Total War: Warhammer Space Opera Battles

Hello, I'm thinking of a mechanic for a new type of quest. As a basis, I decided to take a mixture of plan quests, as well as strategic mechanics of the Total War series, especially Total War: Warhammer. The setting will be Warhammer Fantasy Battles, transferred to the setting of a space opera, which together explains the name of this theme.

Now let's move on with the design itself. At the strategic level, the main territory is the region. In this case, it is a large planet serving as the capital for an entire region of space. They have three main characteristics - resource, culture and climate, we will talk about their influence below.

Each planet has two characteristics - the level of development and the level of population. The level of development is a kind of the main building of the planet, determining the number of possible buildings for the construction and improvements for them. Population level is a measure of the surplus of human labor that can be spent on the development of a province, as well as mobilized for military service.

The buildings themselves are divided into several categories, three of which will be available to everyone and everywhere. First, it is a category of infrastructure, including roads, agriculture, civil industry, and a spaceport, which provide resources and population growth. Second, this is the category of troop production, where the main army formations are made. Third, this is the military support category, where specific officers are trained, as well as rare but powerful units.

The culture of the region determines which structures you can build. This is, in a way, a faction of this region - the people of the Empire, the people of Bretonnia, the wood elves, and so on. The people of the Empire will, for example, have access to religious buildings displaying the cults of the Empire and opening up the recruitment of warriors for the church.

Provincial resources are specific useful goods that are used as a source of income, for trade and reduce the cost of building buildings. The climate acts as a modifier of the value of buildings in%.

The construction itself is carried out according to a system similar to the plan quests. You have a pool of cubes that allow players to invest in building something. The cost of a cube in resources is initially set and changes depending on the climate. The cubes themselves are divided by region, geographically, and not by industry. But there are two significant changes. First, the more cubes you put into construction, the greater the penalty you get. Second, funds are required to maintain existing buildings, and you can reassign N cubes to depreciate expenses.

Troops are needed to participate in military conflicts, and then capture new regions, which will bring more funds in order to be able to expand the army. Each culture has its own set of units from its own kidney of military buildings. For example, the army of the Empire is a combination of motorized infantry and imperial knights with the support of mobile equipment, as well as a large number of specialized units, inferior to counterparts of other factions. Bretonnia are super soldiers of the Grail. like space marines in armored vehicles, serving as the core of military power, covered by infantry militia forces. Dwarves are heavy infantry in exoskeletons for war on rugged terrain with almost no armored vehicles.

I'm need feedback on the clarity of this system, as well as ideas for its development.
The clarity here is pretty much completely lacking for me is the idea to turn this into Warhammer fantasy spelljammer edition? That each culture somehow comes to control an entire planet and all its resources?

Or is it more than 40k but a bit lighter on the grimdark with more Skaven and way more human disunity? If it's just the latter why even bother, isn't part of what makes Warhammer fantasy Warhammer fantasy the anarchic slew of technology, and all the imbalances that come with that?

Imagining bretonnia without horses I'm guessing and imperials with tanks everywhere feels like it may as well be a whole new more alien setting, is that the point?

I think the later could actually be fun = as long as the cultural basis for such factions remains, like to given an example.

Maybe these are like magical miniature planets, like luna sized?

Maybe it is my complete lack of understanding of how space opera tropes would apply here that's leaving me so alienated/

I confess I also not know what cubes and kidneys mean in this context.

An example of what my brain imagines remaking factions
Space Bretonnia
maybe because bretonnia hates engaging in melee combat with their nobles their other forces continue to become more and more prominent (though still poorly outfitted in comparison to the knights) but their now spacefaring space navy grows rapidly because those forces and the non-noble forces do use ranged weapons and thus have a higher survival rate?
Maybe they even still are even still in love with castles and cavalry charges. So they have continued breeding and modifying their steeds so that they look more like krieg horses and dark pegasi by this point in the new setting. Maybe they still build giant fortresses with pointed roofs and an absurd number of towers.
Even in canon I don't think betonnia inherently hated engineers, with a growing middle and merchant class not attached to the noble uper caste rulers I could see a lot of innovation being improved as long as it didn't go into things that would cause civil wars by being dishonrable.

Mayhaps much of this could go into agricultural machines horse-drawn threshers for everyone possibly aided by grail damsels empowering their fieds to grow faster.

Or if its more everything is bigger and darker and worse than i'm sure you can plenty of fan ideas for example integrating the skaven into 40k as inspiration.

You could have them be migratory like the hrud but otherwise mostly have tech on the level of the slaugth wherein their bioconstructs and mechanics have merged more smoothly together.

Instead of doom wheels and rat ogres, you could have large and dangerous troop transports that is basically very thik furry tissue surrounding a protective cage that opens out to disgorge skaven.
They already seemed to be heading that way during the end times, why wouldn't it be more exaggerated if they owned a whole planet?