl for so long you'd never do that. You have to show her how good a girl you are, even though Elder Sister grounded you.

You have to show her that you aren't dangerous.

You have to show her the vulgar fireworks.

You have to figure out a way to get out of this basement, first. This gloomy, though well-furnished basement, with its big comfy bed, graveyard of tattered toys, break-proof kappa laptop and the Time Out Corner. You don't like the Time Out Corner and it doesn't like you.

Back to the task at hand: how do you get out of the basement?

[] Through the door, duh. That's what doors are for.

[] Through the ceiling. They'll never expect that.

[] Use the laptop. Your friends will bust you out.

[] Kyuu.


I am FourthWall. You are the voices in Flandre Scarlet's head. I'm going to be playing fast and loose with Touhou, like I play fast and loose with everything else I write. I'll be keeping things primary, but I will mess with what little canon Touhou has if it'd be interesting and/or funny.

Always remember to take it easy and don't overdo it, okay?
FourthWall said:
You are Flandre Scarlet and you want to go outside.

You are Flandre Scarlet and you're afraid if you do, the world will crumble in your hands.

You are Flandre Scarlet and you're sick of those other voices saying they're Flandre. You're Flandre. They don't get to do anything unless you use Four of a Kind. They just need to shut up or they'll go boom again.

You are Flandre Scarlet and you wonder why people think you like Marisa more than Reimu. Marisa steals stuff and runs when she sees you. She also kinda sorta told you to kill yourself, though she probably didn't understand you mean it. Yeah, she's got that roguish charm and brass balls for a human whose power source is getting high off mushrooms, but she's so immature. You'd have to be her big sister, chronologically you are her elder but you'd have to act like the big sister. You wouldn't have to do that with Reimu.

Reimu is amazing.

Reimu beat your dear Elder Sister like she owed her money, then offered her tea. Your Elder Sister going from Queen of Midnight to sniffling little girl over a cup of tea was the most awesome thing you had seen in the four hundred and ninety something years you've been not-alive. Stupid preening bitch needed to get knocked down a peg or two.

The suckish thing is that Reimu won't invite you to tea. She doesn't even want to play danmaku with you, says its "hazardous to her health". It's not like you're going to rip open her pale neck and devour break her; you've been a good girl for so long you'd never do that. You have to show her how good a girl you are, even though Elder Sister grounded you.
Hora Hora~

In case anyone didn't notice the invisi-text
[X] Through the door, duh. That's what doors are for.
[X]Take the door with you. One could never know when you would need to make a passage somewhere.
[X] Through the door, duh. That's what doors are for.
[X]Take the door with you. One could never know when you would need to make a passage somewhere.
[X] Through the door, duh. That's what doors are for.
[X]Take the door with you. One could never know when you would need to make a passage somewhere.
[X] Through the door, duh. That's what doors are for.
[X]Take the door with you. One could never know when you would need to make a passage somewhere.
[X] Through the door, duh. That's what doors are for.


That was simple. So simple it kind of scared you how long it took to figure it out. You kinda got distracted with yourself and ended up getting into a heated debate with yourself.

The other you is glaring at you, eyes bloodshot and wild. She clenches her fist, over and over, growling in frustration. You know what she's trying to do and you won't let her. You're not a bad girl, so you won't let yourself be a bad girl.

You pull out a piece of paper, no bigger than an index card, and fold it in half.

"Spell break. No Kyuu for you".

The other you disappears in a puff of smoke and you feel a violent stab of pain in your mind. The eyes of the world stare at you, accuse you. You crush two of the ones in front of your right hand and relish the squishing noise.
You open the door. It falls off its hinges. You decide to take it with you, because then nobody will see it and Sakuya won't get mad. And you never know when you'll need a door. You put it in your inventory; you don't know why you have an inventory but you instinctively know you have one.

The hallway connecting your room to the rest of the house is made of old, worn stone. You like how solid the stone feels; it reminds you of Patchy's books. You were there when she lit your way with will-o-wisps, when Elder Sister thought you were mature enough to leave the Time Out Corner. It's one of the happiest memories you have from when you were a really bad girl. Remi was the murderer, the predator eating innocents. You didn't mean to break them, honest you didn't
When you get bored, you chase the will-o-wisps around and try to snatch them out of the air. Actually, that sounds like a good idea...

[ ] Touch fluffy wisps
[ ] No time, gotta go outside.


Laevateinn x 1
Door To Your Bedroom x 1
Taboo: [Four Of A Kind] x 1
i remember this one Touhou/touhou inspired song that's approrate for this. part of it was the singer repeating sweet and red over and over. anyone know the title?
[X] No time, gotta go outside.
[X] No time, gotta go outside.

Huzzah! We have managed to open a door! Soon we will have mastered such advanced concepts as tying our shoelaces or dressing ourselves! Soon! Soon! Bwahahaha! Not even Elder Sister shall be able to stop us from learning the secrets of mathematics and sanity! *Lightning clashes in the background as we laugh our crazy laugh*
FourthWall said:
"Spell break. No Kyuu for you".

The other you disappears in a puff of smoke and you feel a violent stab of pain in your mind. The eyes of the world stare at you, accuse you. You crush two of the ones in front of your right hand and relish the squishing noise.

You open the door. It falls off its hinges. You decide to take it with you, because then nobody will see it and Sakuya won't get mad. And you never know when you'll need a door. You put it in your inventory; you don't know why you have an inventory but you instinctively know you have one.

The hallway connecting your room to the rest of the house is made of old, worn stone. You like how solid the stone feels; it reminds you of Patchy's books. You were there when she lit your way with will-o-wisps, when Elder Sister thought you were mature enough to leave the Time Out Corner. It's one of the happiest memories you have from when you were a really bad girl. Remi was the murderer, the predator eating innocents. You didn't mean to break them, honest you didn't

When you get bored, you chase the will-o-wisps around and try to snatch them out of the air. Actually, that sounds like a good idea...

EDIT: Whoops! Messed up the formatting, should be clearer what was the invisitext now.
Shifter said:
Bad girl thingsThat bitch would deserve to be beaten unconscious, but it wouldn't leave us with enough time and energy to properly enjoy ourself elsewhere.
"Please don't bully Elder Sister. bitch deserves it, I wouldn't even break a sweat
I love my Elder Sister so much I want to rip out her heart and snuggle with it. That's normal, right me?"
FourthWall said:
"Please don't bully Elder Sister. bitch deserves it, I wouldn't even break a sweat
I love my Elder Sister so much I want to rip out her heart and snuggle with it. That's normal, right me?"
Yup. Everyone likes having their internal organs put to good use by their family. The heart is for snuggling so you can show each other your love, the intestines are for making a scarf so you're always together and they can keep you warm and comfortable, the lungs are for making balloons to promote a happy and cheerful mood, and the rest of the organs make great snacks so you don't have to suffer from being hungry!