TO BURN, VENT, OR TAKE AS PRIZE (Warhammer 40k Naval Quest)

Cruise Start Date: 3.004.755.m41 | CRUISE COMPLETE
Shiptime: 180 Days
Current Date: 3.412.756.m41
Current Location: The Tempestos Ring
Current Status: Under Repair and Refit for Duty

CLASS: Falchion Class | KEEL LAID: 02.0011.231.m41
COMPLICATION: Haunted (-10 to max morale, +6 to detection, enemies get -10 to boarding/hit and run attacks)
MACHINE SPIRIT TEMPERAMENT: Wrothful! (+1 speed, +7 to maneuverability in combat, -1 speed, -5 maneuverability, -5 detection while out of combat)


TURRET RATING: 1 | SPEED: 9 (7) | MANEUVERABILITY: +24 (+12) | DETECTION: +30 (+25)
CREW QUALITY: Elite (40%) | CREW: 99/100 | MORALE: 87/90
SUPPLIES: 12 Months (at 6 months go on short rations)


Dimensions: 2.2 Kilometres in Length | 0.3 Kilometres abeam at the Fins
Mass: 6.5 Megatonnes (approx) | Crew: 27,871 Souls (may the God Emperor Protect)
Acceleration: 4.6 Gravities (Constant)


Mars Cannons
The Jumping Bastard, Long-Lolly, Big Lass, Old Contemptible, 'Nought More, Domination, Obliteration, The Silly Lad, Gigatech, Omnisiah's Child, Emperor's Fist and The Smiling Jack
Range: 6 | Strength: 3 | Damage: 1d10+3 (Crit: 5)

Ryza Cannons
Furious Sun, The Sisters
Range: 5 | Strength: 5 | Damage: 1d10+6 (Crit: 4)
If this weapon deals the Destroyed critical hit, it destroys two components rather than one

Speed: 10 Void Units per Turn | Damage: 2d10+14 (Crit: 10) | Terminal Penetration: 3
Rating: +20
Maximum Range: 60
14 Torpedoes

Space: 34/34 | Power: 42/45

Jovian Pattern Class 2 Plasma Drive: Blessed be her Fury, for she Driveth us to Salvation.
(Space: 10 | Power: 45 Generated)

Stelov I Warp Engine: Blessed by her Swiftness, for she Taketh us to the Foe
(Space: 9 | Power: 9 | This Component is Best Quality, reducing it's Space and Power requirements by 1.

Weir-Miller Pattern Geller Field: Blessed be her Aegis, for she Hold the Darkness at Bay
(Space: 0 | Power: 1)

Single Layer Mars Pattern Void Shield Array: Blessed be her Sneer, for she Winks upon Death
(Space: 1 | Power: 5)

Command Bridge: Blessed be her Ire, for thou shall smite her enemies from this sacred place.
(Space: 1 | Power: 2) | Special: +5 to Command Checks and +5 to BS checks. If unpowered, roll 1d10. On a 1-3, this bridge is not unpowered)

Vitae Pattern Life Sustainer: Blessed be her Breath, for thou shall sup from her teat and live evermore
(Space: 2 | Power: 4)

Voidsmen Quarters: Blessed be her Arms, for the encircle your Earthly Body.
(Space: 3 | Power: 1)

Deep Void Auger Array: Blessed be her Eye, for she Sees All
(Space: 0 | Power: 7)

Prow Mounted Voss Pattern Torpedo Tubes: Blessed be her Fist, for she striketh the foe!
(Space: - | Power: 1) | This component is included automatically and cannot be removed.

Dorsal Mounted Mars Pattern Macrocannon Batteries: Blessed be he Sword, for she sweeps away the Shield
(Space: 2 | Power: 4)

Dorsal Mounted Ryza Pattern Plasma Battery: Blessed be her Lance, for she driveth into thy Enemy's Belly
(Space: 4 | Power: 7) | This component is of best quality, adding +1 Strength and +1 Damage. Praise the Emperor.

Munitorium: Blessed be her Quiver, for it is Ever Filled with her Hate
(Space: 2 | Power: 1) | This component is of best quality, reducing Space and Power Requirement by 1. Hail to the Omnisiah!


Bridge Crew
Captain: Commander VYNN
First Officer: Lieutenant Yorke ZELLA
Chief Surgeon: Doctor Jonathan BALTHEZAR
Helm Officer: Lieutenant, 2nd Class, Privata SONJA Blitzkovatch
Ship's Master: Xandi ES
Gunner's Mate, 1st Class: Sujek KHAN
Gunner's Mate, 2nd Class: Khotar VROOK

Guildsmen and Civilian Officials
Cartho-Artifex: Sir Jividias VONT (the Younger)
Chief Purser: Mrs. Sydwynn Carter
Head Confessor: KURGHAN Malik

Mr. Tommen Blakely (aged 13)
Mr. Vindalin Cork (aged 15)
Mr. Dashire Rainwild (aged 14)
Mr. Bower Xon III (Aged 12)
Mr. Ted (Age 13)

The Priesthood of Mars
Chief Enginseer (aka Enginseer Primus): Isabella "ISA" Turantawix

Navis Nobiline
Warp Guide: GALE of the House Nobiline Majoris Stikellan-Vorin-Ma (Guiding Light of the Astronomicon, The Daring One, Mistress of the Stars)
Warp Secondus: SEVERUS GALE of the House Nobiline Majoris Stikellan-Vorin-Ma, Husband to GALE
Warp Tertrius: MARY GALE of the House Nobiline Majoris Stikellan-Vorin-Ma, eldest daughter to GALE
Warp Quaternus: TOMMEN GALE of the House Nobiline Majoris Stikellan-Vorin-Ma, younger son to GALE

The Crew

Boatswain Frik (MIA, ship-date 112 at warp, no body found)
Able Voidsman Darya Ivanova
Able Voidman Sa'adah Sanguhamat (Died of Infection, ship-date 108 at Warp, consigned to the Void, God Emperor Bless His Soul)
Able Voidsman Nasir Naaji
Voidsman Akulina Ignatov (Died of Infection, ship-date 108 at Warp, consigned to the Void, God Emperor Bless Her Soul)
Voidsman Irina Kuznetsov (Died of Infection, ship-date 108 at Warp, consigned to the Void, God Emperor Bless Her Soul)
Voidsman Lev Volkov
Voidsman Mikha'il Abdulrashid
Voidsman Isra Saqqaf
Voidsman Asim Ahmad
Voidsman Happy Jack Sheng

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On the other hand, we get no prize money if Zella succeeds in creating a mutiny on his way back to port, and it may cause a morale drop among the bridge crew when they see that Sonja's loyalty isn't rewarded.

Oh, your ships are heading back in flotilla style - since no matter what, his ship will lack a Navigator, so it'll need to be towed.

It's more of a formality thing.
[X] "Oh do stop being a great big loobey and take the promotion, Zella. Such mistakes happen. I'm used to them, being, well, such as I am. With the tattoos and all."
-[X] "And why would I want a First Officer to serve out of a misplaced sense of guilt? I do enjoy the finery of women and treasure, and I owe the crew the duty too. That carrot being much stronger than the stick, and the fires of battle doing far more to harden a crew than the blacksmith beating cold steel."
-[X] "By that I mean- if you want to make it up for that mistake and hold your pride then serve the crew. Captain the prize and make me proud of your service, show the emperor himself that the glory of the Valiant spreads to anything we touch!"
[x] "Oh do stop being a great big loobey and take the promotion, Zella. Such mistakes happen. I'm used to them, being, well, such as I am. With the tattoos and all."
[X] "Oh do stop being a great big loobey and take the promotion, Zella. Such mistakes happen. I'm used to them, being, well, such as I am. With the tattoos and all."
"And then I said, oh do stop being a great big loobey, and take the promotion, you git, ha ha, you should have seen his face, Toby, oh, what a fellow, what a character!"

"Hah!" Rear Admiral Tobias Kane Fairview the Third, Esquire, Lord of Trisekllis, Master of the Lamp, and so on and so forth chuckled as he weighed the options that Jon might have managed in a trice for another minute and a half, then finally, moved a piece to set up a baited trap that would tip your Emperor in five moves, you were sure of it. Fortunately, you already had a spoiling plan in mind and began to enact it - a pawn there, an astartes here. BUt while you and Toby worked, the great world of Tempestos or Temparos or whatever it was named spun beneath you. Moored beyond the window, arc lights dancing where work crews were slicing off gargoylery and statuary and welding on statuary and gargoylery on the Triumphant Eulogy nee The End of Days. The Valiant was not visible, though your dear Isa was at work repairing the damage caused by the blow you'd endured during your trip back from Simova.

It was the year 456 and you were all quite pleased to have returned victorious. The last month and change of your sail had been relatively uneventful, save for a six day warp storm, and the little incident involving the Wyld Hunt that had romped through the bilge decks, but neither of those had been more more than a sentence jotted down by your cartho-artifex. You had returned to find your prize agent dead - throat slit by a suitor of a woman he had managed (though means that you found entirely impossibly to understand) to seduce. Your new prize agent had been just as glad as he would have been, and he had calculated out the earnings for your 5% ship's share on the prize money. As a single cruiser was worth more than the fortunes of some Rogue Trader families, your debts had been repaid in full and your crew - most of whom had survived - were flush with cash and currently crashing the economics of Tempestos in a jolly old way.

And that wasn't even getting into...

"We are expecting the...Air...Caste? Water Caste? I can never keep it straight..." Toby says, frowning.

"Jon, Jon tells me, it is the Water Caste," you say, remembering the endless and fascinated (though not fascinating) diatribes your dear friend had launched upon when you had inquired how best to ransom six hundred and thirty eight T'au survivors who, for the past nine years, had been marooned without support upon the world around which you had orbited. Obviously, to kill the blighters, especially after they presented to you a considerable kill count of ten thousand Chaos cultists, gunned down, ambushed, cut to pieces, and generally dispatched with great, well, would have been the height of utter rudeness, even if it transpired that the T'au ship, some unpronounceable craft had indeed engaged the Spiteful and indeed had been shot down whilst causing grievous harm to the imperial frigate. The frigate had detonated the warp core - dragging in the remains of the T'au ship, then cast their cargo about the entire sub-sector.

This had drawn the Perdition...

Which had drawn the End of Days...

Which had drawn you!

And you had come out of it quite the better for it, as five percent of the prize share included...

"Head money! What a lovely phrase, marvelous, fantastic!" you say, jovially. "Oh but a pittance for what they owe us from the Damocles, but I'm sure as silver that a few millions in lucre will be enough to assuage some of their guilt, oh ho, yes, yes, indeed..."

Toby, who was likely calculating the same share, the 6% the Admiral got for ordering the cruise in the first place, and beamed at you as well.

In the end, it took three months for the T'au to arrive, and arrive they did - in grand style, emerging from the warp in their queer way, with two fin shaped ships that reminded you of the manta-horrors of your homeworld, flanking a more dart-like vessel of silver and blue. By then, some high noble chap took over things - some fellow Jon knew from his days as a traveling doctor, and he was quite the diplomat, arranging the transfer of prisoners, the shaking of hands, and once it was all done, the only one left desolate and grumbling was Astra.

"Not a single piece of xenos tech in my grasp..." she lamented at your dinner table, whilst Jon tucked into his grox and Isa frowned balefully.

"All for the best, I believe," she says, sniffing.

"Oh, easy for you to say, you don't have a family growling at you for results," Astra says, scowling, then shakes her head. "Well, still...with my share in the prize money, at least it is not a total loss."

"And you have the thanks of his majesty's most holy inquisition, if my guess is right," Jon says, casually, which provokes a chuckle from you.

"Oh Jon! That fellow, the dark skinned one, who handled those T'au? An Inquisitor? I doubt it. Why would an Inquisitor even care about some...xenos scraps, and how would they even know of it? It'd take one of their agents sending up one of their secret little signals, and I doubt any such fellow is hanging around in this backwater. Ha ha!" You shake your head, while Jon gives you a basilisk glare, clearly affronted deeply by you shooting holes in his pet theory. But then the glare becomes a snake's smile as his severe face folds and contorts into a cheerful approximation of a happy look.

"Fair enough."

"So, what are you going to do next, Vee?" Astra asks.

"I may ask you the very same question, Astra. The Admiralty may glance aside from a single pillaging..."

"Oh, I'll not get up to any more mischief," Astra says, scowling. "I am to sail to my planetary homeworld, report to my mother in person, get sent off to the back of beyond again..." Her scowl transformed into a more cheerful one. "Maybe next time, you shan't be around to stick your nose in."

"What an ungrateful thing to say!" Isa exclaims. "Vynn let you take a share in the prize money and your ship didn't even fire a single shot!"

"We assisted in policing and escorting that lubberly chaos wreck through a month and change of hard sailing, that's not nothing!" Astra sticks her tongue out in a mode most unbecoming of an august ROgue Trader.

Isa scowls at her.

"Ladies, ladies, please, continue," you say, jovially, which draws their glares upon you, but you laugh it off with the ease of long practice.

Still, what Astra asks is not something that you can easily ignore - and so, you tell her the honest truth: "Like as not? Patrol and escorting. The End of Days proves that the route to the Century Gate isn't entirely clear, and normally, when the Admiralty's hunts turns up something in truth, they like to sweep it again. They're likely to put a few sloops on my stern, tiny little Kobra kettle ships with newly whelped Lieutenants for their masters, then sent us to a two, three year cruise to make sure the passage is safe as safe can be." You sigh. "Not terribly exciting, but...far from the worst thing to do in this woman's navy. Best of all?" You beam. "With Zella off on his own frigate, I have every right to promote Sonja to her proper place! Ah..."

"Oh, always thinking with your-" Astra pauses as Isa glares at her. "Brain."

"Well, I have to do something to entertain myself..." you mutter.

Jon snorts. "I'm sure we shall find something to excite you, my dear Vynn."

You chuckle and, beneath your table, you feel the inquisitive prod of Jon's hullghast. You pick up your glass and pour a line of amnesiac down, into its gullet, provoking a strangled choke from Jon. "What on Terra are you doing!?"

You beam, insolent and without apology in the slightest.


(Also, due to your skillful leadership, all these characters and the Valiant will return for the next quest...


Where I will hopefully kill some of them. Make more bad decisions, everyone!)
"More than half these fellows are pressed - harsher than the Navy. No, no, check them over for any wriggles and warts, send those with to the twist catcher, those without to the confessor, see which of them are fully a part, which of them are pressed, shoot a few, space a few..."
Ooh, fun ending. Also, this is both nicer and more brutal than I expected from Commander Vynn. She's charismatic, but I guess she's still a bit of a villain protagonist (in that she supports the Imperium).
As someone who loves the books this is based on this was quite a treat to read! Now I wish there were more Age of Sail (or, well, sort of Age of Sailish) quests on SV.......