To Be The Very Best, Like No One Ever Was (Pokémon Anime)

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You wake up in Pallet Town with a yawn, blinking sleepily. You sit up and stare at a wall...


Certified Village Idiot
You wake up in Pallet Town with a yawn, blinking sleepily. You sit up and stare at a wall spacing out as your mind starts to work. You think something important was supposed to happen today. You blink and sit for a few minutes before remembering.

You were supposed to get your first Pokémon today! With an excited grin you get up and put on your clothes before looking in the mirror.

[] Describe appearance
-[] Male
-[] Female

You quickly charge out of your house, quickly saying good morning to your parents. Don't want to be late after all. What kind of idiot would be late on the day to choose their starter?

You quickly rush over to Professor Oak's lab and get to the entrance. You knock on the door, shifting on your feet. And excited. Finally, after a minute of waiting, Professor Oak answers the door.

[] Name

He let's you in after saying hello. He leads you to where he has the Pokeballs and gives an apologetic look.

"I'm sorry. But I promised my grandson that I'd save Squirtle for him. Luckily for you though, you are the first one here. So, you can choose between Charmander and Bulbasaur." He explains to you, giving you a smile as you nod.

Now, to decide what your starter shall be. What your partner Pokémon will be.

[] Charmander
[] Bulbasaur

Oh god why am I doing this!? Ok guys, this is the anime universe, as the title says. You are one of the trainers whom, in the anime canon, quit being a trainer very early on. This won't be the case here. Be prepared for trouble. And lets hope that trouble doesn't double. Choices will be important here. So choose wisely.

Votes will be done by plan.
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Name: Flo Deneb
Age: 10
Gender: Female

Appearance: Long Purple hair in pigtails with big green eyes. Is scrawny physically speaking. Current outfit consists of a green summer dress with a floral pattern and a green purse to hold various items, including Pokeballs.

4x Pokeball
Camping set
Cooking set
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[X] Slightly above average height, short, dark and unruly hair and brown eyes. Wearing brown cargo shorts and a blue t-shirt under a grey hoodie as well as a belt made specially to hold pokeballs.
-[X] Male
[X] Edward Sallow "Ed"
[X] Charmander
[x]Short with long purple hair in pigtails. Big, green eyes. Scrawny.

[x]Flo Deneb

[x]Short with long purple hair in pigtails. Big, green eyes. Scrawny.

[x]Flo Deneb

[X] Slightly above average height, short, dark and unruly hair and brown eyes. Wearing brown cargo shorts and a blue t-shirt under a grey hoodie as well as a belt made specially to hold pokeballs.
-[X] Male
[X] Edward Sallow "Ed"
[X] Charmander
[X] Slightly above average height, short, dark and unruly hair and brown eyes. Wearing brown cargo shorts and a blue t-shirt under a grey hoodie as well as a belt made specially to hold pokeballs.
-[X] Male
[X] Edward Sallow "Ed"
[X] Charmander
[x]Short with long purple hair in pigtails. Big, green eyes. Scrawny.

[x]Flo Deneb
Not sure why to go for than description and name. I Just want to see if a female protagonist will change some mood/flavor of the story a bit. I rare to see a reactions as a Pokemon girl in any other light other than party companion or such as that fashions show, coordination thing in the anime. Even in other fan things it isn't really poked at, I am just curious if any personality will come from the change of usual protag gender.

[X] Charmander
I know it is Hard mode in gen one but I can't argue ageist the awesomeness of Charizard out side of that.
[x]Short with long purple hair in pigtails. Big, green eyes. Scrawny.

[x]Flo Deneb


This works for me, though I'd be ok with any of these options. Always neat to see a new Pokemon quest. ^_^
[x]Short with long purple hair in pigtails. Big, green eyes. Scrawny.
[x]Flo Deneb
[X] Charmander
Hm, votes are closed.

Edit: So, Flo wins with a Bulbasaur. I shall get started on the update after supper.

But, now is as good a time as any. So, I shall tell you guys this now. You can do pretty much anything you want here. Badges, Contests, Battle Frontier and becoming a Frontier Brain, and anything else the games/anime introduced.

So discuss amongst yourselves what you want to do.

And note, your goal can change at anytime. For example, if you guys want to initially go for badges but change your minds later, I am completely willing to allow you guys to change the goal as many times as needed.

Just thought you'd all like to know.
Adhoc vote count started by DarkKing98 on Jan 13, 2018 at 6:47 PM, finished with 16 posts and 9 votes.

  • [x]Short with long purple hair in pigtails. Big, green eyes. Scrawny.
    [x]Flo Deneb
    [X] Slightly above average height, short, dark and unruly hair and brown eyes. Wearing brown cargo shorts and a blue t-shirt under a grey hoodie as well as a belt made specially to hold pokeballs.
    -[X] Male
    [X] Edward Sallow "Ed"
    [X] Charmander
    [x]Short with long purple hair in pigtails. Big, green eyes. Scrawny.
    [x]Flo Deneb
    [X] Charmander

Adhoc vote count started by DarkKing98 on Jan 13, 2018 at 7:01 PM, finished with 16 posts and 9 votes.
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Bulbasaur, I Choose You!
"I choose Bulbasaur!" You tell the professor with a wide smile. He gives an amused look as he looks at you.

"I figured as much." He says before handing you a pokeball that contains Bulbasaur. He then tells you to wait a moment before going into a different room. A minute later he returns.

"Ok Flo, I got somethings to help you on your journey. Some empty Pokeballs and a Pokedex." He tells you before handing over five Pokeballs and a red rectangular object with a blue orb on the top left corner and three smaller lights next to it.

"Thanks Professor!" You respond with cheerfully and gratefully as you take the items and place them in your favorite purse.

"Well, see ya Professor!" You say as a farewell as Professor Oak's eyes widen in surprise. He's about to call out too you but you leave to quickly, making him sigh in a fond exasperation.

"New trainers. Always so eager to go they never stay for the full explanation." He says to himself in the empty room.

You on the other hand cheerfully go straight to route one. You are excited and begin exploring the area now that you have your own Pokémon.

Some time passes as you explore and you come across a small brown bird Pokémon. It looks at you curiously, but makes no aggressive movements. You pull out your Pokedex and have it scan the Pokémon.

"Pidgey, the Tiny Bird Pokémon. It is a gentle Pokémon and good for beginner trainers." The Pokedex says.

"Pidgey, huh?" You mutter to yourself, considering your plan of action.

[] Leave it alone
[] Battle it
-[] Write in battle strategy
[] Throw a Pokeball at it

Decide what to do after dealing with the Pidgey.

[] Continue to Viridian City (Get Two more Encounters)
[] Explore Route One (Will Camp for the night. Get five more encounters spread out from today to the next day.)
[] Return Home for the day (Shopping opportunity, no more Encounters)
While I do like the idea of being a Frontier Brain (second favourite part of the anime, or tied for First with the sinnoh league), I don't like the thought of being tied to one place. I vote for 'Wandering Badass' if nothing else more fun shows up. (New Team Rocket Trainee let's go!)

Hey, is there a law against getting all 8 badges, then waiting till next tournament, for example in Kanto we get all eight badges at the same time as Ash, but don't go to the one he goes to? Do the Indigo League after that one?

Edit: Ninja by update

[X] Throw a Pokeball at it
May as well try.

[X] Return Home for the day (Shopping opportunity, no more Encounters)
Healing items, med kit, and in don't know, a book, or rubix cube, he'll fucking fidget spinner, just something to keep us entertained.
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Time for a mechanics explanation. This will constantly be updated as the story progresses and important mechanics get brought up. For now though, all that concerns you is traveling encounters, and regional variation mechanics.

For traveling, depending on the location and several other things, most trips in this early stage of the quest will take a day.

A day of traveling will always have three encounters with wild Pokémon. You can choose to stay on a route longer and gain an extra three encounters, at the cost of camping out for the night. Sometimes, this is a good thing. Other times, this can lead to trouble. All depends on where in the world you are.

Encounters are a bit different. Most of the time, you guys will roll two dice. One for circumstances as you travel, which most of the time will result in nothing unique happening, and one roll will determine what Pokémon you will encounter. Both are rolled by a 1d100.

Now finally, regional variation is an annoying thing. For example, your Pidgey encounter is rather dangerous at the moment. Were you in Johto's first Route and encountered a Pidgey, it'd have Tackle and Sand Attack. On Route One however, these Pidgey have Gust. Depending on the region, Wild Pokémon will have different move sets than what you'd find in other regions.

That's it for now.
While I do like the idea of being a Frontier Brain (second favourite part of the anime, or tied for First with the sinnoh league), I don't like the thought of being tied to one place. I vote for 'Wandering Badass' if nothing else more fun shows up. (New Team Rocket Trainee let's go!)

Hey, is there a law against getting all 8 badges, then waiting till next tournament, for example in Kanto we get all eight badges at the same time as Ash, but don't go to the one he goes to? Do the Indigo League after that one?

Edit: Ninja by update

[X] Throw a Pokeball at it
May as well try.

[X] Return Home for the day (Shopping opportunity, no more Encounters)
Healing items, med kit, and in don't know, a book, or rubix cube, he'll fucking fidget spinner, just something to keep us entertained.
Reminder, Battle Pyramid was mobile. I'll allow the same for you as a Frontier Brain if that's the path you choose.

No, there is not. But you will have to wait until the next year for the tournament to come around.
Hahahaha! Oh man, all these new trainers coming acting like hot shit, then we come in after a one year training montage and wreck shit.

Also if we go home now we miss the freak thunderstorm
New? Only the most talented trainers get all eight badges on their first year. Also, there will be returning trainers too. It's not a one and done thing.

As for Ash events, glad you are taking him into account. And presumably Team Rocket as well.
As for Ash events, glad you are taking him into account. And presumably Team Rocket as well.
Yeah, whenever we go somewhere I vote we go there AFTER Ash got there, much safer that way. Also just getting out of the local area if a movies events are about to go into play. (Ignore any letters we may or may not get from some dude claiming to be 'the strongest trainer in the world', the Dragonite lends some proof that he may be strong, but it's probably spam, yep, definitely.)

Edit: Also, be better at directions, don't go to the SS Anne, see if we can steal a badge form a Viridian City after the gym blows up, etc...

Edit2: shit, how much do you think that Crystal Onix up in the orange island is worth? Legal or not that thing must sell really well.
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