Toll of Sweat, Ammo and Magic(KantaiCollection/StrikeWitches/GirlUndPanzer WWIIAU)

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A rewrite of my quest in third person and hopefully, with better writing and fixing those darn...
Chapter 1.0
A rewrite of my quest in third person and hopefully, with better writing and fixing those darn mistakes.

The quest is here, if you're interested: (Running) Toll of Sweat, Ammo and Magic(KantaiCollection/StrikeWitches/GirlUndPanzer WWII AU)


The year is 1942. Various nations of the world are in a war against several abnormal enemies that want them gone. From space, comes an alien being that mankind has called the Neuroi, operating black and red colored machines while copying mankind's weapons of war. Their 'low' numbers is made up for their extremely high quality units and their alliance with fascist Germany, who have already taken much of Eastern Europe.

The monsters of the sea, the Abyss/Abyssal, have staged raids against ships across the all oceans and have recently been trying to take the shores of man. Their reckless abandonment of their own forces against any of their enemies, man or alien, is a cause for concern. They are many in number, a nightmare for anyone that faces their daring assaults, by land or sea. The only solace man has is their generally inferior technology for land and air warfare.

Yet the humans have some trump cards in play. The practice of magic and the recent innovation of applying it with technology, has led to the various countries adopting air and land Witches into military service. It is still not enough, as many nations have look for new ways to gain the upper hand against the invaders to the point of accepting youths into the armed services of either gender.

There is also the news of the Japanese Kanmusu, ship girls, being created for the Imperial Japanese Navy to fight alongside the warships of Allied nations through out the world. Perhaps humanity will have a chance, maybe.


Somewhere in the US. Time, 1:00 PM. Inside a classroom in a military camp.

An old soldier comes up to a podium in front of a classroom of men and women."Gentlemen, Ladies at ease. I am Colonel Sink from the United States 101st Airborne. Today our Allies have a presentation for you new recruits or enlisted that are going onward to Europe or the Pacific. So relax and enjoy the viewing. Alright, set it up." He signals the people at the film to start rolling.

Specialist John Arma Browning, standing at 6'2", age 18 until his birthday tomorrow, sees his former Colonel exit from the stage and that the overhead for the film projector lowers down. He leans back against the wall near the exit of the large classroom, looking above the heads of aspiring newbies and draftees. John then peeks out the door's small window to see some people walking around, nothing interesting he thinks. He turn back towards the film projection as it finally spins up.

John had seen the movie for the 7th time today with the same WE WANT YOU! and the same patriotic music playing on the background. It's same malarkey that whitewashes the war that portrays humanity winning when humans are at best stalemating between two unknown forces fighting for Earth. Not to mention the war on the Nazis and their supposed alliance with the Neuroi aliens.

Fuck, John internally curses. Most of his angry comes from being assigned to the Military Police and getting pulled from the 101st Airborne Division, 506PIR Easy Company before going out to fight. He tries to calm down so by looking at something else at the mean time.

He looks to his right to see some girls whispering to one another. Observing the group closest to him, he sees that they're in different branches by their clothes. As he watches them, he sees that they're all females, roughly in their twenties to teens. Some are Witches, easily distinguishable due to their lack of pants and skirts, God knows why. My other guess is ship girls, don't know about the other one. Maybe a regular.

There's five girls of varying heights huddled together, whispering something in a foreign language.

One is tall, purple hair, well endowed in the chest region, collared long sleeved black shirt and tie, matching skirt, has an eye patch on her left eye, yellow eye and has a peculiar set of headgear that looks like horns along with a sheathed sword.

Next to her is someone similar, purple hair and eyes, a black one-piece uniform with a white shirt underneath it and a floating mechanical halo over her head.

Another one, a witch you presume due to the lack of a skirt or pants. She has long black hair wrapped in a ponytail, an eye-patch on her right eye, her other eye is brown, has a sword and wears a white Navy-like long sleeved shirt with a swimsuit underneath.

The youngest one, John considers, is short, brown hair and eyes, has the same swimsuit as the Witch but has one of those Japanese school uniforms in white with a blue collar on top of it.

The last female has a light brown hair, wears a blue German-ish top uniform with a white skirt and about a little over 5 feet tall.

John's gazing ends when his eyes meets theirs. Quickly, he responds by looking away but the group slowly makes their way towards him.

The girl with the bunny looking headgear positions her self next to John and has a frown on her face as she leans against his wall. "Hey, why are you staring at us? You using us as eye candy punk?" She crosses her arms in front of herself as she stares at him.

Not intimidated, John shifts to his right to expose the MP patch on his left shoulder. He notices that the ship girl addressing him starts to sweat a bit. There's a "My, My." from behind her.

He internally sighs, there's no point in taking his angry out on her. He leans closer to her and whispers, "Hey, I've watch this film for the 7th time today. I'm not really happy at the moment. So when my eyes wandered, you were the most interesting sight, okay." He leans back to see that she's nodding with a faint blush.

John looks back to the film then at his watch to see that it's 1:00 and that he's had enough. Nope. No more. Time to get out, it's one PM, it's lunchtime. Doing his best to be sneaky, or at least quiet, John goes for the door and exits the room. Just as he closes the door he notices the group follows him out. This is strange, but he let's them out and closes the door.

Out into the empty hallway, he take a few paces before turning around to look at the girls. "Okay, I'm going to assume you have business with me. So introductions please." The girls pause for a moment before the one with the peculiar ears comes up.

"Um, I'm the light cruiser Tenryuu and this is my sister Tatsuta. We're Imperial Japanese Navy's ships." Well no surprise, IJN was the only navy in the world with ship girls till 1941. John gives her a nod before looking at the girl behind her.

"Hi, I'm Tatsuta desu." The one with the halo waves to you from behind Tenryuu. "I'm looking forward to working with you."

"Yeah, good to meet you." John turns to the next girl in line and waits for her introduction.

The one wearing the dark blue uniform comes forward, actually a little too forward. She appeared flustered so Browning take a few steps back to make some spacing which was a smart move, since she does a bow which would have made contact with right at his chest. "I-I'm Miho Nishizumi. Or was it Nishizumi Miho. Panzer trainee. Uh Tank trainee. Anyway nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you too. You can raise your head." As he replies, she narrowly misses his chin as she rebounds, which causes Browning to take another step back.

"Hey Nishizumi-chan, it's okay." Mio Sakamoto says as she pats Nishizumi's shoulders. Yeah, I know about this Witch. I remember that she was in some popular film. I also did requisition forms from her and the 501st. "Yoshika, your turn."

The last girl hides behind Sakamoto and only peeks her head out, just enough so that John can see her eyes and hair. "Yoshika Miyafuji."

The Major puffs out her chest and straightens her posture before beginning her greeting."And I'm Major Sakamoto. You should be the Specialist that's suppose to escort us." Sakamoto raises her right hand for a handshake.

John looks at her hand before deciding to salute her instead. An officer is an officer. "I have not received such an order but I will stay with you in the meantime."

Sakamoto salutes back which allows Browning to lower his hand."Hm, I must have mistaken you for someone else. I apologize for inconveniencing you." Mio does a small apologetic bow.

"It's not a problem." He replies before hearing some footsteps from behind and turning his head around to find his colored friend 'Dynamo', shortened to 'Moe', walking up with a piece of paper in his hand. "In fact, I believe that you might be helping me out."

"Mr. Arms. Oh, excuse me ladies." He says as he takes off his cap and has his other hand out towards Browning."Paper's from command."

John takes the papers from him and give his friend a handshake. "Hey, Moe. Just in time. Had trouble getting here?" Going into the white section of the camp, even with the changes to regulations involving colored soldiers, they are some who aren't kind to, in their words, lesser people.

"Not at all. But I better go before I have trouble getting out. Oh, make sure you read the backside. Ladies." Moe waves at them before quickly making his way outside.

John turns his attention to the paper. In summary, it reads that he has to escort troupe 501 until they are able to depart to their ship. The backside has sloppy handwriting that states that Moe and his friends are going to have a jazz party tonight at about 9:00 PM. Jesus is going to be there so that means tacos and burritos, essentially good food.

"Well, it appears that I, Specialist Browning, will be with you." John folds the orders and puts it in a free pocket. "Major Sakamoto it looks like you are correct and in command of me now. Anything that you need to tell me?"

"Mio puts a hand to her chin in thought before shaking her head. "I can't think of a thing right now, so how about you show us around the base? We've arrived this morning and were held in our barracks for most of the day."

"Not a problem. Let's go." As Browning turns around and starts walking away, he feels thump from back followed by something squeezing on his stomach.

A muffle, "Otou-san" is what he hears before looking down to see someone's arms hugging from behind. John looks down to find Miyafuji embracing him, only for her to immediately stops hugging herself and recoils back. Browning gazes into her face to see that she's holding back tears from her eyes. Shit, she's going to cry. I can see she has some sort of problem, like some of others I've seen. And the other girls a giving a pity look, I need to think quickly. What should I do?