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"One must consider that there is nothing more difficult, nor more doubtful of success, nor more dangerous, than to initiate a new order of things"
The Setting
Wherever the Beautiful Game takes me
In the Year, 172 AC, the bells tolled in Kings Landing for the second time in just a year for a king's death. Viserys the Second of His Name had passed after a week of illness and suffering in bed. Now his son, Prince Aegon would ascend to the throne, the fourth Aegon and the 11th king to claim the Iron Throne. In twelve years the kingdom had seen three kings take their seat on it. How would the latest fare?

It is now, 184 AC, Aegon IV, King of the Andals, the Rhoynar, and the First Men, is best known for his decadence and excess. Where the King came to his throne a handsome and bright young man he now leaves it having glutted himself to a size that he can no longer walk or move much. Sickness grips the King and the question of his heir now hangs in the minds of many across the realm.

Prince Daeron, the firstborn and only son of King Aegon IV is not his father. Differences in mindset, opinions and attitudes have seen father and son fall out of favor with each other. Where the father would gladly sell his kingdom's wealth for pleasure, the son would deal wisely and for better matters. Where one would burn Dorne to the ground and damn the consequences, the other would seek peaceful means to bend that final kingdom to the Throne.

For the corrupt and the bootlickers of Aegon IV's decadent rule, Daeron is like the Other's Returning. For Aegon, it is a betrayal of all he dreams of, to see a Dornish princess elevated to Queen alongside his son. To know that one day, a half breed Dornish boy would sit on his Throne, on Daeron's Throne. In this final year as death approaches the two battle still, no signs of reconciliation to be found between them. To some of those desperate to not have Daeron rule the answer may lie in the young Daemon Blackfyre, the bastard son of Daena Targaryen. A boy with impeccable pedigree, if not for the taint of bastardy.

Braavos is the only true 'Free City' boast its citizens. Where the other cities revel in their slaving ways, they are truly free. However, the current decade has not been a kind one for the city. It's struggles with Pentos has lasted centuries, five great wars and innumerable smaller conflicts. However, there has been a reversal. Where for the last century Braavos and its mariners have been ascendant, Pentos is now rising. In their latest great war Pentos procured the aid of Lys and Myr. Successfully keeping both these bitter rivals invested in their war by steep promises of coin and careful manoeuvring.

With Lyseni aid the Braavosi lost contact with the Summer Sea as their fleets were waylaid and driven off, cutting deep into the coffers of Braavos. Meanwhile, upon land the Myrish and Pentoshi drove back the Braavosi as well. When peace was finally signed, much of the steady inroads into Pentos and its domains had been reversed and ended.

Now an uneasy peace lies between the two cities, Pentos no longer has the backing of Myr and Lys and their allies have returned to warring in the Disputed lands again. However, the work they achieved in their last conflict leaves them more equal than they have ever been since Aegon conquered Westeros. Ambitious magisters in Pentos dream of breaking Braavos, and Braavosi patricians dream of ending slavery and their trading rivals once and for all.

Supporting Characters
Reserved for future purposes

House Tarth

House Tarth of Evenfall Hall is a noble house from Evenfall Hall in the stormlands. The family rules Tarth, a beautiful island northeast of Shipbreaker Bay that controls the Straits of Tarth between the island and mainland Westeros. They are one of the main houses sworn to House Baratheon of Storm's End.

Family Tree:

Lord Eldon Tarth, Lord of Tarth, The Evenstar. [Age. 46] M.
Lady Alyssa Tarth nee Estermont,
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This Quest uses a bunch of homegrown systems, mostly inspired by the Pathfinder 3.5 rpg system, FATE rpg system and CK2 Style Quests.

As the game progresses I'll introduce the systems.

Character's will utilise a Pathfinder 3.5 style system to create values for their basic human strengths.

Conception Roll
1-45: You don't conceive.
46-100: You conceive.

Table 1: Pregnancy Success
1-15 something went wrong (Roll on table 5)
16-90 Single Birth.
90-100 roll on Table 3 Multiple Birth

Table 3: Multiple Birth
1-90 non identical twins
91-97 identical twins
98-100 triplets

Table 4 Gender
1-50 Male
51-100 female.

Table 5 Something has gone Wrong.
1-2 Mother and Child Die in Child Birth
3-4 Simple
5-6 Deaf
7-8 Blind
9-20 Weak but survives
21-30 Sickly infant (dies shortly after birth)
31-50 Stillbirth
50-60 Miscarriage late
61-100 Miscarriage early
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The Start
A babe wailed, its tiny lungs howling its misery at its loss of the sanctuary it had dwelt in for the past months. A mother lovingly held and comforted the babe as a father peered over her shoulder to coo over the newborn.

Midwives cared for the babe and mother, checking and settling them down. The bed they lay in was large, the room exquisitely furnished. Tasteful tapestries and furnishings carved in exquisite fashion. While outside winter winds howled, within it was calm, the fire crackling merrily, lights from delicately placed candles lit the room in a pleasant amber shade. Above the fireplace was a grand tapestry of the House's Sigil.

It was...

[ A yellow tower, burning, on a black pile, on a flame-red field ]

[ A quartered banner with yellow suns on rose and white crescents on azure ]

[ A burgundy grape cluster on blue ]
A child of Tarth
"It's a boy," the mother fussed over her young boy, marvelling at the grip of his little fingers on her thumb. She looked up at her husband with a radiant smile. "What should we call him dear?"

"I think..."

[X] Write in. Please use names that would fit ASOIAF.
I will determine if a name passes muster regarding this. Also, this is an Andal family, names like Brandon, Eddard and Torrhen are not common or used often by them as they are a different culture to the North.

The mother shifted, her gown was made of fine silk, a sign of her position. she was...

[X] Melissa Tarth nee Caron. Formerly of House Caron, the second oldest of Lord Caron's children, she's a refined woman, who spent her childhood as a ward of House Baratheon and a lady-in-waiting to the young Alyce Bulwer nee Baratheon before her marriage.
+1 WIS, +1 INT, -1 CON

[X] Elinor Tarth. The oldest of Lord Tarth's children, her beauty was renowned and often remarked on. Recently flowered, she is very young and inexperienced in the wider world.
+1 DEX, +1 CHA, -1 STR

[X] Lynesse Connington. The only child of Lord Connington, her marriage was one of political convenience to maintain the Connington line through her children. Many balked, but not House Tarth.
+1 INT, +1 STR, -1 CHA

Her husband was an older man, nearing two score (40) years. He was...

[X] Ser Dickon Tarth. [cannot marry Elinor Tarth] Brother to Lord Tarth, Ser Dickon Tarth was a renowned jouster in his youth in the Stormlands before the Dragon's conquest. After the war ended the young Ser returned to his home a changed man, he never spoke of it but what he saw affected him. It was only in his later years with his older brother's urging that he agreed to marry and strengthen the House.
+1 DEX, +1 STR, -1 INT

[X] Lord Roland Morrigen. [cannot marry Melissa or Lynesse] The Lord of Crow's Nest, he had agreed to a marriage contract between himself and House Tarth as he attempts to increase the wealth and standing of his house. He gained a reputation in the war with Dorne as a craven.
+1 INT, +1 CON, -1 CHA

[X] Ser Galladon Tarth. [cannot marry Elinor Tarth] Cousin to Lord Tarth, he is the castellan of Evenfall Hall and rules a small town in the southeast of the Isle of Tarth. He is a force to be reckoned in the melee and loved by his men as their commander.
+1 INT, +1 CHA, -1 DEX

[X] Ser Duncan Cuy. [cannot marry Melissa or Lynesse] A veteran of the Conquest of Dorne, he swore service to Lord Baratheon and left his family in the Reach to follow him. It was in the Stormlands that he slowly gained a good reputation as a jouster and in the melee, before he fell for Lady Tarth and convinced her father to allow them to marry in exchange for his sword and oath.
+1 WIS, +1 CON, -1 STR
An education begins
[Voting is close. [X] Plan GalladonxLynesse wins]

The two parents stared silently in awe at the little bundle in Lynesse's arms, until Ser Galladon broke it with the the low rumble of his voice. "You give us a boy," He gave her a boyish grin "and suddenly this marriage seems less terrible."

Lynesse just shook her head in exasperation, content to keep her attention on their child with a soft smile on her lips. "Perhaps for you, but birthing this angel was no easy feat and I think that even for this blessing there's far too much pain involved."

"Your not wrong," His arm came down on her shoulder and squeezed lightly, for a moment the two shared a look. It wasn't love like out of the stories but it was deep and meaningful. Real and strong. She smiled back at him, and they were well.

Days passed swiftly turning into months, the snows started to melt and ravens roosted in the Maester's tower. The winter was ending and spring was on its heels. Young Lyon began to crawl and babble in his nursery. The maids crooned over him and the smallfolk loved to congratulate their lady's good fortune.

Soon in no time, Lyon began to speak and walk. All the while his parent's doted on him for he had no brothers or sisters to follow him, and if he'd been old enough to listen and understand he'd learn from the nurse's gossip that it was not for lack of trying. He was four in the blink of an eye, ready for his first lessons.

His parent's could not agree on what he would study, between them they both wished him to rise even higher than them, but how and in what way? That was the crux of the issue. It was the biggest fight the pair had blown through and the castle was lit by their furious arguments for many days until...

[X] Lynesse had her way, Lyon found himself in the Maester's solar, learning words and numbers to make his young head spin.
[+2 INT, +1 WIS]

[X] Galladon had his way, Lyon became one with the sea, land and air, riding a pony and playing in the shallow water. Delighting in the simple life of a child.
[+2 CON, +1 STR}

[X] They compromised and Lyon was sat in his mother's lap or clutched his father's leg, watching them deal with their different worlds and all their trials.
[+2 DEX, +1 CHA]
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A childhood in the sun
Lyon never knew what took place behind closed doors in his parent's apartment, but he found himself the centre of their attention again. He was quite pleased with it all, until he found himself leaving his home. His mother pulling him down the hallway as he screamed and shouted. He wasn't happy when they left, his grandfather laughing at his red face and tears. He wasn't happy when they reached the sea.

But, his anger couldn't last long and soon enough he was scrambling all about the cog with a wild smile. His nursemaid and guards were shouting behind him as he wove through the ropes and scurried across the Bow. He could hear his father laughing as he watched him get chased down.
The journey lasted the better part of the afternoon, the sea spray and the heat of the sun quickly left Lyon weak enough from his exertions to be caught by his guard and hauled below deck. His parents seemed freer then they'd ever been, his mother smiling often while his father's worry lines vanished and he seemed far younger then his years.

Their voyage ended at a long stone pier that ran deep into a bay, the Cog soon lay close by to it as it hove to and laid anchor. Then descending down into a small boat they made their way to the pier where a delegation awaited them. Lyon sat quietly, awed and nervous by all the people staring at him. He tucked himself into his mother's dress, peering around her at the people.

There were over thirty people standing there, men, women and children. The oldest of them, a man who looked a lot like father stepped forward to give a crushing hug to his father and mother before bending down to face him. He had a wispy white beard and thinning grey hair with a great big smile that made Lyon in return smile.

"So this is your pup ey, Galladon," the smile widened and the man reached out to ruffle Lyon's hair. "He seems like a good lad, smart and looks just like you." He laughed at Lyon's scowl as he tried to flatten his hair down. "Well, I think its time you met your cousins Lyon, and don't go scowling again to your poor old uncle!" He took ahold of Lyon's little hand and brought him over to a trio of kids.

They were taller and all of them had cheeky grins on their faces as his uncle introduced them. Their names were Endrew, Selwyn and Gawin, each of them hugged him and quickly began chatting his ear off. They walked ahead of the rest of the party at a quick pace that Lyon struggled to keep up with. Looking to his parents for support gave him only a nod and smile from his father who was busy chatting with his uncle. While his mother didn't even notice, to busy with the swirl of women and young girls that laid siege to her...

His time on Tarth passed by swiftly, heady summer days full of laughter and cheer. His oldest cousin was only four years ahead of him and they became thick as thieves. The cooks were beside themselves as they'd take turns to steal the tart pies they laid out in the courtyard. The guards would often curse and shake their heads as they were ordered to scour the castle by fretful nursemaids. It was good for Lyon, his skin turned a healthy bronze and he learnt to ride a pony and sail a boat with his cousins help.

It was a wonderful time, his father taking him and his mother all across Tarth, hunting, dancing and just enjoying themselves. Until one day his mother came to tuck him into his bed and whispered he was going to be a brother. Lyon was....

[X] Angry. He didn't want to share his parent's with anyone else, they were his parents.

[X] Happy. He was going to be a brother, he could be a big, cool brother, like Endrew was to Sel and Gav!

[X] Scared. He didn't know enough, what if they were a girl like Becca? Loud, bossy and rude, always following him and never shutting up.

AN: So now we start stepping into how FATErpg creates its characters from this point on. The STR and so on will also have their place still. I'll be updating the mechanics and so on as we go and try to alert you in small notes like these as it happens... But I'm quite terrible at this XD so I'll try is the important part of all this.
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