[X]The Mad God's Magic
-[X] General Workings: Art in all it's art forms can only be used by those who helped to create it. Be it a single word in a poem or a major piece of it. So long as they directly collaborated in the art they can use it in the future. Anyone who didn't can't make use of it. The overall quality of the finished piece actually contributes to the amount of power the magic has. Wear and tear on any of these be it the forgetting of words in a song, or scuff marks on a painting. Causes unpredictable chaotic magic to surge through it the more serious the damage the more unpredictable the piece becomes. Since it's all about the personal work. While people can learn more about the arts from previous people it's about the people who works on it's personal talent that truly contributes how powerful the piece is. As a result there is not as much improvement then an actual science could possibly provide. But, that also means it starts off strong, and keeps a general level throughout the universe's career unless personally interfered with by the gods. As a result magic is limited. People could make any number of songs, and artistic works, but each one takes time to actually create, and only the person who makes the work can truly use it. Thus, a limited magic scenario takes place, but with everyone having potential and talent in the field.
-[X] Architecture: While buildings are meant to be used for various purposes there is something useful throughout all of them. This magic proves to be just that, this magic allows you to perform a sort of telekinesis style magic inside the building itself. At the very basic level it can be used to lock or unlock doors, with more complex uses being, magical elevators, or items being made in house on command. Though of course any item made by this method won't be magical in it's own right not having to worry about making your own meal can prove to be very useful nevertheless. Though the items can only make what the user knows how to make. The magic can only be performed when they are inside the building itself proper.
-[X] Ceramics: Ceramics are an interesting form of magic they can contain things. Whether this is age, despair, or even Fruit. This sort of magic is excellent in containing even people's death itself if the creator of the ceramics is skilled enough. While the creator is the only one able to store anything inside it, anyone is able to take from the ceramics to gain what's inside. A Kid might choose to take some years to be a proper adult only to realize the foolishness of the endeavor.
-[X] Drawing: This magic is a teleportation style magic. Drawing the portrait of a man or a scene will allow you to teleport an appropriate amount of mass equal to the quality of the portrait to that location This doesn't allow you to split an object into multiple constituent parts however no matter how you wish for it, the person responsible will have to do that themselves. They will typically be teleported to the nearest available open area. So they do not appear inside a wall. This can teleport people to the location provided the portrait is of significant quality. If the location does not exist, throughout existence. The location will be one which has the most similarities to the drawing.
-[X] Painting: This Magic enthralls the watcher, as the painter of the painting can bring forth the painting into the real world. Although they lack any real substance.
-[X] Conceptual Art: Conceptual Art is a rather unique and bizarre twisting of the acts before. The Spirits and Gods are the only ones truly able to start the work, which if a non-spirit race is willing to cooperate and work with them. They'll be able to manipulate elements that the spirit or God is attuned to.
-[X] Literature: This type of books enthralls the mind. It's the ultimate form of escapism in the past. As The words trap you in, this magic. Doesn't truly take you into the world, it however does something similar. Whenever the main character of the book eats, you'll taste the flavors in your mind. Any sense other then sight can be tricked by this however, it's not really a trick. The better the book the more it actually can do for you. While a bad book ending in the main character's death might harm you at the end, only a truly great book can kill the reader. This type of magic can only be activated when the writer of the book wishes for it to be so. But it can affect anyone who reads the book. Though of course this does not mean just books it is far easier to write a good poem, and things that don't rely on main characters typically do have things happening inside them which the reader may instead experience. A main character in a book simply gives the reader an avenue to not experience completely everything in the book itself.
-[X] Photography: Keeping a piece of time. A Page in the great work is kept partially revealed containing only the knowledge of the scene itself. Able to be read by those that took the photograph in the first place. It doesn't reveal much, but the information it does provide may prove useful yet.
-[X] Sculpture: Golemancy, the creation of even the most esoteric golems typically means the construct tries to move by preconceived joints if possible. If it's too esoteric to even have places of possible bending however. The Sculpture becomes more attuned to it's processes and tries to manipulate the magic around it to keep it operational and refined. The General abilities of the construct are what talents the construct would be perceived to have. A Banana sculpture could move around, and be edible. A Soldier could fight.
-[X] Dance: Dances are impactful in a different fashion. These are able to change one item for another so long as they are similar enough. The better the dancer the more leeway given for the exchange itself.
-[X] Music: Music is the source of people's innate abilities. Not quite accurate, many things can be accounted on the biological end of things. However those things that can't are often linked to the person's heart-song. This is their natural abilities. This typically is racial, however divine blessings or other outside interference might alter the song to account for such abilities. As this is an innate source of magic the song is often while not quite shared similar to those of their race, and the song is made through the birthing process that creates them. Rendering it impossible to make another magical song later on during their life. To employ these special Racial and Divine blessings more effectively singing, or even humming the song will improve the potency of the effects.
-[X] Theater: Through a theatrical performance people act as a character be it a king, a commoner or a Tree. As this happens they become more like their character gaining their preconceived traits. Their kindness or their malice. If the character has a special talent or ability, the man might acquire it. Though the traits can fade over time, if they do not perform the play often enough, starting by the negative traits being replaced with their own though all will fade away in time. So long as the play itself is in tact any chaotic magic that occurs will be from the flubs and mistakes inside the play itself.
-[X] Applied Arts: Enhancement magic. The Ability to improve any object is in the applied arts. This typically improves the base function of the product itself through with proper work and intent it can improve any conceivable property of the object. With the better the work and the narrower the focus the more that specific part of the object is improved.
-[X] Video Games: The works themselves are the most difficult to create requiring countless innovations before a species could ever truly create these. However the use of this type of art is pocket dimensions. Able to enter the world those who made these, in a realistic pocket dimension which only shows the areas in the game itself. The World becomes more lifelike though still keeping many of the integrities of the game in the first place, with the person accessing the magic being given the position of a player in the work itself, until they choose to leave. Their needs can be met so long as their needs are provided for in the game itself.