-Title Screen! Pink! Pigeons!
-Let's see...*Types in 'Turlip Goodfeet' there we go!
-I decided to not use portraits. After all, I want the full birdie experience!
-First Husbando Seen: Ryouta!
-Now let's go to Bird School!
-Warning: Incoming Handsome Teacher
-Sleepy but cute and smart!
-Fancy French Husbando Has Arrived!
-Wow, you're kinda rude.
-Exactly! Now introduce yourself, you beautiful posh bastard!
-No cockfighting you too!
-Mysterious shy Husbando pops up!
-Ah, he's kinda sad!
-You again! And you have a friend (I think)!
-Oh, that's your brother? Also, wow, you're being rude. And racist.
-Yuuya is a sexy beast.
-Is Ryuko another Husbando?
-Anyway, nothing is going on here except
-Shuu: *Menacing*
-Shuu: By the power of Za Warudo, I vanish!
-Anyway, let's go to sports
-Okay, I was wrong: Okosan is a sexy beast. Nothing can compare to him.
-Pudding: Not Yet Achieved
And the first day ends. Whelp, that was definitely something.