It had appeared after the locker.
Well, more accurately it appeared IN the locker. It was the only thing that had allowed me egress, otherwise I might still be in that cold stinking cage even to this day. No one had showed any inclination towards letting me out in the first place, even when I had filled the hallways with my screeches of pleading. Desperately I had called out, yet no one had even pretended to come to my aid.
They had found my body sprawled outside the front of the school, a trail of filth leading straight back to the poisonous trap I had crawled from. The locker, standing impassively with its arms wide open, greeting all who creeped forth to peer inside. Surely they were as disgusted aI had been, if the pitying gazes were anything to go by.
The nurses in the hospital were a chatty sort, spouting forth a plethora of inanities designed to fill the air between them and pass the 'torturous' breadths of time between shifts. They said the gunk I was found in was little better than 'toxic waste'. That they were surprised that I had even perked up as well as I had. The fact that a health professional didn't have the patients in the forefront of her mind and was simply going through the motions in order to pick up a paycheck was slightly annoying, but this was Brockton Bay after all.
The local shithole of the universe. There was precious little to make such a shithole any better.
Superpowers were the stark exception.
To Run Away; Lv 1
Allows the user to transfer their bodily mass into a non physical state.
After I had finally gotten home, I was able to just relax and lie on my bed in relative silence. My dad was hovering, pacing back and forth in the kitchen below. He was worried still, and rightly so. Apparently the school had weaseled out of paying for my hospital bills SOMEHOW, arranging for a pitiful and frankly insulting settlement that barely payed off the duration.
The text hadn't shown itself floating in the air before me, it hadn't appeared in a ball of sparkling light or booming thunder. It just sat deep inside the recesses of my mind, forgotten until I bid it to resurface. I didn't have to close my eyes, and it didn't show itself where I could see it. I could just see it inside my head. It was odd. Moreso due to the fact that my power apparently thought it was based off of a video game, at the very least that's what I think the 'Lv' was alluding to.
The best part? 'To Run Away' wasn't the only line of text hanging about in my head. Admittedly the text was greyed out and I couldn't actually touch it like I could the first, but the potential of it drifted there, just out of reach. I had to do something to unlock it, I just didn't know what yet. 'To Fight Back' was slightly more appealing than a power literally called 'running away', but I couldn't deny the usefulness of it.
Shadow Stalker seemed to do well enough with it.
Why the power had decided to ape miss Stalkers, I hadn't the faintest. Needless to say, I wouldn't be looking a gift horse in the mouth. If she ever called attention to it I'd just shrug and say some variation of 'power bullshit'. She couldn't make me stop using it, I'd just have to avoid calling myself any variation of her cape name. It was bad form to steal a capes name, or at the very least that's what copious trawls through PHO informed me of in my years of perusal.
No idea what I'd call myself, especially not without knowing what 'fighting back' did yet. I mean, yeah. I bet it would be some form of 'fiiiiiiiighting' power. But that was a horribly large expanse of various powers and abilities to puzzle through, even when just considering those located within the bay. Regardless, calling myself any variation of 'Shadow' was bound to end in inevitable failure. Would still be better than getting saddled with 'Chubster'.
Rifling through my closet unveiled a lack of usable costume pieces, aside from my usual clothing choices. Baggy pants and shirts to hide my flabby, unflattering paunch and skinny limbs that forced my body to contort into a gawky miserable mess. Too bad masks weren't a normal fashion statement for non cape civilians, I'd kill to be able to obscure my too wide mouth with a simple sheaf of paper. Oh well. I could use the darkest pair of jeans from the bottom of my closet (there was a hole in the knee, no need to add to the pile of ammunition that terrible trio slung at me.) paired with a baggy black hoodie. I didn't have black shoes, but a pair of dark brown hiking boots should fit the bill.
To add to that, a dark green wooly scarf would serve to obscure my mouth, allowing me to cover my face without harming my ability to actually see. Truly, the life of one who wore glasses was a tenuous thing. A real mask down the line would be a problem, the only solution I could think of would be to get a pair of prescription goggles so that I could properly protect my eyes in the future. As is, a string tied to both of the tips of the legs would hopefully keep my glasses on my face if I was forced to run or fight.
Standing in front of my closet mirror, I cut a very... depressing figure. I was going to be a hero, now that I had powers... I'd have to think up an exercise routine so I could get into some sort of a semblance of shape. A different shape. Dumpy yet gawky is not a shape I looked good in. The only redeeming feature of mine was my mass of hair, a fond memory of my late mother. Adding to that, it was slightly too... Memorable. Tucked up into a bun and hidden underneath a swimming cap beneath my hoodie. It wasn't comfortable, and it sure wasn't flattering. Made my head look mishapen. Moreso than my mouth already did.
I activated Run Away, my form becoming blurred in the mirror as a suspicious haze replaced myself in the mirror. It wasn't shadow, it wasn't black smoke, it was just myself. Slightly hazy. Wasn't enough of a disguise in and of itself for me to just use the power nonstop, but... I reached for the mirror, watching as my hand slid through the surface. It looked like I had amputated myself, a stump of my arm pressing into the mirror. I pulled back, watching as the haze reformed into my hand when it escaped the other side.
I let go of the power, watching as my hand fuzzed back into a solid state. It was at this that I felt something click in my head, a switch that flicked over from one tile to the next. The text had changed.
To Run Away; Lv 2
-Allows the user to transfer their bodily mass into a non physical state.
-Allows the user to change the visual effect upon transferring their bodily mass into a physical state. Available effects; Nothing; Smoke; Static.
- +1 Dex
- +1 End
Interesting, but nothing really impressive. The last two points told me next to nothing, regardless of their inclusion. The important bit was what I felt as it had changed. The previously greyed text hiding behind had flushed, showing up just as visibly to me as Run had.
To Fight Back; Lv 1
Allows the user to manifest a weapon from internal energy.
Authors Notes;
Okay, so yeah. ANOTHER Gamer fic to throw into the endless ocean. Hopefully, this is different enough of a 'gamer' set up to not feel like a retread of another authors work. Lord knows I like the other two main 'Gamer/Worm' fics that have been flitting around here recently, and I don't want to make something derisive of their works. Flattery and mimicry and all that, but I'm hoping that I can make this 'new' enough to be interesting in a different way.
Taylor won't be getting access to a 'menu', 'status window', or many other main Gamer staples. The only 'Gamer' bits that she has 'access' to will be the level trees of the various powers themselves. Using a power will eventually level them up, unlocking additional abilities in that powers skill tree, along with the occasional other option depending on what I think up.
I had this thought in my head, that just unfolded into this potential story. What if Taylor could get other hero and villains powers, and then improve them? Then came the though of 'how does I do that'. So I hope this ends up being entertaining.
(Derpy Linebreak, Annoying hr. Prologue part 2-)
Waving it in front of myself, I was struck by a sense of lackluster appeal.
Sure, it was a power, manifesting itself before me in a clear, tangible way. The fact that it was a super power in the first place was pretty amazing. I could make... a knife. A short, blocky knife that barely looked like it would cut anything. It slid easily enough through my hoodies sleeve, much to my consternation. I decided not to test the edge on my skin, just in case. It seemed I couldn't change what the knife looked like, but I got a sense of trepidation lingering on the edge of my mind.
Additional 'effects' showed up once Run Away had gotten to level two, so maybe increasing Fights would increase the number of weapons I could inevitably use. 'Knife' wasn't exactly a heroic looking weapon. I looked more like a drug addled thug, swinging my glowing green knife before me in lazy sweeps as I posed for the mirror.
God that was depressing.
If I concentrated, I could switch which end the blade emerged from. It was slightly odd, the point melting down as it crept out from the other side. It was slightly concerning that neither the initial manifestation nor the blade switch was instantaneous. Forming the knife in the first place took about five to six seconds, after that changing it took a couple seconds. Insultingly, dismissing the blade took no time whatsoever. I wish the startup was just as fast.
For being a mock copy of Miss Militias power, it sure as heck started off feeling incomplete. It looked similar, at the very least. No idea if mine was just melee weapons or if I'd be able to from guns in the future at all, but I could hope.
Unfortunately, it didn't seem to work while Run was active. Activating it while I was fuzzy made the blade form, but it quickly slid from my incorporeal grip and disintegrated into nothingness. Activating Run after the knife formed had similar results.
I stopped practicing around midnight, a deep set tiredness filling my muscles. It felt like I had been working out, which in a sense I guess I had been. Unfortunately I hadn't been rewarded with another level up, for Run Away or Fight Back. I had no idea why, Run Away had almost quickly leveled up just from me using it for a few minutes the first time, so why after having it active for over two hours it hadn't so much as twitched in the back of my mind...
Questions to be revisited... After I had some sleep.
Authors Notes:
I just wanted to add some introspection as well as a minor reveal for what Taylor has to work with starting out with 'Fighting Back'. Yes, it's based on MMs power but at the moment it is extremely underpowered. Especially compared to what we've seen Militia use in canon. To add to what Taylor noticed, she can't keep the knife formed if she decides to throw it for any reason. To be exact, the knife retains its form for precisely one and a half inches away from Taylors skin. Past that, it goes away.
Edit: And yes. Short entry. I might come back at some point and join these first two into one post.
(Derpy Linebreak, Annoying hr. prologue part 3-)
It was slightly embarrassing to realize that my extent of fighting experience boiled down to 'don't get hurt' and 'pointy end go in bad guy'. Truly, I was a combat prodigy for the ages. Now, I wasn't stupid, I knew certain terminology and other such things. 'Don't curl your fingers over your thumb when throwing a punch', 'don't lean into a blow coming at you', 'don't commit to a confrontation when facing a superior opponent', 'know when to pick your battles'...
A lot of 'don't do these' moments. Hmm. I didn't know how to throw a proper punch, and my attempts at shadow boxing in front of the mirror looked pitiful and absurd. Like a child trying to copy the real thing. I wouldn't be able figure it out on my own without some desperate source of newfound luck. Four leaf clovers pouring out of my pockets like metaphorical gold coins? Nope, guess I'll have to look into joining a martial arts class or something.
At this point, starting from the beginning could only help me.
Waking up was novel, while I had gone to bed tired and sore deep in muscles I darn well knew I hadn't been straining, I now felt relaxed and serene. The aches had died down to near nothingness, and it actually felt like you powers were... 'easier' to grasp, for lack of a better wording. Thank goodness, I'd have hated for it to be at an immutable level, and always have that hanging over my head like a figurative sword of Damacles.
Dad had already left for work, leaving me with the house to myself. It was still relatively early in the morning, plenty of time to gather my thoughts and coordinate a plan.
My powers weren't 'infinite'. I had proven to myself quite handily that using them to excess resulted in diminishing returns. You never really thought about it that way, but I guess it made sense. Nothing was perpetual, after all. Was slightly amusing to think of someone like Glory Girl having to stop flying because of being 'too tired to do it'.
Thinking about it, I was pretty sure she flew everywhere. So maybe she didn't have an 'energy level' that she could drain. Was still an amusing thought.
So I had to practice. I wouldn't want to run myself down to the nub in the middle of a fight, or 'run out' of power similarly. Thankfully it seemed that it was on the higher end of caps, taking several hours of activity to make me feel it. Fights weren't like in martial arts films or in grand tales of the epochs. Watching more than a few recorded fights between capes taught me one very important lesson. Fights were wont to last for barely five minutes.
They'd clash, perhaps grandstand during their fights to drag them out, but the limiting nature of the fight itself would inevitably draw it to an early close. Even sooner, depending on the powers brought to play. Two brutes? They might toss each other into a building or two, then give up and go their separate ways once they realized they were continuing a pointless battle. Most capes tended to de-escalate by doing something groundbreaking, novel, new, divinely profound! They ran away...
If there was nothing to hit, then nothing would get hit. Simplicity in its stupidity.
The haze form would expedite any escape, and now that I had the additional options of changing the 'special effects'... I didn't like the smoke form. It made me look too much like Shadow Stalker. While yes, she was a badass hero of the edgelords (Shadow Stalker. It sounded like an album title from on of my dad's old vinyl records. He had a thing for precursor metal. Better than the current stuff, in my opinion.) it might not be the best idea to copy her so fully. People might start calling my soon to be hero identity Shadow Stalkers sidekick or something. Not that I wouldn't mind having her as my sidekick...
What? Crossbows are cool.
Once I had the barebones structure of a fighting style I could go out and start... stopping crime. Start stopping. Hmm.
Could I, though?
A knife was made with a very simple purpose. To cut. To rend one object into two or more objects. To destroy the bonds between to sets of molecules, separating them. This was obviously not a good thing to apply to the human body. Villains tried to wound their opponents, not heroes. Could I stab someone with this knife, with intent to wound so that I might win my fights?
I built up an image in my head, the face of my staunchest betrayer. Emma. Could I stab her, if I was given the chance?
I stabbed forward, knife in hand as my arm shuddered from the unpracticed movement. It was sloppy, and felt unnatural. I could almost hear her sneering in my head, mocking me for the lackluster performance. As much as I now despised her... I didn't hate her. She didn't have the importance in my mind, not like she used to. She had abandoned me, so why should I hang on to her? I felt inclined to hang on to the memories of her, the only redeemable facet of Emma. She was my friend, my confidant, my cuddle pillow to watch scary movies that our parents insisted on putting on.
That girl was gone. Through some form or another, the only vestige that remained was in my head.
I concentrated, bringing a facade of Madison to the forefront of my mind. The image wavered, and fizzled out before I could even properly focus on it. It was laughable, really. While Emma held impact in my heart... Madison did not. She was just a bully, pretty faced with mean words that spoiled her overall demeanor.
Sophia though... I found her face leaping all to eagerly to the forefront of my mind. Could I stab her? Would I? While the other two were altogether unimportant... She was the driving force. It was on her orders the torment continued, on her desires that I be held in despair. I would claim that she derived power from it... but things like demons, succubi and vampires weren't real.
She was just a bitch.
I stabbed forwards, blade intent on bisecting where her throat would have been. The swing was wide, a pitiful example of my current ability. Even in my mind, with a stationary target that I could reliably say that I hated... I couldn't.
She wasn't worth it.
The image faded from my mind, leaving me staring at a blank wall over the top of my bowl of corn flakes. They were getting soggy. I shoveled a mouthful into my too wide mouth, the bland cereal mushing against the inside of my cheeks. Definitely soggy.
What could I do with a knife I wasn't willing to use? I called it once more to my hand, turning it over as I inspected it. A seven inch blade, handle of slowly glowing green tinged energy... A rounded pommel.
I called up the image of Sophia again, miming hitting her over the head with the butt of the knife. Yeah, I could do that. Unconsciousness was better than dead. Plus, if she wasn't conscious, she couldn't... be conscious.
I wasn't completely awake yet, I will admit. And the soggy cereal wasn't helping.
To Fight Back; Lv 2
Allows the User to manifest a weapon from internal energy.
Increases the distance variable.
Unlocked additional Frames from TT (1) Melee.
- +1 Str
- +1 End
The words solidified in my head, dragging my concentration away from the slowly clumping biomass in the bowl before me.
Cereal could wait.
Authors Notes;
To note, the instances where I have Taylor say anything regarding her 'forming an image' of one of her bullies, that not a power effect or anything similar. It's just her imagining them standing in front of her. Normal, non power imagining. Like what boxers do with shadow boxing. They imagine the target in front of them, and attack them accordingly.
She does not have illusion powers. Yet.
I purposefully have the new additions to Fight Back be slightly confusing, for Taylor it's supposed to be like she got a set of Legos without the instructions. Or at the very least, misleading/wrong instructions. 'What's tab B?' 'There's only two silver pegs, why are you asking me for four?' 'Why are there leftover parts?'
'Frames' (heading off the question before someone asks) are what FB is referring to when it means 'weapons'. More 'Frames', more varrying weapons that Taylor can produce at that point in time. Different knives, swords, so on. 'TT (1) Melee' means -currently, before any edits that may occur in the future- Tech Tree (One) of Melee. So yes, there are different classes of specific tech trees, the one that Taylor started off with being 'blades or edged weapons'.