[X] The Assassins - They got away but they could easily come back for another try. By comparing notes on your attackers you can both prepare for next time.
[X] Why and How You're Here - Amber doesn't seem to know what the ethereal or shadow planes are. And even if she did, you should probably explain why you came all this way. As well as you can.
[X] Amber's Magic - You know magic when you see it. Amber might not have said any verbal components but the somatic and material components were obvious, as was the glow of her eyes. Is she an elementalist? A hyper specialised druid or maybe an oracle with a weather based curse? You think you've heard of those.
[X] Your Magic - Amber isn't blind. She saw bits of your fight and while she could shrug most of it off as a versatile elemental semblance it wouldn't explain your mirror image spell. Or how Bella healed her.