Toolbelt [Worm/The Celestial Forge}

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Local nobody is reincarnated into Brockton with the celestial forge.
chapter 1
The first thing I noticed when I woke up was that I was not in my house. Hell, I wasn't even in my own body. "What in the world?" I say as he took in my surroundings. Judging by observation alone I seem to be in an abandoned warehouse. "This isn't my beautiful house." I look to my left and see a homeless person sleeping soundly. "This isn't my beautiful wife. My God, what have I done?"

As I finish my sentence, I'm assaulted by a torrent of memories. "AAAUGH". Collapsing to the floor, I begin to have severe headaches and flashbacks.


"So, I'm sorry to say this but you're dead" said the floating, glowing orb in obviously fake sadness. We were both in a small 10x10 foot white room.

"Prove it"

"How do I- Okay listen. You were visiting family in New Orleans, you didn't know you were allergic to shellfish and you died at a crawfish boil.". As he finishes speaking a translucent screen appears. Showing what would normally be an extremely handsome (average at best) young man with a bloated, red, puffy face, writhing on the floor and scratching at his neck.

"That could've been anyone." I say without shame. A silence hushed over us for a solid minute.

"You know what. I was gonna explain the power I was gonna give you, even give you a nice starting point. But that right there pissed me off. So good luck and don't come back". Said the orb before shooting me off to God knows where.


"AAAAAaaah" shortly after starting the headache stopped. "Well that guy was an asshole" I muttered to myself. Let's take stock of the situation. Abandoned warehouse, check. New body, check. Freezing my ass off, check. It's official, I have no idea who or where I am. I start looking through my pockets to find any idea of whose body I now occupy. Lets see, old, silver key, useless. *tosses away* Cigarettes, useless. *tosses away* Ow, a needle. Shit, am I a junkie now? *tosses away* Aha, a wallet. Lets see, no money. That means I'm broke. A membership card to Stop & Shop, I could get a discount on groceries if I had money. And finally, not a drivers license, but a student id. Winslow high school, Toole, Eric, H. At least I still have the same first name. Eyes green, hair blonde. Born May 3rd 1996. Issued August 2010.

Well, either old me is a sentimental junkie or I went back in time. I look next to me and see the homeless person still sleeping. A white woman with brown, greasy hair and tracks on her visible left arm. She looked anywhere between twenty and forty. That's what drugs do to you "Hey… hey" I tried shaking her awake. "Hey!" I smack her arm.

"Ah." she gasps as she wakes up. "Eric? Jeezus maaan, you scared the piss outta mee." she said either tired or still high off of whatever she… probably we did last night. The old Eric probably od'ed and died. That's most likely where I came in. "I know that loook on your face. You want another hiit dontcha." she slurred out. "Dont worry baby, mamas got juust what you need. But you know it's not gonna be free." the woman said as she spread her legs trying to look seductive.

"I- listen. miss, I don't want drugs, I don't want sex, I just want to know where I am and what year it is" I state as firmly as possible.

"What the hell're-'' I cut her off.

"Please Stop being an addict for five minutes and tell me where I am." the woman's face goes from seductive to worried.

"Eric, is everything oka-"

"PLEASE!" I yell , causing my voice to echo across the large vacant warehouse. She flinches.

"Y-your;e in the old canning factory near the docks, merchant territory". She says, trembling. "Eric what's going on? you're scaring me."

Wait a minute. Docks, merchants,. And what the orb said earlier about powers. 'Oh no' I think to myself. Growing realization dawning on my face "What year is it?"

"Eric, what-" she starts before I cut her off again.

"WHAT year is it?" she flinches again and starts trembling even harder.

"T-two thousand eleven. Please don't hurt me." the woman says almost folding into herself.

"FUCK!" I yell at the top of my lungs. I was in Brockton bay in 2011. I have no money, I have no shelter, and it seems my only companion is a junkie. I start pacing back and forth. What am I gonna do?

"Eric, are you okay? You're scaring me real bad." the woman said, approaching me.

"DON'T TOUCH ME" I yell out again. Waving my arms in a threatening manner. She backs up and falls over, eyes welling up with tears. Fuck now I feel guilty. I calm down enough to speak without yelling. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you. It's just that I just woke up and everything's…a lot.`` I say as I sit down on some old, wooden crate.

She slowly approaches me and puts her arms around me. This time I didn't yell at her. "It's alright babe, tinker drugs do that sometimes. At least you didn't end up like Darren" she says placatingly. "You wanna talk about it?" she asks

I think about her offer for a moment. "no , I don't think I will." I say solemnly. I just sit there and think to myself while this woman, a complete stranger to me, is comforting me. As I think to myself I try to remember what the orb told me. He said something about powers. Did he give me any or did I piss it off too much? As I went through every possible superpower I could think of , I kept drawing blanks. While I can't think, let's talk to this lady whose name I don't know. "Hey.".


"What's your name?" I am trying to sound casual and not awkward at all.

"Are you serious? We've known each other for months." she asks, annoyed.

"I don't know, I guess it never came up" I lied, faking ignorance.

*sigh* "Julie, my name's Julie." she says exasperated.

I stay silent for a moment before speaking "...that's a pretty name."


Suddenly I feel a buzzing in the back of my head. And then knowledge. Suddenly I learned about cars. A lot about cars. Not just cars, anything with a steering wheel. How to fix them, how to drive them, how to turn them into mobile death machines. Along with that I got even more knowledge about where it came from. It was a perk called vehicular skills from the Vehicles domain. Holy shit I got the celestial forge as my superpower.

"The key" I say , turning my head to where I threw it. Getting up from Julie's surprisingly pleasant hug, I began rummaging through the trash and used needles looking for it.

Watching me with curiosity, Julie asks "what're you looking for?"

"Earlier , before I woke you up I threw an old key over in this general direction. I think it's important." I explain while still moving stuff around.

"If it's so important then why did you throw it?" she asks, while still sitting on the crate I was just on earlier.

"Because I didn't think it was important at the time, but if it's what I think it is. Then it will change everything forever.". I explain, avoiding needles.

After ten minutes of searching I still can't find it. "It's not here. My literal key to the sweet life and I THREW IT AWAY!" I yell in frustration.

"Woah, woah. Calm down. Nothing was solved by being angry. Here smoke this, it'll mellow you out.'' Julie says pulling a pipe from…somewhere.

Maybe she's right. Maybe I do need to calm down, but I'm not smoking crack. "No thanks". Lets just calm down and think about this. In all the fanfics I read the key appeared in their pocket or hand when they summoned it. Maybe if I hold out my hand and think real hard… suddenly there was a bright flash of light and the key appeared in my hand.

"Woah! How'd you do that?" Julie asked from behind my shoulder, making me jump.

Calming myself down, I answer. "I don't know, I just thought about the key, and here it is."

"Are you a cap? Is that what that was all about this morning?" she asks curiously. Still smoking the pipe

"I don't know. I-I guess" I answer.

"What's it do" she asks, slurring her words a bit.

Walking up to the nearest door I turn to her and say "watch this."
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It looks promising enough, I hope that once MC Isekai, he will not work for merchants for a long time as in another Celestial Forge with a similar beginning.
You need to edit you chapters with proper punctuations and paragraphs. It's feeling a bit disjointed.
chapter 2
Walking up to the nearest door I turn to her and say "Watch this."

I put the key into the keyhole that wasn't there earlier and opened the door. Behind the door was an empty 10x10 foot white room.

"Woah," Julie exclaimed before running in. "You make pocket dimensions?" she asks, looking around the room.

"I can do a bit more than that." I start to explain as I walk into the room. The old Eric seemed to trust her, why shouldn't I? "Basically I'm a tinker, and this is my workshop. It's empty now, but pretty soon it will grow bigger and better than any tinker workshop in the world." I say. "But right now my powers are limiting my tinker knowledge and workshop so that my brain doesn't melt from some type of synaptic overload"

"So you're only gonna get stronger?" Julie asks, continuing to look around. I nod my head in confirmation. "Neat, what can you do for right now?"

"Well for right now, I can take old junked cars, fix 'em up, and turn them into death machines straight out of a post apocalypse setting." I say with a bit of pride in my voice.

"So it's like squealer's power then." she asks, causing me to deflate a bit.

"It's better than squealers…eventually" .


"Yes. But right now I have a new problem. In order to make a death machine I need a car, maybe even a few. Now, the best place to look for cars and vehicles is the scrapyard." I say with a bit of an edge in my voice.

"The scrapyard that the merchants use as one of their HQ's.. shit." Julie says in realization

"Shit indeed."

As I sit down on the pristine white floors to think to myself, Julie comes to sit next to me. "You know, there is one way we can get some cars." she says with a mischievous grin. "We could wait 'till tonight and just jack one."

Holy shit she's right. I mean, morally she's wrong. But why can't I just steal a car or two. I was never really an upstanding person in my old life, why start now. I guess I thought that sense I was in Worm, I had to be a hero. But grand theft, that's bigger than anything I've done in my past life. "You'd steal cars for me?" I asked her.

"Not like I haven't stolen one before." she said with that mischievous grin still plastered on her face. Well I guess I'm a villain now. Not that I mind.


It's eleven-thirty at night and Julie and I are both getting ready. "Remember, the car doesn't have to be new, it doesn't even have to be in very good condition. It just needs to run, nothing fancy." i say trying to emphasize the importance of the mission.

"I know, I know. You've repeated yourself twice already. we'll split up and meet back here in three hours with the whips." said Julie before turning to leave. "Hey" she called before opening the door to the warehouse "be safe.".

"You too"

Looking around the warehouse district, I've got to say, it doesn't look as dangerous as i thought it would be *gunshot* *scream* nevermind. Just keep your head low until you find a residential area.

After an hour of walking I'm at a street littered with gas stations and truck stops. As I'm walking through the street I feel the buzzing in the back of my head again. Technical expertise, from the Knowledge Abilities and Skills domain, it lets me know how to take apart any piece of non tinker tech and put it back together even better than it was before. It also synergizes really well with vehicular skills. With this I should have no problem building a death machine out of a couple of old cars. In fact with this new perk i should be able to boost an even better car than what i originally was going to take with no problem. While I was thinking of all the possibilities of my new perk I saw her. A c4 Chevrolet Corvette, red. The car of my dreams ever since I was a child. Parked by a gas pump of a seven-eleven, her owner just stepped out to pay for gas. It can't be this easy, can it. She's only twenty feet away, nobody's looking. Walking up to the car I reach for the door. She's unlocked. Opening the door, I step into the driver's seat, the keys are still in the ignition. *gulp* I turn the key and she roars to life. "Ha haha HAHAHA" I started laughing my head off. "HOLY SHIT! I'M IN A GODDAMN CORVETTE!"

I put her in drive and peel out. It was then that the owner of the car finally ran out of the gas station. "Hey, that's my car! GET OUT OF MY FUCKING CAR!!" he yells at the top of his lungs. Sounds like that's my que to leave. I speed out of the parking lot and race down the street going well above the speed limit.

After twenty minutes of driving and making sure no one was chasing me I pulled up near a warehouse with a large garage door, turning off the car and stepping out. I grabbed my key and headed towards the garage door. Opening my pocket dimension I look at the small 10x10 foot room. "I dont think I'm gonna fit two cars in here.". As if heeding my words, the small room expands to easily fit two cars. "Huh, that works too I guess." i say. After parking the car in the pocket dimension and closing the door making sure no one saw me, I started walking toward the meet up place where Julie and I said we would meet up. It took me an hour and a half to get there but when I finally showed up, Julie was already there leaning against an old, beat up, yellow VW bug.

"About time you finally showed up. I was starting to get worried." she said with a light grin on her face. "Dude, where's your car?" she asks, looking around.

That caused me to grow a grin of my own. "Watch this." I say as I open the door to my pocket dimension. As she's walking through the door, she notices the corvette.

"What happened to nothing fancy?" she asks, eyeing up the car.

"This was a once in a lifetime opportunity, but that's not important, I'll tell you about it later. What is important is getting that other car in here. C'mon."I say walking out of the door.

As soon as we have both cars in, Julie looks at me and says "I know you're probably itching to start taking apart those cars, but it's two-thirty and I'm tired. I'm gonna get some shuteye.". She starts walking back to the warehouse, where we sleep. As she leaves, I begin to think that sleep doesn't sound too bad. Closing the door and walking up to two ratty couches, one already occupied by her, I get in the other one and begin to close my eyes. Tomorrow's going to be a big day.
I guess he's not really too bothered by morals. I was kind of concerned about Julie but as far as we see and the small hints you are dropping she seems like a person the MC can trust.
I got to say this is very different from the other celestial forge fics that I have read and, I am loving it. Keep up the good work, seems to have lots of potential.
That Main character, is a legend.
Also, his back story and appearance is eerily similar to Joffrey from GoT.

Blonde, Green eyed, died choking to death.
Is an irreverant shitter as far as I can tell, considering how he reacted to the God dude.

Loving it so far.
Personally, I'm loving the fact she was high enough to ask Eric if he was a piece of headware, * and Eric didn't notice*
Brilliant humor
chapter 3
(A/N) I'm back baby

As the morning came (1:27pm) I blearily open my eyes and sit there trying to remember where I was. "Oh yeah" I say as I recall the events of yesterday. looking across from me the other couch was empty with a small note on reading 'getting food :p'. Well that's good to know. Getting up I walk over to the nearest door and insert the key. Opening up into my workshop I look at my two new cars and come to a startling realization. "I have no tools.".


"I'm back" I hear from a doorway that used to have a door. looking over I see Julie holding out in her hand a small baggie filled with yellowish crystals. "And I've brought food"


"Well I thought is was funny" She says walking up to me, pulling a backpack out from behind her and dumping the contents in front of me. Bags of chips, candy bars, soda cans and a loaf of bread. " Damn workers started following me around so I couldn't get near as much as usual." she said with a huff "This should last us three days"

"I don't have any tools" "What?" i open the nearest door to my workshop displaying the cars. "I have no tools."



I find myself in front of a store called Toole's Tools. Again its one am, which seems to be the best time for me to do stealing. It's a three story building which seems to have apartments on top of the store. Something about the name seems familiar. The place is right at the edge of the docks. Julie's waiting in the packet dimension for my signal. As soon as I get in there I probably have anywhere between five minutes and an hour before the police come. As I'm thinking about that, the back of my head starts to tingle but nothing happens.

Bending down I pick up a rock as I slowly approach the storefront window with my hoodie hood up and sunglasses on. I reel back and chuck the rock as hard as I can, which turns out to be surprisingly fast. jumping through the newly made hole, I immediately run toward the front entrance and open a door to my workshop. " We need to be quick, put everything you can in the pocket space five minutes and then we're outta here." "got it"

Julie and I are just haphazardly throwing everything we can into the workshop (which again expanded in size to meet my needs). At one point I saw Julie throw an extensive socket set display which probably weighed at least a hundred pounds. after about four and a half minutes we managed to pick clean half of the store which consisted of every power tool in the store among other things. At this point i decided to call it a night an as i was i was about to call for julie.


the distict sound of a shotgun being pumped sounds behind me. "you picked the wrong place to rob, punk"

(A/N) this is kinda a short chapter, but it's to show proof that I'm back writing chapters. I plan to write at least a chapter a week, but if I suddenly stop outta nowhere just know its not dropped, I'm just on break.

peace and love
Write more per chapter, stop ending on cliffhangers, and post more often (either a story or update post). Spelling and grammar good enough for grim and gritty world. You have a good start just need to flesh it out more. 😑
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As the morning came (1:27 pm) I blearily opened my eyes and sat there trying to remember where I was. "Oh yeah," I say as I recall the events of yesterday. Looking across from me the other couch was empty with a small note reading 'getting food :p'. Well, that's good to know. Getting up I walk over to the nearest door and insert the key. Opening up into my workshop I look at my two new cars and come to a startling realization. "I have no tools.".


"I'm back" I hear from a doorway that used to have a door. Looking over I see Julie holding out in her hand a small baggie filled with yellowish crystals. "And I've brought food"


"Well I thought it was funny," She says walking up to me, pulling a backpack out from behind her and dumping the contents in front of me. Bags of chips, candy bars, soda cans, and a loaf of bread. " Damn workers started following me around so I couldn't get near as much as usual." she said with a huff "This should last us three days"

"I don't have any tools" "What?" I open the nearest door to my workshop displaying the cars. "I have no tools."



I find myself in front of a store called Toole's Tools. Again it was one am, which seems to be the best time for me to steal. It's a three-story building that seems to have apartments on top of the store. Something about the name seems familiar. The place is right at the edge of the docks. Julie's waiting in the packet dimension for my signal. As soon as I get in there I probably have anywhere between five minutes and an hour before the police come. As I'm thinking about that, the back of my head starts to tingle but nothing happens.

Bending down I pick up a rock as I slowly approach the storefront window with my hoodie hood up and sunglasses on. I reel back and chuck the rock as hard as I can, which turns out to be surprisingly fast. Jumping through the newly made hole, I immediately run toward the front entrance and open a door to my workshop. " We need to be quick, put everything you can in the pocket space for five minutes, and then we're outta here." "Got it"

Julie and I are just haphazardly throwing everything we can into the workshop (which again expanded in size to meet my needs). At one point I saw Julie throw an extensive socket set display which probably weighed at least a hundred pounds. After about four and a half minutes we managed to pick clean half of the store which consisted of every power tool in the store among other things. At this point, I decided to call it a night and as I was I was about to call for Julie.


The distinct
sound of a shotgun being pumped sounds behind me. "You picked the wrong place to rob, punk"

I ran the chapter through Grammarly and bolded the changes. I might have missed some but should be a good place to start. Hope for a new chapter soon.