[X] Commit to teaching orators ways to link the socialist revolution with American cultural touchstones. (Will commit a minimum of 1 Influence to The American Revolution or Christian Socialism next turn.)
[X] That sounds wonderful (1 Influence is committed to the Committee. They will spend 2 actions per turn on the priorities listed here until you reclaim the influence or change their directives. They will also likely do some pork spending on their hometowns.)
[X] Plan Wealth Redustrubtion
-[X] The General Strike should demand that wealth distribution laws be passed on a nationwide level. You are stealing from Huey Long and his "Share Our Wealth" movement, which might let him claim some of the credit...but it also might turn him into a temporary ally.
-[x] The General Strike should demand the immediate payment of all American soldiers as the government has promised. This is to quite possibly the least controversial demand you could make.
[X] The General Strike should demand that wealth distribution laws be passed on a nationwide level. You are stealing from Huey Long and his "Share Our Wealth" movement, which might let him claim some of the credit...but it also might turn him into a temporary ally.
[X] You prefer to handle it yourself. (Actions unlocked for building up power and control in towns and cities, National Spirit Town Coordination Committee created which gives +5 to relevant actions)
[X] The General Strike should demand the immediate payment of all American soldiers as the government has promised. This is to quite possibly the least controversial demand you could make.
[X] The General Strike should demand that President Hoover be removed as he is unfit for office. Again, the unpopularity of Hoover will help you. Curtis might well be a more dangerous opponent...but the victory of getting a sitting president removed, even one who hasn't been seen in public for nearly three weeks would be an incredible boost to your momentum.
[X] The General Strike should demand that a Constitutional Convention be held to amend the Constitution so that elections cannot be won by a minority anymore. The fact that this would be seen as a middle finger to Hoover makes it far more likely to succeed than it otherwise would be - even a significant fraction of the Republican Party might be willing to go along with it.
[X] The General Strike should demand that the United States recognize and begin trading with the French Commune and the Union of Britain. Here, you may again find some unlikely allies, since so many bourgeoisie have lost profits from being unable to trade with the leaders of the Third Internationale.
-[x] That sounds wonderful (1 Influence is committed to the Committee. They will spend 2 actions per turn on the priorities listed here until you reclaim the influence or change their directives. They will also likely do some pork spending on their hometowns.)
-[x] Commit to teaching orators ways to link the socialist revolution with American cultural touchstones. (Will commit a minimum of 1 Influence to The American Revolution or Christian Socialism next turn.)
-[x] Write-in: Combine the following demands:
--[x] The General Strike should demand that a Constitutional Convention be held to amend the Constitution so that elections cannot be won by a minority anymore. The fact that this would be seen as a middle finger to Hoover makes it far more likely to succeed than it otherwise would be - even a significant fraction of the Republican Party might be willing to go along with it.
--[x] The General Strike should demand that wealth distribution laws be passed on a nationwide level. You are stealing from Huey Long and his "Share Our Wealth" movement, which might let him claim some of the credit...but it also might turn him into a temporary ally.
--[x] The General Strike should demand the immediate payment of all American soldiers as the government has promised. This is to quite possibly the least controversial demand you could make.